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      • Fiction
        May 2020

        La reina del exilio

        by Herminia Luque

        EDHASA’S HISTORICAL FICTION AWARD 2020 Salic law’s abolition in articulo mortis and accession to the throne of Elizabeth II unleash the conflictive 19th Century in Spain, time of fratricidal wars, conspiracies and mysteries. In 1882, Elizabeth II lived her Parisian exile in the Palace of Castile, being around noble people and luxury, but far from power. To that court will arrive an attractive gentleman, Julio Uceda, sent by Sagasta with very risky documents for the queen; and also will arrive Teresa, a young girl raised and educated in Rhe Girls of Leganés, An orphans school in Madrid, whose life and thoughts are so different to that ones behind rich people. Among Julio and Teresa will grow a love story that will have to survive to political conspiracies and the suffocating and corrupt atmosphere of a decaying monarchy. Nothing is what it seems to be, but, at the same time, everything is as hypocritical and degraded as it is shown. Herminia Luque related us a palatial intrigue; an approximation to the historical figure of Isabel II, as well as a magnificent, precise and ironic recreation of the 19th Century. And she recounts us in an unusual and clever way, thanks to femenine characters perfectly fits and an original and intelligent narrative structure, which includes a critical look at the highly contrasting contexts of society at the time.

      • Fiction
        May 2020

        Bellum Cantabricum

        by José Manuel Aparicio

        FINALIST FOR EDHASA HISTORICAL FICTION AWARD 2020 CANTABRIA AGAINST ROMEThe year is 26 a. C. Once again, Roman Empire try to conquer the indomitable Cantabrians and Asturians, hardened warriors that mercilessly defend their impregnable lands.While fortified village of Bergida is being consumed in flames, Sekeios, Autrigon mercenary at the service of Rome, manages to flee to Roman camp after a serious incident with Gayo Antistio Veto, governos of Tarraconense province. Lost in enemy territory, he will be captured by Concan warriors, who will lead him to Aracillum, the Cantabrian resistance bastion.Governor has sworn to hunt him down. Sekeios is alone and he knows his flight means a journey of no return. So, he will have to kneel before the fearful leader Corocotta. If he wants to survive, he first will have to face the hatred and hostility of mountain people; and then, to brutal offensive of princeps Augusto’s legions, whose objective is none other than to take complete control of the Iberian Peninsula. However, between sweats, battles and the hunting of the wolf, he will know the love of Turennia ...Everything is envolved in conflict. A conflict that will test his own convictions and wishes during a battle for the survival of the last free local peoples of Hispania. A war that will change the destiny of the known world and Sekeios’ one. Until the last consequences.A magnificent and fast-paced historical fiction.

      • Fiction
        November 2019


        by Francisco Narla

        A historical adventure, well based and documented, thrilling and coming from a well known author. A portrait of those battles between muslims and christians that changed Europe for ever. BIC; FV – FJH BISAC; FIC014000

      • Fiction
        June 2018

        Leones de Aníbal

        by Javier Pellicer

        HISTORICAL/ ADVENTURE It’s the III Century B.C., Aníbal Barca, not only due to his inheritance but also thanks to his character, his strength and his intelligence, has become leader of Carthage. And the fearful Carthaginian army is composed not only by locals but also for many came from the Iberian peninsula that had joined the amazing force as Aníbal crossed the territory on his way to Rome. Yet the mighty Rome Roma controls the known world, Aníbal wants to conquer the very heart of the Empire, the city itself and, once the Alps are on his back, the most unbelievable act of war ever done by anyone, he’ll got his first victory, those legions of Escipion will be defeated. Everything seems at hand for Aníbal… Leones de Aníbal is the epic story of an astounding adventure, but also a novel about identity, sharing and friendship. A novel about an army of many, all different, who fight joined against the powerful Rome, nature forces and unexpected contingencies. All following a man’s flag, and not a land’s one. Three disparate individuals: Leukón, a young Celtiberian who joined the Carthaginians following his love, Alcón, a Saguntian Iberian hound by a past treason guilt, and Tabnit, a Carthaginian officer that hold an unconfessable secret, we’ll fight together. Pellicer tells us the epopee that was about to change the course of History and unveils the mythic figure of one of the most amazing strategist of all times.   BIC CODE; FV – FJH BISAC CODE; FIC014000

