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      • Five Quills London

        At Five Quills we believe reading should be fun and that humour and lively illustrations are key to developing life long readers. This is why our high-quality picture books and young fiction titles for children aged 3-9 years have well crafted, action-packed stories at their centre, integrated with engaging, imaginative pictures throughout.    We take great pride in introducing readers to the fascinating world of science from a very young age. Our new eco-adventure series Lottie Loves Nature and the extremely successful Al's Awesome Science books draw in young readers with humorous stories about friendship and family, and fun, hands-on science experiments they can easily do at home. Lottie and Al encourage children to explore the natural world and help them understand that science is not confined to the classroom - it is everywhere!

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        Parasitology (non-medical)
        February 2006


        The Enigmatic Parasite

        by Edited by Celia V Holland, Huw V Smith

        Toxocara is a parasitic helminth worm which continues to stimulate both public concern and scientific interest. Toxocara canis and T.cati, the most studied species, are gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and cats and their eggs can contaminate the environment, thus exposing humans and other mammals and birds to infection. Many questions remain unanswered about the host-parasite relationship, its epidemiology and public health significance. Veterinarians and clinicians are interested in its importance as a zoonosis. The parasite's capacity to cause ocular disease is of concern to ophthalmologists, while its propensity to stimulate allergic manifestations is of interest to allergologists, dermatologists and respiratory medicine specialists. Furthermore Toxocara provides a unique model system to explore questions in parasite biology.This book provides a comprehensive review of Toxocara and the disease it causes known as toxocariasis.

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        Classic fiction (pre c 1945)

        The Girl with a Teddy Bear. Doctor Seraficus

        by V. Domontovych

        This book contains two of the most famous works of V. Domontovych. One of them is an engaging and somewhat extravagant novel The Girl with a Teddy Bear that describes the love of a sagacious teacher and his rebellious student. The novel is also a brilliant example of intellectual prose about the changing cultural orientations and the tragic personal conflict of a person destined to live in the time of change. The second one is Doctor Seraficus. It is the story of a strange and infantile ascetic professor who preaches a peculiar sort of “Don Juanism in reverse”: the desire to love all women and denounce all of them simultaneously.

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        Thirst for Music

        by V. Domontovych

        A secret agent of Soviet intelligence and a bohemian modernist, a Berlin-based professor and theologian, a man in a German officer’s uniform, and a recluse archeologist studying Trypillian culture — should someone write a fictionalised biography of Viktor Petrov, such a book would be no less than a page-turning spy novel. But while the government archives refuse to provide information about this extraordinary person, a new edition of Domontovych’s works opens up his world for readers. The book reflects describes the dramatic contrast of the time he lived in, raging emotions and lurking passions. Vincent van Gogh and Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke and Vaclav Rzhevsky come to life in this novel. V. Domontovych's literary texts are vivid examples of twentieth-century intellectual prose that fascinate readers today.

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        Über die Zwangsneurose

        Studie zur Psychodynamik des Charakters und der Symptomatik. Anmerkungen zur psychoanalytischen Behandlung

        by Quint, Hans

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        December 1971

        Souveränitätsbegriff und Souveränitätspolitik in Bayern.

        Von der Mitte des 17. bis zur ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts.

