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      • Edizioni Horti di Giano

        We are looking for that flame that ignites our authors’ emotions. We dream of an editorial world where those who deserve can express themselves freely and not thanks to a payment. Horti di Giano offers books with attention to the smallest detail, where Editing is the heart of a work done with passion and the publications are enriched by several hand-made illustrations, in order to give life to a book which is an artistic and complete experience. in every respect. You can find Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, Thriller, Crime and Mistery, Coming-on-age novel, Poetry and Graphic Novel.

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      • Artech House Books Horizon House Publications Ltd.

        A leading technical book publisher, Artech House provides today’s professionals and students with cutting-edge books and software from the world’s top authorities. From RF/microwave design, wireless communications, radar engineering, and electronic defense, to GPS/GNSS, power engineering, computer security, and building technology, Artech House publishes the forward-looking titles that engineers and managers need to excel. Artech House is a subsidiary of Horizon House Publications, Inc., publisher of the internationally acclaimed magazine Microwave Journal®.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2018

        Ohne mich, Jeeves!


        by Thomas Schlachter, P. G. Wodehouse

        Dank der praktischen Intelligenz seines Butlers Jeeves gelingt es Bertie Wooster auch dieses Mal, die verschlungenen Fäden zu entwirren, als die sich die Ereignisse in Steeple Bumpleigh präsentieren. Lord Worplesdon will seine Schifffahrtsgesellschaft mit der amerikanischen Konkurrenz fusionieren und sucht einen stillen Ort für diese Geheimverhandlungen. Steeple Bumpleigh entpuppt sich allerdings als Hort von Liebenden, Tagedieben und Pyromanen. Die Fusionsverhandlungen drohen zu scheitern ...

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2009

        Hort der Frömmigkeit – Ort der Verwahrung

        Russische Frauenklöster im 16.–18. Jahrhundert

        by Schmähling, Angelika

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Metropolen des Geistes

        by Martin Hose, Christoph Levin

        Geist und Metropolen brauchen einander. Doch wie wird Kultur in Metropolen konstruiert? Wie werden Metropolen durch den Geist geprägt und wie der Geist durch Metropolen? Dieses Buch widmet sich den Fragen der Wechselwirkungen von Geist und Macht sowie von urbanen Zentren und ländlicher Peripherie in frühen Hochkulturen. Metropolen bilden den kulturellen Schmelztiegel, aus dem Neues erwächst. Ihre großen Bibliotheken sind der Hort der kulturellen Erinnerung. Die Zentren politischer und wirtschaftlicher Macht nähren die Kultur auch im ganz wörtlichen Sinne, indem sie die Wissenschaft und die Künste alimentieren. Der Geist wiederum macht eine Stadt erst zur »Mutterstadt« – so die originäre Bedeutung des griechischen metrópolis –, die auf ihre ökonomischen, aber vor allem auch intellektuellen Kinder ausstrahlt. In der Antike, in der der Gegensatz von Metropole und Peripherie noch viel ausgeprägter war als in der Gegenwart, läßt sich die Entwicklung besonders gut verfolgen. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes zeigen anhand der großen Städte des Altertums, von Rom bis zum chinesischen Chang’an, dem heutigen Xi’an, die gegenseitige Bedingtheit von Geist und Metropole: Wie und warum entstand das geistige Zentrum Babylon, inwiefern war die in Alexandria anzutreffende Vielfalt der Kulturen Voraussetzung für das Aufblühen der Geisteswissenschaften, unter welchen Bedingungen entstand in Jerusalem die alttestamentliche Literatur?

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1998

        Hört, hört!

        Das WimS-Vorlesebuch

        by Gernhardt, Robert; Bernstein, F.W.

      • Trusted Partner

        Hört sich gut an!