      • Fiction
        October 2018

        La boca del diablo

        by Teo Palacios

        After the Great Army disaster, Baltasar de Zúñiga managed to arrive to Spanish coast accompanied by his escort and partner Juan Lobo. His mission is to inform the king. Only after doing so they will have time to rest. But, as soon as they finally arrived home, Zuñiga will ask Lobo to go on a new errand. He'll have to guard two inquisitors who are in charge of investigating the disappearances of several girls of an small village near Toledo. In that village they'll find a situation far more complex than expected. Quickly enough they'll find out that the whole town has plunged into terror. The locals talk about witches and demons wandering around. Now it will be necessary to find out if Satan himself has come up from the hell to punish men or if what's happening has nothing to do with evil. BIC CODE; FV – FJH – FFH BISAC CODE; FIC014000 FIC022020

      • Fiction

        Tiempos de esperanza

        by Emilio Lara

        Times of Hope. 1212, Europe is in a state of turmoil when a mixed band of crusader children advances through the kingdom of France, led by the shepherd boy Stephen of Cloyes in a feverish and jubilant atmosphere. Its objective is Jerusalem, which they intend to liberate with no weapons, with the sole strength of faith. Meanwhile in Seville, the Almohad Caliph al-Nasir prepares a powerful army to march on Rome, which lives in fear. He has sworn that his horses will drink from the Vatican fountains. Religiousfervor is mixed with hatred of the other, of the different. And the Jewsare brutally persecuted, robbed and massacred. Just as some childrenof that historic and impassioned crusade will be. Among those childrenis Juan, son of a Castilian nobleman killed in an ambush, with his companions Pierre and Philippe. His steps will meet those of other walkers: Raquel and Esther, women who are fleeing from anti-Semitic hatred and who only have each other; or Francesco, a priest of the Holy See who wants to save souls and bodies ... and who will find his own salvation through love.

      • Fiction


        by Ignacio del Valle

        Coronado. The mythical city of Cibola and the search for a new El Dorado led Francisco Vázquez de Coronado to the south of what today are the United States of America. For the first time European eyes saw those lands: vast deserts, red canyons, large plains full of bison, dangerous indigenous tribes... They were years of conquest and evangelization, years plagued by clashes and diseases, but also of glories and objectives achieved. It is the open, non-conformist and astounded Franciscan, Friar Tomás de Urquiza, who tells us this story. So, years after the expedition, in 1564, Friar Tomás reminisces on the expedition in which, twenty years earlier, he accompanied Coronado. As if he were an ancient chronicler of the Indies, Ignacio del Valle offers us a vibrant and meticulous narrative, in which the facts reach the reader like the close-ups of a film. And together with Friar Tomás, thanks to his ready-witted vision, full of pros and cons, we immerse ourselves in the New World of the mid-sixteenth century.

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        Las batallas silenciadas

