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      • Column Books

        COLUMN is a rights boutique agency for acclaimed writers with an added significance for "book to film" adapted literature and vice versa.

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      • Columna Edicions

        Columna Edicions, founded in 1985, successfully entered the Catalan publishing world with the vocation of creating readers through the publication of foreign authors.

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      • Fiction
        June 2020

        I will follow in your footsteps

        by Care Santos

        By the author of Half-Life (Nadal Prize 2017), a new novel about family relationships that reflects on the ways a secret from the past can make our future come tumbling down. Reina receives an unexpected call from the mayor of a small village in the Pyrenees. Renovation work on the cemetery has forced them to open up some of the more neglected tombs, among them her father’s. The mayor begs her to do something about his remains and invites her to a solemn ceremony.There is, in addition, a delicate matter he would like to speak to her about, one far from easy to discuss: the discover of another body next to her father’s. Surprised, Reina has no idea who it could be; she knows next to nothing about the man except that he killed himself forty-five years ago, and her mother tried her entire life to conceal it. Against her will, she goes to the village to put things in order.A journey that will take Reina to a tiny town in the heart of Catalonia, but also to a faraway past to the thirtys when her father was a young man in love.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2017


        by Elsa Punset

        A fantastic blend of inspiration and awareness brings us close to happiness through a great voyage. With exceptional warmth, this book gives the reader the tools to reach happiness through wisdom that has built up in humanity over the course of the centuries all over the world. An open, vivid book that invites us to take a fascinating journey and gives us a thousand possibilities so that each one of us can find their own way to feel good.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        A whole life to remember

        by Núria Pradas

        A fascinating behind-the-scenes glimpse into the world of the iconic Disney Studios, A Whole Life To Remember is a fast-paced and utterly absorbing story which captures a beloved bygone era with acuity, wisdom, and heart. A Whole Life to Remember is the story of Sophie Simmons, a talented young girl from New York, who travels to Los Angeles in the 1930s to become a cartoonist. The story follows Sophie in her way to achieve her dream in a world of men at the golden beginnings of the Disney Studios. Love, friendship, tragedy and glamour are all the ingredients of this fascinating novel that will transport you to the backstage of the big first Disney cartoon productions, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs or Dumbo accompanied by a heroine who will stay with you for a long time.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Sea of stars

        by Laia Aguilar

        Winner of the 2020 Josep Pla Prize.  A group of friends. A house in front of the sea. A sea of stars and an unresolved past.  A group of friends meet five years after a tragic accident in a house in Cap de Creus, an idyllic seaside enclave, with the excuse of seeing a sea of stars.They enjoy the reunion and share secrets, but jealousies also flourish, and an old love story and still-smoldering sentiments unearth an issue from the past that remains unresolved.None of them can imagine how the night will end. A night that has one more surprise in store.“She couldn’t say if it was because Nis had asked her or because she had let herself be dragged along. But she had come. It was two weeks ago. With two suitcases and an uncertain future, following the steps of the man who had seduced her. ‘We’ll be happy there, Olivia, we’ll be good. Trust me,’ Nis had repeated into her ear.”

      • Fiction

        Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

        by Gerard Guix

        Novel eligible for translation grants for Catalan novels from the Institut Ramón Llull Recently translated and published in French Pin i Soler de awards 2001 A novel, with a very personal poetic style that opens up to the fantastic, therefore has a very broad reading horizon. The readership is female and male, young adults and avid readers. If our lives are like a film, are we actors… or spectators? Five years have passed since Gerard and Anastasia met in London. Five years in which, despite the passion of the first days, they have grown apart until they feel very far from each other, even though they are in the same bed. Now they are about to embark on a journey to the Swiss shore of Lake Geneva. There, in the house where actress Audrey Hepburn spent her last days, Gerard will try to revive his literary career while she desperately tries to save their relationship. Gerard Guix uses humour, suspense and fantasy in this novel, full of love for the cinema, where readers will discover whether it is possible to erase our memories and live without any.Musical, visual, sensual novel, but not a conventional romance. The fantastic atmosphere that gradually imposes itself, the suspense, the psychological precision of the characters but also the humour nourish a reflection on questions such as the power of forgetting to overcome suffering and difficulties, to the point of envisaging a life without memories. The gradual transformation of the story into a magnetic tape that is slowed down, accelerated and listened to in reverse fascinates by its hypnotising power. The last scene is masterful in this respect. The author’s qualities as a dramatist can be seen in his mastery of the rhythm of the story, the setting of the space and the psychological depth of the characters.

