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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2007

        Die Anfänge des öffentlichen Rechts / Gli inizi del diritto pubblico.

        Gesetzgebung im Zeitalter Friedrich Barbarossas und das Gelehrte Recht / L'età di Federico Barbarossa: legislazione e scienza del diritto.

        by Herausgegeben von Dilcher, Gerhard; Herausgegeben von Quaglioni, Diego

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        Die Anfänge des öffentlichen Rechts, 3 / Gli inizi del diritto pubblico, 3.

        Auf dem Weg zur Etablierung des öffentlichen Rechts zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne / Verso la costruzione del diritto pubblico tra medioevo e modernità.

        by Herausgegeben von Dilcher, Gerhard; Herausgegeben von Quaglioni, Diego

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1993

        Der Zusammenbruch der DDR

        Soziologische Analysen

        by Hans Joas, Martin Kohli

        Werden die neuen Bundesländer gegenwärtig kolonialisiert - oder ist solches Reden nur die resignative Ideologie abgesetzter Eliten? Was entsteht in diesen neuen Ländern zur Zeit: der Kapitalismus oder die Demokratie? -Aber machen diese Begriffe in solcher Allgemeinheit überhaupt einen soziologischen Sinn? War die »Revolution« in der DDR ein Glied in der Geschichte der Revolutionen, oder ist der Zusammenbruch der DDR Vorbote völlig perspektivloser Zusammenbrüche anderer Gesellschaften? Fragen wie diese werden in dem vorliegenden Band aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven diskutiert.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 1985

        Wie die Welt noch einmal davonkam

        Der Kyberiade erster Teil | Vom großen Vordenker und Kritiker der Künstlichen Intelligenz

        by Stanisław Lem, Daniel Mróz, Jens Reuter, Franz Rottensteiner

        »Als der Kosmos noch nicht so durcheinander war wie heute und alle Sterne säuberlich in Reih und Glied standen, so daß man sie von links nach rechts oder von oben nach unten abzählen konnte … – in jener guten alten Zeit war es üblich, daß Konstrukteure, die das ˒Diplom der Perpetualen Omnipotenz mit Auszeichnung˓ besaßen, ab und zu Reisen unternahmen um fernen Völkern guten Rat und Hilfe zu gewähren.« Lems Kyberiade ist ein Zyklus von Reisen, die die Eskapaden und Taten des freundschaftlich rivalisierenden Roboterpaares Trurl und Klapauzius erzählen, die einander im Erfinden erstaunlicher Maschinen zu übertrumpfen suchen und die oft und oft um die Früchte ihrer Arbeit geprellt werden sollen. Was natürlich nie gelingt. Sie konstruieren Ungeheuer mit Laseraugen und Drachen der Wahrscheinlichkeit, Elektrobarden, Maschinen, die alles erzeugen, was mit n beginnt, und rücken die Dinge wieder ins kybernetische Lot.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2010



        by Martín Kohan, Peter Kultzen

        Buenos Aires, Anfang 1982: Dicke Mauern umgeben das streng traditionelle Elitegymnasium Colegio Nacional, in dem die junge María Teresa ihre Stelle als Aufseherin angetreten hat. Außerhalb der Mauern herrschen die Militärs, der Falkland-Krieg ist in vollem Gange. Drinnen soll María Teresa die strikte Einhaltung der Disziplin überwachen. Sie ist nur ein kleines Glied in der Kette, aber sie will es gut, ja peinlich genau machen. Schließlich ist Ordnung der sicherste Halt in einem Leben, in dem die Mutter in der Küche Kriegsnachrichten hört und der Bruder verstörend rätselhafte Postkarten aus der Etappe schickt. Eines Tages geht sie in ihrem Überwachungseifer so weit, daß sie sich in der Jungentoilette einschließt, um einen Schüler in flagranti zu ertappen, den sie im Verdacht hat, heimlich zu rauchen. Mit ebendiesem Schritt gelangt ihre Moral in eine eigentümliche, beunruhigende Schieflage. Darf die Darstellung des Schrecklichen ins Komische kippen? Soll man sich in eine Mitläuferin einfühlen? Martín Kohan ist ein blitzwacher Beobachter und ein kompositorischer Meister des Nebeneinanders von Banalem, Bösem und Groteskem.

