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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2017

        Die neunundvierzig Stufen


        by Roberto Calasso, Joachim Schulte

        Brillante Essays über lauter Autoren jenes archaischen Zeitalters, das einst die »Moderne« genannt wurde: Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Kraus, Robert Walser, Walter Benjamin… unter Berücksichtigung »verfemter« Schriftsteller wie Max Stirner und Daniel Paul Schreber. Zum Abschluss »Der Schrecken der Fabeln«, ein Essay über den Mythos.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1990

        Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia

        by Roberto Calasso, Moshe Kahn, Reimar Klein

        Roberto Calasso, geboren 1941 in Florenz, war Essayist, Kulturphilosoph und Verleger des Mailänder Verlages Adelphi Edizioni. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Der Himmlische Jäger – als neunter Teil eines »work in progress«, das 1983 mit dem Untergang von Kasch begann. Es folgten Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia, Ka, K., Das Rosa Tiepolos, Der Traum Baudelaires, Die Glut und Das unnennbare Heute. Calasso starb im Juli 2021 in Mailand.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 1980

        Die geheime Geschichte des Senatspräsidenten Dr. Daniel Paul Schreber

        by Roberto Calasso, Reimar Klein

        Roberto Calasso, geboren 1941 in Florenz, war Essayist, Kulturphilosoph und Verleger des Mailänder Verlages Adelphi Edizioni. Zuletzt erschien von ihm Der Himmlische Jäger – als neunter Teil eines »work in progress«, das 1983 mit dem Untergang von Kasch begann. Es folgten Die Hochzeit von Kadmos und Harmonia, Ka, K., Das Rosa Tiepolos, Der Traum Baudelaires, Die Glut und Das unnennbare Heute. Calasso starb im Juli 2021 in Mailand.

      • Trusted Partner

        Koffer und Rucksäcke

        by Chava Kohavi Pines

        Koffer und Rucksäcke von Chava Kohavi Pines   Koffer und Rucksäcke ist ein detailgetreues Zeugnis, das das Überleben eines jungen Mädchens in Gettos und Konzentrationslagern zwischen 1942 und 1945 beschreibt. Der Leser folgt ihrer Reise von Wien ins Getto Theresienstadt, dann nach Auschwitz und in ein Arbeitslager in der Nähe von Breslau, gefolgt von der Entfremdung, die sie bei ihrer Rückkehr nach Wien verspürt, ihrer anschließenden Reise nach Prag und schließlich der Verwirklichung ihres Traumes von der Einwanderung nach Palästina. Die auf Hebräisch veröffentlichte Originalausgabe hat LeserInnen aller Altersgruppen fasziniert.   Chava Kohavi Pines wurde 1927 als Eva Hirsch in Wien in eine bürgerliche jüdische Familie geboren. Seit ihrer Auswanderung nach Palästina im Jahr 1946 lebt die Autorin im Kibbuz Dorot im nördlichen Negev, wo sie Jahre lang als Lehrerin und Beraterin tätig war. Nur aus vierzig Jahren Distanz vom Trauma ihrer Jugend konnte sie über einige ihrer Erfahrungen während des Holocaust berichten.   Eine englischsprachige nordamerikanische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2014 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. Eine italienische Ausgabe wurde Anfang 2017 von Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano, veröffentlicht. 80 Seiten 14 x 21,5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner

