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Promoted ContentOctober 1999
Regeln für den Menschenpark
Ein Antwortschreiben zu Heideggers Brief über den Humanismus
by Peter Sloterdijk
Daß die Domestikation des Menschen das große Ungedachte ist, vor dem der Humanismus von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart die Augen abwandte - dies einzusehen genügt, um in tiefes Wasser zu geraten.
Animal husbandrySeptember 2015
Livestock and Poultry
Conservation and Improvement Techniques
by C.V. Singh & R.S. Barwal
It is difficult to forecast the There are 25 s contributed by distinguished contributors who have made valuable contributions to the field of conservation of animal biodiversity and improvement of livestock. The topics covered are ranging from cattle genetic resources, strategic action plan for sustainable management, conservation and genetics improvement, breeding strategies to improve milk productivity, production systems and breeding policies for genetic improvement, application of biotechnological tools for conservation and improving of animal genetic resources, bioinformatics and genome analysis in conservation, heat stress management etc.