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      • Gruppo Editoriale Edizioni Mediterranee, Hermes Edizioni, Arkeios, Edizioni Studio Tesi

        Edizioni Mediterranee founded in 1953, together with Hermes, Arkeios and Studio Tesi is a publishing group. Amongst Italian and foreign authors the catalogue includes more than 2.500 titles. Main subjects are: yoga, body-mind-spirit, alternative healing, alchemy, astrology, magic, sport, martial arts.

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      • Edizioni e/o

        Edizioni E/O and Europa Editions are two independent publishers of quality fiction. The companies were founded respectively in 1979 and 2005 by Sandro Ferri and Sandra Ozzola Ferri. The idea behind Edizioni E/O and Europa is one of cultural exchange rooted in bringing high quality translated fiction into Italian bookshops, but also bringing the best Italian contemporary literature can offer to the American and British market - and the world in general. Our catalog is eclectic, reflecting the founders’ belief that dialogue between nations and cultures is of vital importance and that this exchange is facilitated by literature chosen not only for its ability to entertain and fascinate but also to inform and enlighten.  Notable successes at E/O and Europa include: Muriel Barbery’s The Elegance of the Hedgehog, which spent almost a year on the New York Times Bestseller list and the IndieBound bestseller list; Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan novels, including My Brilliant Friend, a New York Times bestseller; Massimo Carlotto's Mediterranean noir series, soon to be a tv show for the Italian network RAI; Ahmet Altan's Ottoman quartet, powerful critique of an authoritarian regime with echoes of contemporary Turkey.  Never tired of research, Edizioni E/O is building a list of fresh, strong, experimental new voices in Italian contemporary literature, with an attention to novels with a strong sense of place, sophisticated plots and attentive character development: the works of Sacha Naspini, Fabio Bartolomei, Massimo Cuomo are already known internationally as a new wave of what made Edizioni E/O and Europa Editions one of the most adventurous and succesful publishers of the last ten years.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Die neunundvierzig Stufen


        by Roberto Calasso, Joachim Schulte

        Brillante Essays über lauter Autoren jenes archaischen Zeitalters, das einst die »Moderne« genannt wurde: Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Kraus, Robert Walser, Walter Benjamin… unter Berücksichtigung »verfemter« Schriftsteller wie Max Stirner und Daniel Paul Schreber. Zum Abschluss »Der Schrecken der Fabeln«, ein Essay über den Mythos.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1990

        Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia

        by Roberto Calasso, Moshe Kahn, Reimar Klein

        Roberto Calasso, geboren 1941 in Florenz, war Essayist, Kulturphilosoph und Verleger des Mailänder Verlages Adelphi Edizioni. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Der Himmlische Jäger – als neunter Teil eines »work in progress«, das 1983 mit dem Untergang von Kasch begann. Es folgten Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia, Ka, K., Das Rosa Tiepolos, Der Traum Baudelaires, Die Glut und Das unnennbare Heute. Calasso starb im Juli 2021 in Mailand.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1980

        Die geheime Geschichte des Senatspräsidenten Dr. Daniel Paul Schreber

        by Roberto Calasso, Reimar Klein

        Roberto Calasso, geboren 1941 in Florenz, war Essayist, Kulturphilosoph und Verleger des Mailänder Verlages Adelphi Edizioni. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Der Himmlische Jäger – als neunter Teil eines »work in progress«, das 1983 mit dem Untergang von Kasch begann. Es folgten Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia, Ka, K., Das Rosa Tiepolos, Der Traum Baudelaires, Die Glut und Das unnennbare Heute. Calasso starb im Juli 2021 in Mailand.

      • Trusted Partner

        Koffer und Rucksäcke

        by Chava Kohavi Pines

        Koffer und Rucksäcke von Chava Kohavi Pines   Koffer und Rucksäcke ist ein detailgetreues Zeugnis, das das Überleben eines jungen Mädchens in Gettos und Konzentrationslagern zwischen 1942 und 1945 beschreibt. Der Leser folgt ihrer Reise von Wien ins Getto Theresienstadt, dann nach Auschwitz und in ein Arbeitslager in der Nähe von Breslau, gefolgt von der Entfremdung, die sie bei ihrer Rückkehr nach Wien verspürt, ihrer anschließenden Reise nach Prag und schließlich der Verwirklichung ihres Traumes von der Einwanderung nach Palästina. Die auf Hebräisch veröffentlichte Originalausgabe hat LeserInnen aller Altersgruppen fasziniert.   Chava Kohavi Pines wurde 1927 als Eva Hirsch in Wien in eine bürgerliche jüdische Familie geboren. Seit ihrer Auswanderung nach Palästina im Jahr 1946 lebt die Autorin im Kibbuz Dorot im nördlichen Negev, wo sie Jahre lang als Lehrerin und Beraterin tätig war. Nur aus vierzig Jahren Distanz vom Trauma ihrer Jugend konnte sie über einige ihrer Erfahrungen während des Holocaust berichten.   Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2014 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. Eine italienische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2017 von Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano, veröffentlicht. 80 Seiten 14 x 21,5 cm.

