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Promoted ContentJanuary 2001
Gottschalk, Kerner & Co
Funktionen der Telefigur »Spielleiter« zwischen Exzeptionalität und Normalität
by Rolf Parr, Matthias Thiele
Aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive wird in den Beiträgen dieses Bandes nach den charakteristischen Funktionen des Spielleiters, daraus resultierenden Typologien sowie nach der Relevanz vorgegebener Formate und medialer Dispositive gefragt. Dabei kristallisiert sich quer durch die thematischen Facetten und theoretischen Zugriffe v. a. eine Konstante heraus: das paradoxe Zusammenspiel von lustvoller Durchbrechung des Alltags und gleichzeitiger Behauptung von Normalität.
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May 2001Ökologische Verbraucherinformation.
Grundlagen, Methoden und Wirkungschancen.
by Gottschalk, Ingrid
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September 2017Pleading for Diversity
The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted
by Gottschalk, Linda Stuckrath
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January 2013Gender Difference in European Legal Cultures
Historical Perspectives. Essays presented to Heide Wunder
by Herausgegeben von Gottschalk, Karin
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September 2001Blackbird Singing
Gedichte und Songs 1965-1999. Dt. /Engl.
by McCartney, Paul / Übersetzer Gottschalk, Thomas; Übersetzer Lutze, Kristian; Übersetzer Schmitz, Werner
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Theorie und Technik. Studien zur Messung ängstlicher und aggressiver Affekte
by Herausgegeben von Schöfer, Gert; Vorwort von Meyer, A G
Literature & Literary StudiesOctober 2020
Cosmonauts do it in Heaven
by Keith Gottschalk
Keith Gottschalk is one of very few English language poets after Walt Whitman to compose poems celebrating engineers, inventions, and scientists. With wit and paradox, these poems explore our solar system, and celebrate astronomers and spaceflight. This collection opens with an imaginary trip through time from Copernicus to Einstein – those who literally made space as we conceptualise it today. It closes with an imaginary trip through our solar system. In between, we find moving elegies to astronauts who lost their lives, and celebrations of a glittering international constellation of engineers, inventors, mathematicians, and researchers. Irony, allusions, double-entendres, and wonderment are always looking over the reader’s shoulder. Many of these poems, composed over thirty-four years, have already been individually published to acclaim in literary and other magazines.
May 2012
The German Conception of History
The National Tradition of Historical Thought from Herder to the Present
by Georg G. Iggers
The first comprehensive critical examination in any language of the German national tradition of historiography
May 2012
Always in Trouble
An Oral History of ESP-Disk, the Most Outrageous Record Label in America
by Jason Weiss
You never heard such sounds in your life
The environmentSeptember 2007
Detritus and Decomposition in Ecosystems
by Zafar Reshi & Sumira Tyub:
The present book is a detailed assessment of the pools and fluxes of detritus in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Besides presenting a comprehensive analysis of the process of detritus decomposition, the book gives an exhaustive account of the biotic and abiotic factors affecting the rate of detritus decomposition. Portrayal of the role of decomposition in nutrient cycling and delineation of the contemporary concepts of humus biosynthesis are the noteworthy features of this book. The book would be serve the needs of post-graduate students having Ecology as one of their major subject and researchers engaged in soil biology and biochemistry, soil sciences and ecosystem structure and function.