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      • Agence Deborah Druba

        AGENCE DEBORAH DRUBA is an international rights agency based in Paris.

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      • Bruno Dorn Verlag

        The Bruno Dorn Verlag is publishing extraordinary and high quality art books and catalogues since 1996. In collaboration with artists*, museums or other art institutions, BDV is creating very special books that open up whole new creative worlds. Since 2007, the BDV is publishing the art magazine seen, a completely new and compact format to present new, emerging and interesting artists.    Der Bruno Dorn Verlag zeichnet sich seit 1996 durch Künstlerbücher und Kataloge von höchster Qualität und Kreativität aus. In Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen und oft in Kooperation mit Museen oder anderen Kunstinstitutionen entstehen im BDV Bücher, die den Zeitgeist einfangen und zum Verweilen einladen. Seit 2007 gibt es mit dem Kunstmagazin seen ein neues Format, zu dem der Verlag in unregelmäßigen Abständen Künstlerinnen und Künstler einlädt.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2004

        Medicine transformed

        Health, disease and society in Europe 1800–1930

        by Deborah Brunton

        During the nineteenth century medicine underwent a radical transformation. In 1800, the body was still understood in terms of humors and fluids, and a wide range of individuals provided medical care. Institutions were marginal to the medical enterprise, and governments took almost no part in providing medical services. By 1930 a recognisably modern medicine had begun to emerge across Europe. New understandings of the body opened up surgery and treatments, and hospitals became centres for care, research and training. In Medicine transformed, original essays by established scholars in the social history of medicine explore these developments and examine topics such as the military and colonial medicine, the role of women and access to care. The essays provide an accessible introduction to the subject, setting nineteenth and early twentieth-century medicine in its political, cultural, intellectual and economic contexts. Medicine transformed is complemented by a companion volume of primary and secondary readings: Health, disease and society in Europe, 1800-1930: A source book. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2010

        Harriet Martineau

        Authorship, society and empire

        by Ella Dzelzainis, Cora Kaplan

        Harriet Martineau responds to the strong revival of interest in her life and writing, exploring Martineau's controversial views through her innovative use of popular cultural forms-journalism, travel writing, didactic fiction, novels, translation, autobiography and history. This is the first collection of essays to revisit and reassess Martineau's leading place in Victorian culture and in the development of nineteenth-century liberalism. Distinguished contributors-including Isobel Armstrong, Lauren Goodlad, Catherine Hall, Deborah Logan and Linda Peterson-offer critical analyses of her trailblazing career as a professional 'woman of letters'. The essays collected here move from personal to global concerns in Martineau's oeuvre. The opening essays centre on her bold self-fashioning as a writer, while the second section focuses on the domestic complexities of laissez-faire liberalism in her economic and social vision. Finally, the volume analyses her provocative writings on race, Empire and history - from Atlantic slavery to the Indian Mutiny - demonstrating the international breadth and impact of a remarkable career. ;

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        Individual film directors, film-makers
        March 2015

        The three amigos

        The transnational filmmaking of Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu, and Alfonso Cuarón

        by Deborah Shaw

        Now available in paperback, this is the first academic book dedicated to the filmmaking of the three-best known Mexican-born directors, Guillermo del Toro, Alejandro González Iñárritu and Alfonso Cuarón. Deborah Shaw examines the career trajectories of the directors and presents a detailed analysis of their most significant films with a focus on both the texts and the production contexts in which they were made. These include studies on del Toro's Cronos/Chronos, El laberinto del fauno/Pan's Labyrinth, and Hellboy II: The Golden Army; Iñárritu's Amores Perros, 21 Grams and Babel; and Cuarón's Sólo con tu pareja/Love in the Time of Hysteria, Y tu mamá también, and Children of Men. The Three Amigos will be of interest to all those who study Hispanic and Spanish cinema in particular, and world and contemporary cinema in general.

