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Ukrainian Publishing House “RANOK” founded in 1997 is prominent for its endless love for books and reading.
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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesJuly 2014
Citizen convicts
Prisoners, politics and the vote
by Cormac Behan
Prisoner enfranchisement remains one of the few contested electoral issues in twenty-first-century democracies. It is at the intersection of punishment and representative government. Many jurisdictions remain divided on whether or not prisoners should be allowed access to the franchise. This book investigates the experience of prisoner enfranchisement in the Republic of Ireland. It examines the issue in a comparative context, beginning by locating prisoner enfranchisement in a theoretical framework, exploring the arguments for and against allowing prisoners to vote. Drawing on global developments in jurisprudence and penal policy, it examines the background to, and wider significance of, this change in the law. Using the Irish experience to examine the issue in a wider context, this book argues that the legal position concerning the voting rights of the imprisoned reveals wider historical, political and social influences in the treatment of those confined in penal institutions. ;
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2021
Cormac McCarthy
by Lydia R. Cooper, Sharon Monteith, Nahem Yousaf
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesJune 2023
Cormac McCarthy
A complexity theory of literature
by Lydia R. Cooper
Combining the fields of evolutionary economics and the humanities, this book examines McCarthy's literary works as a significant case study demonstrating our need to recognise the interrelated complexities of economic policies, environmental crises, and how public policy and rhetoric shapes our value systems. In a world recovering from global economic crisis and poised on the brink of another, studying the methods by which literature interrogates narratives of inevitability around global economic inequality and eco-disaster is ever more relevant.
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Trusted PartnerApril 2004
Irish Pubs
Ein Reisebegleiter durch Irland
by Johann-Günther König, Doris Heitkamp
Pubs und Literatur – das geht in keinem anderen Land besser zusammen als in Irland. Doch Pub ist nicht gleich Pub. In dieser kurzweiligen Rundreise durch Irland stellt Johann-Günther König rund 150 außergewöhnliche Gaststätten vor: Ob literarisches oder singing Pub, Trauer-Pub, Hotel-Bar, Laden-Pub oder viktorianischer Gin-Palace – der Varianten gibt es viele ...Zur Feier des 100. Bloomsday begibt sich König außerdem auf einen pub crawl durch Dublin, der die Spuren von Joyce, Beckett, Brendan Behan, Flann O'Brien u. v. a. aufnimmt.»Ausflüge« in die Geschichte bedeutender Brauereien und Whiskeybrennereien sowie eine Schilderung der Entwicklung irischer Trinkkultur und der public houses runden diese Reise ab.Im insel taschenbuch liegt außerdem vor: Von Pub zu Pub. Eine literarische Kneipentour durch London und Südengland (it 2888)
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Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesAugust 2016
by Elisabeth Bronfen, William Hughes, Andrew Smith, Steven Bruhm, Ken Gelder, Jerrold Hogle, Avril Horner, William Hughes
This book will provide the first study of how the Gothic engages with ecocritical ideas. Ecocriticism has frequently explored images of environmental catastrophe, the wilderness, the idea of home, constructions of 'nature', and images of the post-apocalypse - images which are also central to a certain type of Gothic literature. By exploring the relationship between the ecocritical aspects of the Gothic and the Gothic elements of the ecocritical, this book provides a new way of looking at both the Gothic and ecocriticism. Writers discussed include Ann Radcliffe, Mary Shelley, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, Margaret Atwood, Cormac McCarthy, Dan Simmons and Rana Dasgupta. The volume thus explores writing and film across various national contexts including Britain, America and Canada, as well as giving due consideration to how such issues might be discussed within a global context.
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