      • Fiction
        April 2024

        Moons of Instanbul

        by Sophie Goldberg

        Ventura, a beautiful young Turkish woman, travels to Mexico because her family has arranged her marriage to a fellow Sephardic immigrant. With a trunk full of hopes and traditions, she bravely faces the unknown, as she embarks on a surprising journey to start a new life, far from her homeland. The arrival, the nostalgia, the heart-wrenching uprooting and the adoption of a new homeland will mark her adventure as a migrant, until the long-awaited return to Turkey. Ventura will live each event with intensity and will season her days with the aromas, flavors, rhythms, colors and proverbs from the Far East. Amid recipes and customs inherited from her ancient culture, she will find the best antidote to homesickness, even if her memory cannot forget the Moons of Istanbul.

      • 2017

        Mini Fairy Tales

        Little Red Riding Hood

        by Attilio

        Attilio has created this outstanding series of classic tales for the littlest readers. A writer, painter, designer, and illustrator of children’s books for over 40 years, Attilio is an internationally awarded artist. His writing is clear and direct, using short sentences and a gentle sense of humor. Elegant and concise, his artwork attracts children’s attention with its simple lines and brilliant colors. Attilio speaks directly to little readers, with illustrations based on primary geometric shapes and clean black trait.

      • Fortune-telling & divination
        September 2021

        The Power of Symbols, Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination

        Immagini Sacre per Meditare e Divinare

        by Stefano Fusi

        THE POWER OF SYMBOLS Sacred Images for Meditation and Divination by Stefano Fusi Artwork by Stefano Fusi Product Details 41 cards + 68-page guidebook+gold extra thin point marker Guide book size: 85 x 130 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 978-1-955680-03-5 Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. Symbols are the signs that reveal and perpetuate the unlimited universe in our world and in our common life. They reveal meanings beyond those obvious to the senses and to our rational sphere. They exist before we can imagine or think about them: like genes and DNA on the physical plane, symbols pre-exist us, they carry with them the original instructions of life. They exist in nature and we have then encoded them to express in perceptible and comprehensible forms the essential forces that structure existence since the beginning. They are a synthetic map of the motions of what we call energy.The Power of Symbols is a deck of 41 Oracles with guide book.

      • April 2020

        Doctor Darkweb

        by Nicola Brunialti

        The whole world’s gone crazy over a new game called Warmageddon. Pitting males against females, the battle rages 24 hours a day, all over the world. Kevin, Samantha, Alika, and Niccolò are all addicted to the new top-trending game. They see each other at school and then see each other again on the battlefield, each hiding behind their avatar. But then something unexpected happens… There’s a short circuit, and the four friends are sucked into the app! To get out, they’re going to have to dodge arrows, halberds, cannonballs, and lightsabers! But to do that, they’re also going to have to learn how to work and talk together by looking into each other’s eyes. As they move from app to app to get back home, they’ll find themselves caring deeply about new things and making a new friend, who’s also been sucked into the game. Together they’re going to have to battle a giant armored spider – a terrible enemy hellbent on taking over the world.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        Il Giglio Bianco di Stalingrado

        The Great Air Battles

        by Andrea Laprovitera, Luca Vergerio

        The White Lily of Stalingrad is the first volume of a new series dedicated to the Great Air Battles of the past, but above all to the pilots who took part in them, their courage and self-sacrifice. The human tribute of the pilots of the various nations at war was very high. Also for this reason many of them were young, often barely twenty years old and with very little flying experience that they necessarily acquired while fighting. The White Lily of Stalingrad is centred on the exploits of a girl, barely twenty years old, ace of the Soviet Aviation and pilot of a fighter plane, the Yakovlev Yak-1. A volume not to be missed, of pure Adventure, in the style of Edizioni Segni d'Autore!

      • Niente per lei

        by Laura Mancini

        An extraordinary debut, the story of a woman who fights through life like a gladiator in post-WWII   Rome. It’s 1943—families are crowded and hungry. Tullia and her brothers are raised as slaves by their violent, furiously unhappy mother. Every evening she counts the money they were able to raise from the streets, and if it’s not enough, she beats them.   Tullia is forced to grow up pretty fast, to work with her head down. But the way she sees the world is brave, curious, full of life. Her desperate will to survive, to make something different out of the misery of her life, is so powerful it’s impossible not to remain in awe of her strength, her dignity, and her relentless resilience.   She leaves behind her abusive mother, but her majestic figure, her beauty, her clear intelligence, torment her as she becomes a woman and a mother, without ever learning how to be a daughter. She is lonely, but she’s not alone: fascinating, dirty, loud, hopeful, eternal Rome is a mother and a friend to Tullia who grows in its warm yet unforgiving embrace.   Laura Mancini’s writing is transparent and imaginative, atmospheric. Reading Niente per lei is like watching history go by outside a window: it’s impossible not to see in it a blurred reflection of ourselves.

