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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2017


        by Aydemir, Fatma

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Drei Weihnachts-Lamas in Gefahr

        by Pestum, Jo

        Der neue Weihnachtskrimi von Jo Pestum: In 24 spannenden Kapiteln durch den Advent Die Freunde Danny, Paul, Jana und Fatma trauen ihren Augen nicht. Mitten im Dezember entdecken sie drei Lamas in freier Wildbahn! Sofort gehen die Hobbydetektive der Sache auf den Grund und finden heraus: In den Stall der Tiere wurde eingebrochen! Hat das etwas mit den rätselhaften Diebstählen zu tun, die in der Stadt für Aufregung sorgen? Gina, die Besitzerin der Lamas verhält sich verdächtig. Die vier Detektive wollen aufdecken, ob Gina mit der Diebesbande unter einer Decke steckt, und nehmen die Ermittlungen auf. Warum trägt Ginas Bruder als Paketbote Weihnachtspäckchen aus, obwohl die Familie doch das kleine Café am Waldrand betreibt? Um den Fall zu lösen, müssen die Freunde den drei Lamas in den geheimnisvollen Winterwald folgen … Damit vergeht die Zeit bis Weihnachten wie im Flug: Krimispannung zum Miträtseln von Jo Pestum. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln mit perforierten Seiten zum Auftrennen. Ideal zum Selberlesen ab 10 Jahren, aber auch zum Vorlesen für gemütliche Lesestunden im Advent für die ganze Familie. Liebevoll illustriert von Carmen Hochmann. Das ideale Geschenk für den Advent und die Vorweihnachtszeit. Weitere Bände der Reihe: Spuk in der Weihnachtswerkstatt. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Eine diebische Weihnachtsbescherung. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln Die Christbaumräuber. Ein Weihnachtskrimi in 24 Kapiteln

      • Trusted Partner
      • Rookie Inspector 2

        by Esra Avgören

        Fatma and Ali are involved in a brawl at school and Ali gets really sad because of this. Fatma consoles Ali as a good friend. This incident is being forgotten soon at school because everyone starts thinking about the week of domestic goods. But Fatma sees the week of domestic goods is deviating from its purpose. And she shares her feelings with Ali about this problem. Ali has had a great idea. They want to create a brochure about the hunger in the world and they will distribute them at school. Two friends get started working on it quickly. Meanwhile something unexpected happens. The food exhibition which is prepared for the domestic goods week was messed up by some people. The principal summons Ali and Fatma about this and he thinks they did this. Ali wants permission to prove that they did not do this. Fatma and Ali inspect the spoiling incident that happened in the exhibition. And they find who is guilty and tell the manager with details

      • Rookie Inspector 3

        by Esra Avgören

        Fatma was thinking that she had a fun weekend. Firstly she finished her homework. She needed a calculator to check her math homework. She asked permission from her mother to take her brother’s calculator. Her mother permitted but although she rummaged the room, she couldn’t find it. A genius idea popped into her head. She was going to take her brother’s tablet and use its calculator, read a book, watch a video. Then she was going to sleep. She went to school after waking up with a tablet in her hand, dizzy. Of course, she didn’t forget to put the tablet into her bag. After a boring class of the new Turkish teacher, she ran out to the garden as soon as she heard the break bell. But when she came back, she found her bag open and saw it was empty. The tablet was gone. This was such an awful situation. How was it stolen when no one saw the tablet? Her best friend, Ali was, immediately came to help. They’ve got two clues; the thief was left-handed and a short yarn part. They checked everyone in the school canteen to find out whom the yarn part belongs to. And of course, they found out the thief shortly after. Fatma got off cheap this time.