        El KETER: el Códice de Alepo

        by Amnon Shamosh

        El KETER: el Códice de Alepo por Amnon Shamosh El códice de Alepo (el término hebreo "Keter", cuyo significado literal es "corona", simboliza un códice de la Biblia, a diferencia de un rollo manuscrito) es el primer manuscrito conocido que incluye el texto completo de la Biblia. Sin lugar a dudas se trata del documento de origen sagrado más fidedigno y preciso, por su texto bíblico y por su vocalización, cantilación bíblica, y "Massorah" (literalmente "transmisión" de la Biblia, la tradición oral y escrita gracias a la cual las escrituras sagradas se han preservado y transmitido de generación en generación). Como tal, el códice de Alepo ha logrado una posición de preeminencia entre los manuscritos hebraicos y judaicos y es de gran trascendencia religiosa y erudita, más que cualquier otro manuscrito de la Biblia. Una antigua tradición confiere al códice un aura única de autoridad, reverencia y santidad y sostiene que Maimónides lo consultó al establecer las reglas exactas para escribir manuscritos de la Torá (esto se deduce de su comentario: "lo he utilizado como base para el ejemplar del 'Sefer Torá', que escribí según la ley"). Los rabinos y ancianos de la comunidad de Aleppo protegieron celosamente el códice durante unos seiscientos años. La desgracia (si no el trauma) que representó su pérdida durante los disturbios antijudíos en Alepo en 1947, cuando la sinagoga local fue incendiada, se tornó en alegría y alivio al ser redescubierto (aunque no completo) gracias a intensivos y espectaculares esfuerzos de rescate y finalmente fue traído a Jerusalén. Amnon Shamosh nació en Siria en 1929, inmigró a Tel Aviv de niño y llegó a ser posteriormente uno de los miembros fundadores de Kibutz Ma'ayan Baruj, donde reside hasta la fecha. Se graduó en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén y ha escrito tanto poesía como prosa para niños y adultos. Sus obras se han traducido al inglés, al español y al francés y una de sus novelas fue llevada a la televisión en forma de miniserie. Amnon Shamosh ha sido galardonado con el Premio "Agnón" denominado en honor del célebre Premio Nóbel de Literatura israelí, el Premio "Shalom-Aleijem", el Premio del Primer Ministro a la Creatividad, el Premio de Literatura del Presidente de Israel y otros numerosos premios literarios.

      • Health & Personal Development


        by Fer Broca

        In these times of change and transformation, we have faced, individually and collectively, our deepest fears, discovering how vulnerable and fragile we are. The technological revolution that has drastically altered our way of communicating, the risks of climate change, the ongoing pandemic, and the resurgence of fear from a continental-scale war remind us of the illusory nature of control and the fragility of our sense of security. "Encuentro" is a response to our new vulnerability: a voice that speaks, shouts, or whispers what the ancient memory of peoples has passed down to us. Through shamanic practices applicable to daily life and a simple yet profound presentation of the basic principles of this ancestral wisdom, Fer Broca teaches us how to merge our personal experiences and face our fears with the help of a living tradition that is constantly evolving. This book is both personal and social, informative and inspiring, practical and introspective, designed to help us find meaning in times of crisis.

      • Impact of science & technology on society

        The Silent revolution

        The Great Ideas that Led to the Digital Revolution

        by Bruno Codenotti, Mauro Leoncini

        The noisy revolution of digital technology was preceded by a silent scientific revolution, which produced important results, raised fundamental questions and transformed the way we interpret notions that concern mathematical demonstration, the representation of information and human creativity itself. Understanding this transformation is the first fundamental step towards a greater awareness with regard to the changes generated by the digital age in which we are living. Bruno Codenotti and Mauro Leoncini tell us the great “silent revolution” that led to the lifechanging computer revolution, because even if algorithms and AI are part of our daily life... do we really know how they were created and how they work?

      • Impact of science & technology on society

        Fake people

        Stories of Social Bots and Digital Liars

        by Viola Bachini, Maurizio Tesconi

        Today, on the social media, there is a very high probability of coming across a false profile. As well as individuals who do not state their own identity, social bots can be encountered: these are automated programs which hide algorithms that are so sophisticated that they cannot be distinguished from people in flesh and blood. The social bots, used for a huge variety of purposes, are not all the same: there are the ‘good’ ones, which for example automatically send a tweet in the case of an earthquake, but there are also less virtuous ones… This book tells the story of this variegated universe: from the racist bots of Microsoft to the trolls in the US presidential campaign up to the false followers of Italian politicians, via the swindle of the algorithm which shot up the price of the shares of a phantom company to the stars. It is a fascinating account accompanied by interviews with the most important professionals in the sector, to reveal the challenges faced by those who create the bots and those who hunt them down.

      • Sustainable agriculture

        Rediscovered seeds

        A Journey to Discover Agricultural Biodiversity

        by Marco Boscolo, Elisabetta Tola

        In the early 20th century, the Russian geneticist Nikolaj Vavilov travelled halfway round the world and studied methods to produce new varieties of plants which would yield more and be adapted to the different climates in the Soviet Union. In a veritable on-the-road story which goes back over some of the stages of Vavilov’s journey, Marco Boscolo and Elisabetta Tola introduce us to the ‘guardians’ of agricultural biodiversity who have learned his lesson: researchers, farmers and new artisans who are innovating farming by recovering local varieties and seeds that risk disappearing, replaced by industrial products that are the same all over the world but not very adapted to meeting the effects of climate change. There is no trace of nostalgia in this journey, but a new idea of innovation fuelled by a global network – Senegal, Ethiopia, Iran, Indonesia, France, United States and Italy – which is offering models of production and different supply chains to guarantee, following in Vavilov’s footsteps, that despite the climate upheavals that we will have to face, nobody must suffer hunger.

