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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1989

        Die Kartause von Parma

        by Stendhal, Arthur Schurig, Hugo Beyer, Uwe Japp

        Fabrizio gerät in der Nähe von Parma wegen einer hübschen Frau mit deren Begleiter in Händel und ersticht ihn im Kampf. Er wird daraufhin in Haft genommen, entkommt aber auf abenteuerliche Weise aus dem Kerker, der Zitadelle von Parma. Die Liebe zu Clelia Conti, der Tochter des Kerkermeisters, und die liebende Bewunderung der Gina Sanseverina bestimmen den Gang der Geschehnisse vor dem Hintergrund italienischer Städte und Landschaften.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Il grande discorso di Cocco Tartaglia

        by Fabrizio Silei

        Croc Baroque is a shy, very shy crocodile, so shy that when he finds out he has to give a speech at the big international crocodile gathering he goes into a total panic. What to do? Call in sick? Pretend he already has a commitment? Run-away abroad? Or ask the other animals for advice to learn how to overcome emotion?


        by Paolo Cammilli

        In Settimo Naviglio, a grey village on the outskirts of Milan, peopleget bored. Yet a small spark is enough to ignite everything. Breaking the monotony is an old score between a 35-year-old who’s a bit out of shape and a naughty little girl. Carlotta is young, breathtakingly beautiful, proud, and sweet to whoever she wants. Geneva, her bestfriend, is ambitious and willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Together, they feel masters of the world and play with fire. But there is Fabrizio Montagnèr, who daydreams and breaks their balance. All three are bound by a dark secret that forces Guinevere to look down in front of her best friend. Meanwhile a strange feeling begins topulsate between Carlotta and Fabrizio. A tender love or a ruthless game to slaughter?To make everything more murky, two bloody and cruel facts and a truth that resurfaces mercilessly, between desires, memories and obsessions. Between unforgettable love stories and insane passions, dangerous friendships and heinous crimes, "Damned spring" forces us to see the rubble of our country. A society adrift where everything is spectacle. The morbid Italy in which even a miserable village can redeem itself, becoming the stage of evil. A piece of life: mocking, moving and true. A tender and cruel battle between the opposite choices of life, between the ecstasy of revenge and the melancholy of forgiveness, between ferocity and sweetness.

      • Peace studies & conflict resolution
        April 2017

        Kabul and the Challenge of Dwindling Foreign Aid

        by Fabrizio Foschini

        This report delineates recent economical, political, and social trends in Kabul to offer a comprehensive view of Afghanistan’s capital city, its unique role in the country’s life, and the challenges its residents and administrators currently face in a context of dwindling foreign involve- ment, reduced foreign aid, a faltering national economy, and social and political unrest. Funded by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), the report is based on field research conducted in 2014 and 2015.

      • Poetry


        by Alex Fabrizio (author)

        “These nineteen supple poems have both a strong sense of unity and a wide spectrum of forms, themes, and moods. Virtuosic writing combines with jagged feeling, and the end result is engaging, dramatic, and unpredictable.”—Henri Cole“These poems have a strong voice and a bold reach: they turn outwards, finding big subjects and solid narratives. They seek to make a world: and then they persuade the reader to live in it.”—Eavan Boland“Determinant is a strong, assured collection that begins with our planet Earth and ends with an egg. This poetic echoing of subjects and objects is indicative of Alex Fabrizio’s range: these poems guide us to a vantage point from which wonder contracts and expands without a diminishing of its essence. Her speakers are calmly certain of uncertainty. Let this collection trouble what one might assume about the explanatory connotation of the title—the poems have little concern for the didacticism of cause and embrace the effects of the world on the ambiguous lyric self. They encourage a reintegration of the ‘I’ with that world, a ‘turning returning’ to it. They give the reader that gift.”—Lo Kwa Mei-en

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Mr. Clump and Mr. Neat

        by Fabrizio Silei; AntonGionata Ferrari;

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2015

        Emotions, Passions, and Power in Renaissance Italy

        by Edited by Fabrizio Ricciardelli and Andrea Zorzi

        The physical and mental capacity of having emotions is universal. The methods through which these emotions are perceived, expressed, and shared are always depending by the codified rules imposed by the society and the personal background. Emotions depend on language, cultural practices, expectations, and moral beliefs. This means that every culture has its rules for feelings and behavior; every culture thus exerts certain restraints while favoring certain forms of expressivity. Hate, fear, cruelty, and love are always turning history into the history of passion and lust, because emotional life is always ready to overflow intellectual life.   This fascinating study of emotion in Renaissance Italy shows that emotions are built and created by the society in which they are expressed and conditioned. The contributors examine, among others, the emotional language of the court, around public execution, religious practices and during outbreaks of disease.

