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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2022

        The History and Evolution of Tourism

        by Prokopis A Christou

        This book provides an overview of the history and evolution of tourism to the present, and speculates on possible and probable change into the future. It discusses significant travel, tourism and hospitality events while referring to tourism-related notions and theories that have been developed since the beginnings of tourism. Even so, its scope moves beyond simply a detailed historical account of facts and events from the past and attempts to bridge these with contemporary issues, challenges and concerns, so that readers can connect tourism past with the present and future, which helps with decision making and even the development of new theories. Despite its academic orientation, the book is written in an approachable style enabling a clear and solid understanding of how tourism has evolved through the centuries. It uses several practitioner-linked, real-life examples and case studies derived from organisations and enterprises across all aspects of the tourism, travel and events industries. This book will be of great interest to academics, practitioners and students from a wide variety of disciplines, including tourism, hospitality, and events, sociology, psychology and human geography.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Die Evolution des Wissens

        Eine Neubestimmung der Wissenschaft für das Anthropozän | Sachbuchbestenliste der WELT

        by Jürgen Renn, Sven Scheer

        Die Evolution des Wissens erzählt in sechzehn Kapiteln die faszinierende Wissensgeschichte der Menschheit. Anhand von Schlüsselepisoden aus der Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technik, von der Erfindung der Schrift über die frühneuzeitliche wissenschaftliche Revolution bis hin zu Industrialisierung und Digitalisierung, analysiert Jürgen Renn, wie Wissen entsteht und sich verändert, wie es sich seit Jahrtausenden global verbreitet und auf welche Weise Wissensökonomien und die Gesellschaften, in die sie eingebettet sind, sich wechselseitig beeinflussen. Das enorm materialreiche und opulent bebilderte Buch entwickelt unter Einbeziehung einer Vielzahl von Methoden und Disziplinen einen völlig neuen Rahmen für das Verständnis der Wissenschaftsgeschichte als Teil jener kulturellen Evolution, die unserem Planeten ihren Stempel aufgedrückt hat. Der weite Blick zurück, den Die Evolution des Wissens wagt, schärft daher auch den Blick für die komplexen Herausforderungen, mit denen wir aktuell im Anthropozän konfrontiert sind.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2013

        The Evolution of Soviet Union and National Issues Research

        by Wei SHANG

        The evolution of Soviet Union has a close relationship with national issues,but national issues can’t be regarded alone,because the formulation and solution of national issues are connected with specific stages of social development.So we should summarize the experiences and learn lessons from the past.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Frieden auf Erden


        by Hubert Schumann, Stanisław Lem

        Im 21. Jahrhundert sind die Großmächte übereingekommen, auf Erden abzurüsten und die gesamten Waffenarsenale auf den Mond zu verlagern; in durch neutrale Zonen getrennte Sektoren. Analog dem Prinzip der natürlichen Evolution organischer Lebewesen vollzieht sich auf dem Mond eine Selbstoptimierung der Waffensysteme, völlig autonom. Zeit also für Ijon Tichy, Lems unermüdlichen Weltraumreisenden, der nie zögert, wenn es gilt, die Menschheit zu retten, als Agent der »Lunar Agency« auf dem Mond nach dem Rechten zu sehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2024

        Die Evolution des Handelns

        Von den Eidechsen zum Menschen | Ein neues Standardwerk der Evolutionspsychologie

        by Michael Tomasello, Jürgen Schröder

        Die Natur kann Organismen nicht so »bauen«, dass sie biologisch auf alle Eventualitäten vorbereitet sind. Sie kann aber psychologische Akteure schaffen: Organismen, welche als Feedbacksteuerungssysteme funktionieren, die Ziele verfolgen, fundierte Verhaltensentscheidungen treffen und deren Ausführung überwachen. In seinem neuen Buch stellt Michael Tomasello eine Typologie der wichtigsten Formen psychologischen Handelns vor, die auf dem Weg der Evolution zum Menschen entstanden sind. Er skizziert vier Haupttypen dieses Handelns in der evolutionären Reihenfolge ihres Auftretens: das zielgerichtete der Wirbeltiere, das intentionale der Säugetiere, das rationale der Menschenaffen und schließlich das sozial-normative der Menschen. Jede neue Form ging mit einer höheren Komplexität bei der Planung, Entscheidungsfindung und Kontrolle einher. Und jede führte zu neuartigen Erfahrungen mit der Umwelt sowie – in einigen Fällen – mit sich selbst. Schlussendlich kam es dazu, dass der Mensch eine sowohl objektive als auch normative Welt erlebt, die sein gesamtes Denken und Handeln bestimmt. Die Evolution des Handelns ist ein ebenso kreatives wie kühnes Werk, das einen neuen theoretischen Rahmen präsentiert, der den evolutionspsychologischen State of the Art sowohl erweitert als auch vertieft.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1986


