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      • AG Book Publishing / AG Solutions sas di Angela Cristofaro & C.

        AG BOOK PUBLISHING is a small, independent, strictly no-fee, Rome–based publishing house. We publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles, with particular attention to performing arts, environment and nature, social and educational issues, and children's literature.

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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Trusted Partner
        Film theory & criticism
        February 2014

        The Encyclopedia of British Film

        Fourth edition

        by Edited by Brian McFarlane

        With well over 6,300 articles, including over 500 new entries, this fourth edition of The Encyclopedia of British Film is a fully updated invaluable reference guide to the British film industry. It is the most authoritative volume yet, stretching from the inception of the industry to the present day, with detailed listings of the producers, directors, actors and studios behind a century or so of great British cinema. Brian McFarlane's meticulously researched guide is the definitive companion for anyone interested in the world of film. Previous editions have sold many thousands of copies and this fourth edition will be an essential work of reference for enthusiasts interested in the history of British cinema, and for universities and libraries.

      • Fiction

        Paolo Lunare's Wonderful Lamp

        by Cristo'

        Is omission a lie? How many does it take not to trouble the relationships we weave with those dearest to us? Paolo and Petra live a story of love and deception, going beyond the temporal limits that mark every existence. To tell you how and why would mean to deprive you of the pleasure of facing this work, which confirms Cristò’s imaginative power: starting from Landolfi and Buzzati’s magical realism, he is creating a new literary genre book after book.

      • October 2019

        Our Father Spiritual Itinerary

        by Pedro Antonio Ortiz Cárdenas

        Este libro nos adentra en la riqueza formativa que contiene la oración del Padre Nuestro cuando hacemos una lectura desde la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Descubriremos que el Padre Nuestro no es solo una oración de fe, sino un camino para ayudar a las personas a vivir de una manera más humana y fraterna a la luz del Evangelio de Cristo. Su contenido permite convertirlo en un curso sobre el Padre Nuestro o sobre la Doctrina Social; contiene iluminación bíblica, reflexión pastoral, fundamentación doctrinal y talleres de aplicación para la vida diaria.

      • Geography

        Colorado's Sangre De Cristo Mountains

        by Tom Wolf

        Draws on the latest scientific findings to show that the battered, beautiful Sangres need us as much as we need them. Focusing on forest ecology, environmental writer Tom Wolf shows how fire, insects, disease, humans, and other disturbances have formed the magnificent, diverse forests we know today.

      • March 2017

        Via Crucis con Tommaso Reggio

        by Paolo Rizzi

        La Via Crucis è un atto di gratitudine al Padre per l'immenso dono della salvezza, operata mediante la passione, morte e risurrezione di Gesù. Al tempo stesso, è una contemplazione della figura del Cristo sofferente e morente, che ci appare come uomo sfigurato e sconfitto. Ma la morte non è il definitivo sbocco della vita del Figlio di Dio: la sua sofferenza ha aperto a Lui la glorificazione, nello splendore della risurrezione, e a noi la giustificazione dei nostri peccati. Accompagnati dagli scritti e dalle testimonianze delle eroiche virtù di monsignor Tommaso Reggio, percorriamo spiritualmente l’itinerario della Via Crucis, per comprendere quanto egli ha imitato il divino Maestro nel cammino esigente della sequela e, nella forza dello Spirito Santo, è stato testimone dell’amore forte come la morte (cfr. Cantico dei cantici 8,6). Uniti con il cuore e la mente a questo santo Pastore della Chiesa, vogliamo salire con trepidazione e speranza il Calvario e meditare sulla sofferenza del Cristo. L’insegnamento di colui che è teneramente venerato come padre della Congregazione delle Suore di S. Marta ci aiuti a riscoprire questa immensa lezione di dolore e di amore, per decidere un passo nuovo di conversione e di apertura accogliente e umile agli altri. Il Figlio di Dio sul Golgota soffre anche le nostre angosce per aprirci cammini, forse inattesi, di risurrezione. Dalle piaghe delle sue mani, dei suoi piedi, del suo costato, e sicuramente del suo cuore, si irradia quella luce che tutto cambia in risurrezione. Questa luce l’hanno colta per prime le donne, le uniche rimaste fedeli, a parte Giovanni, le più esposte, le più capaci di amore, come dimostra il gesto della Veronica che asciuga il Volto di Cristo.

      • January 2019

        Via Crucis

        Il cammino dell'uomo verso la Luce

        by Mario Luzi

        A vent'anni dalla celebrazione liturgica al Colosseo della «Passione di Cristo» di Mario Luzi (1999-2019), l'Associazione Centro Culturale Cassiodoro ripropone il testo poetico dello scrittore, illustrato dal maestro Alberto Schiavi. È un omaggio a questi due grandissimi artisti italiani e anche un invito a meditare e rivivere il martirio del Figlio di Dio, che prima di riconfermarsi nella gloria ha voluto scendere (per il nostro riscatto) nell'abisso del dolore sfidando e vincendo la morte.

