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        November 1997

        The Beckett Country

        Samuel Becketts Irland

        by Eoin O’Brien, David H. Davison, Wolfgang Held, James Knowlson

        »Wenn man nach Lektüre von The Beckett Country zu Becketts früher Prosa und Lyrik zurückkehrt – zu Mehr Prügel als Flügel (das fest im Dublin der späten zwanziger Jahre verwurzelt ist) oder zum Traum von mehr bis minder schöner Frauen, dem Roman aus der gleichen Schaffensperiode, oder auch zu Echos Gebein, den 1935 publizierten frühen Dubliner Geschichte –, so liest man diese Werke gleichsam unter dem frischen Eindruck einer intensiven Besichtigungstour durch Dublin und seine Umgebung in Gesellschaft eines begeisterten, hochartikulierten, glänzend informierten Reiseleiters. Mit seiner Fülle faszinierender Einzelheiten erweckt Eoin O'Briens Buch auch Örtlichkeiten außerhalb der Stadt zum Leben, die in Becketts Frühwerk eine herausragende Rolle spielen … Moderne Stadtansichten David Davisons erscheinen neben hochevokativen Archivbildern«, schreibt James Knowlson, Autor der autorisierten Beckett-Biographie Damned to Fame, in seinem Vorwort zu O`Briens fundierter, reichbebildeter Untersuchung. Aber auch nach Becketts Abkehr von Irland in den dreißiger Jahren ist der irische Hintergrund weitaus wichtiger für Becketts Werke geblieben als vielfach angenommen. Mitnichten spielen Becketts spätere Texte in einem existentiellen »Niemandsland«, sondern Samuel Becketts Irland zeigt, daß sie bis zuletzt von »Außenwelt«, nicht zuletzt von der irischen, gespeist und präzisiert werden.

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        Psychoanalyse und Anthropologie als komplementäre Bezugsrahmen

        by Georges Devereux, Ulrike Bokelmann

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 1999

        The Irish and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939

        by Robert Stradling

        The outbreak of the Spanish Civil War threw Irish politics, north and south of the border, into turmoil. Tragic events in Spain aroused emotive responses across the spectrum of Irish society. In contrast to most other communities of the British Isles, citizens of the Irish Free State were mainly pro-Franco. But many on the left felt a strong identification with the plight of the Republic. Ireland sent large organized bodies of men to fight on opposite sides in the Spanish Civil War. The International Brigade volunteers were led by the IRA warrior, Frank Ryan. Their rivals, who became a battalion of Franco's Foreign Legion were mostly members of the semi-facist Blueshirts, and were commanded by the ex-leader of that movement, General Eoin O'Duffy. In late 1936, two enemy crusades - Communist and Catholic - left Ireland to fight it out in Spain. This book, illuminated by personal histories, tells the story of what happened to those two sides. Starting with their eventful journey to Spain, it follows their footsteps across the battlefields of Spain. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2012

        Coercive confinement in Ireland

        Patients, prisoners and penitents

        by Eoin Sullivan, Ian O'Donnell

        This book provides an overview of the incarceration of tens of thousands of men, women and children during the first fifty years of Irish independence. Psychiatric hospitals, mother and baby homes, Magdalen homes, Reformatory and Industrial schools, prisons and Borstal formed a network of institutions of coercive confinement that was integral to the emerging state. The book provides a wealth of contemporaneous accounts of what life was like within these austere and forbidding places as well as offering a compelling explanation for the longevity of the system and the reasons for its ultimate decline. While many accounts exist of individual institutions and the factors associated with their operation, this is the first attempt to provide a holistic account of the interlocking range of institutions that dominated the physical landscape and, in many ways, underpinned the rural economy. Highlighting the overlapping roles of church, state and family in the maintenance of these forms of social control, this book will appeal to those interested in understanding twentieth-century Ireland: in particular, historians, legal scholars, criminologists, sociologists and other social scientists. These arguments take on special importance as Irish society continues to grapple with the legacy of its extensive use of institutionalisation. ;

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        Political science & theory
        July 2015

        The political theory of the Irish Constitution

        Republicanism and the basic law

        by Eoin Daly, Tom Hickey

        The political theory of the Irish Constitution considers Irish constitutional law and the Irish constitutional tradition from the perspective of Republican theory. It analyses the central devices and doctrines of the Irish Constitution - popular sovereignty, constitutional rights and judicial review - in light of Republican concepts of citizenship and civic virtue. The Constitution, it will argue, can be understood as a framework for promoting popular participation in government as much as a mechanism for protecting individual liberties. It will be of interest to students and researchers in Irish politics, political theory and constitutional law, and to all those interested in political reform and public philosophy in Ireland.

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