        50 Instrumente und wie sie klingen

        by Ole Könnecke, Hans Könnecke

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        Zwischen Welt und Wüste

        Worte christlicher Araber

        by Klaus Berger, Klaus Berger

        "»Die Königin von Saba sprach zu ihnen: ›Hört, meine Leute, meine Stimme und vernehmt meine Rede: Ich begehre Weisheit, und mein Herz sucht nach Erkenntnis. Denn ich bin getroffen von der Liebe zur Weisheit und wurde gezogen von den Seilen der Erkenntnis. Denn die Weisheit ist besser als die Schätze von Gold und Silber; die Weisheit ist besser als alles, was auf Erden erschaffen ist.‹ « Gedichte, Gebete, Sentenzen, unbekannte Jesusworte, einen Brief an Märtyrer, das arabische Kindheitsevangelium, die arabische Lebensbeschreibung Johannes des Täufers, die karschunische Petrus- Apokalypse, damit wichtige Stücke des ältesten Christentums, enthält dieser Band mit Texten des christlichen Arabiens aus der Zeit vor der Entstehung und Verbreitung des Islam. Die Texte wurden für diese Ausgabe neu und teilweise zum ersten Mal aus dem Syrischen, äthiopischen, Arabischen und Griechischen ins Deutsche übersetzt."

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1980

        Hört ihr die Kinder weinen

        Eine psychogenetische Geschichte der Kindheit

        by Lloyd deMause, Ute Auhagen, Christel Beier, Helga Herborth, Reinhard Kaiser, Renate Wiggershaus, Rolf Wiggershaus, William L. Langer

        Auf Initiative von Lloyd deMause hat ein Team von zehn Psychohistorikern untersucht, wie sich die Beziehungen zwischen Eltern und Kindern in unserer Kultur von der Antike an verändert haben.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Horticulture
        October 2020

        Textbook of Floriculture and Landscaping

        by Anil Kumar Singh & Anjana Sisodia

        The ancient history of India depicted an important and precious place of flowers and garden through paintings, murals, coins, etc. All this gives an idea about the close association of floriculture with our life and culture. The book is covering up to date information based on ICAR and SAU horticulture syllabus for students of B. Sc. (Ag.), B. Sc. (Hort.) and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Horticulture. It presents all the basics and advanced information in their easiest way for the readers thus, especially designed to cover all the aspects of floriculture and landscaping.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2022

        A Textbook of Plantation Crops

        by Bhimasen Naik, Ranjan Kumar Tarai, Ajit Kumar Sahoo, Bijaya Kumar Sethy & Sunil Samal

        The book Textbook of Plantation Crops gives an overview of plantation crops, and production technology of coconut, arecanut, oil palm, palmyrah palm, date palm, cashewnut, coffee, tea, cocoa and rubber. Simple and lucid language has been followed for clear and easy understanding of the beginners. The book is illustrated with photographs and diagrams. Questions are set at the end of each chapter under Outcomes Assessment to assess the understanding of the students.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2022

        Breeding of Fruits and Plantation Crops

        by Bhimasen Naik & Ranjan Kumar Tarai

        The book "Breeding of Fruit & Plantation Crops covers 24 chapters including An Overview of Fruit and Plantation Crop Breeding, Breeding Strategies, and Breeding of 16 Fruit Crops (Mango, Banana, Citrus, Grapes, Papaya, Guava, Pineapple, Litchi, Ber, Aonla, Pomegranate, Apple, Pear, Peach, Almond, Walnut) and 06 Plantation Crops (Coconut, Arecanut, Cashewnut, Tea, Coffee and Oil Palm). Simple and lucid language has been used for easy understanding of the beginners. Questions are set at the end of each chapter to assess the understanding of the students. It may also serve as a help book for post-graduate students.

      • Tropical agriculture: practice & techniques

        Production Technology of Tropical and Sustropical Fruits

        by P.K. Yadav

        This book is designed to cater the needs of students of Horticulture and allied science. The main motive is to cover all important points about temperate fruit and plantation crops. These fruit crops need oriented text encompassing and the latest information about various aspects, to serve as a reliable source of information about production of temperate and plantation crops. This subject of fruit and plantation crops is highlighted in a concise manner using simple and lucid language so that it is understood well. This book is written from our experience of the past several decades. It deals with several temperate and plantation crops. Each chapter in this book has been presented and well written in accordance with the present scenario. It provides an overview and recent detailed information of all principles and management practices.