      • Fortune-telling & divination


        Gli Archetipi Intuitivi

        by Tiziana Salari

        BLEND OF MAGIC The Intuitive Archetypes by Tiziana Salari Artwork by Sofia Salvati Product Details 28 cards + 68-page guidebook Guide book size: 85 x 130 mm Card size: 85 x 139 mm ISBN: 978-1-955680-xx-x (2023) Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. This deck helps introduce divination as a feel-good ritual in daily life. it is a valuable guide for spiritual growth and a valuable tool for mindfulness. Learning how to use oracles will not be the means to circumvent obstacles by telling what will happen in life, but rather will help people understand how to work on themselves, inviting them to analyse the situation from perspectives never before explored. Each card is associated to a celestial body for a total of 28 cards representing a Moon cycle.

      • Fortune-telling & divination

        Magic Portal

        by Lisa Morello

        MAGIC PORTAL Opening Your Multidimensional Portal by Lisa Morello Artwork by Lisa Morello Product Details 36 cards + 82-page guidebook+ mini kit with candle and incense Guide book size: 100 x 145 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 9788897551850 Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. Lisa Morello is a Medium, Psychic and Animal Communicator. Since childhood, she carries with her a strong sensitivity and Faith that Worlds beyond the visible exist and that Unseen Allies walk alongside us. She works and studies in the field of mediumship, shamanism-especially Celtic and Norse-and especially with Art as a medium of mediumistic expression. These cards come by Divine will and through a team effort in which allied spirits and embodied beings who were able to follow their feeling and intuition participated.

      • Fortune-telling & divination

        Spirit Wave Major Arcana

        by Sara Stradi

        SPIRIT WAVE Major Arcana Rich in Colour and Symbolism by Sara Stradi Artwork by Sara Stradi Product Details 22 cards + 28-page guidebook Guide book size: 85 x 130 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 978-1-733173-61-2 Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. The Spirit Wave travels into the depths of the sea and rises up to the light like a wave that exposes itself to the world. This is how these Major Arcana were born, in this atmosphere of silence and profound listening, in evolution towards the image. The Tarot cards are a useful tool to become aware of our path of consciousness and in this regard they have been designed, with the intent to bring to light the positive aspects of each card. However, their upside down presentations may indicate the soul in slumber or a block that hinders us from proceeding.

      • Fortune-telling & divination
        May 2022


        39 oracle cards with guide book

        by Silvia Ancordi

        ENERGY DIVINE ORACLE CARDS Unveiling Your Wisdom and Intuition by Silvia Ancordi Artwork by Valentina Scuteri Product Details 39 cards + 86-page guidebook Guide book size: 85 x 139 mm Card size: 85 x 130 mm ISBN: 978-1-955680-xx-x (2023) Imprint: Edizioni LAlbero All our oracles are designed and printed in Italy using only 100% ecofriendly material and non toxic inks and varnishes. The 39 Energy Divine oracle cards connect us to our higher self and divine source through symbols, chakras, elements and numerology. The first thing we need to get in tune with this deck is a willingness to dig in, look within and listen beyond all judgment. The Energy Divine Oracle Cards will help you connect with your intuition and use your sensitivity, investigate your fears, understand what stage you are in in situations, relationships or projects, and many other things. They can be consulted as a personal growth tool or in personal helping professions.

      • NO MORE!

        Uses and abuses of Holocaust Remembrance Day

        by Ugo Volli

        In a society lacking shared anniversaries, what is the true meaning of Holocaust Remembrance Day? On January 27th every year we celebrate it to remember Shoah, such a tragic event that changed and shaped humanity's history. But, year after year, the risk is to turn it into an abstract and overused tribute. Ugo Volli analyzes the meanings of this special day, enhancing its misinterpretations, hypocrisies, banalisations as far as negationism. Remembering can be freeing and meaningful if it is about seeing, rebuilding and commemorating the detailed mechanism of a story.

      • Children's & YA

        Il piano geniale di Oliver lo scheletro

        by Giuditta Campello

        The Skeleton lives with his ghost friend and a female rat. Benjamin lives with the countess and her husband (plus fifty-three chihuahuas and a pink caiman). The thing is that the countess can't really stand the children. So, she hires a babysitter who is, however, the Skeleton in disguise. It will be a disaster, a ruckus... a hoot.

      • Children's & YA

        Chi ha visto il coniglio?

        by Silvia Roncaglia

        Rabbits need large spaces under their paws and over their ears, to feel the earth and the wind. But since Cloud's change of owner, she spends her days in a tiny cage, which she has to share with a nervous and obnoxious companion. A nightmare. Perhaps the time has come to organise the escape of the century...

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