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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 1994

        Siete cuentos

        by P. Beardsall

        One of the core authors of the '60s boom in Latin American fiction, Julio Cortázar made a contribution of international importance to the development of the short story as a literary form. This collection spans his writing career and includes La Noche Boca Arriba and Final del Juego (1956), Las Babas del Diablo (1959), La Isla a Mediodia (1966), Recortes de Prensa and Queremos Tanto a Glenda (1981) and Botella al Mar (1982). Of the seven stories, some are famous examples of his contribution to the genre of 'fantastic' literature, while others demonstrate his social and political concerns. Cortázar can be a challenging and demanding writer. Peter Beardsell's edition, with its comprehensive introduction and notes to the text, selected vocabulary and discussion section suggests that he is also enjoyable and accessible to readers at all levels. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2018

        Across the margins

        by Glenda Norquay, Gerry Smyth

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        Plays, playscripts
        August 2012

        The Tide Tarrieth No Man

        by George Wapull

        by Peter Happe

        This volume is a photographic facsimile from the copy of the play by George Wapull in the Harry Ransom Centre.It was originally printed in 1576 by Hugh Jackson, and is one of only five extant copies. The introduction discusses the place of this play in Jackson's output, including two other interludes printed by him shortly afterwards. Besides compositorial practice and some irregularities, it addresses the identity of the author, historical detail about the surviving copies, and the editorial contribution of John Payne Collier. The text is rich in stage directions and aspects of performance are discussed including the doubling scheme for four players and the active role of the Vice. The play was written at a time when interludes designed for small acting troupes were popular and exhibited remarkable theatrical expertise. The intellectual context is considered, and in particular the place of this play among the considerable number of surviving interludes from London which focus upon wealth and its abuses and other matters of economic importance at the time.

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        July 2021

        Die Legende von Frostherz 1. Die Reise beginnt

        by Jamie Littler, Jamie Littler, Nadine Mannchen

        Brillante Charaktere, spannende Abenteuer, magische Welten: Weit draußen, in den fernsten Regionen der Welt, liegt Feura, eine kleine Siedlung, die vom Rest der Menschheit abgeschnitten ist. Als der junge Ash seine verbotene magische Fähigkeit, das „Klangweben“, einsetzt, wird er verbannt und macht sich mit dem wortkargen Yeti Tobu auf eine abenteuerliche Reise an Bord der „Frostherz“. Dabei trifft er auf viele neue Verbündete – und ebenso viele Gefahren. Internationaler Fantasy-Bestselle für Fans von "Harry Potter" oder "Percy Jackson". Mit vielen Illustrationen im angesagten Manga-Stil. Magischer Auftakt der coolen Abenteuer-Trilogie für Kinder ab 9 Jahren.

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        October 2018


        Gedichte. Fanbook. Hall of Fame

        by Steffen Popp

        »Welche Gedichte aus der reichen, kaum mehr zu überblickenden Produktion der jüngeren und jüngsten Gegenwart hätte man gern immer zu Hand, um mit und in ihnen auf Expeditionen zu gehen, ästhetische Erfahrungen zu machen? Nur die eigensinnigsten, heftigsten, schönst-umwerfenden natürlich... ein Parlament sprachlicher Wundertiere, wie man es sich über Jahre zusammenstellt, zahllose Lesezeichen und Eselsohren, verstreut über Bibliotheken. Ein solches Plenum wollte ich einberufen, in möglichst kompakter Form versammeln; die poetischen Texte, die mich als Autor und Leser in den letzten zwanzig Jahren am stärksten beeindruckt, berührt und begeistert haben.« Spitzen enthalt Gedichte von Marcel Beyer, Nico Bleutge, Mirko Bonné, Volker Braun, Ann Cotten, Ulrike Draesner, Elke Erb, Daniel Falb, Gerhard Falkner, Dieter M. Graf, Durs Grünbein, Hendrik Jackson, Thomas Kling, Barbara Köhler, Simone Kornappel, Dagmara Kraus, Birgit Kreipe, Björn Kuhligk, Thomas Kunst, Georg Leß, Friederike Mayröcker, Karl Mickel, Bert Papenfuß, Marion Poschmann, Kerstin Preiwuß, Arne Rautenberg, Monika Rinck, Thomas Rosenlöcher, Andre Rudolph, Silke Scheuermann, Sabine Scho, Katharina Schultens, Tom Schulz, Lutz Seiler, Ulf Stolterfoht, Sebastian Unger, Jan Wagner, Charlotte Warsen, Linus Westhäuser, Ron Winkler, Uljana Wolf.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2014

