VR Editoras México
V&R Editoras knows that feelings do not recognize borders or ages and publishes more than 130 annual new books from its headquarters in Argentina, Mexico and Brazil and at its home in Spain named VR Europa. Throughout these years, it was deploying new catalog and product lines, ebooks, audiobooks, and different ways of doing business. The launch of VR YA in Spanish and Plataforma 21 in Brazil, produced a key time in the way we communicate, and the recently launched Vera editions of the current romantic novel, re-dimensioned the importance of women's role in their own history, as individuals who desire and live under its own rules. We are committed to: • Publish books that makes feel good• Take care of the content, design and graphic quality• Be creative and innovative These were the principles with which we grew up, creating a framework to design positive culture, with creativity and conviction that cultural diversity is one of our strengths.
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