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      • The Shoestring Publisher

        The Shoestring Publisher is an independent publisher of illustrated books on India’s history and cultural heritage, with a particular focus on the visual arts including architecture, fine art, design, film, photography and textiles.   Founded by Meera Ahuja in 2006, it has received the Indian Tourism Award for Excellence in Publishing for its panoramic limited editions The Monumental India Book (acclaimed as one of the world’s ten best coffee-table books of 2009) and The Sacred India Book. Its most recent publications are America: Films from Elsewhere (2019) and the monograph Mrinalini Mukherjee, published in conjunction with the exhibition “Phenomenal Nature: Mrinalini Mukherjee” at The Met Breuer, NY, in 2019.   Shoestring’s numerous international co-editions include The Monumental India Book (Citadelles & Mazenod, 2007; Schirmer Mosel Verlag, 2008; The Vendome Press, 2008; and Constable & Robinson, 2008), Western Artist and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design (Thames & Hudson, 2013) and Mughal Architecture and Gardens (Antique Collectors’ Club, 2011; and Éditions de La Martinière, 2013).

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2016

        Electoral competition in Ireland since 1987

        by Gary Murphy

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2010

        The Material Renaissance


        by Michelle O'Malley, Christopher Breward, Evelyn Welch, Bill Sherman

        Despite the recent interests of economic and art historians in the workings of the market, we still know remarkably little about the everyday context for the exchange of objects and the meaning of demand in the lives of individuals in the Renaissance. Nor do we have much sense of the relationship between the creation and purchase of works of art and the production, buying and selling of other types of objects in Italy in the period. The material Renaissance addresses these issues of economic and social life. It develops the analysis of demand, supply and exchange first proposed by Richard Goldthwaite in his ground-breaking Wealth and the demand for art in Renaissance Italy, and expands our understanding of the particularities of exchange in this consumer-led period. Considering food, clothing and every-day furnishings, as well as books, goldsmiths' work, altarpieces and other luxury goods, the book draws on contemporary archival material to explore pricing, to investigate production from the point of view of demand, and to look at networks of exchange that relied not only on money but also on credit, payment in kind and gift giving. The material Renaissance establishes the dynamic social character of exchange. It demonstrates that the cost of goods, including the price of the most basic items, was largely contingent upon on the relationship between buyer and seller, shows that communities actively sought new goods and novel means of production long before Colbert encouraged such industrial enterprise in France and reveals the wide ownership of objects, even among the economically disadvantaged. ;

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        The Arts
        September 2017

        Performing Presence

        Between the live and the simulated

        by Maria M. Delgado, Gabriella Giannachi, Nick Kaye, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels

        Performing presence: Between the live and the simulated proposes that the advent of new media forms, and the increasing integration of contemporary performance and media, has generated new engagements, practices and understandings of presence. Addressing new media art and performance, multi-media theatre, video installation, mixed reality environments and locative arts, the book presents case studies of work by Lynn Hershman Leeson, Paul Sermon, Gary Hill, Tony Oursler, The Builders Association and Blast Theory, as well as analyses of a series of related experiments created for CAVE, an immersive virtual reality environment. Performing presence combines extensive analysis, and extracts from interviews with the artists, as well as the documentation of elements of work and working processes, in order to provide specific insight into these engagements with contemporary practices and concepts presence.

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        Industrial / commercial art & design
        April 2017

        History through material culture

        by Series edited by Simon Trafford, Leonie Hannan, Sarah Longair

        History through material culture is a unique, step-by-step guide for students and researchers who wish to use objects as historical sources. Responding to the significant, scholarly interest in historical material culture studies, this book makes clear how students and researchers ready to use these rich material sources can make important, valuable and original contributions to history. Written by two experienced museum practitioners and historians, the book recognises the theoretical and practical challenges of this approach and offers clear advice on methods to get the best out of material culture research. With a focus on the early modern and modern periods, this volume draws on examples from across the world and demonstrates how to use material culture to answer a range of enquiries, including social, economic, gender, cultural and global history.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        The emergence of footballing cultures

        by Gary James

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        History of art & design styles: c 1600 to c 1800
        October 2014

        Material goods, moving hands

        Perceiving production in England, 1700–1830

        by Kate Smith

        In eighteenth-century Britain, greater numbers of people entered the marketplace and bought objects in ever-greater quantities. As consumers rather than producers, how did their understandings of manufacturing processes and the material world change? Material goods and moving hands combines material culture and visual culture approaches to explore the different ways in which manufacturers and retailers presented production to consumers during the eighteenth century. It shows how new relationships with production processes encouraged consumers, retailers, designers, manufacturers and workers to develop conflicting understandings of production. Objects then were not just markers of fashion and taste, they acted as important conduits through which people living in Georgian Britain could examine and discuss their material world and the processes and knowledge that rendered it.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2011

