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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2010
Arts and Crafts objects
by Imogen Hart, Christopher Breward, Bill Sherman
In this groundbreaking reassessment of the conventional understanding of a cohesive 'Arts and Crafts movement' in Britain, Imogen Hart argues that a sophisticated mode of looking at decorative art developed in England during the second half of the nineteenth century. Bringing to light a significant number of little-known visual and textual sources, Arts and Crafts Objects insists that the history of British design between the 1830s and the 1910s is more complex and interwoven than concepts of clearly differentiated 'movements' allow for. Reinvesting the objects with the original importance ascribed to them by their makers and users, this book places furniture, metalwork, tiles, vases, chintzes, carpets, and wallpaper at the centre of a rigorous reassessment of the concept of 'Arts and Crafts'. The book offers radical new interpretations of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society and the homes of William Morris, alongside illuminating analyses of less familiar but equally rich contexts. ;
Trusted PartnerMay 2004
Agatha Christie's Miss Marple
Ihr Leben und ihre Abenteuer
by Christie, Agatha; Hart, Anne / Beiträge von Hart, Anne
Trusted PartnerSeptember 1983
Warum lesen?
Ein Spielzeug zum Lesen
by Christiaan Lucas Hart Nibbrig, Christiaan Lucas Hart Nibbrig
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1973
Tiere in unserer Hand
Die Abenteuer einer Tierärztin in Afrika
by Hart, Susanne / Englisch Burger, Ernst
Trusted PartnerOctober 1973
Der Begriff des Rechts
by H. L. A. Hart, Jacob Taubes, Jürgen Habermas, Dieter Henrich, Alexander Baeyer, Karl Markus Michel
H. L. A. Hart (1907–1992) war Professor für Allgemeine Rechtslehre in Oxford. Jacob Taubes (1923-1987) war zuletzt Professor für Judaistik und Hermeneutik an der Freien Universität Berlin sowie ständiger Gastdozent an der Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris. Jürgen Habermas wurde am 18. Juni 1929 in Düsseldorf geboren. Von 1949 bis 1954 studierte er in Göttingen, Zürich und Bonn die Fächer Philosophie, Geschichte, Psychologie, Deutsche Literatur und Ökonomie. Er lehrte unter anderem an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Frankfurt am Main sowie der University of California in Berkeley und war Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts zur Erforschung der Lebensbedingungen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Welt in Starnberg. Jürgen Habermas erhielt zahlreiche Ehrendoktorwürden und Preise, darunter den Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels (2001) und den Kyoto-Preis (2004). Geboren am 5. Januar 1927 in Marburg, studierte Dieter Henrich von 1946 bis 1950 in Marburg, Frankfurt und Heidelberg (u.a. bei Hans-Georg Gadamer) Philosophie. 1950 Dissertation: Die Grundlagen der Wissenschaftslehre Max Webers. Nach der Habilitation 1955/56 Lehrtätigkeiten als ordentlicher Professor in Berlin (ab 1960) und Heidelberg (ab 1965), Gastprofessuren in den USA ( Harvard, Columbia, University of Michigan, Yale); 1981 Berufung an die Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München, Ordinarius für Philosophie bis zur Emeritierung 1994. Seit 1997 Honorarprofessor an der Berliner Humboldt-Universität.
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Trusted PartnerJune 1992
Gerechte und zweckmäßige Strafzumessung.
Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie positiver Generalprävention.
by Hart-Hönig, Kai
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Trusted PartnerArchitectural structure & designSeptember 2016
Modern Container Architecture
by Aidan Hart
As one of the sustained buildings, containers are widely used in many countries. The reason why containers come into use in such a vast range is that the cost of container building is controllable and is good for environment protection, and especially the recircled containers should cost less money and be better for environment protection, so that container building is applied in construction industy. All kinds of franchised stores of containers, art galleries, dwellings and container art exhibitions appear everywhere. We attribute achievements to the architects and artists. In the recent years, the ideas, the work and the samples of containers spread all the places in China. There are many fine and beautiful pictures and illustrations of container designs in the book showing how wonderful the containers are. Mainwhile the book delivers techniques to build and repair containers. This is a conference book with its full and accurate account of the matter.
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Trusted PartnerMarch 1996
Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot
Sein Leben und seine Abenteuer
by Christie, Agatha; Hart, Anne
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Trusted PartnerOctober 1974
Ja und Nein
Studien zur Konstitution von Wertgefügen in Texten
by Christiaan Lucas Hart Nibbrig
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