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      • Effatà Editrice di Paolo Pellegrino SAS

        Effatà Editrice is an independent publishing house, founded by Paolo and Gabriella Pellegrino in 1995 in Turin. We deal with religious non-fiction. Our aim is to bring Christian spirituality to everyone, with a fresh and contemporary language. We are open to dialogue with other faiths and try to give readers books that open their hearts and minds.

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      • LeftWord Books

        LeftWord Books is a New Delhi-based publishing house that seeks to reflect the views of the left in India and South Asia. We publish critical and analytical works on a range of subjects, and pay special attention to works on Marxist theory. We project the interests of the working people and movements for social transformation. Set up in 1999, LeftWord runs and manages May Day Bookstore, which is next door to a theatre space, Studio Safdar. LeftWord Books is the publishing division of Naya Rasta Publishers Pvt Ltd.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        The Misery of Literature

        by Djawad Rostom Touati

        “His great novel, his “immense contemporary social fresco”, his “made-in-bladi human comedy” - in the words with which he dazzles his virtual contacts - was now out of the question. To those who still asked him: “What's the status of this novel?”, he invariably replied: “Perhaps under other skies. Here, all we promote is mediocrity. And everyone would nod in agreement, wishing him well.” Djawad Rostom Touati Farid, Malia, Rami, Adib and other characters wander through La civilisation de l'ersatz, the second part of the trilogy: Le culte du ça, each equipped with their own socio-cultural baggage, some motivated to change the course of their lives, sure that the sun is much warmer elsewhere; others resigned to the idea that the world is as it is: just a two-variable equation - dominated/dominant -; and still others, self-sufficient, seeking redemption in the misfortunes of others, make their way between the strata of a society in turmoil, the victim of a frozen past, a sequestered present and a future held hostage. In La civilisation de l'ersatz, both neo-prolo-aspirants-bourgeois who don't even know they're there, replace each other between the fingers of a born writer. Everything is relativity: time, space, not to mention the mind...

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Marie Duval

        Maverick Victorian Cartoonist

        by Simon Grennan, Roger Sabin, Julian Waite

        Marie Duval: maverick Victorian cartoonist offers the first critical appraisal of the work of Marie Duval (Isabelle Émilie de Tessier, 1847-1890), one of the most unusual, pioneering and visionary cartoonists of the later nineteenth century. It discusses key themes and practices of Duval's vision and production, relative to the wider historic social, cultural and economic environments in which her work was made, distributed and read, identifing Duval as an exemplary radical practitioner. The book interrogates the relationships between the practices and the forms of print, story-telling, drawing and stage performance. It focuses on the creation of new types of cultural work by women and highlights the style of Duval's drawings relative to both the visual conventions of theatre production and the significance of the visualisation of amateurism and vulgarity. Marie Duval: maverick Victorian cartoonist establishes Duval as a unique but exemplary figure in a transformational period of the nineteenth century.

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        February 2021

        The Stage and the Story

        by Djawad Rostom Touati

        ‘‘So he thought of writing a play inspired by the residents' strike, which was in full swing. He was in his fifth year of medical school and his future was directly affected by the outcome of this movement, for which he was enthusiastic. However, when he wanted to take an interest in the nuts and bolts, the details he could incorporate into his art, an indefinable discomfort overcame him, and he couldn't quite grasp the cause. The project remained at half-mast in a corner of his mind, and the end of the strike finished by gathering the dust of oblivion on it.’’ Dj. R. Touati The one is multiple, and that which unites, after the moment of egregore, becomes that which divides; irreconcilably. At a time when the failure of the intuition of diversity has never been so prevalent, so widespread, it seemed salubrious to the author to show - without seeking to demonstrate - through the painting of an aesthetic reality, that if a historical moment has given rise to debate and division within the same class, then nothing is more absurd - or more specious - than the claim to unanimity within an entire people. Against the schizophrenic false identification, attempting to grasp the totality appears to be the only way to confront totalitarianism, which is, as those who denounce it pretend to ignore in order to exonerate themselves, THE PART THAT TAKES ITSELF FOR THE WHOLE. On stage, Molière, Brecht, Kateb, Alloula and others play out history... against a backdrop of burgundy-red curtains, where a dialogue of the deaf imposes blindness on the actors in action. Far from the imposing “noise” of movement, La scène et l'histoire, like a “socio-temporal” filter, sets the historical record straight: curtain up. Theater teacher Nadji, on the lookout for the old days, Rahim and Lamia, the pretenders of a politically better future, and all the others... followers of culture, that's us..., (are) beating the floor of the present.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2008

        Die Romane

        by Marguerite Duras, Ilma Rakusa

        Die Suhrkamp-Quarto-Ausgabe versammelt sämtliche Romane von Marguerite Duras, von den Anfängen in den 50er Jahren mit Heiße Küste und Der Matrose von Gibraltar bis zu Der Liebhaber, ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Trauma ihrer Kindheit, und Der Schmerz, dem Protokoll ihres Wartens auf ihren in Buchenwald internierten Mann. Dieser Band bietet im Vergleich zu den Einzelbänden eine Preisersparnis von 69%.

