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      • Emerald Publishing Ltd.

        Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering.

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      • sally : deja-vu

        SALLY, a comic/manga/graphic novel author, is from Taipei, TAIWAN.Originally a student of architecture, she is currently a member of the manga colllective Club Zip and publishes her work commercially and independently. Her work "Left Hand" won the Silver Award of Japan International MANGA Award and "Going My Way?" has been serialized in Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, and Indonesia.promotion clips of work in youtube

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2007


        Essays on modern American literature

        by David Herd

        Enthusiast! is a polemical history of American literature told from the point of view of six of its major enthusiasts. Complaining that his age was 'retrospective', Emerson injected enthusiasm into American literature as a way of making it new. 'What,' he asked, 'is a man good for without enthusiasm? and what is enthusiasm but the daring of ruin for its object?' This book takes enthusiasm to be a defining feature of American literature, showing how successive major writers - Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, Frank O'Hara and James Schuyler - have modernized and re-modeled Emerson's founding sense of enthusiasm. The book presents the writer as enthusiast, showing how enthusiasm is fundamental to the composition and the circulation of literature. Enthusiasm, it is argued, is the way literary value is passed on. Starting with a brief history of enthusiasm from Plato to Kant and Emerson, the book features chapters on each of Melville, Thoreau, Pound, Moore, O'Hara, and Schuyler. Each chapter presents an aspect of the writer as enthusiast, the book as a whole charting the changing sense of literary enthusiasm from Romanticism to the present day. Lucidly written and combatively argued, the book will appeal to readers of American Literature or Modern Poetry, and to all those interested in the circulation of literary work. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Tore wie gemalt

        by Javier Cáceres

        Seit Jahren interviewt Javier Cáceres die bedeutendsten Fußballer der Welt. Eines Abends kam ihm die Idee, seinem Gegenüber einen Notizblock und einen Stift in die Hand zu drücken und ihn zu bitten, sein bestes, wichtigstes oder spektakulärstes Tor zu zeichnen. Entstanden ist eine einzigartige Sammlung von über 100 Zeichnungen, die nicht nur der alten Reporterfloskel »ein Tor wie gemalt« eine völlig neue Bedeutung verleihen, sondern auch eine andere Art Fußballgeschichte schreiben. Von Beckenbauer bis Pelé, von Kai Havertz bis Emerson – hinter jedem ihrer Tore steckt ein Moment des Stolzes und ewigen Ruhms, eine Erinnerung, die unauslöschlich ist. Wieso sie sich jeweils für das eine entschieden haben, erläutern sie in kurzen Texten. Jede Zeichnung eine Gelegenheit, sich zu erinnern, zu diskutieren oder sogar das eine oder andere Tor nachzuspielen.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2008

        Das öde Land

        Englisch und deutsch

        by T. S. Eliot, Norbert Hummelt

        »Verschiedene Kritiker haben mir die Ehre angetan, das Gedicht als Kritik an der Gegenwart zu interpretieren, und haben sogar eine gehörige Portion Gesellschaftskritik hineingelesen. Für mich war es nur das Ventil für einen privaten und ganz belanglosen Grant gegen das Leben; es ist lediglich ein Stück rhythmischer Quengelei.« So wehrt ein Autor, ebenso verständlich wie unangemessen und vergebens, den Ruhm ab, mit dem er für eben dieses Gedicht, The Waste Land, überhäuft worden ist. The Waste Land (erschienen 1922) ist das Langgedicht des 20. Jahrhunderts, jedenfalls das mit der größten Wirkung in der westlichen Welt. Ein Blick in Norbert Hummelts schwungvoll rhythmische, „direkte“ Neuübertragung und das Original macht ohne weiteres verständlich, warum. Der puritanischen Traditionslinie der amerikanischen Literatur – über Emerson, Thoreau, Dickinson und Whitman – folgend, bezieht Eliots bewußt fragmentarisch gehaltenes Krisengedicht den Leser geradezu szenisch mit ein. Es läßt ihn mitarbeiten, innehalten, überlegen: Selbsterforschung - des Lesers mehr als des Sprechenden - ist gefragt. Auch dies hat Das öde Land über all die Jahre hinweg lebendig gehalten.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The Gospel of Prosperity

