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      • Reading Luxembourg

        Reading Luxembourg is Luxembourg's export programme. Beyond the annual national stand at Frankfurt Book Fair, Reading Luxembourg is in charge of various missions, such as the presence at other fairs, festivals and literary events, a training offer for professionals of the book and publishing sector and strategic support to foreign rights sales. Reading Luxembourg is linking up publishers and authors from Luxembourg with stakeholders on an international level and providing information on available translation and publication grants.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors

        Ein lässiger Generationenroman aus Indien

        by Aravind Jayan, Daniel Beskos

        Es ist mehr als nur ein neues Auto. Für Appa und Amma der indischen Kleinfamilie beglaubigt der weiße Honda Civic – »Weiß ist gut. Das wirkt sauber« – den Aufstieg. Mittelschicht, harter Arbeit Lohn, die Kinder werden es mal besser haben. Natürlich sollen die Nachbarn das sehen! Doch Sreenath, ihr Ältester, verhält sich seltsam, kommt nicht mal runter in die Einfahrt, und sehr bald wissen sie und ihr Jüngster sowieso: Ein Video ist aufgetaucht, eins von Sreenath und seiner Freundin, auf einer dieser Seiten. Seit Jahren sind sie ein Paar, trotzdem bedeutet dieses heimlich gefilmte Video eine unerhörte Schande, und eine sagenhafte Eskalation nimmt seinen Lauf … Teen Couple Have Fun Outdoors ist ein beißender Generationenroman aus Indien. Aravind Jayan erzählt darin mit der Lässigkeit der Jungen von Scham, Repression und Tradition im Angesicht von Klasse, Sex, dem Internet. Und doch beschreibt er mit Zärtlichkeit eine Heimat, die fortwährend mit der eigenen Modernisierung kämpft.

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        June 2005

        Bunter Lern-Spiel-Spass für Vorschulkinder

        Zählspiele, Buchstabenrätsel und Knobeleien

        by Arena Verlag

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        July 2021

        Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber

        by Fox & Sheep, Thies Schwarz

        Begleite Familie Knister auf ein aufregendes neues Abenteuer in „Kleine Feuerwehr. Drunter und drüber“, dem zweiten Band der beliebten Kinderbuchreihe, inspiriert von der erfolgreichen Kinder-App von Fox & Sheep. Dieses Mal erwartet die Familie Knister hochspannende Gäste aus China: eine Feuerwehrmannschaft! Doch die Überraschung ist groß, als die Besucher aus Fernost ganz anders aussehen, als man es erwartet hätte. Sind das wirklich Feuerwehrleute? Ohne gemeinsame Sprache entsteht ein buntes Durcheinander, das Familie Knister und ihre Gäste von einem verrückten Abenteuer ins nächste führt. Witzige Missverständnisse und spannende Herausforderungen warten auf die ungewöhnliche Truppe, die trotz aller Unterschiede zeigt, wie Freundschaft und Zusammenarbeit Barrieren überwinden können. Thematisiert die Begegnung zwischen unterschiedlichen Kulturen auf humorvolle Weise und hebt die Bedeutung von Offenheit und Verständnis hervor. Abenteuerliche Reise voller unerwarteter Wendungen, die Jung und Alt gleichermaßen begeistert. Integrierte Bastelbögen laden zum kreativen Spielen ein. Kinder können ihr eigenes Feuerwehrauto bauen und eine Feuerwache gestalten, um die Geschichte lebendig werden zu lassen. So lassen sich Sprachbarrieren überwinden: Charaktere finden trotz fehlender gemeinsamer Sprache Wege, miteinander zu kommunizieren und zu kooperieren. Reich illustrierte Seiten und ausklappbare Elemente fördern die Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität junger Leser. Eine Geschichte, die zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, einander zu helfen, zusammenzustehen und gemeinsam Lösungen zu finden.