      • Biotechnology
        March 2016

        Rejuvenation in Fruit Trees

        Tropical Subtropical

        by Rajesh Kumar

        The book entitled ‘Rejuvenation in Fruit Trees (Tropical and Subtropical) is up-to-date and informative, publication, covering all vital aspects on rejuvenation technology in perennial fruit trees. The book is full-fledged and updated publication on rejuvenation technology. By going through the book one can adopt this technology in all high-value fruit crops of woody perennial nature of tropical and subtropical groups. The concept of rejuvenation, present trend and constraints, its need, adoption level and successful implementation with proper package of cultural practices and management strategies, have been discussed in details in the book. All efforts have been made to increase production, productivity and profitability of fruit crops at a sustainable basis. The requisite information and need-based requirements have also been brought within purview in addition to critical perspective that foster a better understanding of its R&D issues. This book will be of immense utility to students of Agriculture/Horticulture, at B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, academic experts, researchers, scientists, administrators, policy-makers, farmers, exporters, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in fruit production enterprise.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2014

        Propagation of Horticultural Plants

        Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

        by R.S.Singh & R.Bhargava

        In semi arid and arid regions of the country, a vast land resource (39.54 m ha) is available which is underutilized, having good potential of expansion for quality production of several horticultural, medicinal, spices, ornamental and crops of economic importance. The horticulture can play vital role in diversification of these untapped natural resources. T he development of arid horticulture is not very old; the published literature on many crops of economic importance and their multiplication is also scanty. Looking to prospects of such underutilized crop, its propagation methodology should be standardized for large scale plantation through availability of quality planting material. The work on production technology of underutilized arid horticultural crops in limited and scattered. Therefore, an effort was made to compile the work done so far in the field of multiplication of semi- arid and arid horticultural plants with special reference to Indian scenario in the form of a book to develop the knowledge base of all those involved in research and development of cold and hot arid lands. This book will be useful for the scientists, teachers, researchers, students, growers, policy makers and also for the personnel engaged in nursery management. The contributors of different s included in the book are well known personality in their field.

      • Horticulture
        February 2021

        Production Technology of Temperate Fruit and Plantation Crops

        by P.K. Yadav

        This book is designed to cater the needs of students of Horticulture and allied science. The main motive is to cover all important points about temperate fruit and plantation crops. These fruit crops need oriented text encompassing and the latest information about various aspects, to serve as a reliable source of information about production of temperate and plantation crops. This subject of fruit and plantation crops is highlighted in a concise manner using simple and lucid language so that it is understood well. This book is written from our experience of the past several decades. It deals with several temperate and plantation crops. Each chapter in this book has been presented and well written in accordance with the present scenario. It provides an overview and recent detailed information of all principles and management practices.

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation

        by Brahma Singh

        In this book an attempt has been made to cover the course contents prescribed for the course Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation for students. Complicated and difficult to understand technologies, terminology and gadgets have been explained in a simple and easily understandable language, which makes the book useful not only to students but teachers and farmers.

      • Humour
        November 2015


        A Village Divided

        by Gillian Jones

        A small announcement in the evening news alerts a village in the South East of England to the threat of imminent fracking in its precious green fields. Locals come together to fight against chemical pollution of rivers and waterways but, as Dorothy, their matriarch says; ‘We need a water expert!” And this is where Anisha comes into the story. Sunning herself on a beach in Aqaba and heading for Petra to study the ancient water systems of the Nabateans, the phone call jolts her attention back to 21st century water affairs. Not everyone in the village is against fracking however and soon the locals split into two camps, while Anisha to finds herself torn apart in a different way as she gets to know the ambitious young Chief Exec of the would-be drilling company. This is the third in Gillian Jones’s ‘Water Trilogy’. We first met Anisha and Tom as they campaigned against the building of a dam in the rainforest of South America in Blade of Light. We followed Anisha through subterranean waterways in the Gulf States and further, into little-known enclaves of Central Asia, in The FARIS Affair. Now she is a professional and an expert in water affairs and, as battle lines are drawn in the Home Counties she finds herself in the middle of conflict in more ways than one.

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