        Literary and critical perspectives about the science of getting right quick

        by Luis Miguel Estrada

        In 2020, amidst the whirlwind of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ideas from books about the science of becoming a millionaire returned to Luis Miguel Estrada whom, since he left a financial job, has dedicated himself fully to literature. In this book, he thinks  some of the key questions raised by bestsellers from Napoleon Hill to Kiyosaki. Do we stop seeking money just because we pursue art? More importantly: regardless of what we do, how do we seek money? Why have narratives like positive thinking and the law of attraction become a universal language that gains strength during each economic crisis? Is there a link between bestsellers about the science of getting rich and great universal literature? This book attempts to answer these questions, beginning with the origins of books on becoming a millionaire, which delve into the agile 19th-century United States, transition through the fast-paced turn of the century, and explode in the years after the Great Depression. The journey continues with examples of wild successes (real-life fraudsters like Elizabeth Holmes or fictional criminals like Walter White from Breaking Bad) that prompt us to question the influence of success-at-any-cost ideas on popular culture, as well as their ethical limits. How can one reconcile readings, cultural products, and experiences that seem so distant? The broader reading audience responds more to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill than to "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck. Is there a way to read them alongside each other and emerge renewed from the experience? This book invites you on that adventure.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        'An Irish empire'?

        Aspects of Ireland and the British Empire

        by Sally Visick

        This volume, which explores aspects of the experience of Ireland and Irish people within the British Empire, addresses a central concern of modern Irish scholarship. Much academic writing about Ireland, its history and culture is dominated by the vocabulary of imperialism. Engels described Ireland as England's first colony. Contemporary observers frequently characterise it as having a post-colonial society. Ireland, on the other hand, was also part of the metropolitan core of the Empire and supplied many of its soldiers, settlers and administrators. The paradox that Ireland was both 'imperial' and 'colonial' lies at the heart of this book which includes studies of Irish service in the Empire as well as the impact of imperial concerns in Ireland. Concentrating on the period since the mid-nineteenth century, the scope of the volume is impressively broad. Popular culture, sport and film are investigated, as well as business history and the military and political 'sinews of Empire'. The book will be of particular value to institutions teaching Irish and British history to degree level and the growing number of Irish studies courses being offered in Great Britain and North America.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1997

        The new woman

        by Sally Ledger

        Sexually transgressive, politically astute and determined to claim educational and employment rights equal to those enjoyed by men, the new woman took centre stage in the cultural landscape of late-Victorian Britain. By comparing the fictional representations with the lived experience of the new woman, Ledger's book makes a major contribution to an understanding of the 'woman question' at the fin de siecle. She alights on such disparate figures as Eleanor Marx, Gertrude Dix, Dracula, Oscar Wilde, Olive Schreiner and Radclyffe Hall. Focusing mainly on the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the book's later chapters project forward into the twentieth century, considering the relationship between new woman fiction and early modernism as well as the socio-sexual inheritance of the 'second generation' new woman writers. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2012


        Ich verkaufte mich für meine Familie

        by Päsler, Elke

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        February 2012

        Die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung zum Recht der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen.

        Ein Vergleich des englischen und deutschen Rechts.

        by Horler, Sally

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2001

        BabySprache - BabyTalk

        Wie Eltern die Intelligenz ihrer Kinder fördern können

        by Ward, Sally

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        The Arts
        September 2024

        The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé

        Feminism and Francoism

        by Sally Faulkner

        Were it not for authoritarian state censorship, Cecilia Bartolomé's name would figure alongside those of her contemporaries Agnès Varda and Claire Denis as a pioneering feminist filmmaker of the twentieth century. With this bold claim, this book seeks both to write the history of Bartolomé's extant filmography, and speculative about censored and un-filmed work, thereby fashioning a new way of writing a feminist creative life in film. The first volume on this director to be written in English, The Cinema of Cecilia Bartolomé is also the first volume on the director published in any language for over twenty years. By focusing on Spanish-language cinema of the 1960s-1990s, the period when feminism, like democracy, was re-born and seemingly consolidated in Spain, the study brings historical depth and transnational reach to current debates in the wake of #MeToo.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2017

        Hospitals and charity

        by Sally Mayall Brasher

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