        Evolutionäre und komparative Perspektiven. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Nils Thomas Lindquist

        by Talcott Parsons, Nils Thomas Lindquist

        Parsons᾿ Analyse verschiedener historischer Gesellschaften zeigt, daß die fundamentalen Gesellschaftstypen multiple und variable Ursprünge in den frühen Phasen der Evolution haben. Daher ist es nicht notwendig, einen einzigen primitiven Ursprung aller intermediären Gesellschaften zu postulieren, auch wenn man Faktoren wie etwa die unabhängige Legitimation und Stratifikation von Kultur als notwendige Bedingungen aller intermediären Gesellschaften voraussetzt. Die Bedeutung solcher Variationen auf allen Entwicklungsstufen kann, meint Parsons, nur durch eine analytische Theorie der variablen Faktoren und Komponenten adäquat erfaßt werden. Die eindrucksvolle Entwicklung dieser Theorie seit Spencers Zeiten erlaubt Parsons, ein viel anspruchsvolleres Evolutionsschema zu entwerfen als es damals möglich war.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1988

        Frieden auf Erden


        by Stanisław Lem, Hubert Schumann

        Im 21. Jahrhundert sind die Großmächte übereingekommen, auf Erden abzurüsten und die gesamten Waffenarsenale auf den Mond zu verlagern; in durch neutrale Zonen getrennte Sektoren. Analog dem Prinzip der natürlichen Evolution organischer Lebewesen vollzieht sich auf dem Mond eine Selbstoptimierung der Waffensysteme, völlig autonom. Niemand auf Erden weiß, was sich auf dem Mond wirklich abspielt, welche Seite inzwischen einen Vorsprung gewonnen haben mag, die »Doktrin der totalen Unkenntnis« wird strikt eingehalten. Automatische Aufklärungssonden gehen spurlos verloren. Zeit also für Ijon Tichy, Lems unermüdlichen Weltraumreisenden, der nie zögert, wenn es gilt, die Menschheit zu retten, als Agent der »Lunar Agency« auf dem Mond nach dem Rechten zu sehen. Leider zieht er sich dabei eine Kallotomie zu, sein Gehirn wird in zwei Teile aufgespalten, was zu für ihn grotesken Folgen führt, denn zwei Seelen oder zwei Gehirnhälften liegen alsbald in ihm in Widerstreit miteinander, treiben ihn bald dahin, bald dorthin. Es kommt aber noch dicker, denn vom Mond hat Tichy etwas auf die Erde mitgebracht, was den Verlauf der irdischen Zivilisation nachhaltig verändert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Sustainable Bamboo Development

        by Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei

        This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        The Evolution of Cells, Third Edition

        by Kristi Lew and Terry L. Smith

        Some 3.8 billion years ago, in an era of churning seas and murky skies, a few chemicals combined under the right conditions, and life emerged on planet Earth. From that first cell, life progressed to a myriad of one-celled organisms, to organisms capable of photosynthesis, to multicellular organisms, to simple plant and animal forms, up to the complex life-forms we know today. The Evolution of Cells, Third Edition traces these developments and how they may have occurred, through the scientific study of fossils, relationships among organisms, biochemistry of current life-forms, genetic sequencing, and laboratory experiments. Readers will also explore the complexity of cells and the ways science is making use of internal cell mechanisms for new discoveries in sustainable energy sources, cleaning up pollution, improving the food supply, and treating disease.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        November 2020

        Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays

        by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson

        This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2020

        Tourism Planning and Development in Latin America

        by Carlos Monterrubio, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Despite the significance of tourism to the economic, social and environmental structures of Central and South America, little has been documented in the English literature about tourism in this sub-region, which in terms of population size, ranks fourth in the world with 652 million inhabitants. The first of its kind, this book focuses exclusively on tourism development, planning and their impacts in a wide number of Central and South American countries. It covers experiences, challenges, successful and unsuccessful stories, specific cases, and other tourism related issues of twelve countries in total. Each chapter is authored by scholars who have done extensive research on tourism in the countries covered. This book:Examines the impact of tourism development and planning within Latin American countries.Takes a multidisciplinary approach including Anthropology, Development, Economics, Ecology, Policy, Sociology and Tourism Planning and Management.Is the first book in English to offer an insight into extensive research undertaken within the region.This book will provide a valuable insight for tourism researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in private and public organisations, not only from the regions of Central, South and North America, but also individuals from other parts of the world who want a more encompassing view of global tourism. Table of contents Chapter 1: Strategies for regional tourism development in Argentina. A path with new initiatives for tourism dispersal policies Chapter 2: The commitment to sustainable tourism and the development of indigenous tourism in Chile Chapter 3: Tourism development in Colombia: between conflict and peace Chapter 4: Ecotourism development in Costa Rica Chapter 5: The challenges of natural and cultural heritages of Galapagos and Quito, Ecuador Chapter 6: Tourism development in Mexico Chapter 7: Panama, the "affordable exotic destination": planned tourism success and its unplanned consequences Chapter 8: The impacts of tourism in economic growth and development in Uruguay Chapter 9: Peru and Nicaragua: tourism development in postconflict eras Chapter 10: Ecuador and Panama: Lifestyle mobilities, the golden years and the quest for paradise

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2009

        Zur Evolution der Arten und zur Entwicklung der Erde

        Frühe Schriften zur Evolutionstheorie

        by Charles Darwin, Rita Seuß, Uwe Hoßfeld, Lennart Olsson

        Die erste öffentliche Darstellung von Darwins Evolutionstheorie erfolgte 1858 vor der Linnean Society in London zusammen mit einer Arbeit des Naturforschers Alfred Russel Wallace, der unabhängig von Darwin zu ähnlichen Einsichten gekommen war. Der Band präsentiert ebenjene berühmte Darwin-Wallace-Papers und weitere frühe Schriften Darwins, die seine ersten Schritte zu einer umfassenden Theorie der Evolution markieren und gewissermaßen die Vorgeschichte der Origins of Species erzählen. Der Kommentar beleuchtet nicht nur die historischen Hintergründe, begrifflichen Weichenstellungen und Darwins Arbeitsweise, sondern dokumentiert auch einen seltenen Fall echter wissenschaftlicher Fairneß.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Formulating development

        How Nestlé shaped the aid industry

        by Lola Wilhelm

        In the 1970s, Nestlé became a lightning rod for criticism against the food industry's negative impacts on humans and their environment, especially in the Global South. But what has so far eluded historical scrutiny is that the picture was more nuanced. This book tells the exclusive story of how the Swiss food giant, and more broadly corporate capitalism, have shaped the aid industry since the late nineteenth century. It follows Nestlé's bid for a share of the humanitarian market brokered by the Red Cross in wartime Europe, of its clinical trials in Swiss and Senegalese maternities, and of its agricultural modernisation schemes in Mexico, India, and the Ivory Coast. Based on extensive research in the firm's own historical archives and the records of national and international aid agencies, the volume interrogates the legacies of this long history for international development today.

      • Trusted Partner

        Evolution and Health

        How Do Lifestyle and Diet Inflence Medicine and Our Health?

        by Nicole Bender, Lotte Habermann­-Horstmeier (Eds.)