        by Nives Muñoz

        MUCHAS VIDAS SE PERDIERON. PERO TAMBI & Eacute; N MUCHAS ALMAS PERMANECERON EN SUSPENSI & Oacute; N ... Verdun, 1916. Cuando comienza la Guerra Mundial, Ir & egrave; ne Curie toma una decisi & oacute; n: estar & aacute; lo m & aacute; s cerca posible del frente. Convencido de que puede ayudar a salvar muchas vidas, pasar & aacute; su & uacute; ltimo aliento ense & ntilde; ando radiolog & iacute; aa cirujanos en hospitales de campa & ntilde; a, gracias a los dispositivos port & aacute; tiles dise & ntilde; ados por su madre, Marie Curie. Pero ella quedarse en Barleduc se convertirá en una lucha para ganarse el respeto de los soldados e incluso del resto del personal de la guardería y el infierno; Y, de repente, estalla la batalla. Alemania bombardea a Verdun, y luego todo será una carrera contra el tiempo para quitar la mayor cantidad de vidas posible de la muerte. Junto con Berthe y Shirley, Ir & egrave; ne se enfrentará al infierno durante la batalla más sangrienta y prolongada de la guerra. Y no solo lucharán por su propia supervivencia. El cielo y la tierra arden ... y están en medio de la batalla. span style = "vertical-align: heredar;"> Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza. Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza. Llenas de conciencia y feminidad y escritas en una prosa vibrante y literaria, las Batallas silenciadas nos muestran la Batalla de Verdún como nunca antes la hab & iacute; amos visto. Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz describe las vidas de todos los que participaron, porque no solo los soldados estaban todos & iacute ;, y todos podemos verlos y sentirlos: desde las trincheras, en las aldeas, en el aire, en los hospitales de campa & ntilde; a ... Porque como, En cualquier guerra, hubo vencedores y perdedores, pero todos ten & iacute; an un alma, y ​​en esta primera novela Nieves Mu & ntilde; oz abre su propio molde y lo transfiere a sus personajes para darnos un bien eterno: la esperanza.

      • Fiction
        July 2020


        by Mario Villén Lucena

        UN REINO DE LEYENDA - EL NACIMIENTO DE UNA DINASTÍA MÍTICA Alarcos, 1195. El ejército musulmán ha derrotado a las tropas dirigidas por el rey castellano Alfonso XI. Asquilula, naqîb andalusí, se siente doblemente feliz: regresa victorioso a casa y al mismo tiempo es informado del nacimiento de su primer nieto: Muhammad bin al-Ahmar. Son tiempos duros para la Península Ibérica, dividida política y culturalmente. En el norte, los territorios cristianos luchan entre sí; en el sur tampoco reina la paz entre los reinos musulmanes de taifas. A lo largo de los años habrá batallas, traiciones y compromisos, treguas y pactos junto a revueltas de ambos bandos. La vida y la muerte penden de un hilo. Pero habrá entonces cuando Muhammad bin al-Ahmar se convierta en el zegrí más destacado en la frontera con Castilla. Aclamado como sayj por el pueblo, lideró su lucha por sobrevivir a los constantes ataques cristianos, luego lo nombró emir y finalmente reunió los restos de al-Andalus que habían dejado los almohades en la famosa batalla denominada Navas de Tolosa.Fernando III el Santo fue su mayor enemigo. Pero bajo el reinado de Ibn Ammar surgió no sólo un reino, sino una nueva dinastía para gloria de al-Andalus y de la Historia: los nazaríes. Y nunca estuvo solo... Esta es una novela sobre batallas, conflictos políticos y aventuras, pero también sobre el amor, la amistad y la esperanza. Se trata de una novela basada en uno de los periodos más convulsos de la Historia, la Reconquista, pero escrita como nunca, desde el punto de vista andaluz. En definitiva, una novela sobre un personaje legendario.

      • Fiction
        April 2018


        Las hijas del Norte

        by I. Biggi

        THE CERROS DE ÚBEDA AWARD 2019 FOR BEST HISTORICAL NOVEL.  VIKINGS AT IBERIAN PENINSULA  859 A. C. Viking drakars are moving to Seville, one of the richest cities all around the world. Their objective: raze and loot it. However, expedition will be an outright failure - warriors of the north will be captured and the governor of the city will demand a large rescue for the. But, when that news reaches their village, women decide not to give up and, together with some children and slaves, they hire a small group of mercenaries to teach them how to fight. A year later, the rescue expedition will be ready. It seems an impossible mission, and, from the beginning, it will be fraught with setbacks. I. Biggi make us to fly back to past, to Vikings world, in a so fast narrative as well as his exhaustive knowledge of the period. In that way, Valkirias is an adventure novel that shows us the most human side of a civilization as dazzling as terrifying. NEXT AUTHOR’S PUBLICATION: OCTOBER 2020: MOISE’S PROJECT: In 1945 allied troops are about to invade European continente. In London, Military High Command receives the strange visit of an exiled Spanish professor, a man who has been fighting for the Republica during Spanish Civil War.

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