        A Biography of Paul Watzlawick

        The Discovery of the Present Moment

        by Andrea Köhler-Ludescher

        This book, the world's first biography of Paul Watzlawick, written by his great-niece, describes the life of this philosopher, therapist, and best-selling author. Paul Watzlawick had a talent for languages and he led an adventurous life, from his childhood in Villach to studying in Venice after the war, to analyst training under C. G. Jung in Zurich, an attempt at establishing himself in India and then in El Salvador as a therapist, and finally to the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in the United States, headed by Don D. Jackson, a venerable scientist. This marked the beginning of the second half of his life, his amazing career as a communication researcher, a pioneer of systemic therapy, a radical constructivist, and a great thinker regarding the divisions between East and West. With many letters, lectures, interviews, and statements from contemporary witnesses and family members, this book makes Paul Watzlawick accessible as a human being and as a spiritually inspired, leading 20th century thinker. It includes a variety of unpublished material from Watzlawick, and introduces a comprehensive and exciting picture of the scientist and cosmopolitan person, Paul Watzlawick.   Target Group: For people interest in Paul Watzlawick, communication sciences, systemic therapy, and constructivism.

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        The Arts
        September 2008

        Thorold Dickinson

        A world of film

        by Philip Horne, Peter Swaab

        The films of Thorold Dickinson (1903-1984), now being rediscovered, engage with major issues including national identity, the post-colonial world, and political violence - and they also show a rare mastery of style, a thrilling eroticism, a preoccupation with the psychology of betrayal. But the director of Gaslight, The Next of Kin and The Queen of Spades was also an editor, documentarist, trade unionist, film producer (for the British Army and the UN), pioneering academic and controversialist. His adventurous and truly global involvement in film took him to Paris in the heyday of silent cinema in the 1920s, to Stalin's USSR in 1937, to the Spanish Civil War, to Africa, India, Israel and America. This book gives a lively, multi-angled account of Dickinson's works, life and times, conveying a sense of his own voice and fascinating character. It includes a richly detailed introduction, a film-by-film discussion of Dickinson with Scorsese, vivid personal memoirs of the director, a dossier of Dickinson's original writings and interviews from 1924 to 1973 (some never previously published), critical essays on all the feature films, and a ground-breaking reference section. The book draws on extensive archival research and close consultation with those who knew Dickinson well. Contributors include: Martin Scorsese, Gavin Millar, Lutz Becker, Charles Barr, Laura Marcus, Kevin Jackson, Kevin Gough-Yates, Ian Christie, Gregory Dart, Hillel Tryster, Janet Moat. ;

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        July 2020

        Arlo Finch (3). Im Königreich der Schatten

        by August, John

        Das große Finale des einzigartigen Fantasy-Abenteuers von Starautor John August Nach einem alles verändernden Sommer kehrt Arlo Finch zu seiner Familie nach Pine Mountain zurück. Doch statt auf den anstehenden Schulwechsel kann Arlo sich nur auf eins konzentrieren: Mithilfe seiner magischen Fähigkeiten endlich seinen Vater aus China zurückzuholen. Doch damit das gelingt, muss er den mysteriösen Eldtrich entgegentreten und die stellen Arlo vor eine unlösbare Aufgabe: Entweder er rettet seine Familie und Freunde oder die Long Woods. Egal wie er sich entscheidet, am Ende werden beide Welten nie mehr dieselben sein. Das Finale der einzigartig fesselnden, mysteriös-spannenden Abenteuer-Trilogie ab 10 Jahren enthüllt die Geheimnisse der magischen Long Woods und führt die Leser ins mysteriöse Königreich der Schatten. Ein großartiges Abenteuer für Mädchen und Jungen, das seinen Protagonisten erleben lässt, wovon Kinder träumen. „Mysteriös wie „Stranger Things“, magisch wie „Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik“, fesselnd wie „Percy Jackson“. Vom Drehbuchautor von „Big Fish“, „Corpse Bride und „Frankenweenie“ John August. Mit stimmungsvollen Gänsehautillustrationen des Fantasy-Experten Helge Vogt. Weitere Informationen zu Arlo Finch und John August: In der Reihe sind erschienen: Arlo Finch. Im Tal des Feuers (Band 1) Arlo Finch. Im Bann des Mondsees (Band 2) Arlo Finch. Im Königreich der Schatten (Band 3)

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