        Performing Presence

        Between the live and the simulated

        by Gabriella Giannachi, Nick Kaye, Maria M. Delgado, Maggie B. Gale, Peter Lichtenfels

        Performing presence: Between the live and the simulated proposes that the advent of new media forms, and the increasing integration of contemporary performance and media, has generated new engagements, practices and understandings of presence. Addressing new media art and performance, multi-media theatre, video installation, mixed reality environments and locative arts, the book presents case studies of work by Lynn Hershman Leeson, Paul Sermon, Gary Hill, Tony Oursler, The Builders Association and Blast Theory, as well as analyses of a series of related experiments created for CAVE, an immersive virtual reality environment. Performing presence combines extensive analysis, and extracts from interviews with the artists, as well as the documentation of elements of work and working processes, in order to provide specific insight into these engagements with contemporary practices and concepts presence. This book will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners of theatre and performance, contemporary art, media, new media and technology. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2004

        Theatre and religion

        Lancastrian Shakespeare

        by Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Richard Wilson

        This important collection of essays focuses on the place of Roman Catholicism in early modern England, bringing new perspectives to bear on whether Shakespeare himself was Catholic. In the Introduction, Richard Wilson reviews the history of the debate over Shakespeare's religion, while Arthur Marotti and Peter Milward offer current perspectives on the subject. Eamon Duffy offers a historian's view of the nature of Elizabethan Catholicism, complemented by Frank Brownlow's study of Elizabeth's most brutal enforcer of religious policy, Richard Topcliffe. Two key Catholic controversialists are addressed by Donna Hamilton (Richard Vestegan) and Jean-Christophe Mayer (Robert Parsons). Robert Miola opens up the neglected field of Jesuit drama in the period, whilst Sonia Fielitz specifically proposes a new, Jesuit source-text for Timon of Athens. Carol Enos (As You Like It), Margaret Jones-Davies (Cymbeline), Gerard Kilroy (Hamlet) and Randall Martin (Henry VI 3) read individual plays in the light of these questions, while Gary Taylor's essay fittingly investigates the possible influence of religious conflicts on the publication of the Shakespeare First Folio. Theatre and religion: Lancastrian Shakespeare as a whole represents a major intervention in this fiercely contested current debate. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Starlite Terrace

        by Patrick Roth

        Starlite Terrace – so heißt ein altes Apartmentgebäude um einen beleuchteten Swimmingpool in Los Angeles. Im Laufe eines Jahres erzählen vier seiner Bewohner – Rex, Moss, Gary und June – ihre aufeinander bezogenen Geschichten. Der Mann an Noahs Fenster, Rex, erzählt scheinbar nur von seinem Vater, der Gary Cooper in »Zwölf Uhr mittags« gedoubelt haben soll, aber er kündigt auch den »Tod des Königs«, das Ende unserer Zeit und des herrschenden Bewußtseins an. – Moss McCloud, der in Angst vor dem nächsten Holocaust lebt, erwartet in Sonnenfinsternis den Besuch seiner Tochter, die vor vierzig Jahren in New York entführt worden war und deren Spur er bis nach Los Angeles folgte. – Gary, ein Schlagzeuger und christlicher Fundamentalist, der den Turtles-Hit »Happy Together« in den sechziger Jahren gespielt haben könnte, sucht in Reiter auf dem Sturm einen Weg aus persönlicher Schuld, sich durch Liebe im Untergang noch zu retten. – Und Die Frau im Sternenmeer, June, Ex-Sekretärin in Hollywood, deren Mann sie zur Zeit ihrer größten Krise mit einem Starlet namens Marilyn Monroe betrog, überlebt das Leben. Neugeboren taucht sie aus ihrer Asche im Pool des Starlite Terrace hervor.In vier Geschichtskaskaden entfaltet Patrick Roth eine Welt, in die das Unerwartete einbricht und auf seltsam eigene Weise die Wirk-lichkeit verwandelt, die eben noch definiert und festzustehen schien. Starlite Terrace erzählt von Wundern im Alltäglichen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Conservatism, Christian Democracy and the dynamics of transformation