      • Children's & YA

        Journey to the Land of Men

        by Mónica-Ramón Ríos

        Journey to the Land of Men follows Gege, a skilled orphan raised by a sword master near Puna in Los Andes. In a post-apocalyptic future, the Southern Globe (formerly South America) is governed by women who nurture the Earth with mestizo knowledge. Invading armies of men threaten their peaceful existence due to outdated extractive economies. Gege becomes crucial in the conflict, joining a group of young warriors to uncover the enemy's leaders. With Ena, the future leader of the Southern Globe and Gege's love interest, they embark on a dangerous mission dragged as men. Tragedy strikes when Gege's teacher is killed, fueling suspicions of a traitor. As they journey through Central America towards the Caribbean, they liberate cities and face perilous landscapes. As they reach Florida and then New York with the help of an underground organization, Gege discovers Ena's identity as a trans woman, who has travel to undergo sex change. In love, Gege supports Ena, but soon learns Ena's family is responsible for her teacher's death. Driven and confused, Gege ventures alone to the enemy's stronghold, enduring torture and uncovering shocking truths about her own identity: her mother, the leader who liberated the Southern Globe came from across the Atlantic and was betrayed by Ena’s mother, the current leader. Gege escapes with unexpected help from Ena and her surviving teacher, unleashing her latent powers to eliminate the enemy. She sets sail across the Atlantic to explore her ancestral roots, entrusting Ena with leading the Southern Globe.

      • ANGELA – Life and Love between Islam and Christianity

        A re-elaborated version of real life experiences

        by Jasmine and Fatima

        Dedicated to all the women who, like Angela, gave in to their husbands’ desires, and who really believed that they would defeat the virus of bigotry and dumb orthodoxy with the strength of their love. We hope that women who suffer in similar circumstances realize how priceless their dignity is. It is something that cannot be crushed. There is no time, no place, no culture where men can justify - by philosophy or faith – acts of abuse or violence against women, even expecting them to be happy with their condition.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories
        July 2014

        Saving the Dinosaurs

        by Jane Waller

        An environmentally-aware story with an unusual twist and one that will be a source of delight to readers. Peter Philips receives a rather mysterious computer disc, rather different from the one he ordered, and realises he can time-travel by using its program. He journeys to the Cretaceous Age where he is befriended by two dinosaurs, Jahunda and Segui. He repays their friendship by rescuing them from the after-effects of a giant meteorite's collison with the earth. Descriptions throughout vividly recreate a prehistoric world and the empathy achieved through Peter's friendship with the dinosaurs engenders a real appreciation of life 65 million years ago.

