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        January 2015

        Die Olchis allein zu Haus und zwei Geschichten von Katharina Vöhringer und Ulrike Rogler


        by Erhard Dietl, Ulrike Rogler, Katharina Vöhringer, Kay Poppe, Kay Poppe, Santiago Ziesmer, Robert Missler, Gabriele Blum, Frank Gustavus, Markus Langer, Erhard Dietl

        Die Olchis lieben Müll und Schlammpfützen und essen am liebsten Reißnagelsuppe und Schuhsohlenschnitzel. Als eines Tages die Babysitterin Frau Pfifferling Ordnung in die Olchi-Höhle bringt, den Drachen Feuerstuhl mit Gemüsesuppe füttert und das Olchi-Baby sogar wäscht, sind die Olchis entsetzt! Eine aufregende Dschungelwanderung unternimmt der kleine Tiger Schlingel mit seinen Geschwistern Ringel, Kralle und Jackie Zahn. Dabei lernen sie seltsame Tiere kennen und müssen ganz schön laut brüllen, wenn sich ihnen jemand in den Weg stellt. Als ein riesiges Gigantentier auftaucht, kann Schlingel nur noch krächzen ... Dino Poldi sucht ein Abenteuer. Und was findet er? Ein Dino-Ei. Doch was beim Brüten da herausguckt, sieht gar nicht aus wie er! Was mag das sein?! Mit den Geschichten: Die Olchis allein zu Haus (Erhard Dietl) Gut gebrüllt, kleiner Tiger! (Katharina Vöhringer) Poldi und das Dino-Ei (Ulrike Rogler)

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        September 2023

        Ein Weihnachtsgast

        by Selma Lagerlöf, Ulrike Möltgen, Hanna Granz

        Weihnachten in Schweden, als es noch richtige Winter gab: Der Band versammelt die schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten von Selma Lagerlöf, der Autorin von »Die wunderbare Reise des kleinen Nils Holgersson mit den Wildgänsen«. Ihre Erzählungen gehören zu den Klassikern des Genres. Die Ausgabe der Insel-Bücherei enthält u.a. »Die Heilige Nacht«, »Der Traumpfannkuchen« und »Die Legende von der Christrose«. Alle Texte wurden neu übersetzt von Hanna Granz und mit den stimmungsvollen Bildern von Ulrike Möltgen kann man die Geschichten in der Adventszeit gemeinsam anschauen und lesen: Weihnachten, wie es früher war!

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        Omni Learning Center Guide to Manners and Etiquette

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        Maanners are polite behaviors that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. They are learned behaviors to be used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. Good manners go beyond opening doors and writing thank you notes. The really polite person is tuned in to other people's feelings and can put herself or himself in another person's shoes. Using good manners encourages others to act in a similar fashion.Etiquette expresses consideration, respect, and honesty, the three qualities that stand behind all the manners we have. Etiquette is timeless and crosses cultural boundaries, unlike manners, which can change over time and differ around the world. Without proper manners and etiquette, the customs of polite society would soon disappear and we would act more like animals and less like people.Good manners are a powerful source of self-confidence and help facilitate life’s relationships in general. Manners are important for considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person others will like and respect., “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the Golden Rule, exists in every culture on the planet.Good manners impress people and put them at ease. And people who are impressed and relaxed are more likely to respect you and agree to your requests. Manners make the world a better place. Best of all, good manners don’t cost a thing. You can have the very best for free!Lorraine Gerstl bestselling author of Omni Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before migrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career on California’s Monterey Peninsula, where she taught for nearly three decades at Robert Louis Stevenson Lower School and Santa Catalina as its beloved third grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she and Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina, formed Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for home schoolers. Omni has recently expanded into teaching unhoused women at Gathering for Women not only to return to the active workforce, but to reclaim self-respect and social validation. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.”76 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides, 2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

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        OMNI Learning Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        I know I should read more, but I’m so busy, it takes time to read, and so much of what I try to read doesn’t really make that much sense to me …” Those can be the words of a third grader or, just as easily, the words of an adult. In our hurry-up world of bits and bytes, and the need for instant gratification, the sad and simple truth is that people don’t read as much as they used to and, more tragic, they understand what they read far less than in the past.In this practical, hands-on Guide, the author, a Master Teacher with more than thirty-five years of practical success teaching both children and adults of all ages, shares her Ideas on teaching reading comprehension strategies! The underlying message she delivers is: Comprehensive Strategies are important because Reading is an Active, not a Passive, Process.Reading can seem incredibly complicated. It involves not only making sense of the squiggles on a page – deciphering the alphabetic code and figuring out the words, but reading also entails giving meaning to, understanding, and thereby enjoying what we read.Reading comprehension is absolutely critical to communication, whether it involves a doctor healing a patient, a lawyer presenting an argument in court, an astronaut needing to know how to repair a malfunction when he is thousands of miles above the earth, or, most important, enriching and widening the scope of your life! In fact, you cannot think of one area of learning or practice where understanding what you read is not absolutely essential.The more you understand what you read, the less of a drudgery and the more of a joy it becomes. Reading is the key that unlocks the door to the universe.Get ready to start a great adventure – and to grab hold of the key that will unlock the door to your universe!Lorraine Gerstl is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before emigrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career at Briarcliff Academy / Robert Louis Stevenson before moving to Santa Catalina for nearly three decades as its beloved third-grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she formed a partnership with Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina: Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for homeschoolers. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.” 76 Pages, Published by OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides,2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

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        February 2015

        Dunkler Wolf

        Roman. Die Karpatianer, Bd. 25

        by Feehan, Christine / Übersetzt von Moreno, Ulrike

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