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        May 2008

        Die Romane

        by Thomas Bernhard, Martin Huber, Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler

        Ein Schriftsteller wollte er nicht sein, vielmehr "jemand, der schreibt". Zugleich begriff er sich als "Geschichtenzerstörer" und "Übertreibungskünstler", wurde von andern als "Misanthrop" oder "Alpenbeckett" charakterisiert. Eins steht bei solch unterschiedlichen Ansichten fest: Bernhards Werke, die Prosa wie die Dramen, zählen unbestritten zur Weltliteratur und sind in annähernd 50 Sprachen auf dem Erdball zu lesen. Die vorliegende Quarto-Ausgabe präsentiert seine neun Romane im gesicherten Textbestand – vom Debütroman Frost aus dem Jahr 1963 über Das Kalkwerk und Korrektur bis zum gewaltigen Schlußband Auslöschung von 1986. Martin Huber und Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler beschreiben Entstehung, Relevanz und Wirkung des Bernhardschen Romanwerks in einem ausführlichen Schlußessay. Dieser Band bietet im Vergleich zu den Einzelbänden eine Preisersparnis von 71%.

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        Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas

        by Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan.

        Inglés para estudiantes universitarios de matemáticas - por el Prof. J. Golan y el Dr. M. Bensoussan. El objetivo de este conciso cuaderno de 64 páginas, concebido especialmente para estudiantes extranjeros que planean cursar estudios avanzados de matemáticas en universidades anglo-parlantes, es permitir al lector pueda comprender escritura técnica matemática. El libro está compuesto de 12 textos de nivel matemático universitario, especialmente escritos  para destacar los aspectos diferentes del estilo matemático técnico. Cada texto comprende ejercicios que examinan la comprensión de texto de los estudiantes, adquisición de vocabulario, y conocimientos  de algunos de los temas más sutiles de la escritura matemática. Una edición bilingüe en japonés de este libro fué publicada en Tokio por Maruzen Co., Ltd.

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        Migrañas: Un nuevo tratamiento para un antiguo azote?

        by Dr. Peter Hermes

        Migrañas: Un nuevo tratamiento para un antiguo azote ?Cómo un pequeño orificio en el corazón puede ser la causa del devastador síndrome de la migraña? Por el Dr. Peter Hermes Las migrañas afectan a un 15 % de toda la población del mundo "civilizado". Alrededor de un 50% de los casos jamás se diagnostican correctamente, mientras que apenas la mitad de los pacientes que sí lo son reciben un tratamiento apropiado. Por lo tanto, más o menos un 75% de quienes sufren de migraña llevan una vida infeliz, cautivos de jaquecas que machacan la cabeza, pasan gran parte de su tiempo en habitaciones oscuras, aislados del ruido y de la gente, vomitando y probando el último "remedio milagroso" en venta en el mercado. ?Cómo un pequeño orificio en el corazón (AOP) puede causar tanta desdicha? El autor nos lleva a lo largo del proceso de descubrimiento del AOP, su diagnóstico moderno, su relación con diversos tipos de cefaleas y su gran nivel de incidencia (40% a 50% de quienes sufren de migraña tienen un AOP). Una parte bastante extensa del libro está dedicada a los nuevos dispositivos que pueden cerrar este "agujero" en el corazón con sólo una noche de hospitalización, mediante un procedimiento bajo anestesia local, !en menos de una hora! Siga leyendo para encontrar la respuesta a este enigma médico que atormenta al mundo civilizado desde tiempos antiguos…   El doctor Peter Hermes, graduado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Sorbona, es un neurólogo especialista asociado con centros médicos de primera línea y clínicas especializadas en cefaleas en su país natal, Francia, así como en Italia, Estados Unidos e Israel. Junto con sus colegas italianos, los doctores Anzola, Onorato y Santoro, enfoca su atención en la relación entre el AOP (el "agujero en el corazón") y las migrañas. El autor, incansable viajero, ha atendido a enfermos y a pobres en la India, a los ricos y famosos en Park Avenue, Nueva York, a los beduinos de Uadi Naamán en Israel y a pacientes con migraña en Tel Aviv. Divide su tiempo entre sus pacientes en Israel e Italia, donde también dirige un festival de música de gran éxito.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1972