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        September 2008

        Selbstmord im Paradies

        Mein Leben in der Sekte

        by Deborah Layton, Carrie Asman, Sibylle Mall

        Er hatte ihnen das Paradies auf Erden versprochen. Und sie sind ihm gefolgt – bis in den Tod. Vor dreißig Jahren geriet die US-Sekte People’s Temple in die Schlagzeilen der internationalen Presse. Ein regelrechtes Massaker hatte am 28. November 1978 in Jonestown (Guyana) stattgefunden, 913 Menschen starben, darunter 276 Kinder. Opfer eines charismatischen Führers, James Warren Jones. Was treibt Menschen dazu, sich in ein System der Unterdrückung und Manipulation zu begeben, das sie mit dem Leben bezahlen? Deborah Layton, die neun Jahre lang Mitglied der Sekte war, konnte ein halbes Jahr vor dem Massaker aus Jonestown fliehen. Zwanzig Jahre später schrieb sie diesen eindrücklichen Bericht. Ein Buch mit Wucht. Ein Buch, das auf fesselnde Weise aufklärt. Ein Buch von beängstigender Aktualität.

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        The Arts
        December 2001

        British stars and stardom

        From Alma Taylor to Sean Connery

        by Bruce Babington, Susan Williams

        Deals analytically with the fascinating topic of the great film stars (and some thought-provoking lesser ones) of the British cinema, from Alma Taylor and Ivor Novello in the Silent period, up to the present day. Looks both at stars who attained worldwide fame through the Hollywood cinema, and those whose contribution is primarily to the national cinema.. First collection of essays on the subject with a wide historical coverage including major figures, such as Connery, Mason, Trevor Howard, Deborah Kerr, Mary Millington, Albert Finney and James Mason. Major figures in UK film studies have contributed, including Marcia Landy, Andrew Higson, Peter Evans, Charles Barr, Pam Cook and Andy Medhurst. ;

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        March 1988

        Hexerei, Orakel und Magie bei den Zande

        by Edward E. Evans-Pritchard, Brigitte Luchesi, Eva Gillies

        Bei dem hier vorliegenden Band handelt es sich um eine von Eva Gillies gekürzte und eingeleitete Ausgabe des zuerst 1937 erschienenen großen Werkes »Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande«, das den seither unbestrittenen Ruf des bedeutenden englischen Sozialanthropologen E.E. Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973) begründet hat. Diese Monographie gehört zu den umfangreichen Publikationen Evans-Pritchards, die eine Frucht der intensiven ethnologischen Felduntersuchungen darstellen, die er in den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren im damals Anglo-Ägyptischen Sudan unternommen hat und in deren Verlauf er neben den Zande u. a. auch die Gesellschaften der Nuer, der Anuak und der Luo studiert hat. Evans-Pritchards Arbeit weist die innere Logik des Glaubens an Hexerei und Magie auf, eines Glaubens, der in der Vorstellungswelt und der gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit vieler afrikanischer Gesellschaften einen festen Platz hat. »Hexerei, Orakel und Magie bei den Zande« ist bahnbrechend für den Versuch geworden, fremde Denksysteme auf ihre eigene Logik hin zu untersuchen und ihre Grundvoraussetzungen explizit zu machen. Seit den fünfziger Jahren beeinflußt Evans-Pritchards Werk neben Ethnologen zunehmend auch Philosophen, Soziologen und Theologen. In ihrem Vorwort umreißt Eva Gillies die heutige Bedeutung des Buchs von Evans-Pritchard und beschreibt die soziale und politische Organisation der Zande um 1930, um dem Leser die Einordnung in den historischen Kontext zu ermöglichen.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1971

        Die Ratte im Labyrinth

        Eine Science-fiction-Anthologie von Franz Rottensteiner

        by Franz Rottensteiner, Marie Thérèse Kerschbaumer, Klaus Staemmler, Rudolf Hermstein, Michael Maier

        Lem, Stanisl'aw: Die Ratte im Labyrinth. Deutsch von Klaus Staemmler. Colin, Vladimir: Die letzte Verwandlung des Tristan. Deutsch von Marie-Thérèse Kerschbaumer. Sturgeon, Theodore: Reife. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Gunn, James E.: Ein Ungeheuer namens Smith. Deutsch von Michael Maier. McLean, Katherine: Ein unmenschliches Opfer. Deutsch von Michael Maier. Lafferty, R.A.: Regierungsform und Brauchtum der Camiroi. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein. Blish, James: _. Kidd, Virginia: An der Wand der Jagdhütte. Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Das Geheimnis der Schicksalsrhythmen

        Wie 7-Jahres-Schritte unser Leben bestimmen

        by McLean, Penny

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        November 2018

        Spielarten der Bezugnahme

        by Gareth Evans, John McDowell, Joachim Schulte, Catrin Misselhorn, Ulrike Ramming