      • Geography & the Environment

        Chile geopoético

        by Miguel Laborde

        Esta publicación reúne veintiocho columnas del investigador, académico y escritor Miguel Laborde, con ilustraciones de Alejandra Acosta, publicadas en la revista La Panera. Sus textos dan cuenta de una serie de datos geográficos e históricos que permiten asomarse a ciertos rasgos distintivos de Chile desde los cuales se construye un relato del imaginario local. La geopoética como concepto nace como una herramienta para comprender y expresar nuestra relación con el mundo y el pensar a la Tierra. Considera la cultura como el modo en el que los seres humanos se conciben a sí mismos y se organizan y orientan. “Desde el punto de vista literario, un libro como este, que corrió el riesgo de ser concebido por la vía de la protesta en un lenguaje de pura comunicación, es, por el contrario, un libro poético, de excelente prosa, de gran riqueza de imágenes y sorpresas de lógica e ilógica. Su crítica al modelo de civilización vigente es lapidaria, pero de un furor contenido”. Gastón Soublette

      • Children's & YA
        August 2021

        Lo que no se comprende

        by Inés Arredondo

        A selection of short stories by Inés Arredondo, in which the feminine, the sensuality, the eroticism, the unspeakable desire, death, the sordid, and otherness are recurrent themes, and they are part of what can´t be understood, of the intangible that are present in the daily life of its characters. This edition exquisitely illustrated by the young Mexican woman John Marceline contains stories like “Summer”, “Shadows between shadows”, “Mariana”, “The Shunammite”, “Opus 123”, among others.

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2017

        Sobre música, músicos y otras memorias

        by Erik Satie

        Multifacético y revolucionario, Erik Satie irrumpió en la música a principios del siglo XX con una sutileza inesperada. Creó piezas para piano, música de mobiliario, para películas mudas y cabarets; sólo una arista de su amplia reflexión como compositor. Además, escribió sobre la crítica y los críticos, de sus contemporáneos y de la música. Estas reflexiones, cargadas con un irónico sentido del humor y su personalidad libre de toda regla, fueron publicadas en revistas de la época como fragmentos que parecieron nunca completar una obra en su totalidad. Ordenados temáticamente, en este libro se reúnen textos provenientes de columnas que Satie tituló Memorias de un amnésico, Cuadernos de un mamífero, Observaciones de un imbécil (yo) y Crónica musical, entre otros escritos diversos.

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Night and ocean

        by Raquel Taranilla

        Winner of the 2020 Biblioteca Breve Prize.Bea Silva is shocked when she comes across an article in the newspaper that says someone has stolen the embalmed skull of the legendary silent film director F.W. Murnau. What’s most surprising is that Bea is convinced she knows who the thief is: Quirós, an underemployed filmmaker who one day showed up at her enormous ramshackle house.At almost thirty-two, Beatriz is a somewhat aloof college professor, weary of life and almost pathologically erudite. The arrival of Quirós brings out her lucid, hyperactive side and sets her up for a wildly unhinged fall.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2017

        Hoy es miércoles

        Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination

        by Patricio Nouveau

        An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.

      • Fiction
        May 2019


        En tierras de Urantia

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        Are you ready to read the story of the second coming of Christ in full s. XXI? Do you want to know first-hand who he was, what he did and with whom? Do you know that this time she was a woman and that her mothers were lesbians?Get ready to explode your neurons with this groundbreaking, entertaining, and surprising novel, set in real settings in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona) and Europe.Action, adventure, travel, sex, technology, chases, magical scenarios, extraterrestrial beings ...You have before you a new modern and daring thriller that will make you reflect on reality.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        Desde la universidad a la sociedad II

        Selección de escritos 2015 -2020.

        by Ignacio Sánchez D.