        Soziologie nach Marx

        by Henri Lefèbvre, Beate Rehschuh, Peter Anton Arnim

        Henri Lefebvre gehört zu den eigenwilligsten Interpreten der Marxschen Theorie. Soziologie nach Marx liefert dafür neue Belege. Lefebvre analysiert die für Marx zentralen soziologischen Begriffe, ihren Stellenwert in einer marxistischen Gesellschaftstheorie und ihren Zusammenhang mit dem politischen Handeln. Seine Studie ist eine Einführung in eine Sozialwissenschaft, die den »Abstand zwischen der Vorstellung vom Wirklichen und diesem Wirklichen selbst« zum Inhalt sowohl ihrer Reflexion als auch ihrer praktischen Absicht macht.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Müller-Frahling, Margit; Kasperzik, Birte

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        September 2011

        Biochemie nach Dr. Schüßler

        Grundlagen, Praxis, Antlitzanalyse

        by Deutscher Apotheker Verlag

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        Medication Management in the Hospital

        A workbook for ward pharmacists

        by Dr. Insa Gross, MSc Andreas Fischer and Dr. Holger Knoth

        The ward pharmacist in the hospital is like the airbag in a car. As part of a fail-safe system, they monitor and optimise the patient’s drug therapy. Ward pharmacists work hand in hand with medical and nursing staff. That situation is also reflected in this workbook. All the cases presented were patients who had been cared for, evaluated and documented by a physician-pharmacist duo or similar team with combined medical and pharmaceutical expertise. The editorial team considered it important to illustrate all critical indications typically encountered in a hospital. In assessing and selecting the examples, they were able to draw upon the many years’ experience of their pioneering work as hospital and ward pharmacists. Practical tips, checklists, comments and advice for working in the ward environment round off the individual chapters. By learning from actual cases, this book offers the unique chance to develop an instinct for the pitfalls of drug safety. That applies to those who have successfully completed further training in the field of “Medication Management in the Hospital” and for all who wish to ensure the optimum treatment for their patients through competent work in clinical pharmacy.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        Marie Curie

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Frau Isa, Svenja Becker

        Die Forscherin Marie Curie schuf mit ihrer Liebe zum Wissen Unglaubliches: Sie revolutionierte den Kampf gegen Krebs, indem sie die chemischen Elemente Radium und Polonium entdeckte, und gewann den Nobelpreis – zwei Mal! Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichte einer großen Persönlichkeit: Marie Curie hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein war: mit großen Träumen. Ein Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

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        Mind, Body, Spirit

        The Other Goddess

        Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge

        by Dr. Joanna Kujawa

        Is there a lineage of goddesses that claims the evolutionary power of female sexuality? And if so, why were they pushed to the shadows and demeaned as harlots? Was Mary Magdalene one of them, and what were her teachings? Dr. Joanna Kujawa argues that in the process of recovering the healing power of the Goddess we have focused solely on the mother archetype and left out the other Goddess, who is often represented in mythical, historical, and Gnostic sources as wise, mysterious, and in the possession of the healing power of Eros. Learn about Mary Magdalene’s portrayal in the gnostic gospels as a teacher in her own right and Jesus' intimate partner, the possibility of her life as an alchemist in Egypt, and her last years in Southern France. Find out if Mary Magdalene was the same person as Mary the Prophetess of Egypt and her connection to the mysterious Cathars, Black Madonnas, and Knights Templar. Whether looking at Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, or the goddesses of esoteric Hinduism, Dr. Kujawa finds the archetype of The Other Goddess-the bearer of the mysteries of sexual alchemy that ends the division between sexuality and spirituality.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        Tyrants of Sicily by Hugo Falcandus

        by Graham Loud, Thomas Wiedemann

        This book is our principal source for the history of the Kingdom of Sicily in the troubled years between the death of its founder, King Roger, in February 1154 and the spring of 1169. It covers the reign of Roger's son, King William I, known to later centuries as 'the Bad', and the minority of the latter's son, William II 'the Good'. The book illustrates the revival of classical learning during the twelfth-century renaissance. It presents a vivid and compelling picture of royal tyranny, rebellion and factional dispute at court. Sicily had historically been ruled by tyrants, and that the rule of the new Norman kings could be seen, for a variety of reasons, as a revival of that classical tyranny. A more balanced view of Sicilian history of the period 1153-1169 has been provided as an appendix to the translation in the section of the contemporary world chronicle ascribed to Archbishop Romuald II of Salerno, who died in April 1181. In particular the chronicle of Romuald enables us to see how the papal schism of 1159 and the simultaneous dispute between the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the north Italian cities affected the destiny of the kingdom of Sicily. In contrast to the shadowy figure of Hugo Falcandus, the putative author of the principal narrative of mid-twelfth-century Sicilian history, Romuald II, Archbishop of Salerno 1153-1181, is well-documented.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1974


        by Georg Trakl, Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Marie Luise Kaschnitz

