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        We are a Spanish graphic novel publisher, specialized in comic books for adults, young readers and children. Our publications are mostly one shot and we work with all literary genres. Click here to discover our graphic novel catalogue, as well as those of the comic publishers and authors that we also represent.

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      • Graffito Books Ltd

        Graffito was founded 10 years ago in London. We publish street art, art and design, hipster cookery, and Californian counter-culture books for the international market. We have extensive experience of co-editioning with leading art publishers in the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Australia/NZ. Our books are characterised by strong trend and market focus, great design and editorial, and excellent production values. For us books must be not only useful and beautifully designed, but must deliver pleasure as tactile objects. We look forward to hearing from you:

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      • Children's & YA
        October 2019

        Der kleine Bergtroll

        by J.W.Kümmel, Carvon Media GmbH, Grafit Studio

        "Der kleine Bergtroll" ("The Little Mountain Troll") tells the story of a little monster who becomes a great hero.A picture book for looking at, reading aloud, and dreaming.For you and your little princess or your little troll. English Translation available on request.

      • Fiction
        September 2021

        Frau Morgenstorn und die Verschwörung

        by Marcel Huwyler

        Frau Morgenstern und die Verschwörung Marcel Huwyler Freunde des schrägen Humors, aufgepasst: Violetta Morgenstern, die frühpensionierte Lehrerin mit der ausgeprägten Vorliebe für kreative Selbstjustiz, sorgt erneut für Recht und Ordnung! In Frau Morgenstern und die Verschwörung darf Marcel Huwylers eigensinnige Protagonistin zum dritten Mal im Regierungsauftrag töten - diesal im ganz großen Stil: Kein Geringerer als der Vatikan höchspersönlich bekommt zu spüren, dass die scharfzüngige Violetta nicht nur eine Frau mit unumstößlichen Prinzipien, sondern auch mit äußerst unorthodoxen Ermittlungsmethoden ist, wenn's denn der Gerechtigkeit dient. Was also fast harmlos mit einem Überfall und einem leise ausgeführten Auftragsmord beginnt, gipfelt schließlich in der Aufdeckung einer internationalen Verschwörung, nach der in den heiligen Hallen kein Stein mehr auf dem anderen steht. Violetta Morgenstern, Pensionärin mit Vorliebe für kreative Selbstjustiz, erhält einen heiklen Auftrag im Namen des Staates: Mit ihrem Kollegen, dem Ex-Söldner Miguel Schlunegger, soll sie einen Kardinal aus dem Vatikan eliminieren. Der Grund: topsecret. Doch ein Attentäter kommt den beiden zuvor. Wer außer ihnen hat sonst noch Interesse am Tod des ranghohen Geistlichen - und vor allem warum? Das mörderische Duo stöbert in den finsteren Ecken der heiligen Hallen und kommt einem jahrhundertealten Geheimnis auf die Spur, das so ungeheuerlich ist, dass die Weltgeschichte neu gedacht werden muss. Dem Schweizer Bestsellerautor Marcel Huwyler ist erneut ein krimineller Volltreffer gelungen! Mit viel schwarzem Humor und Gefühl für zwischenmenschliche Töne präsentiert er eine aberwitzige Geschichte, die man so schnell nicht vergisst. Brilland-bissige Dialoge, ausgeklügelte Twists, die hochgradig skurrilen Figuren sowie jede Menge Situationskomik brennen sich einem ins Gedächtnis ein. Und die leidenschaftliche Violetta dabei zu begleiten, wie sie mit List, ungenierten Gemeinheiten und sehr viel Charme den Vatikan aufmischt, bereitet mörderischen Spaß. Allerbeste Krimiunterhaltung mit ganz hohem Suchtfaktor!

