Agence Deborah Druba
AGENCE DEBORAH DRUBA is an international rights agency based in Paris.
View Rights PortalAGENCE DEBORAH DRUBA is an international rights agency based in Paris.
View Rights PortalA personal journey into the music of the Arctic
FOUR CHILDREN LIVE ON AN ISLAND that is the repository for all the world’s garbage. Garbage arrives; the children sort it and then feed it to a herd of pigs. The pigs are beautiful, but fierce, with sharp teeth and insatiable appetites, and they will eat anything—even human flesh. When a boy washes ashore in a barrel, the children must decide what to do with him: is he more of the world’s detritus, meant to be fed to the pigs, or is he one of them? Combining elements of magical realism and suspense, this literary novel explores questions about community, environmental responsibility, and the possibility of innocence.
In modern days, crop improvement is a multidisciplinary division of agriculture. In this book, entitled, "Breeding, Biotechnology and Seed Production of Field Crops", emphasis has been given on principles, methods and practices in plant breeding, biotechnology in crop improvement and seed production of field crops. The book has been written for all sections of learners, educators and staff-members of seed industries. Particular importance has been underlined for postgraduate students who specialize in plant breeding and seed science. Each of the book has been designed as per the recommended of syllabus of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the postgraduate students of various Agricultural Universities in our country. This book has been divided into two major parts- i) Principles of crop breeding and ii) Methods and practices of crop improvement and seed production of individual field crop. The book contains total of 18 chapteFirst three s are related to shed light on the basic-principles and remaining s deal with methods and practices of individual crop for improvement and seed production. We hope that the book will be ready to lend a hand to the advanced undergraduate students doing plant breeding in elective, postgraduate students who opted plant breeding, teachers, researchers and staff-members of private seed companies of this field of specialization.
Encounters with the Gypsy female flamenco dancer throughout history
A timely new text, fully up to date and relevant for both HE and FE practitioners. It recognises the increasing importance of designing appropriate online learning and teaching, and the need for all those involved in education to fully embrace digital skills and capabilities.
PIMPLES, LOVE, AND OTHER LIFE PROBLEMSWritten by Urška Kaloper During puberty, the body changes, and so does the way we experience ourselves and the world. We encounter our first loves, and the first disappointments that inevitably follow. How to cope? Ana, Nina, Miha, Luka, Nika, Eva, Maja and Tina also have a whole bunch of problems growing up, but they deal with them in a fun as well as instructive way. Pick up this book and join them! Their stories will certainly help you solve many problems. Format: 16,5 x 23,8 cm202 pages | Age: 11+