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        Photography & photographs
        June 2011

        The Peeps

        Ancoats: the presence of absence

        by Dan Dubowitz

        Ancoats, in Manchester, was once unimaginably different. One of the world's earliest industrial suburbs, it was dark and dense, noisy, frenetic, violent and unhealthy. It was also vibrant and creative. It had a striking vapour, sound and feel. The area today has undergone a striking regeneration. New streets, pavements and civic spaces have been laid down. A series of installations, known as The Peeps, have been created for the area. Built into the fabric of the buildings, the brass peep holes offer a fleeting glimpse of a walled-in space, a tunnel, a disused toilet, a bell tower, a gauge. Dan Dubowitz, given the title of 'cultural masterplanner', records through photographs, interviews, commentary and contemporaneous texts, the recent past and the current regeneration of the suburb. It is a fascinating, beautifully illustrated and designed volume that eloquently depicts the common narrative of industrialisation, slow decay and rebirth.

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        by Khairuddin Kamaruddin

        Kejadian demi kejadian akibat daripada perbuatan pembuangan haram sisa toksik dan pembakaran terbuka hingga mendatangkan pencemaran alam sekitar mencemaskan dan mengundang kegusaran serta kemarahan ramai pihak. Konflik serangan binatang liar kekawasan perkampungan di sempadan pinggir hutan yang menyebabkan kerosakan harta benda seterusnya mengancam nyawa merupakan kesan daripada jenayah alam sekitar yang sewenang-wenangnya memusnahkan habitat hutan belantara, iaitu rumah kepada hidupan fauna itu sendiri. Bagi menjawab permasalahan ini, buku ini mengandungi maklumat tentang sebab, faktor dan langkah yang perlu dilakukan bagi menghalang kejadian tersebut berlaku.

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        January 1995


        by Hayden, Torey L

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        by Azharudin Mohamed Dali (Dr.)

        Haiwan telah sekian lama hidup berdampingan dengan manusia di Alam Maya, sama ada dalam bentuk fizikal, simbolik dan metafora. Malahan, ikatan antara haiwan dan orang Melayu juga menjadi sebahagian daripada weltanschauung orang Melayu itu secara keseluruhannya. Penelitian diberikan khususnya kepada gajah, harimau, buaya dan kuda yang sememangnya mempunyai kaitan dengan ekonomi dan sosiobudaya orang Melayu.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1993

        Erdichteter Mensch


        by Dan Pagis, Tuvia Rübner, Tuvia Rübner

        Dan Pagis gilt als Klassiker der modernen hebräischen Literatur. Seine Gedichte werden auf deutsch und hebräisch wiedergegeben, in Auswahl und Übertragung von Tuvia Rübner, des langjährigen Freundes und Kollegen, selber ein bedeutender Lyriker in Israel.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2006

        Dan Brown

        Der Mann hinter dem Da-Vinci-Code

        by Rogak, Lisa / Deutsch Piras, Claudia

      • Trusted Partner
        Photography & photographs
        March 2014

        Citizen Manchester

        by Dan Dubowitz, Alan Ward

        In 2008, Manchester decided to embark on a counter-cyclical project, much as the city fathers had done in the last great recession, and invest significantly in two civic buildings, two buildings that were cornerstones of the making of the first modern industrialised city: Manchester Town Hall Extension and Manchester Central Library. Early on in this major redevelopment project, artists Dan Dubowitz and Alan Ward were given privileged and open access to witness this transformational period in the life of these two iconic buildings. Through large-format photographs and interviews taken and conducted over a period of eighteen months, they captured the moment when the city's citizens and workers had been locked out and the spaces were being stripped bare; revealing both a glimpse of what they had been and what they might become. The artwork provides insights on the reciprocal relationship between people and place, and reveals how the refurbishment of a building can go far beyond physical refurbishment, questioning the relationships between a city, its citizens and place.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2018

        Ethnography for a data-saturated world

        by Hannah Knox, Dawn Nafus

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        The machinic city

        by Marcos P. Dias, Hannah Knox

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2015

        Das Buch der hundert Vergnügungen

        by Dan Kieran, Tom Hodgkinson, Stephanie F. Scholz, Michael Hein

        Seit Hunderten von Jahren sind wir von der fixen Idee besessen, dass Spaß eine teure Sache sei. Wir arbeiten und arbeiten bis zur Erschöpfung, damit wir Dinge tun oder kaufen können, die uns Freude machen. Dass die schönsten Dinge im Leben häufig umsonst sind – das zeigt dieses Buch mit erfrischender Leichtigkeit. Tom Hodgkinson und Dan Kieran stellen hundert dieser müßigen Vergnügungen vor wie etwa „Mit kleinen Kindern spazieren gehen“ oder „Warten, dass der Tee zieht“. Das Buch der hundert Vergnügungen ist eine charmante Fibel über das leichte, unbeschwerte Leben und das perfekte Geschenk für jeden Müßiggänger.

      • Trusted Partner
        Political structure & processes
        May 2007

        Devolution and constitutional change in Northern Ireland

        by Edited by Paul Carmichael, Colin Knox and Robert Osborne

        This edited book, written by a collection of scholars with an interest in Northern Ireland, tracks its uneasy experience with devolution following the optimistic political period associated with the 1998 Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement. The volume brings together researchers from the Economic and Social Research Council's (ESRC) 'Devolution and Constitutional Change' Programme and other experts to record four key perspectives on Northern Ireland. First, it considers the inextricable link between devolution and constitutional developments. Second, it examines how the main political parties responded to devolution and the major challenges faced by society in moving beyond conflict (such as political symbolism, the role of women, equality and human rights issues). Third, it attempts to assess some of the workings of devolved government in its short-lived form or those seeded in devolution and carried on by direct rule ministers. Finally, Northern Irelands devolved government and associated institutions are located within the wider relationships with Westminster, the Republic of Ireland and Europe. This edited volume will be of interest to students of Irish politics and public policy, but more generally, from a comparative perspective, those with an interest in devolution and constitutional change. It may even assist politicians in Northern Ireland to reflect on the real potential to restore its devolved institutions and draw back from the brink of permanently copper-fastening 'direct rule' from Westminster.

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        by Abdul Latip Talib, Nor Azmi

        Enrique from Malacca is a man of Malay descent who participated in Ferdinand Magellan's voyage around the world. Enrique became a slave of the Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan in 1511 at the age of 14 when the Portuguese colonized Malacca. Enrique is documented to have traveled with Magellan from Malacca to Cebu in two segments, namely from Malacca to Portugal in 1511, and from Spain to Cebu from 1519 to 1521. Enrique's name is recorded in the list of names of the main crew in the voyage to the Moluccas led by Magellan, which is Trinidad.Some historians argue that it is possible that Enrique was the first person to circumnavigate the globe and return to his starting point. However, there are no records or sources to confirm this. Is it true that Enrique was the first Malay to circumnavigate the world?

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