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      • Ampersand (Esperluette SRL)

        Independent publishing house born in 2012 with the intention of bringing to paper texts on art, fashion and culture written in a careful and elegant format, after an exhaustive work of edition, correction and design.

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      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        April 2006

        The Basque Conflict

        New Ideas and Prospects for Peace

        by Gorka Espiau Idoiaga

        The international community lacks updated information on the latest stage of the Basque conflict—the longest enduring violent conflict in Western Europe—and the emerging opportunity for a peace process among the key parties to it. This report examines recent promising developments, outlines remaining obstacles, and offers recommendations to ensure that the present opportunities for peace in the Basque Country are not lost.

      • Medicine

        Manual práctico de Enfermería de cuidados intensivos

        Guía rápida para estudiantes de Enfermería en prácticas

        by Gorka Vallejo-de-la-Hoz, Irrintzi Fernández-Aedo, Sendoa Ballesteros-Peña

        Este libro refleja actualizaciones en el manejo de diferentes ámbitos del paciente crítico, dispositivos, cuidado con ventilación mecánica, insuficiencia cardiaca, quemaduras, necesidades de hemofiltración y oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea...

      • Trusted Partner



        THE FIRST LADY (Prva dama) This novel is a reworking, in minimalist style and condensed manner, of the Biblical story of the beautiful Bathsheba and King David. The king’s “controversial” wife is an archetypal femme fatale, who is aware of her charms also in an emancipatory sense and, regardless of the means and victims, in an almost mathematically calculating way exchanges them for a “better” life – marriage to the educated king loved by his people and through this a climb up the social ladder, a better position, and consequently better pay and independence. Although Bathsheba’s life seems like a fairy tale, inside her grows a nagging feeling of guilt. Using fate and god as an excuse does not bring her peace, but pushes her towards self-destructive behaviour.

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