      • The Red Motorcycle

        by Fatma Akerson

        The Red Motorcycle is made up of three narratives “The Red Motorcycle,” “The Tiny Footprints of a Girl on Sand” and “Belakane.”The first story, “The Red Motorcycle” consists of ten letters written by the narrator in retrospective. They are addressed to an Italian friend who, although a foreigner, is familiar with the Mediterranean.The second story, “The Tiny Footsteps of a Girl on Sand” tells of an aged man, who has fallen desperately in love with a very young woman. Following the footprints of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian king (ca 2000 BC) he attempts to reach Utnapishtim, in order to learn the secret of immortality. Anxiously the young woman, now a writer, sets forth to find him.The third story, “Belakane”” begins with a summary of an episode from Eschenbach’s (13th c.) Parcifal. Eschenbach gives an account of how Parcifal’s father, Gachmuret, who was a rich knight in the service of the Chalif, falls in love with the pagan queen Belakane, but then leaves her just before the birth of their child (Feirefiz). Almost seven hundred years later, we find another Belakane in the vicinity of Beirut.All three stories have a rather “cool” style. The writing never turns pathetic, idioms of alienation are employed and a certain irony is always present. No scene ends without a note of hope.

      • Education

        Islam and Higher Education in Transitional Societies

        by Seggie, F. N.

        Islam and Higher Education in Transitional Societies explores and illuminates the intersection of Islam and higher education in changing societies. The critical question explored in this book is, what role does Islam play in higher education in transitional societies? This book presents research conducted in geographic regions that are generally under-researched including Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and where the place of Islam in higher education is often not well-explored. Because higher education is embedded in the cultural, social, economic and political contexts of particular countries, it is important to examine the role of Islam in higher education systems in different countries to better grasp how next generation of leaders in these countries will be shaped. Islam and Higher Education in Transitional Societies serves as an important benchmark for understanding Islam and potentially inform policies to transform higher education institutional processes and structures to be responsive to the Muslim world Fatma Nevra Seggie is a faculty member in the Department of Educational Sciences at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey. She received her Ph.D. in the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education Program at Michigan State University, USA. She received her Master of Arts in the Department of English Language Studies and Methods at the University of Warwick, UK and her Bachelor of Arts in the Department of English Language Teaching at the University of Istanbul, Turkey. Her research interests include access in education; gender and identity issues in the Turkish post-secondary education; policy development and analysis in education; and culture and the role of secularism, religion, and democracy in education in Turkey. Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Administration at Michigan State University. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Masters in Labor and Industrial Relations from the same institution, and a B.A. in Economics (magna cum laude) from Ohio Wesleyan University. Her research interests include an examination of race, ethnicity and gender issues in post-secondary education; leadership issues among Black female faculty and administrators; and organizational culture and its impact on historically marginalized groups.

      • Fiction

        The “Extra”

        On running away from the worms of Earth in Egypt

        by Nasser Iraq

        Nasser Iraq continues his probing into the depth of the human soul, through the character of an unknown actor, who dreams of a suitable chance for his great talent, that would take him to the stardom that he deserves.The main character in the novel, Abd ek Maenem, el Said Suddenluy disappears. Through the events, the character surrounding Abdel Moenem El Said, his wife and his daughters “ Fatma” and “Faten”, uncover the details of what happened before he disappears and what happened after this mysterious disappearance. We discover through him the details of his life since his young childhood, where his mother used to send him to bring her lovers, after his father left home to work ; then her killing by his father, when he discovered what she was doing…. Many intertwined details that left him full of complexes and influenced his behavior, but he was able to overcome them and lived a normally life until he faced ultimate chock: the loss of his young child Yehia . He decided to runaway, with no aim, but he starts a new life, with a new name, in a new place where no body knows him.Through his new personality “ El Said”, known now as “ Salama”, continues to recall his memories and interact with the events of his life, until he sees on Tv the picture of his daughter “ Faten” wounded in the events of 25th of January, Revolution. That incident bring him back to his former life, without disclosing his real identity, the. He resumes his running away and his disappearance. After a conflict with drug dealers and a mortal wound, he calls for his wife and his two daughters for a final encounter, before heading to his last-lost- combat with the “ worms of earth.” Nasser Iraq: A Journalist, an author and a Media person, who graduated from the Faculty  of Arts. He published a number of novels : “Times of dust” 2006, “ Because of Love “ 2008, “ The Crown of the hoopoe “ 2012 and his novel “ The Unemployed “ which was short listed for the Arab Booker Award. He also published “ Women of Cairo, Dubai” 2014 and “ Alazbakeya”which has won the big prize of  Katara award.

