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      • Children's & YA
        January 2019

        Luojie Aya

        by Grzylymg Haho

        Haho recorded the growth of his two shepherd dogs - Roger and Aya. Roger and Aya firstly eat at home; running speed of Roger on the road; Roger is staring the outside of window; Roger greet the black crane with great enthusiasm; Roger destroys the way to prove its existence... With the details Haho emphasizes, Roger and Aya’s enthusiasm and dependence on mankind gradually come into shape in front of readers. Roger and Aya are living with us in the reinforced concrete jungle life.

      • Children's & YA
        January 2019

        The Shepherd Dog in the Wolf Valley

        by Grzylymg Haho

        This book is composed of four stories, namely Ganjur dog, The Shepherd Dog in the Wolf Valley, Wolf Blood and Gumu. The works show the life of human and Mongolian shepherd dog from different points of view. With moving plot and attractive words, the author expresses human and animal fate in the grassland and their joys and sorrows.

      • Sociology & anthropology
        May 2019

        Traditional Chinese Medicine

        Professionalization and Integration in Hong Kong

        by Edited by Kara CHAN, Dong DONG

        Chinese medicine has a rich history that has only been made more complex by its integration with “Western” biomedicine. Legitimization of Chinese medicine in biomedicine-dominated health systems, such as that in Hong Kong, has posed significant issues. This anthology of articles explores relevant social issues related to various Chinese medicine treatments, including acupuncture and medicinal oils, as well as insight into practitioner licensing and public perception. Each chapter tackles a topic related to the complicated process of legitimizing knowledge and power within a specific social and historical context. Written by professors and researchers with extensive knowledge of Chinese medicine, government regulation, and sociology, this collection provides an overview of the challenges and current social context of Chinese medicine that affect students and practitioners of Chinese medicine, health and para-health biomedical professionals, and patients alike. Traditional Chinese Medicine: Professionalization and Integration in Hong Kong is the first book in the Mediated Health Series, which focuses on the effects of media, lifestyle, doctor-patient communication, and the economy on health and aims to help inform medical decisions and enhance the wellbeing of individuals. "This well-researched book provides deep insight into the landscape of traditional Chinese Medicine (CM), focusing on ethnic and esoteric interpretations of “Chinese” and “Western” medicine. The discussion of legitimation and perception, acupuncture, and hybridization and integration of CM provides a unique contribution into the domain. CM academics, enthusiasts, and practitioners will certainly find this book insightful, compelling, and intriguing." – Prof Ian Phau, School of Marketing, Curtin Business School

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        July 2017

        Korean Culture in 100 Keywords

        by Cho Yong-hee, Han Yumi, Tcho Hye-young

        The 100 keywords for this book have been selected through several rounds of surveys with the students at the Korean Cultural Center in Paris, France. The 100 facts address extensive sectors. The facts have been selected because they not only help French and global learners have an overall understanding of the state of Korea, but also represent the background knowledge necessary to study essential words and grammar in learning Korean from various aspects including culture, history, tradition and society. The 100 keywords thus chosen serve as the topic of each subject. This book has a total of 100 subjects, largely divided in six themes so that learners can easily search the subject they would like to know. The six themes are: Theme 1: Symbolic Icons (10 Subjects) Theme 2: Food, Clothing and Shelter (12 Subjects) Theme 3: Geography and Tourism (21 Subjects) Theme 4: Society & Daily Life (19 Subjects) Theme 5: History and Religion (20 Subjects) Theme 6: Arts and Culture (18 Subjects) Each subject consists of two pages. On the upper left side is a photo that can explain the subject at a glance. Under the photo is a Korean text that introduces contents that must be learned regarding the subject. In order to help the learning, two questions are added to check the learner’s understanding of the text. The answers are provided in the appendices at the end of this book. On the upper right side is the English translation of the Korean text. The translation will serve for learners to measure their level of Korean proficiency in terms of understanding; in addition, it will satisfy the need for Korean learners who have long wanted to have a bilingual textbook. On the bottom is the English translation of each Words and Expressions section to help readers understand the Korean text. Small photos that are relevant to each subject are added to provide greater enjoyment.

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