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      • Wilkinson Publishing

        Wilkinson Publishing is an independent Australian Publisher with over 40 years of experience. We are passionate about books and sharing great stories that entertain and inspire, and information that helps bring about change and creates opportunities to learn and belong.

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      • Diametric Verlag Jutta A. Wilke e.K.

        Diametric Verlag is an independent publisher founded by Jutta A. Wilke providing high-quality specialized literature focused on women's issues like Women's Health, Gender Medicine and Feminism. All titles are published in German and available in print and digital editions.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        May 2020

        Creative research communication

        by Clare Wilkinson, Emma Weitkamp

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2024

        Rereading Chaucer and Spenser

        Dan Geffrey with the New Poete

        by Rachel Stenner, Tamsin Badcoe, Gareth Griffith

        Rereading Chaucer and Spenser is a much-needed volume that brings together established and early career scholars to provide new critical approaches to the relationship between Geoffrey Chaucer and Edmund Spenser. By reading one of the greatest poets of the Middle Ages alongside one of the greatest poets of the English Renaissance, this collection poses questions about poetic authority, influence, and the nature of intertextual relations in a more wide-ranging manner than ever before. With its dual focus on authors from periods often conceived as radically separate, the collection also responds to current interests in periodisation. This approach will engage academics, researchers and students of Medieval and Early Modern culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Albert Einsteins Relativitätstheorie

        Von Carl Wilkinson | Ganzseitige, prächtige Illustrationen in Großformat | Physik verständlich erklärt für Kinder ab 9 Jahre

        by Carl Wilkinson, James Weston Lewis, Ebi Naumann

        Albert Einstein hat nicht nur die berühmteste Gleichung der Welt erfunden: E = mc2. Er hat auch einige erstaunliche Phänomene rund um Zeit, Raum, Licht und Relativität entdeckt. Dazu gehört, dass Astronauten im Weltraum langsamer altern als Menschen auf der Erde (das berühmte Zwillingsparadoxon). Oder, dass feste Gegenstände bei hoher Geschwindigkeit ihre Form verändern. Dazu verhalf ihm seine Fähigkeit, Autoritäten und allgemein anerkannte Lehrmeinungen der Wissenschaft in Frage zu stellen. »Autoritätsdusel ist der größte Feind der Wahrheit«, schrieb er einmal. Einstein dachte visuell und überlegte sich lustige Experimente. Mit anschaulichen, großformatigen Bildern und verständlichen Erklärungen führt dieses Buch ein in Einsteins faszinierende Gedankenwelt und Entdeckungen, die bis in die heutige Zeit fortwirken: Kernspaltung, Schwerefeld, Ereignishorizont, Higgs-Boson und schwarze Löcher erforschen wir heute auf der Grundlage von Einsteins Erkenntnissen. Er hat die Welt für immer verändert.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Release the Wound

        Una oportunidad de vida

        by Gina Goldfeder

        Release the Wound is about letting go of our primal wounds as a path towards building a new identity. The result of many years of practice, this book teaches readers how to overcome the challenge and succeed in rebuilding their selves. It invites readers to let go of the role of the victim and resignify who we really are. For many, unresolved trauma develops an existence of their own and converses with us, becoming our accomplice in the practice of justifying why we cannot live a fulfilling life, no matter how much we want to Release the Wound is an invitation to defeat the victim and start anew. Using examples from many cases from her private practice, and building from the deep understanding taught by experts and professionals, Dr. Golfeder's book includes three main sections: Part One describes the meaning of the primal emotional wound, its origin, and how we identify ourselves with it. Part Two offers specific tools to release the wound and strenghten the creation of a new personal identity. Part Three is about practices and disciplines to enjoy life from a new point of view. This book is centered on the process of knowing, honoring, and learning to release the wound and turn it into a new opportunity for life. The tools devised and described by the author are a compilation of different therapeutic approaches and years of work in the field.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry

        by Tom Docherty

        The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?

      • Trusted Partner
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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2023

        The gift of narrative in medieval England

        by Nicholas Perkins

        This invigorating study places medieval romance narrative in dialogue with theories and practices of gift and exchange, opening new approaches to questions of storytelling, agency, gender and materiality in some of the most engaging literature from the Middle Ages. It argues that the dynamics of the gift are powerfully at work in romances: through exchanges of objects and people; repeated patterns of love, loyalty and revenge; promises made or broken; and the complex effects that time works on such objects, exchanges and promises. Ranging from the twelfth century to the fifteenth, and including close discussions of poetry by Chaucer, the Gawain-Poet and romances in the Auchinleck Manuscript, this book will prompt new ideas and debate amongst students and scholars of medieval literature, as well as anyone curious about the pleasures that romance narratives bring.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2017

        Transporting Chaucer

        by Anke Bernau, Helen Barr

        Drawing on the work of British sculptor Antony Gormley, alongside more traditional literary scholarship, this book argues for new relationships between Chaucer's poetry and works by others. Chaucer's playfulness with textual history and chronology anticipates how his own work is figured in later - and earlier - texts. Responding to this, the book presents innovative readings of the relationships between medieval texts and early modern drama, literary texts and material culture. It re-energises conventional models of source and analogue study to reveal unexpected - and sometimes unsettling - literary cohabitations. At the same time, it exposes how associations between architecture, pilgrim practice, manuscript illustration and the soundscapes of dramatic performance reposition how we read Chaucer's oeuvre and what gets made of it. An invaluable resource for scholars and students of all levels with an interest in medieval English literary studies and early modern drama, Transporting Chaucer offers a new approach to how we encounter texts through time.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literary studies: classical, early & medieval
        November 2015