      • Fiction
        October 2021

        Gott aus Stroh

        by Frank Dommel

        Gott aus Stroh Frank Dommel Kommissar Falk Sebastiani erschießt in der Not drei Attentäter und wird dafür mit fragwürdigem Ruhm und vie Applaus von der falschen Seite bedacht. Er nimmt sich in der norwegischen Finnmark eine Auszeit, doch die Ruhe ist trügerisch: Die Gegend ist Teil einer illegalen Flüchtlingsroute - mit teils daramtischen Folgen. Zudem verdichten sich die Hinweise, dass Falks Tochter Hannah aus Oslo in einen Mordfall involviert ist. Die Suche nach ihr bringt Falk ans Limit. In der unbarmherzigen Wildnis wird er mit einem Gegner konfrontiert, der für Hannahs Taten den ultimativen Preis verlangt: ein Leben für ein Leben. Frank Dommel schreibt mit dem Skalpell - messerscharf beobachtet und gnadenlos ehrlich. In Gott aus Stroh verknüpft er unbequeme gesellschaftspolitische Fakten, feinsinnigen Humor und Fragen nach individueller und politischer Schuld zu einem packenden Kriminalroman. Dreh- und Angelpunkt ist Kommissar Falk Sebastiani, der bei einem Einsatz drei Attentäter erschießt. Halb Held, halb Mörder, sucht er in der Abgeschiedenheit der norwegischen Finnmark Anschluss an sein verpasstes Leben und gerät in ein komplexes Gewirr aus Familiendrama, Flüchtlingsschleusen und organisierter Drogenkriminalität. Wie Dommel aus der Psychologie einer erstarrten, doch beidseitig um einen Neuanfang bemühten Vater-Tochter-Beziehung die Schattenseiten einer zutiefst verunsicherten globalisierten Welt zeigt, ist einzigartig. Zudem verankert er unaufdringlich starkes Lokalkolorit in seinem Plot, in dem sich die Einsamkeit und Kälte des Nordens sowohl in der Stimmung des Romans als auch in der Gemütsverfassung seiner Figuren widerspiegelt. Kopfkino par excellence, das begeistert und lange nachhallt.

      • Quercher und der Totengraben

        by Martin Calsow

        Max Quercher discreetly investigates the suicide of an internationally recognized neurobiologist. His research shows that the scientist not only had considerable debts with an ominous start-up, but was also on the verge of proving the effectiveness of a natural substrate against Alzheimer's. However, the newly discovered substance carries incalculable risks once it enters the water system. Unknown forces are trying to take advantage of this for an attack on the water supply of the metropolis of Munich. Author Martin Calsow writes with a scalpel: razor-sharp observations and merciless honesty. He has already proven his skillfulness successfully many times. With „Quercher und der Totengraben.“ He presents his seventh crime novel about the retired police officer Max Quercher. In an almost congenial way, he manages to combine sensitive but still central themes of our time, like the fragility of the water supply and the fight against the treacherous Alzheimer's disease. He intertwines these themes into a plot that is as gripping as it is entertaining. On behalf of his former boss, the edgy ex-commissioner investigates the case of an unusual suicide. With his dry sense of humour, his lack of social skills and his liberal views, he often times gets on his colleagues’ nerves. In his search for the truth, he relentlessly uncovers the abysses of his fellow human beings. „Quercher und der Totengraben“ is filled with biting humour, breathless action, whimsical characters and surprising twists and turns. A page-turner with an idyllic alpine panorama, which is terrifically entertaining and also makes you think about worldwide challenges during these times of pandemics and environmental destruction.

      • Sag niemals Nein

        Never say No

        by Jürgen Kehrer

        An old German proverb says: It is well known that you should celebrate festivities as they come. Of course, we don't need to be told twice, as we had a really big anniversary! Thirty years after the first Wilsberg novel, we are now proud to present Wilsberg – „Sag niemals Nein“ („Never Say No“), the twentieth volume of Jürgen Kehrer's successful series. And what is especially wonderful: the cult crime novels have not yet dusted off a bit but still regularly trigger storms of enthusiasm among readers even after all these years.   Teenager Emma asks Georg Wilsberg to look after her father who has an appointment with a mysterious man. The private detective refuses – what else? But when Emma doesn't reach her father in the evening, Wilsberg reconsiders and sets out to find him. He comes across a smartphone in a pool of blood. But there is no trace of Emma's father. Wilsberg begins to investigate. The disappeared man is said to have been involved with the right-wing scene, with people who do not shy away from violence. Then Emma receives a call from Beirut, and Wilsberg flies to the Middle East. Kehrer skilfully and subtly combines uncomfortable socially critical topics with lots of humour, verbal exchanges and and typical subtle wit, succeeding in a balancing act that few authors can manage. At the same time, he weaves the right dose of Münster local colour into a suspenseful plot in a charming and casual manner, thus creating a lovable memorial to his old homeland. Following the brash private detective with the good nose in a case that brings him little money but a lot of trouble is pure pleasure. As usual, profound reflections on life and the world alternate with crisp, absurd situational comedy and many surprising twists, which makes reading a real pleasure. Entertainment with a very high addiction factor – it doesn't get any better than this!