        Traditions, cooperation and influence in North-West Europe, 1945-91

        by Gary Love, Christian Egander Skov

        Conservatism, Christian Democracy, and the Dynamics of Transformation compares the centre-right political traditions of Britain, the Nordic countries, France, West Germany, and Austria and looks for evidence of political cooperation and influence across borders during the period 1945-90. The book explores howa variety of intellectuals, politicians, and political parties transformed their politics in response to major economic, social, and political challenges and seeks to explain why conservatives and Christian democrats came to feel that they belonged to a wider centre-right political family by the end of this period. It also examines why these political traditions found it difficult to cooperate with each other after the Second World War and why they decided to invest more political capital in inter-party relations and wider transnational projects from the 1960s. As the book shows, these developments resulted in two new centre-right internationals: the European Democrat Union and the International Democrat Union.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2012

        Die Unermesslichkeit

        by David Vann, Miriam Mandelkow

        Gary und Irene wollen sich ein letztes Mal zusammenraufen, ihre verkorkste Ehe retten, nicht jeder für sich zugrunde gehen. Gary hatte einst einen Traum: Sie lebten in einer einfachen Holzhütte auf Caribou Island, einer kleinen Insel vor Alaska, sie waren glücklich, die Schrecken der Vergangenheit hatten sie hinter sich gelassen. Während eines Unwetters machen sie sich auf den Weg. Schon kurz nach ihrer Ankunft packt Irene die Angst. Sie sind schlecht vorbereitet, um sie herum ragt die Wildnis, gewaltig, unbarmherzig und von undurchdringlicher Schönheit. Als der Winter kommt, treibt die Einsamkeit der Insel das Paar immer weiter auseinander, Beklemmung stürzt um in Wut. Auch ihre Tochter Rhoda, die mit ihrem eigenen Leben, ihrer eigenen Beziehung alle Hände voll zu tun hat, vermag die beiden nicht zu beruhigen. Hingebungsvoll, aber hilflos muss sie vom Festland aus zusehen, wie ihre Eltern sich langsam, aber sicher zerfleischen. 'Die Unermesslichkeit' erzählt eine dunkle, wahrhaftige Geschichte von den Kämpfen zwischen Mann und Frau – ein packendes Meisterwerk über die letzte Gewissheit, dass wir uns selbst nicht entrinnen können.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2021

        Crafting identities

        Artisan culture in London, c. 1550–1640

        by Jasmine Kilburn-Toppin, Christopher Breward, James Ryan

        Crafting identities explores artisanal identity and culture in early modern London. It demonstrates that the social, intellectual and political status of London's crafts and craftsmen were embedded in particular material and spatial contexts. Through examination of a wide range of manuscript, visual and material culture sources, the book investigates for the first time how London's artisans physically shaped the built environment of the city and how the experience of negotiating urban spaces impacted directly on their distinctive individual and collective identities. Applying an innovative and interdisciplinary methodology to the examination of artisanal cultures, the book engages with the fields of social and cultural history and the histories of art, design and architecture. It will appeal to scholars of early modern social, cultural and urban history, as well as those interested in design and architectural history.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2025

        Strange matter

        Medieval disruptions of time

        by Martin Bleisteiner, Jan-Peer Hartmann, Andrew James Johnston

        Medieval and early modern texts reflect a fascination with material objects, from ancient heirlooms to ingenious automata. Often imbued with power or beauty, these objects carry an uncanny sense of otherness, their mysterious origins evoking wonder and suggesting temporal and spatial distance. Acting as repositories of temporal alterity, such artefacts bridge the past and present in profound ways. This volume, featuring contributions from experts in literature and art history, explores how texts from these periods use material objects to engage with temporal otherness. From everyday items to marvellous creations, objects challenge distinctions between human and material, natural and cultural. Whether examining the hybrid status of Hector's body in Lydgate's Troy Book or the temporal agency of humble bubbles, the chapters illuminate the vibrant networks connecting people and objects. By highlighting the 'hybridity' of matter, the book offers fresh insights into Bruno Latour's critique of nature-culture divides.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Reporting the Raj

        The British Press and India, c.1880–1922

        by Chandrika Kaul

        This book is the first analysis of the dynamics of British press reporting of India and the attempts made by the British Government to manipulate press coverage as part of a strategy of imperial control. The press was an important forum for debate over the future of India and was used by significant groups within the political elite to advance their agendas. Focuses on a period which represented a critical transitional phase in the history of the Raj, witnessing the impact of the First World War, major constitutional reform initiatives, the tragedy of the Amritsar massacre, and the launching of Gandhi's mass movement. Asserts that the War was a watershed in official media manipulation and in the aftermath of the conflict the Government's previously informal and ad hoc attempts to shape press reporting were placed on a more formal basis.

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