Editorial Moho
EDITORIAL MOHO: this Mexican publishing house started in the 1995. Since then, it has focused on expressions in which parody, irony, realism and urban miscellaneous prevail.
View Rights PortalEDITORIAL MOHO: this Mexican publishing house started in the 1995. Since then, it has focused on expressions in which parody, irony, realism and urban miscellaneous prevail.
View Rights PortalCalixta Editores is a Colombian publishing house, creative and avant-garde, whose main objective is to support and promote literary culture and to generate cultural spaces, where opportunities are created to share new projects and opinions.We are a company that has been consolidating itself in the market for six years as a proper publisher, well-known for the publication of new authors, especially Colombians. Our purpose is to spread and encourage the culture of reading and writing to generate active participation from authors in the cultural and artistic movement of the country.Divided into five thematic lines, we have more than 100 titles and 70 authors, what makes us one of the most active independent publishing on the market.
View Rights PortalThat Other Orphanhood speaks to that deeply dissatisfied inner self who feels trapped in a life that is very different from the one we intended to live. It is, also, a novel about a coming of age of sorts: the main character stands at the threshold of mid-life, and while she is a successful career woman with a good marriage and a seemingly enviable life, she knows the decisions she makes from now on will have ever more permanent consequences. Changing course to pursue a long-coveted dream might endanger not only everything else she has achieved but the very foundations of her life. And the insistent beckoning of maternity feels more like a question than an answer in her orderly world. With her struggle against the increasingly common nightmare of infertility as a leitmotiv, That Other Orphanhood reflects on the contradictions that threaten the harmony between our ambitions, the expectations of society and our very essence.
Un oso en la cama y un chacal en el horno Divertidas aventuras de un zoólogo israelí especializado en la fauna silvestre Avinoam Lourie y Cissy Shapiro ?Cuántos pueden decir que han tenido un oso en la cama, que calentaron un chacal en el horno, que fueron corneados por un corzo celoso o atacados por un tigre, que han tenido monos colgados de la araña, o que han perdido una víbora en un avión? Las vivencias reconfortantes, divertidas y educativas del zoólogo israelí Avinoam Lourie con una exótica variedad de animales salvajes y también con los miembros de su familia, contadas con la calidez, el humor, el ingenio y la sabiduría que bien conocen sus asiduos lectores. Avinoam Lourie ha recibido la Medalla de Honor del Presidente de Israel, ha sido seleccionado como una de las "100 personas más importantes" de Haifa, y ha ayudado a traer a Israel varias especies en peligro de extinción. "Como alguien que ha acompañado a Avi en el terreno, mientras enseñaba a nuevas generaciones de israelíes acerca de sus ecosistemas nativos, es una alegría compartir el dramatismo, el humor y las ideas que esta fascinante colección contiene", señala Sneed Collard III, autor y editor, que ha recibido el premio del Washington Post y del Children's Book Guild a obras de noficción. "Muchos de nuestros amigos tenían perros, gatos y otras mascotas, ?pero nadie tenía un padre que trajera a casa un tigre, un oso o incluso un mono, como nosotros!", dice Dr. Barak Lourie (el hijo intermedio de Avinoam), Haifa, Israel. “Él me enseñó que los animales son como la gente: trátalos de la misma manera y bien". Resumen del estudiante de una comunicación de Avinoam a la escuela secundaria media de octavo grado de Conservación de la naturaleza y ecología de Green Bay, Wisconsin, Estados Unidos.
Can anyone deceive the loved one in order to protect him or her from the cruel truth of love? Like broken magnets that first repel and then attract each other, the characters of this comical tragedy of entanglements swing between love and lovelessness, between fantasy and reality, between dream and wakefulness. In the confusion of these parallel lives, they stray into a diffuse reality that becomes clear when they all accept that they have deceived and been deceived. In his extensive and brilliant literary career, Ariel Magnus usually approaches from a marginal sector the crucial issues that are being debated in society. As if he had an antenna capable of capturing the sign of the times, but with a certain lag that makes him decode reality from the eccentric -in the sense of being out of the center- and, therefore, paradoxically, in a sharper, more forceful and notably more uncomfortable way. His style is recognizable in the marks of humor, absurdity, polysemy, logical contradictions.
It is the year 2053 and El Alto celebrates its tenth anniversary as the capital of the New Kollasuyo. Metropolis of the Andes, continental scrap metal market, second-hand industrial engine, robotic garbage supply, recipient of Chinese colonies, host of technosophical cyber-religions, world headquarters of the cholet and the highest popular fair on the planet, the city of the future is the mirror of our dreams. Don't let them talk you out of it: the future is now!
Mit tollen Motiven einzigartige Kunstwerke schaffen! Im Stall, beim Ausritt und auf dem Springturnier - viele pferdestarke Ausmalmotive im extragroßen Format für kleine und große Pferdefans. So entstehen wunderschöne Bilder zum Aufhängen, Sammeln und Verschenken. Durch das Ausmalen wird ganz nebenbei Kreativität, Konzentration und Motorik gefördert.
Du kannst Farben zaubern! Der magische Pinsel mit Wassertank Die Neuheit für die Jüngsten: Mit Wasser malen - ganz ohne Flecken! 6 Malbilder mit „Zaubereffekt“ zum Thema Bauernhof - mit kleinen Suchspielen. Die Ausmalseiten zeigen schwarz-weiße Motive. Sobald sie mit dem Pinsel befeuchtet werden, erstrahlen die Seiten in bunten Farben und zeigen noch weitere versteckte Motive. Nach dem Trocknen verschwinden die Farben und die Seiten können erneut ausgemalt werden. Der Pinsel lässt sich leicht auffüllen, gut von kleinen Händen führen und einfach in der PVC Tasche aufbewahren. Das Ausmalen mit dem magischen Pinsel fördert Feinmotorik, Konzentration und logisches Denken. Perfekt für unterwegs z.B. auf Reisen, im Restaurant oder beim Arztbesuch.