        Continuación de su primera selección de escritos, el material reunido en este libro corresponde a las convicciones del rector de la Universidad Católica de Chile, Ignacio Sánchez Díaz, expuestas en columnas y cartas publicadas en periódicos y revistas, así como en documentos y correos electrónicos internos de su segundo período (2015-2020) al mando de esta casa de estudios. Este es su testimonio como actor relevante de la poliédrica realidad de la educación en Chile. Aquí se encontrará una visión que, reconociendo la urgencia del acontecer y los movimientos cambiantes de las opiniones del día, se nutre de lo que siempre permanece fiel a sí mismo. A los temas dominantes del primer ciclo, se suman en la presente entrega asuntos que han marcado las circunstancias vividas por la comunidad académica, tales como la emergencia de las reivindicaciones feministas, la crisis de la Iglesia y la sustentabilidad. Todos estos contenidos son analizados desde el prisma de la universidad, pero también desde la perspectiva del bien común del país, lo que cruza como un hilo esencial las acciones emprendidas por la universidad en su búsqueda de la inclusión, la calidad, la adecuada convivencia interna y la internacionalización. Textos que se escriben en medio de los debates nucleares acerca del sentido de la educación, en ellos también –y sobre todo– se podrá vislumbrar el horizonte hacia el que camina una auténtica universidad católica. "La selección de los diversos contenidos da lugar a una edición que logra plenamente los objetivos más relevantes que pueden esperarse de o pedirse a una obra de este carácter y envergadura. Deja un nítido testimonio de la presencia activa –no solo de su existencia– de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile en la vida social y política del país a partir de su misión y propósito institucionales más propios y distintivos, durante el quinquenio que corresponde al segundo período del Rector Ignacio Sánchez". Aldo Valle. Rector Universidad de Valparaíso 2008-2020.

      • September 2020

        A 洗濯機のアンゴラ猫

        Angora cat in the washing machine

        by Manuel Giron

        Angora Cat in the washing machine «It was to be expected that censorship would appear at any time.  The greed of those who handle the art market is too big and powerful. Speculation and money laundering cannot be stopped. Corruption is the backbone of the global  financial system. And the artist is a simple buffoon who appears and disappears by the mafia’s art.»   «Es war zu erwarten, dass die Zensur jeden Moment zuschlagen konnte. Die Geldgier derjenigen, die den Kunstmarkt beherrschen, ist zu groß und mächtig. Spekulation und Geldwäsche sind nicht aufzuhalten, und die Korruption ist das Rückgrat des weltweiten Finanzsystems.  Der Künstler ist nichts weiter als ein Hofnarr, über dessen Auf- und Abtritt die Mafia entscheidet.»   «Era de esperar que la censura apareciera en cualquier momento.  La codicia de quienes manejan el mercado del arte es demasiado grande y poderosa. No se puede detener la especulación y el lavado de dinero. La corrupción es la columna vertebral del sistema financiero mundial. Y el artista es un simple bufón que aparece y desaparece por arte de mafia»    投機やマネーロンダリングを止めることはできない。汚職は世界の金融システムにおいて支柱である。そしてアーティストは、マフィアの手によって現れては消えていく単なる道化役に過ぎない。   «Manuel Giron has been writing stories full of humour and irony during his journeys, which revolve around the absurd. His short stories reflect vital dilemmas, everyday stories that the writer takes out of context with an enormous sense of humour. The author allows himself to mix reality and fiction, to express his opinions about the world that surrounds him with total naturalness, in a unique and very personal way, establishing a game in which the author participates, his characters and the reader.  Thus, the reader is bound by the force and the tension of the narrative, which wraps him/her up with the turn of each page. Sometimes, it is added in the storyline the wrongdoing and the ambiguity, causing hilarity and surprise.  Manuel Giron flirts with fiction, amazes us with his ideas, approaches and fables, while at the same time keeps his feet firmly anchored in the reality. His short stories constitute a magnificent and pleasant surprise, a compilation of ideas with an undoubted poetic background». Begoña Peris President of the United Nations Club of the Book in Spanish, Geneva. eBook Audio

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 1. Velocidad-percepción: desarrollo de habilidades perceptivas

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida. Comprensión y memorización

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        In this cycle Speed - perception: development of perceptual skills, you will significantly improve the speed of your reading thanks to the exercises of each lesson, whose main objective is that you achieve rapid perception of words, as well as identify and eliminate all those noises, distractions and bad habits that affect your reading process.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 2. Comprensión total: atención y concentración