        Today, we live in a new, anthropogenic environment that differs signifcantly from the environments to which we have adapted in the course of our evolution. This has signifcant effects on us hu­mans, our health, and our social inter­action. But how does the complex inter­action between humans and the environment work from an evolutionary perspective? How does evolution affect our biology and behavior? What role do genetic and epigenetic aspects play here? And what inflence does this have on the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus type 2, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, autoimmune dis­eases or mental disorders? The book at­tempts to provide answers to these complex questions and allows an excit­ing evolutionary view of our future with new approaches for individual lifestyle opportunities, but also for future public health measures.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Soils for Landscape Development

        Selection, Specification and Validation

        by Simon Leake, Elke Haege

        This second edition of Soils for Landscape Development provides a clear, practical and systematic template for specifying landscape soils based on scientific criteria. The soil specifications provide essential information and a universally applicable method for landscape architects and designers, specification writers, landscape contractors and soil supply companies to ensure quality and fit-for-purpose soils. A strong emphasis is placed on reducing environmental impacts by reuse of on-site soil, promoting appropriate minimal soil intervention, and using recycled products. The first edition won the Award of Excellence for Research and Communication in Landscape Architecture at the AILA NSW (Australian Institute of Landscape Architects) Awards in 2014. The authors won a 2nd award for this book through The Australian Institute of Horticulture (AIH) in 2015).

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2004

        Plant Diversity and Evolution

        Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation in Higher Plants

        by Edited by Robert J Henry

        An understanding of plant diversity at both the genome and phenome level is important for both biodiversity conservation and plant breeding. Recent advances in genomics have also resulted in a growth of the subject of plant functional genomics. This book brings these areas together, by reviewing aspects of plant evolution as it relates to variation in plant genomes and associated variations in plant phenomes. Topics covered include chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes, reticulate evolution, polyploidy, population genetics within a species, the evolution of the flower, diversity in plant cell walls and in secondary metabolism, and the importance of plant diversity in ecology and agriculture.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2025

        Human-animal relations in tourism, leisure and development

        perspectives from Latin America

        by Carlos Monterrubio, Xavier López-Medellín, Katherine Dashper, Helen Wadham

        Humans and animals have developed multiple and complex interactions in the fields of tourism, leisure, and development. However, much of the existing research on how humans and animals interact in these fields has emerged from within the context of developed countries. As a result, little has been documented about human-animal interactions in the socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental contexts of countries in the Global South. Specifically, the diversity and complexity of interspecies relationships in tourism, leisure, and local development in Latin America have been largely ignored in Anglo-Saxon literature. This has resulted in a limited, partial, and hegemonic understanding and debate about human-animal relationships globally, dominated by certain regions of the world. This book addresses this gap by documenting multiple and complex relationships between humans and animals in the fields of tourism, leisure, and local development in countries in Latin America. The book: ?Brings together empirical and conceptual works that reveal different disciplinary, theoretical, ethical, methodological, and practical perspectives; ?Reveals how human-animal relationships - both domestic and wild - can result in co-created interspecies experiences, conflicts, conservation efforts, welfare, and local development of human societies in the region; ?Equips stakeholders with conceptual frameworks and actionable tools to formulate policies that blend animal welfare and sustainability in Latin American tourism and recreation strategies; ?Challenges dominant narratives from the Global North regarding tourism and conservation, promoting a more inclusive and nuanced approach. This book will be of interest to researchers, professionals and policymakers within tourism, leisure, animal welfare, conservation and destination development.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Eastern Europe

        by Hania Janta, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Three decades ago, the hypermobility of tourists from the days before the global pandemic was truly unthinkable in Eastern Europe. The borders were closed and the region isolated from the rest of the world. Despite an extraordinary transformation of tourism in the area since, Eastern Europe remains under-explored in tourism studies. This book fills the gap by outlining contemporary strategies for tourism development in post-socialist countries, considering the opportunities and challenges as well as the initiatives and approaches to sustainability. Reviewing tourism development and planning across Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania, this book: - Offers a contemporary and insightful outlook of Eastern Europe tourism, with a wide range of case studies from inter-disciplinary and single-disciplinary perspectives; - Uses varied methodological approaches and research methods, including in-depth interviews, focus groups, informal conversations, document analysis, netnography, questionnaires and secondary data, to form an interesting and diverse treatise; - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in its re-development. Illuminating the various economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts that tourism has created, this book is a valuable reference for researchers and students of tourism and related disciplines, as well as anyone interested in the development of Eastern Europe.

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