      • February 2015

        Via della croce via dell'amore

        Via Crucis con le icone

        by Alessio Toniolo

        L'icona è un dipinto fatto in un clima di preghiera. I volti vengono realizzati offrendo piccole rinunce. Ogni fedele che la contempla può trovare nuovi particolari che lo conducono avanti nella vita spirituale. Il pittore è solo la mano guidata dallo Spirito Santo. Meditare le icone di questa raccolta è un'occasione unica di crescita interiore perché molti dei quadri sono stati studiati per proporre un percorso più vicino ai testi evangelici e sottolineare elementi assenti o disposti diversamente nelle altre Via Crucis. **Se la croce viene accolta, essa genera salvezza e produce serenità. Senza Dio la croce schiaccia, con Dio essa redime e salva. _Giovanni Paolo II_**


        by Sergio Bambaren

        Per anni, Sergio Bambarén ha girato il mondo in cerca di una serenità all'apparenza irraggiungibile, spinto dal vento irrequieto del suo animo. Poi, proprio quando crede di aver finalmente conquistato l'equilibrio da sempre desiderato, ecco che arriva un figlio a sconvolgere ogni sua certezza. Solo stringendo tra le braccia il piccolo Daniel per la prima volta, Sergio si rende conto di non aver mai nemmeno immaginato le straordinarie implicazioni della paternità. Sopraffatto dalle emozioni, decide di prendere carta e penna per scrivere una lunga lettera al figlio. Una lettera in cui possano trovare sfogo tutte le parole che gli affollano la mente. Così, Sergio si mette completamente a nudo, raccontando pagine della sua esistenza che non ha mai condiviso con nessuno. Parla della sua infanzia in Perù, del primo amore, della passione per il mare. Svela i suoi sogni più intimi, le ambizioni più nascoste, le speranze più segrete. Ma non solo. Con lucidità e onestà, rievoca le paure, gli errori, le debolezze e le lezioni imparate a caro prezzo sulla propria pelle. Rimanendo fedele allo stile semplice e poetico che lo ha reso celebre, l'autore de "Il delfino" parla per la prima volta della meravigliosa esperienza che gli ha cambiato la vita, regalandoci un messaggio d'amore intenso e dolcissimo, che va dritto al cuore.

      • Photography & photographs
        January 2019

        Learn to take photographs like a professional

        by Martí Sans

        Behind product photography lies a world of infinite possibilities, a world beyond that of those bland catalogue photographs taken against a white background. This book brings together all the main techniques used in product photography – from basic to advanced – showing readers all the tools that are available to them, helping both amateurs andprofessionals improve their craft in the studio.A complete guide on product photography written in simple language that will help you learn about and perfect your photographic technique.

      • Music
        September 2012

        Bach, Beethoven and the Boys

        Music History as it Ought to be Taught

        by David W. Barber

        David W. Barber has delighted readers around the world with Accidentals on Purpose, When the Fat Lady Sings and other internationally bestselling books of musical humor. His bestselling Bach, Beethoven and the Boys chronicles the lives of the great (and not-so-great) composers as you've never read them before – exploring their sex lives, exposing their foibles and expanding on our understanding of these all-too-human creatures. Filled with information, interesting facts and trivia, this hilarious history covers music from Gregorian chant to the mess we're in now. From Bach's laundry lists to Beethoven's bowel problems, from Gesualdo's kinky fetishes to Cage's mushroom madness, Barber tells tales out of school that ought to be put back there. (Think how much more fun it would be if they taught this stuff.) As always, Dave Donald had provided witty and clever cartoon illustrations to accompany the text. "My heartiest commendation for an admirable work of scholarship... I will not say again that it is funny, since this will compel you to set your jaw and dare Barber to make you laugh." - Anthony Burgess, on Bach, Beethoven and the Boys

      • Saint Michael The Archangel

        by Immacolata Aulisa, Claudio Azzara, Gioia Bertelli, Pierre Bouet, Ada Campione, Franco Cardini, Manuel Castiñeiras, Gerardo Cioffari, Alessandro di Muro, Klaus Herbers, Renzo Infante, Gábor Klaniczay, Giorgio Otranto, Francesco Panarelli, Giuseppe Sergi, André Vauchez, Catherine Vincent

        From the Hebrew name meaning “Who Is Like God?”, Michael is one of the angels–together with Raphael (“God Heals”) and Gabriel (“God Is My Strength”)–whose names are mentioned in the Holy Scripture. Since the first centuries of Christianity, there has been a wide diffusion of his worship in Europe and in the East through a multitude of sanctuaries and chapels, mostly nestled in high places, related to caves and water. An astonishing feature of this spread is a mysterious straight line crossing the European continent from North-West to South-East from Ireland to Asia Minor, and it is perfectly aligned with the sunset on the day of Summer Solstice. Along this line are seven sanctuaries dedicated to Michael, three of which have been significantly important over the centuries: Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy, the Sacra di San Michele in val di Susa and the Sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo on Mount Gargano, in Puglia. Three extraordinary high places that are all the same distance one from the other and which have always been a constant pilgrimage destination. Another aspect is the connection Saint Michael had with the Longobards, who migrated across Europe between the second and the sixth century until they reached Italy where they settled. This made Michael the first truly “European” Saint, attracting believers from all over the continent.   With the contribution of some of the most important historians and medievalists from different European countries, this book depicts the presence of Saint Michael in Europe, starting with the diffusion of his devotion, especially during the Middle Ages, and extending to an analysis of the iconography of the Saint through the many architectural and artistic testimonies to be found throughout Europe.   Thanks to its influential contributions and to the variety of both historical and iconographic topics, combined with the spectacular nature of the numerous images of places and artistic testimonies, this book is a unique journey through Europe between art and faith.

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