      • Travel & holiday guides

        Spanish Peaks

        Land & Legends

        by Conger Beasley Jr , Barbara Sparks

        The Spanish Peaks stand alone some distance from the main cordillera of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, south of Pueblo, Colorado. The towering twin mountains have served as beacons for Native Americans, Spaniards, trappers, traders, travellers on the Santa Fe trail, miners, and homesteaders. "Spanish Peaks" shares the legends the mountains have inspired and tells of the peoples drawn to the peaks' shelter. Author Conger Beasley Jr and photographer Barbara Sparks portray the people who struggle to sustain their lives here and document traditional events such as the Ute Bear Dance and Holy Week among the penitentes of Huerfano Church. Beasley's vivid writing and Sparks's photographs offer tribute to a rugged, mysterious place.

      • Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Classic Illustrated Series

        by Mr. Kanter

        Classics Illustrated is a series featuring adaptations of American and European literary classics, non-fiction and biographies and began publication in 1941 and finished its first run in 1969[1]. The series presented in a comic book format with robust color illustrations that introduce great literature to readers of all ages. The CI series includes folktales, myths, epics, legends, fables that have been passed down by storytellers for hundreds, even thousands, of years to enlighten and entertain generations of listeners, young and old. The series has over 340 titles with 100 pages maximum and includes such classics as Snow White, Hamlet, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Alice in Wonderland[2]. [1] Classic Illustrated, Wikipedia, [2] Publishers Weekly

      • January 2016

        Vescovo per voi, cristiano con voi

        Scritti pastorali per le diocesi di Pinerolo, Mondovì e Biella

        by Massimo Giustetti

        L'idea di raccogliere gli scritti del Vescovo Padre Massimo Giustetti si è delineata già a pochi giorni dalla sua morte. Non avere più a disposizione quotidianamente la sua persona, la sua parola, la sua vita evangelica ha immediatamente rimandato a quel ricco patrimonio di scritti che il Vescovo Massimo ha lasciato. Ci si è accorti che era necessario riprendere e fare memoria di quelle parole che hanno dato un orientamento alla vita pastorale e che, per molti, hanno segnato un percorso profondo nel proprio cammino di fede. Il Vescovo Massimo ha sempre avuto ben presente il _triplex munus_ del Vescovo, interpretando in chiave impegnativa per la sua vita quotidiana il dovere di _santificare_ , di _insegnare_ , di _governare_. Il presente volume è dedicato al _munus_ _episcopalis_ dell'insegnamento; tuttavia è chiaro che i tre doni non si esprimono a compartimenti stagni, ma sono un tutt’uno nella vita di un Pastore, che governando insegna, insegnando santifica e si santifica... Ciò risulta ben chiaro da questa raccolta di _scritti_ _pastorali_ , suddivisi, secondo un ordine cronologico, in base alla diocesi a cui sono stati rivolti: nell’ordine, quindi, Pinerolo, Mondovì e Biella. Anche attraverso questa scelta si vuole rendere omaggio all’altissimo senso della Chiesa Locale, della sua dignità, del suo personale volto da salvaguardare in quanto nucleo fondamentale in cui si manifesta l’unica Chiesa di Cristo, convinzione che ha sempre animato lo stile di governo del Vescovo Massimo Giustetti.

      • Christian theology

        The Christ Always New

        The Place of Context in Christology

        by Francisco García Martínez

        Something has changed in Christology, something that causes anxiousness and worry among the shepherds and theologians that try to give reason of their faith in a time and in a society where certitudes have dwindled. However, since Christ is the same yesterday, today and always, the only and universal Salvator in history, theology, forced by Christ’s eschatological lordship, which does not despise any historical present as his own body, must look for new ways to offer today’s men and women the truth, beauty and goodness that are in store for all in God’s very depths. According to this logic, where the context becomes a provocation inviting faith and theology to be daring, the liturgical Christ reveals himself as the foundation of Christology, since it is the place where he displays his truth and living presence.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

      • Christian life & practice

        As the Father Sent Me, So I Send You

        Theology and Spirituality of Priestly Apostolic Ministry

        by Ángel Cordovilla

        This work, halfway between the personal testimony and the theological reflection, is divided into three parts. The first displays the historical and cultural situation that has provoked a radical change in the way of perceiving and understanding priestly ministry. The second identifies four features that may enlighten nowadays the image and mission of the priest: the disciple, apostolic, fraternal, and secular dimensions. The third part deepens into the basic tasks of his mission –the preaching of the Gospel, the sanctification by way of the sacramental and liturgical action, and the guidance of God’s people–, without forgetting that the criterion that must guide and feed the apostolic existence is the daily practice of the ministry, the true and proper way to holiness.

