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      • Bruise

        by Elham Fallah

        This is different novel in the background of war that depicts the blackness and whiteness of this disaster differently and innovatively. This novel is about the story of a young named ‘Amer’ and a girl that loved him and about a strange destiny that war that is determined for them by war. The author in the present novel presents a new experience from a narration about war in which he merges truths and lies. The setting of the story starts from the war time and continues until now. This novel is the story of a family that during these times encounter many events and incidents that have strong influences in their life and identity. The further the story proceeds, the readers face more incidents and accidents that are sometimes very moving. When the curtains fall down the characters spirits and their real face will be clear and the readers will find out that who tells the right and who the liar is. In this novel war is the setting of story. War does not enter the people’s life and influences on them on their own volitions. It enters people’s life and change it unintentionally and sometimes for reasons except defending homes and the land of one’s country. The protagonist was not in the habit of participating in a war and he was after something else for taking part in the war and it finally determines him his

      • How did they colonize Palestine? The Story of Keren Hayesod: The Zionist Settlement Fund.

        by Elham Shamaly

        Land is the core of colonies case, except Palestine! For land here is the whole case. As the Zionist colonization differs from the normal colonization as the former is settler, evacuative and substitutive – its ultimate interest is looting land from its legal owners. It is not like other forms of colonization that come with soldiers and only go back to their original countries under the pressure of natives’ resistance, and that is all! Zionism was aware, since it was established about 125 years ago, of this obvious fact. So, it proceeded to planning and to creating financial, social and political institutions in order to seize the most possible area of Palestine land; for without it, the Zionism couldn’t establish its “national homeland”.    In the course of this planning, and this creating, Keren Hayesod was established, the fund that undertook the mission of providing money to seize the lands if Palestine and building colonies on them in any way and in all ages; from the Ottoman era to its successor (the British occupation) 1918-1948.    About Keren Hayesod and its plans and performance, Professor Elham Shamaly has devoted her MA thesis, and here it is in the form of a book. For that, Shamaly went on research, assiduously, in Zionist and English references without neglecting the reliable of the Arab references.

      • May 2024

        Nurturing Math Curiosity With Learners in Grades K–2

        (Grow your students’ math curiosity.)

        by Rumsey, Chepina

        Building students’ confidence and conceptual understanding early sets a solid foundation for reasoning and exploration. Nurturing Math Curiosity With Learners in Grades K–2 offers educational tools and strategies teachers can use to integrate mathematical argumentation in early elementary classrooms, allowing space for students’ natural wonder and curiosity to shine while, at the same time, providing opportunities for students to see mathematics content in a new light. This book will help K–2 teachers: Discover ways to explore early mathematical concepts Integrate classroom community building, teacher tools, and instructional strategies to nurture an environment of playful exploration Read real examples from teachers who have implemented argumentation in their classrooms Follow the layers of argumentation through an in-depth concrete example Reflect as mathematics learners with features that activate prior knowledge Contents: Introduction Part 1: Nurturing Our Classroom Community and Growing Our Teacher Toolbox Chapter 1: Creating a Vision Chapter 2: Nurturing a Classroom Community Chapter 3: Growing Our Teacher Toolbox Chapter 4: Connecting the Classroom Environment and Teacher Toolbox Through Routines Part 2: Growing the Layers of Argumentation Chapter 5: Exploring the First Layer—Notice, Wonder, and Beyond Chapter 6: Exploring the Second Layer—Conjecturing Chapter 7: Exploring the Third Layer—Justifying Chapter 8: Exploring the Fourth Layer—Extending Part 3: Growing More Mathematical Ideas Chapter 9: Finding Opportunities for Argumentation Chapter 10: Using Children’s Literature to Engage in Argumentation Epilogue Appendix A: Blank Template Appendix B: Choral Counting Appendix C: Number of the Day Appendix D: Number of the Day With Annotations Appendix E: True or False? Appendix F: Mathematical Ideas Across Chapters References and Resources Index

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