      • Der Schwur

        The Oath

        by Sunil Mann

        With „Der Schwur“ („The Oath“), the exceptional Swiss author Sunil Mann sets completely new standards and is not afraid to touch on uncomfortable topics and to question them critically. „Der Schwur“ takes a crude look at the present and gives a very detailed view on the often controversial subject of refugees. narrated in a ruthlessly realistic, masterfully subtle way, and, despite all seriousness, in Sunil Mann's typical enigmatic and humorous  manner. The novel alternates between the harsh reality of refugees, the unmasking mentality of right-wing populist politicians and the attempt of two lonely people to make the world a little better with their 'Agency for Unpleasant Affairs'. Sunil Mann gives a voice to a refugee girl that touches even the most conversative person. At the same time, he creates a counter-image with the figure of an ambitious young political figure, who brilliantly unmasks the double standards of right-wing populist policies on foreigners. Stylistically sophisticated suspense, excellent research, a clear political statement and social criticism without a raised forefinger –  this is the very high art of storytelling! Marisa Greco and Bashir Berisha want to get started with their own detective agency. Although the single mother and flight attendant and the Albanian doorman have no investigative experience, they are a good team – and also have no alternative plan for their lives. In fact, they soon get a case: they are supposed to steal a trolley bag for Joy, a Nigerian woman. Inside the suitcase is her ticket to freedom – the passport confiscated by her procurer. Now that Joy's fourteen-year-old sister Faith has also embarked on the arduous journey to Europe, time is running out if the girl is to be saved from a similar fate.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2017

        Pipe Elements

        design and construction of pipeline components according to DIN EN13480-3: 2014.

        by Hans-Jürgen Bullack

        The CD-ROM contains calculation modules (Microsoft Excel) for the design and construction of pipeline components according to DIN EN13480-3: 2014. The systematic input of the parameters creates verifiable data sheets with a clear calculation structure. Each calculation allows the immediate assessment of the results, the change of the input values and thus an optimal view of the variants. Databases with important substance values and parameters are stored and can be extended by user-defined values. Drop-down menus for retrieving material data, stored technical information via mouse over, input conditions for protection against error entries, details sketches and error messages support the user in the safe input of values.

      • The Arts
        August 2019


        by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto and Adrián Gorelik (editors)

        Organized by Fernanda Arêas Peixoto, professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of São Paulo, and Adrián Gorelik, professor at the University of Quilmes, this book is the result of a collective research project about the cultural urban history in South America, which was developed by a group of South American researchers. Using as a compass the notion of “cultural arena”, this work performs a reflection on the city as a place of cultural germination, experimentation and resistance. Some cities – Buenos Aires, Santiago, Lima, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Montevideo, among others – are studied in order to capture the intimate and inextricable relations between city and culture.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2015

        Engineering Calculations for Pressure Vessels and Piping Components

        based on EN13445-3: 2012 and EN13480-3: 2012

        by Hans-Jürgen Bullack

        The CD-ROM contains calculation modules (Microsoft Excel) for the design and construction of pressure vessel components according to EN13445-3: 2012. The systematic input of the parameters creates verifiable data sheets with a clear calculation structure. Each calculation allows the immediate assessment of the results, the change of the input values and thus an optimal view of the variants. Databases with important substance values and parameters are stored and can be extended by user-defined values. Drop-down menus for retrieving material data, stored technical information via mouse over, input conditions for protection against error entries, details sketches and error messages support the user in the safe input of values.

      • Fiction

        Witch, However

        by Carol Chiovatto

        Ísis Rossetti is a witch. Her job is to monitor crimes involving supernatural activity in the city of São Paulo. And only those crimes. The rules are clear: if there is no magic involved, she is not allowed to intervene. But in the midst of the city’s suffocating chaos , the lives of common people are in constant danger. She can’t just sit there and watch. Everything escalates when, caught between two extraofficial investigations, Ísis receives a mission from a deity. She must then relive personal issues she would much rather leave buried in the past, kept under lock and key by her friends, all while trying to handle the Magistrate and his watchful gaze.

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