      • Literature & Literary Studies

        La Luna bambina

        by Francesca Gallus

        Poetry is a noble art. In this collection, the poet explores with an attentive look the story of a life that knows how to prove an unparalleled heritage for the variety of plots she has been able to create. And she achieves this by making the reader participate and easily immerse him-herself in her verses. ---  La Poesia è un’Arte nobile.Sa muoversi nello spazio e rivoltare il tempo, sa andare "Ora a passo lento, ora veloce […], timorosa e senza voce […] Poi radiosa e vestita a festa".Porre in essere le emozioni di un momento e trasformarle in qualcosa di tangibile può dimostrarsi un’opera ardua. Tanto più ripercorrere i trascorsi di un passato ancora percepibile, che sia prossimo o remoto.Ma la parola nasconde segreti speciali e questi sono racchiusi nei ricordi che fanno da ponte tra il già vissuto e la vita presente, e ancora tra questa e quel che deve compiersi oltre."Tu che sei la mia radice più profonda", così scrive Francesca Gallus partendo dall’origine. La parola “Madre”, che racchiude in sé ogni figura significativa, è presente e si fa sentire in tutta la sua valenza generatrice e protettiva, da cui ogni cosa ha inizio e verso cui tutto converge. In questa raccolta, la poetessa perlustra con sguardo attento la storia di una vita che sa dimostrarsi patrimonio ineguagliabile per quella varietà di intrecci che ha saputo realizzare, e lo fa rendendo partecipe il lettore che può immergersi comodamente nei suoi versi. È una testimonianza costante e partecipe. Gli affetti più cari a loro volta divengono parte integrante del suo essere, riportando generazioni diverse sullo stesso piano, in un livello di contaminazione emozionale che è al contempo genuina e purificata dalla semplicità del legame stesso."Diventa carezza e parlami, parlami di strette di mano e di orizzonti dorati, di albe scarlatte e di prati fioriti".Così ogni elemento della natura — il Mare in questo caso — diventa ora testimone, ora consigliere oppure complici delle emozioni vissute quanto attese."Ho chiesto alla musa le rime più belle".Ma è la Luna, come una bambina che vive le dinamiche degli eventi attraverso la semplicità della giovinezza, che subisce tutto ciò che la sfiora solamente, esternandone persino gli eccessi tipici dei fanciulli.Ma diviene materna nel verso "Quel giorno che al mondo sei venuta […] anche la luna rideva compiaciuta".Può esser triste quando la Gallus si interroga sui mali che l’uomo genera: "Vorrei un mondo senza guerra alcuna perché torni a sorridere la luna".Ma alla fine è la ciclicità del vivere che segna chi siamo e cosa stiamo facendo, fino a tirarne le somme e dettarne l’evoluzione che ci ricondurrà al punto di partenza, ai primi giorni e alle prime ore, lasciandoci impresso — questo ce lo auguriamo sempre — quel fugace sorriso nel ricevere un fiore.La Poesia è un’Arte nobile. Nasce dal cuore e cresce nella mente.Non ha confini, non ha età."Noi siamo il tempo, il tempo che passa, / sentieri di nebbia e riflessi di luna, / e cuori sognanti con traguardi e confini, / siamo mandorli in fiore e eterni bambini".

      • Gli Antonelli architetti dei Caraibi

        by Graziano Gasparini

        This book aims to bring to the attention of both military architecture specialists and simple architecture enthusiasts, an important, but little known, aspect of the Latin American history, through the emblematic case of the Antonellis, a family of military engineers and architects at the service of the Spanish Crown in the 16th and 17th centuries, which wrote one of the most important chapters in the history of the Hispano-American military architecture. The author, Graziano Gasparini, is an architect former full professor of History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Caracas of the Central University of Venezuela and Doctor Honoris Causa of the same University.

      • October 2008

        Gli animali non si abbandonano

        by Bruno Milano

        ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE ABANDONED   Stories featuring a community of animals led by a wise owl. Perfect reading for elementary school groups and for those interested to bring children closer to the thematics of solidarity, safeguarding of rights and defense of the environment in which we live

      • Children's & YA

        Future Atlas

        by Enrico Passoni

        How will our future look like? This volume recounts, through clear and funny illustrations, the life of a typical family of 2050. The main themes are represented with two large boards: an introductive scene to contextualize the subject, focusing on items and everyday situations, and the following spread zooming in with realistic examples of the various innovations which will characterize our daily life. Every item represented in the book is actually going to exist, based on scientific records and discove so that children of today will learn about the actual future they are going to live in.

      • Children's & YA

        Incredible Animals

        by Dunia Rahwan

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to discover through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover and for their evocative illustrations. A journey in discovery of our planet’s most incredible animals, divided into 15 categories: from the most wild predators as the formidable cheetah and the fierce orca, famous for their refined hunting techniques, to the “brainers” as the chimp and the gray parrot, which shows incredible, brilliant attitudes. In the categories also theextinct, the fantastic, the luminous animals find their place. The contents and the curiosities of each animal will be enhanced by illustrations of a big impact.

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