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        Alfonso Bonzo

        Eine verrückte Tauschgeschichte

        by Davies, Andrew

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        January 1992

        Piero della Francesca: Madonna de Parto

        Kunst, Politik und Devotion

        by Walter, Ingeborg

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2000

        The world of El Cid

        Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest

        by Rosemary Horrox, Simon Maclean

        Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fasincating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The world of El Cid

        Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest

        by Simon Barton, Richard Fletcher

        Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fascinating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes.

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        Todavía la Mitad del día y otros relatos (Still the Middle of the Day and Other Stories)

        by Alfredo Galiano

        This book is a collection of stories where are treated some topics of the contemporary reality of Cuba. His author is Alfredo Galiano a cuban writer who won some important Literary Prizes like "Hermanos Loynaz", "Cirilo Villaverde" and the International Literary Prize "Premio de Relato Alfonso Sancho Sáenz".

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        January 1998

        Bertolt Brechts »Terzinen über die Liebe«

        by Bertolt Brecht, Jan Knopf

        Der vorliegende Band dokumentiert, daß Kunst vermag, »die Schönheit in ihrer reitzenden Gestalt«, wie Johann Jacob Bodmer 1741 zu Dantes Francesca-Darstellung formulierte, so abzuschildern, »als ob der Vorwurf derselben in der nackenden Natur vor Sinnen geleget wäre«. Die Schönheit von Brechts Versen, ihre nachhaltige Wirkung und der Vergleich mit lyrischen Bearbeitungen desselben Stoffs aus sechs Jahrhunderten beweisen: die Terzinen über die Liebe gehören ins Pantheon der Weltliteratur.

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        January 1968



        by Antonio Benedetto, Curt Meyer-Clason

        Die 1964 in Buenos Aires erschienene Erzählung El silenciero von Antonio Di Benedetto handelt von einem Mann, der besessen ist von dem Verlangen nach Stille und der schließlich, als Brandstifter verdächtigt, im Gefängnis landet. Überraschend an dieser Prosa ist der völlige Verzicht auf Episoden, die Reduktion der Schilderung auf Aussagesätze, deren hervorstehendes Merkmal der Lakonismus ist. »Vor Jahren, als in Frankreich noch kein Mensch vom nouveau roman sprach, nahm Antonio Di Benedetto mit seinen ersten Erzählungen das Programm dieser neuen Literatur vorweg.« Alfonso Sola Gonzáles

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020


        Mein Kuschel-Fühlbuch

        by Ferri, Francesca

        Spielen, schauen und begreifen - das lieben Babys! Erste Tierillustrationen in leuchtenden Farben zum Betrachten, kunterbunte Laschen zum Befühlen, eine spannende Knisterseite und eine Rassel zum Spielen und Lauschen - damit werden die Kuschel-Fühlbücher zu allerersten Lieblingsbüchern für die Kleinsten.

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      • Trusted Partner
        June 2007

        Décrire et comprendre le sacrifice

        Les réflexions des Romains sur leur propre religion à partir de la littérature antiquaire

        by Prescendi, Francesca

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        January 1970

        Die Mezzogiorno-Politik.

        Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Agrar- und Infrastrukturpolitik.

        by Schinzinger, Francesca

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        February 2004

        I frammenti di Aristarco di Samotracia negli etimologici bizantini

        Etymologicum Genuinum, Magnum, Symeonis, Megalae Grammatikae, Zonarae Lexicon. Introduzione, edizione critica e commento

        by Schironi, Francesca

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