        Georg Trakl wurde am 3.2.1887 in Salzburg geboren. Während seines Pharmaziestudiums in Wien begann er Gedichte zu publizieren und schloß 1910 die akademische Ausbildung ab; anschließend lebte er in Innsbruck. Trakl gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des österreichischen Expressionismus. Sein Gesamtwerk ist geprägt von Schwermut, Trauer und der Suche nach Gott. Tod, Verfall und der Untergang des Abendlandes sind zentrale Aussagen seiner tiefen Lyrik voller Symbole und Metaphern. Herbst und Nacht bilden die Leitmotive seiner Dichtung. Trakl starb in der Nacht vom 3. zum 4. November 1914 in Krakau. Marie Luise Kaschnitz wurde am 31. Januar 1901 in Karlsruhe geboren und wuchs in Potsdam und Berlin auf. Nach einer Ausbildung zur Buchhändlerin arbeitete sie beim O.C. Recht Verlag in München und in einem Antiquariat in Rom. Nachdem sie den Archäologen Guido Kaschnitz von Weinberg geheiratet hatte, begleitete sie ihn auf mehrere seiner Forschungsreisen und wohnte u.a. in Rom, Marburg und Königsberg, nach 1941 vor allem in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Geburt ihrer Tochter 1928 begann sie zu schreiben – Romane, Erzählungen, Essays und Gedichte. Ihr erster Roman Liebe beginnt erschien 1933. Ab 1950 widmete sie sich zudem zunehmend dem Hörspiel. Sie wurde mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet und war Mitglied u.a. des P.E.N.-Zentrums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung und der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste. Sie starb am 10. Oktober 1974 in Rom. Marie Luise Kaschnitz wurde am 31. Januar 1901 in Karlsruhe geboren und wuchs in Potsdam und Berlin auf. Nach einer Ausbildung zur Buchhändlerin arbeitete sie beim O.C. Recht Verlag in München und in einem Antiquariat in Rom. Nachdem sie den Archäologen Guido Kaschnitz von Weinberg geheiratet hatte, begleitete sie ihn auf mehrere seiner Forschungsreisen und wohnte u.a. in Rom, Marburg und Königsberg, nach 1941 vor allem in Frankfurt am Main. Nach der Geburt ihrer Tochter 1928 begann sie zu schreiben – Romane, Erzählungen, Essays und Gedichte. Ihr erster Roman Liebe beginnt erschien 1933. Ab 1950 widmete sie sich zudem zunehmend dem Hörspiel. Sie wurde mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet und war Mitglied u.a. des P.E.N.-Zentrums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung und der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste. Sie starb am 10. Oktober 1974 in Rom.

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        The second half of your life - a manual

        Tips and strategies for successful ageing

        by Dr. Petra Kiedaisch

        In the middle of our lives, the cards are reshuffled: marriages are divorced, careers are questioned, friendships are ended, questions of meaning are asked, bodies change - and not just hormonally. At the same time, children leave home and parents become carers. From the age of 45, the majority of our population is at the centre of a second upheaval that affects all facets of our lives and leaves us at a loss in many ways. Not only in our daily lives, but also when it comes to planning for our own old age. This guide is designed to help us find our way. It presents the most important information from all areas relevant to a good life after 45. Leading experts from the fields of medicine, nutrition, philosophy, theology, psychology, care, law and finance give recommendations on what to look out for and what tools are needed to get through these challenging years unscathed. Useful checklists round off the articles. The book shows us the unique opportunity to see these challenges not as a crisis but as a source of strength. Not only can we come through this period of our lives healthy and happy, but we can also shape it so that the next age threshold is no longer frightening. During the second phase of adolescence, we lay the foundations for whether and how we will grow older. Be it in terms of health or living together with family and friends. With contributions from: Prof. Dr. Martin Gessmann (philosophy), Dipl. Psych. Claudia Kühner (psychology), Dr Suso Lederle (medicine), Dr Petra Forster (nutrition), Christian Hald, Anja Heine (law), Prof Dr Philipp Schreiber (finance), Prof Dr Thomas Klie (nursing care insurance), Georg Eberhardt (religion).

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