        Gareth Evans, einer der brillantesten Philosophen seiner Generation, starb 1980 im Alter von nur 34 Jahren. In seinem unvollendeten Meisterwerk Die Vielfalt der Referenz entwickelt Evans im Ausgang von Frege und Russell eine Theorie des Bezugs und der Bezugnahme im Rahmen einer umfassenderen Theorie des Verstehens und Denkens. John McDowell hat das Manuskript nach Evans' Tod für die Publikation vorbereitet und mit einem Vorwort versehen. Nun ist es erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung zu entdecken: ein Meilenstein der jüngeren Philosophiegeschichte!

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        From Para to Dakar

        Overcoming paralysis and conquering the Dakar Rally, a journey of courage and determination

        by Joey Evans

        Joey Evans has always loved bikes, from his first second-hand Raleigh Strika at the age of six to the powerful off-road machines that became his passion later on in his life. His dream was one day to ride the most gruelling off-road race in the world, the 9000km Dakar Rally. In 2007 his dream was shattered when he broke his back in a racing accident. His spinal cord was crushed, leaving him paralysed from just below his chest. Doctors gave him a 10 per cent chance of ever walking again. Many would have given up and become resigned to life in a wheelchair, but not Joey Evans. Not only would he get back on his feet and walk, but he would also keep his Dakar dream alive. It was a long and painful road to recovery, involving years of intensive rehabilitation and training, but he had the love and support of both family and friends and an incredible amount of determination. Joey shares the many challenges he and his family faced, relating the setbacks, as well as successes, along the way to the Dakar start line. But the start line was only the first goal – his sights were set on reaching the finish line, which he did in 2017 – the only South African to do so. From Para to Dakar is so much more than the story of one man reaching the Dakar finish line. It is a story of friendship and respect, compassion and kindness. It is about defying the odds to reach a dream, it is about grit, endurance and raw courage, and it is inspiring in its true heroism.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        The metamorphosis of autism

        A history of child development in Britain

        by Keir Waddington, Bonnie Evans

        This book is available as an open access ebook under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. What is autism and where has it come from? Increased diagnostic rates, the rise of the 'neurodiversity' movement, and growing autism journalism, have recently fuelled autism's fame and controversy. The metamorphosis of autism is the first book to explain our current fascination with autism by linking it to a longer history of childhood development. Drawing from a staggering array of primary sources, Bonnie Evans traces autism back to its origins in the early twentieth century and explains why the idea of autism has always been controversial and why it experienced a 'metamorphosis' in the 1960s and 1970s. Evans takes the reader on a journey of discovery from the ill-managed wards of 'mental deficiency' hospitals, to high-powered debates in the houses of parliament, and beyond. The book will appeal to a wide market of scholars and others interested in autism.

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        Politische Theorie

        Differenz und Lebensqualität. Herausgegeben von Herta Nagl-Docekal und Herlinde Pauer-Studer

        by Herlinde Pauer-Studer, Herta Nagl-Docekal

        Mit Beiträgen von Iris M. Young (Ü.: Michaela Adelberger), Catharine A. MacKinnon (Ü.: Ursula Marianne Ernst), Carol Pateman (Ü.: Elisabeth Holzleithner), Jane Flax (Ü.: Gertrude Postl), Julia Annas (Ü.: Michaela Adelberger), Deborah L. Rhode (Ü.: Ursula Marianne Ernst), Anna Yeatman (Ü.: Elisabeth Holzleithner), Lois McNay (Ü.: Karin Wördemann), Drucilla Cornell (Ü.: Gertrude Postl), Onora O'Neill (Ü.: Ursula Hoffmann), Martha Nussbaum (Ü.: Ursula Hoffmann) und Nancy Fraser (Ü.: Ilse Utz). Gender Studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1987

        Augenblicke der Wahrheit

        Einsichten und Reflexionen eines Wanderers auf dem Weg nach Innen. Paul Brunton's Notebooks

        by Brunton, Paul / Übersetzt von Möhring, Hans U

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1990

        Der Weg liegt vor deinen Füssen

        Reflexionen über den Pfad der Selbsterkenntnis. Paul Brunton's Notebooks Band zwei

        by Brunton, Paul / Übersetzt von Möhring, Hans U

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