      • Fiction

        The "Extra"

        On running away from the worms of Earth in Egypt

        by Nasser Iraq

        Nasser Iraq continues his probing into the depth of the human soul, through the character of an unknown actor, who dreams of a suitable chance for his great talent, that would take him to the stardom that he deserves.The main character in the novel, Abd ek Maenem, el Said Suddenluy disappears. Through the events, the character surrounding Abdel Moenem El Said, his wife and his daughters “ Fatma” and “Faten”, uncover the details of what happened before he disappears and what happened after this mysterious disappearance. We discover through him the details of his life since his young childhood, where his mother used to send him to bring her lovers, after his father left home to work ; then her killing by his father, when he discovered what she was doing…. Many intertwined details that left him full of complexes and influenced his behavior, but he was able to overcome them and lived a normally life until he faced ultimate chock: the loss of his young child Yehia . He decided to runaway, with no aim, but he starts a new life, with a new name, in a new place where no body knows him.Through his new personality “ El Said”, known now as “ Salama”, continues to recall his memories and interact with the events of his life, until he sees on Tv the picture of his daughter “ Faten” wounded in the events of 25th of January, Revolution. That incident bring him back to his former life, without disclosing his real identity, the. He resumes his running away and his disappearance. After a conflict with drug dealers and a mortal wound, he calls for his wife and his two daughters for a final encounter, before heading to his last-lost- combat with the “ worms of earth.” Nasser Iraq: A Journalist, an author and a Media person, who graduated from the Faculty  of Arts. He published a number of novels : “Times of dust” 2006, “ Because of Love “ 2008, “ The Crown of the hoopoe “ 2012 and his novel “ The Unemployed “ which was short listed for the Arab Booker Award. He also published “ Women of Cairo, Dubai” 2014 and “ Alazbakeya”which has won the big prize of  Katara award.

      • Romance
        October 2018

        Johanna und Vera

        Eine schicksalhafte Liebe

        by Petra Kania

        Nach der Trennung von Martin führt Johanna eine glückliche Beziehung mit Vera, ihrer großen Liebe. Alles könnte so schön sein ...Als Johanna und Vera aber nach der Hochzeit von Henning und Bernd auf dem Nachhauseweg überfallen werden, werden sie mit üblen Vorurteilen gegenüber Homosexuellen konfrontiert.Im Sommer steht eine Reise an den Lago Maggiore an, die beiden Frauen wollen sich vom Alltagsstress erholen. Wäre da nicht Jennifer, Bernds Tochter, mit von der Partie, die für manchen Wirbel sorgt. Ihr pubertäres Verhalten und der Besuch eines ungebetenen Gastes stellen die Beziehung von Johanna und Vera auf eine harte Bewährungsprobe.

      • Early learning: first word books

        Im Straßenverkehr / Rules of the Road

        by Irene Brischnik / Irene Brischnik

        This title is part of the bilibrini series. These books are recommended for the first contact with a new language and are thematically appropriate for vocabulary-building in pre-school or the early school years. The texts are written in simple, short sentences and include basic vocabulary for a given theme. The word-picture strip on each page depicts key objects from the illustrations for playful vocabulary practice. Vocabulary in this title: traffic safety, signs and rules. For children from 2 years of age.

      • April 2017

        Rookie Inspector 1

        After The Truth

        by Esra Avgören

        Jane Tucker! A girl who becomes irritated by everything and is the craziest of the school. But one day, she was about to be blamed for a crime that she didn’t know anything about. Someoen ruined the painting of Ashley from 10th grade. When this happened, Jane and her class was in art class and because of her bad image, she was the most suspicious person. When she returned home, her mother warned her to not to bring any more complaints home. But she was purely innocent. She decided to find the real criminal and to do this, she needed the help of the smartest guy in the school, Ali Greywolf.It took a little bit long for her to find Ali but when she did, she explained him the entire story (threatened him nicely, too) to help her out to solve the mystery behind the story. Jane and Ali were dedective partners in this case.

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