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        LIKE, WHAT?Graphical Teasers for Young Readers

        by Gideon Bar Sinai

        Like many adults, children are naturally inquisitive. They easily grasp principles, find challenges, and enjoy dealing with them; but how do you encourage their curiosity? When they come upon such an original book, it is like a treasure chest of surprises: colorful, intelligent, and fascinating. This is a unique concept, primarily intended to entertain young and adult readers alike. The utilization and encouragement of their natural curiosity enhance the book's enjoyment. The entire series contains 81 multicolor graphical teasers that cover a rich and diverse world of events. Each teaser conceals a riddle, where its discovery is a challenge within itself. While attempting to decipher the mystery, the reader develops an expertise in creative and investigative thinking, as well as abstraction, spatial perception, and imagination. Author Gideon Bar-Sinai explains: “The book goes beyond stimulating the readers' curiosity and desire to investigate, confronting them with the complexity of our world. It clarifies that the world is not as simple and structured as suggest most psychometric books, which are the dogmatic, one-dimensional antithesis of Like, What?” This brilliant series expands the reader’s imagination with the colorfulness and humor invested in it; although containing but a few words, it provides the young readers – and their parents who have not yet lost their natural curiosity – with entertainment, learning, insight, and enjoyment. As a universal book without words, it transcends the barriers of age, language, and culture, and makes for an ideal gift. A sequel with 27 additional graphic teasers will be published soon. Gideon Bar-Sinai, 49, married and father of three, former pilot with a B.Sc. in computer sciences, worked for many years in software development and held senior management positions in several Hi-tech companies. Like, What? is the first volume in this original series of graphic-teaser books.

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        June 2008

        Mrs. Fox will wieder heim

        Wie ich die Amerikaner verstehen und die Deutschen lieben lernte

        by Fox, Sabrina

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        Children's & YA

        Whiz - The Kid Who Loved to Run

        by Olesia Keshelia-Isak (Author), Olha Dehtiariova (Illustrator)

        This is a funny and touching story about running, love, friendship, and support. It is about getting to know oneself and the world that surrounds us.The main character Theo cannot sit still and loves to run, just like his mother, for whom running is an essential part of her life. Theo knows a lot about runners, and yet, as he is getting ready to participate in a race, countless questions emerge in his head. What does it take to become a champion? How does one learn to always be first? And most importantly — how and when to reveal to his mom the secret that explains why he is always so hyper energetic. In addition to the fictional story, the book contains useful information and tips: what young runners should eat, how to choose comfortable sneakers, what pulse is and why it is important to measure it, what marathons, halfmarathons and children’s races are, and how to join them... Lastly, the book comes with a tangible prize that every young reader is going to love: upon finishing it, they are all guaranteed to get a medal!     From 6 to 9 years, 5980 words Rightsholders:

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        Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Yoga with Cats

        by Maria van Bruggen

        Do you need an inspiration for your daily exercises, perhaps an intuitive message to raise your mood, and most importantly, to connect with your furry friends? Yoga with Cats, with its 33 exercises, will do all that and bring a smile to your face. Cats are your best friends and they are the true yoga masters. Take their help to pick up your yoga routine. Shuffle the pages and choose a pose, and enjoy yourself! Laugh and have as much fun as possible with your furry friends on your yoga journey. Yoga with Cats offers a unique experience to children and adults alike, a divinely funny book that cat lovers of all ages will adore.

      • Trusted Partner

        International Chess is So Much Fun!

        by Colorful Zebra

        This engaging book serves as a comprehensive guide to chess, featuring 10 interactive spreads. It delves into over 100 topics on chess history, culture, etiquette, rules, basic techniques, and stories. Presented through dynamic formats such as pop-ups and pull-tabs, the book is designed to captivate young readers. These interactive elements aim to enhance key skills, including concentration, observation, logical thinking, spatial reasoning, expression, and computational abilities. Most importantly, they create a relaxed learning environment where children can easily grasp chess fundamentals. Additionally, supportive chess video animations and audio stories are available to enrich the learning experience.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

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