      • March 2022

        Flora y fauna

        by Leticia Rivas

        What does being a twin mean? What does being a twin mean to others and to yourself? Suburbian SMEs, old communist militants, cell-phone sales strategies, beer-flavored kisses, Tinder dates, phobias, millennial entrepreneurship, and the motherhood question: the characters in these stories inhabit these unstable and difficult territories where the challenge is not only to find their way in the world but to differentiate themselves with precision–in the chiaroscuro of contemporary times–where do one’s own story and desires begin and end?With flashes of humor that don’t shy away from irony or tenderness, a sharp and precise eye for emotion, and a disarming profoundness, these stories by Leticia Rivas impress with their extraordinary skill and move you from the first to the last page. Federico Falco

      • Introduction to Christian Ethics

        In the Horizon of the New Testament

        by Alberto de Mingo Kaminouchi

        More than affirming a set of doctrines, being a Christian means to get involved in the task of responding to the God of Jesus of Nazareth without reservations. By imitating his Teacher and under the guidance of the Spirit, Jesus’ followers can contribute to the rising of a new creation already here on earth. That is the only way for Christian ethics to find its meaning and fulfil its goal. This innovative handbook runs through the New Testament with an eye to three key concepts in Aristotle’s ethics: happiness, virtue, and love, in order to create a basic grammar which allows today’s reader to enter into Christian ethics.

      • The Arts

        A Bible in Ivory

        Mediterranean art in 11th century Salerno

        by Valentino Pace

        In the late 11th century, one of the greatest historical and artistical times in Campania, in the South of Italy, a significant role was played in this sense by Alfano, the Archbishop of Salerno. He personally committed the episcopal throne inside the Cathedral, with the intention to catch the eye of anyone who entered as a symbol of the ultimate devotion. Of this work, with scenes from the Old and New Testament, only 67 ivory plaques still remain. The throne was realized in ivory, a precious material which can be considered inferior only to gold. Working with ivory required advanced skills from the artists, who had to know how to extract the thin layers from an elephant tusk before being able to delicately carve a scene. Possibly planned and executed for the Cathedral of Amalfi, it is the most extensive series of ivory panels to an artifact that predates the Gothic Era. They prove to be an artistic production that, due to the valuable nature of its material and the quality of its execution – not to mention the inherent interest of its narrative sequence –, is without comparison.

      • Christianity

        Invitation to Christianity

        Experience and Truth

        by Olegario González de Cardedal

        True teachers have invited us to search for what they considered essential to live a full life: to seek the truth, to love the neighbor, to cultivate wisdom, to find the meaning of history and to search God. This book is an invitation to know Christianity from within. The origin of Christianity lies in the historical event of Jesus of Nazareth, who proposed a particular way of life and of truth. The experience of millions of men and women who throughout the centuries have thought about Christianity and lived it gives witness to a reality which can be intellectually thought and lived, whose practice is affable and feasible, and which remains an open and accessible path to search for Jesus Christ’s God.

      • Fiction
        December 2019

        Under the guardian

        by Juca Serrado

        A secret that the Catholic Church wants to protect at all costs, the true story of Mary Magdalene, his followers and his beloved master Jesus, rage, murder, danger, passion and time travel. A mystery protected by the Knights of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, better known as the Knights Templar, which involves the story of the Christ the Redeemer statue building, in Rio de Janeiro. A long journey begins with investigations in Brazil and runs through Paris and Israel, a narrative full of adrenaline, unimaginable scenes in "a real cocktail of emotions." The Brazilian writer Juca Serrado leads us seductively at the beginning of the Templars time and embraces us in an exciting contemporary novel, a work of painstaking and fascinating fiction.

      • Ancient history: to c 500 CE

        The First Evangelization in Earliest Christianity

        New Revised and Expanded Edition

        by Santiago Guijarro

        When during the spring of 50 AD Paul arrived at Corinth in the company of Silvanus and Timothy, he met Prisca and Aquila, expelled from Rome on account of their faith. Since that moment, the Roman couple joined Paul’s group and supported him on his mission. The letters written by the apostle and his collaborators, as well as the book of the Acts of the Apostles, offer much information regarding this missionary group, yet very scarce data about other groups, giving us the impression they were the leading and almost exclusive actors of the first evangelization. We know, nonetheless, there were other groups as well as a series of anonymous individual witnesses who carried out an intense missionary activity during the apostolic era. That first and diverse mission was a singular historical event, part of the collective memory on what Christian churches founded and keep founding their identity and their evangelizing task throughout the ages.

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