        Annotated Chaucer bibliography


        by Mark Allen, Stephanie Amsel

        Author of The Canterbury Tales and foundation of the English literary tradition, Geoffrey Chaucer has been popular with readers, writers and scholars for over 600 years. More than 4600 books, essays, poems, stories, recordings and websites pertaining to Chaucer were published between 1997 and 2010, and this bibliography identifies each of them separately, providing publication information and a descriptive summary of contents. The bibliography also offers several useful discovery aids to enable users to locate individual items of interest, whether it be a study of the Wife of Bath's love life, a video about Chaucer's language, advice on how to teach a particular poem by Chaucer, or a murder mystery that features Chaucer as detective. Useful for scholars, teachers and students alike, this volume is a must for academic libraries.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Drei Weihnachts-Lamas in Gefahr

        by Pestum, Jo

        Der neue Weihnachtskrimi von Jo Pestum: In 24 spannenden Kapiteln durch den Advent Die Freunde Danny, Paul, Jana und Fatma trauen ihren Augen nicht. Mitten im Dezember entdecken sie drei Lamas in freier Wildbahn! Sofort gehen die Hobbydetektive der Sache auf den Grund und finden heraus: In den Stall der Tiere wurde eingebrochen! Hat das etwas mit den rätselhaften Diebstählen zu tun, die in der Stadt für Aufregung sorgen? Gina, die Besitzerin der Lamas verhält sich verdächtig. Die vier Detektive wollen aufdecken, ob Gina mit der Diebesbande unter einer Decke steckt, und nehmen die Ermittlungen auf. Warum trägt Ginas Bruder als Paketbote Weihnachtspäckchen aus, obwohl die Familie doch das kleine Café am Waldrand betreibt? Um den Fall zu lösen, müssen die Freunde den drei Lamas in den geheimnisvollen Winterwald folgen … Damit vergeht die Zeit bis Weihnachten wie im Flug: Krimispannung zum Miträtseln von Jo Pestum. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln mit perforierten Seiten zum Auftrennen. Ideal zum Selberlesen ab 10 Jahren, aber auch zum Vorlesen für gemütliche Lesestunden im Advent für die ganze Familie. Liebevoll illustriert von Carmen Hochmann. Das ideale Geschenk für den Advent und die Vorweihnachtszeit. Weitere Bände der Reihe: Spuk in der Weihnachtswerkstatt. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Eine diebische Weihnachtsbescherung. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Die Christbaumräuber. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Gruselig! Geschichten, Gedichte und Lieder für die Kleinen

        by Paul Maar, Dimiter Inkiow, Sandra Grimm, Frederik Vahle, Max Kruse, Maja von Vogel, Günter Frorath, Christian Morgenstern, Petra Milde, Gina Ruck-Pauquèt, Friedhelm Ptok, Claus Dieter Clausnitzer, Jutta Richter, Robert Missler, Ingeborg Wunderlich, Matthias Haase, Martin Zuhr, Gunda Aurich, Stephanie Glasmeyer, Nina Christin Scheffer, Ulrich Schlitzer, Hans-Georg Schmitten, Andrea Schwarz, Guntmar Feuerstein, Simone Witt, Rudi Mika, Christoph Haberer, Ralf Kiwit, Ben Ahrens, Klara Brandi, Rudi Mika, Ralf Kiwit

        Gänsehaut garantiert! Diese schaurigen Geschichten, Gedichte und Lieder sind ein Muss für kleine Gruselfreunde. Mit dabei sind u.a. »Dracula Rock« und »Zehn kleine Fledermäuse« von Fredrik Vahle, »In einem tiefen, dunklen Wald« von Paul Maar, »Die Gespenster« von Dimiter Inkiow oder »Hexenküche« von Max Kruse. Bekannte Autoren und Liedermacher sorgen für die perfekte akustische Kulisse auf Halloweenfesten und Gruselpartys. 1. Ansage 0'33 2. Dracula Rock von Fredrik Vahle 2´30 3. In einem tiefen, dunklen Wald von Paul Maar 14'05 4. Hexenküche von Max Kruse 0'25 5. Lied: Kleine Hexen von Rudi Mika 2'41 6. Die zwei Superhexen von Maja von Vogel 8'24 7. Lied: Das Gespensterkind von Fredrik Vahle 3'17 8. Mit nachtgespenstergroßen Augen von Gina Ruck-Pauquèt 4'34 9. Lied: Gruselig von Georg Feils und Rudi Mika 3´05 10. Die Gespenster von Dimiter Inkiow 4'22 11. Zottelkopf, der verwirrte Zauberer von Sandra Grimm 8'43 12. Fledermaus und Burggespenst von Günter Frorath und Rudi Mika 2´47 13. Halloween und das Haus der Gruselwesen von Sandra Grimm 11'22 14. Der Zwölf-Elf von Christian Morgenstern 1'15 15. Lied: Zehn kleine Fledermäuse von Fredrik Vahle 3´04 16. Ein Gespenst zieht um von Petra Milde 4'22 17. Lied: Vampirtanz von Rudi Mika 2´50

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2001

        Der Mut zu reden

        Eine Mafia-Geschichte

        by Basso, Gina

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Menschen mit Behinderung in ihrer Trauer begleiten

        Ein theoriegeleitetes Praxisbuch

        by Gina Krause

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