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        The effective process of a good read is not only related to speed but also depends on a good understanding that is supported by analyzing, synthesize, apply and construct written information, with the benefit of acquiring new knowledge and give them a meaning of their own. The ability to understand also provides intellectual stimulation, increase of the cultural heritage, development and improvement of language. Therefore, this second cycle is dedicated to increase and enhance this ability. The goal during these five weeks is to keep increasing the eye speed, but above all that now incorporates understanding, attention and visual concentration of texts, symbols and images, for such reasons new reading techniques are exposed, with which he will use the whole brain; this system methodology will teach you to read sentences and paragraphs (more complete ideas) at a single glance and to take scan readings, incorporating all the strategies and skills acquired. It is essential to work in this second cycle the TOTAL UNDERSTANDING, without leaving a side the speed. Practice and perseverance will be your best companions.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2018

        2001 Punto Cero

        by Carlos A. Colla

        Welcome to a luminous journey, at times hilarious, that crosses the misery and dissects the hypocrisy of an abandoned society that struggles to emerge from the abyss. In a Buenos Aires besieged by violence and poverty in the worst economic and ethical crisis in contemporary Argentina, the lives of a select few are shipwrecked in a country that is crumbling. Prostitutes, unemployed workers and cartoneros merge in a ravaged city, pierced by anarchic holes of poverty, evictions and unemployment. Thanks to an unknown fate, the protagonist, disenchanted and responsible for his family, advances between the absurdity of the crisis, in a forward flight, without rest or contemplation, to try to recover a destiny torn from the roots. What could be the destination of such a particular transit?

      • Children's & YA

        Aramat's Plot

        by Victoria Álvarez

        In a country devoured by desert, where technology obeys thelaws of magic and the genie’s wishes are more than just a legend,a sultaness marries at nightfall each evening and beheads hernew husband at daybreak each morning. Nobody in all Aramatseems willing to stand up against her; nobody that is, except herown daughter.Aged just 16, Princess Raisha sees her mother is destined toa dreadful fate. Desperate to try and save her, she flees thepalace with the sultaness’ latest husband, hoping her motherwill come to her senses. But it doesn’t take long for Raisha torealise that things don’t always turn out the way you think: theman she helped to escape isn’t who she thought. The desertconceals more secrets than you could ever imagine and beyondits borders, where the mist unfurls across a kingdom of rustingmachinery and the clouds envelop a floating archipelago, thecogs of an imminent war have already begun to turn.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference

        Ciclo 3. Retención total: memoria

        Sistema Integral de Lectura Rápida. Comprensión y memorización

        by María Guadalupe Baeza Gómez

        Memory is the psychic faculty by means of which the past is retained and remembered, hence its importance in the process of reading the information only once and remembering it the rest of the lifetime. This is based on attention, perception and reasoning, supported by the association and organization of data, because it not only means accumulating information but also knowing how to use it and for this you have to stimulate and exercise memory. In this third cycle lasting five weeks you will continue exercising all the skills and skills that you have learned in the system to apply in your daily life; also include specific techniques to improve concentration and memory, optimize study time, as well as organize and retain the information of any text. The ability to work in this cycle is TOTAL RETENTION, combining it with speed and understanding. From this one moment your way of reading is different, do not go back to the bad habits and always read with techniques, skills and strategies learned, since on this depends the true mastery from the same.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2020

        Kafka en Maracaná

        90 partidos. 90 autores. 90 relatos

        by David García Cames, Miguel Ángel Ortiz and Marcel Beltran

        Football breaks down all doors, including those of literature. Contrary to popular belief, there are many writers who at some point were attracted by the mystery of the goal or the fervor of the stands. The ball sneaks into the work and life of authors who have built bridges between these two apparently dissociated worlds. From Marguerite Duras to Eduardo Galeano, passing through Albert Camus, Roberto Bolaño, Svetlana Aleksiévich or Federico García Lorca. This book is 90 games that were played one day. This book is made up of 90 stories, halfway between the chronicle and the tale, with which tribute is paid to 90 extraordinary creators who have influenced our way of understanding football.

      • Children's & YA

        The Chasers #1

        The Hidden City

        by Mara Blefusco

        The Chasers of the Dust Clan, a tiny people community, have been living in hiding for decades on the rooftop of a department store, right in the middle of the city. They steal from the supermarket, play in the aisles during the night and have fun frightening the customers. But all that peace and quiet is gone when the Chasers of a neighbouring clan vanish leaving no trace. What happened to them? Who are those humans who seem to know about them? And most importantly, what is LAEXHU, the corporation that?s after them? Sasa and Film, two young Chasers, embark on a dangerous adventure to solve the mystery. Their journey will reveal secrets that will change everything. What kind of enigma is hiding in the secret city?

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