        by Quint, Wolfgang

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Das Meerbuch

        by Matthias Reiner, Quint Buchholz

        Am Anfang stellte das Meer für den Menschen eine unüberschreitbare Grenze dar. Eine Überfahrt schien nicht vorstellbar oder war lebensgefährlich. Homers Odysseus kehrte erst nach vielen Jahren und Abenteuern zurück zu Penelope. Moses musste mit seinem Stab die Wogen des Roten Meers teilen, um sein Volk ins gelobte Land führen zu können, Platons sagenhafte Insel Atlantis oder Thomas Morus‘ Utopia wurden zu sprichwörtlichen Mythen des unbekannten und wunderbaren Landes jenseits des großen Wassers. Später ermöglichte die moderne Schifffahrt die Entdeckung unbekannter Länder und die Aussicht auf lukrativen Handel, heute ist das Meer gleichzeitig touristische Verheißung und Hauptweg weltweiter Migration. Die Geschichten und Gedichte in dem vorliegenden Band führen die Leser zu Sindbad dem Seefahrer ebenso wie zu Judith Schalanskys Atlas der abgelegenen Inseln, Defoes Robinson und Freitag oder Lutz Seilers Kruso. Und Quint Buchholz hat dieses maritime Geschenkbuch mit seinen unverwechselbaren Bildern versehen.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        Die Unausstehlichen & ich - Die Welt ist voller Wunder

        by Walder, V.

        The Unbearables & Me – A World Full of Wonders (Vol. 3)   Life Saaks – well it depends on what you make out of it     • A narrative that will get under your skin! • A new secret to be discovered in every volume • Enni uses swear words and crosses them out - absolutely authentic, yet funny! • For boys and girls! • By an international film professional and best-selling author from Austria (translation grant guaranteed!)     What happens in Volume 3: Enni feels at home at Saaks luxury boarding school for the first time in years. She has found real joy in the other “Unbearables", has good teachers and her own room. . . For her, Saaks might as well keep it’s secrets. Only they're connected to Dante and his family. When Dante asks Enni for help, she doesn't hesitate and comes up with a daring plan: to find out more, they must go to Munich, where the foundation that pays Enni and Dante's tuition is located. So they get their teacher to take them to the upcoming theatre festival in Munich. Once again, it's the kids' supposed handicaps that help them win. And so Dante and Enni, after fleeing from their watchmen and a breathtaking chase, are finally sitting in front of the people who have all the answers: the firm’s employees. But instead of revealing who they work for, who Dante’s father is, and who pays for Enni and Dante’s school fees, they tell Dante what Enni has kept secret from everyone: she will leave Saaks and move back to her mother. After the first shock, the friends react understandingly and are happy for Enni. But during the play, Enni still meets Dante’s mysterious father, who turns out to be something completely unexpected. He makes Enni realize that this school is a great opportunity for her and that after years of being a lone wolf, she can ask her parents to be there for her for once. So Enni has to decide whether to ask her father to let her stay in Saaks. But then she has to tell him the whole story…

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        Von Mut und Meer


        by Fox, Phoebe

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Sonja Fehling

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        History of medicine
        September 2013

        Framing the moron

        by Gerald V. O'Brien

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        November 2012

        Die Plünderung des Yuanming yuan

        Imperiale Beutenahme im britisch-französischen Chinafeldzug von 1860

        by Eben v. Racknitz, Ines

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1978

        Kritik der Literatursoziologie

        by Peter V. Zima

        In den Aufsätzen dieses Bandes werden die Methoden insbesondere der empirischen und der traditionalen marxistischen Literatursoziologie kritisiert. Im Gegenzug und in Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Methoden skizziert Zima ein literatursoziologisches Verfahren, das sich, semiotisch gerüstet, auf die Textstruktur einläßt, d.h. literarische Texte angemessen: als literarische, soziologisch zu verstehen sucht. Zima stützt sich dabei auf Konzepte einerseits des Formalismus und des Strukturalismus, andererseits auf die Ästhetik Th. W. Adornos.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2000

        Ways of Knowing

        A new history of science, technology and medicine

        by John V. Pickstone, Martin Hargreaves

        Discusses the historical development of science, technology and medicine in Western Europe and North America from the Renaissance to the present. Identifies four principle ways of knowing within specific periods: natural history in the eighteenth century analysis following the French Revolution experiment in the epoch of modernism the current presence of technoscience. Balances the historical exposition of natural magic and natural theology with a philosophical interpretation of the Scientific Revolution and reflective comments on Foucault and Collingwood. Strikes a balance between theoretical discussion and empirical illustration. Redefines the geography of science, technology and medicine. ;

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