      • History of science

        Galileo Galilei’s “Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences” for the modern reader

        by Alessandro de Angelis

        "Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences" represents the summa of Galileo’s philosophical and physical theory, included by Stephen Hawking in the five most important books of all the history of science. This work led to Isaac Newton’s Principia and to experimental science. However, reading Galileo Galilei is not simple, but Alessandro De Angelis traslated the "Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Science" for the common reader, and now Galileo’s legagy can be passed to future generations, helping them to understand one of the primary sources of scientific theory. Foreign sales: English (Springer)

      • Popular medicine & health

        Common health, common good

        by Paolo Vineis

        In 2014, epidemiologist Paolo Vines described in Salute senza confini how in a globalized and constantly changing world, where it is easier to travel but which is also more chaotic and difficult to control, the concepts of health and illness are changing: they are no longer simple biological processes but complex phenomena which involve the environmental, social, economic, political and cultural spheres.With a new chapter dedicated to Covid-19, Global health, common good explains that today, climate change, migratory flows, the economic crisis and the industrialization of food production are fundamental phenomena in order to understand the state of well-being (or illness) of populations, and offers a strong argument on the political level: in such a mobile and articulated panorama, health at global level could be going towards a deterioration similar to what happened in 2008 with the economy.

      • Mathematics

        Counting stories

        Imaginary Problems for Real Mathematicians

        by Rudi matematici

        Will the great mathematicians in history ever have had fun proposing and solving problems of recreational mathematics? Or, occupied by their high offices, will they have avoided putting themselves to the test with problems created only for the fun of it? Whatever the answer, it is easy to imagine that what would have appeared paltry problems to them could be ‘difficult’ for ordinary people. The Rudi Mathematici, hesitating over their great passions – telling stories about mathematicians and proposing entertaining problems of mathematics – have found the strange compromise of imagining some great mathematical minds at crucial times in their (real) lives, while they propose and solve some questions which in actual fact they probably never really had to tackle. This way, we find Isaac Newton as a precursor of Sherlock Holmes in the attempt to solve (mathematically) a case of murder, or see an irritated John Von Neumann stealing sweets from Ed Teller, while the Earth risks blowing up; not to mention the strange way with which Vilfredo Pareto, Paul Erdős, G. H. Hardy, Leonardo and others treated the intriguing questions of the world of numbers.

      • Communication studies

        Scripta Volant

        A New Alphabet to Write (and Read) Advertising Today

        by Paolo Iabichino

        Anyone who has had anything to do with written communication is experiencing a real genetic mutation; the digital revolution has completely overturned the programme schedules, disowned traditional marketing and overwhelmed the old paradigms of information, of advertising, or political and corporate narration. It is as though our writing had lost the capacity to be fixed and once in the Internet our words lose their references and fly away, becoming lost from contexts and being transformed into something else. It no longer seems to be enough to write well; rhetoric can still come to our aid, but changing our attitude to writing is essential and the grammar of the social media can teach us a new syntax. Iabichino has worked in advertising for about two decades and has created – with lucid and disillusioned awareness – a new professional alphabet, to learn how to write better advertising for everyone in a contemporary way, regardless of the media that hosts it.

      • Impact of science & technology on society

        What it will be like

        Stories of Technologically Modified Umanity

        by Luca De Biase, Telmo Pievani

        Climate change. Financial instability. Migrations. Inequalities. Digital acceleration and political slowness. Today’s major transformations burst into every day’s debates with their unpredictability and their fascination. Why is it so important to talk about the future? What can we do in the face of the challenges that it holds in store for us? Looking at these questions, What it will be like does not offer predictions but suggests a method for looking ahead in awareness, with the only certainty that we can cultivate on the matter: the future is the consequence of our actions. What will it be like is the original synthesis of three views: an investigation into the trends of technological evolution, research into creativity and overcoming the limits of the possible, and criticism of the media narrations. The three approaches converge on two questions: what do we know about the evolution of technology? Do we have the possibility of influencing its direction? The only way to foresee the future is to invent it, and acting in the present is the only machine we have to travel forward in time.

      • Natural disasters

        Under our feet

        Stories of Earthquakes, Earthquake Survivors, Scientists and Charlatans

        by Alessandro Amato

        After every earthquake, there is always someone who had predicted it: the Mayas, your aunt Suzie or the neighbour’s dog. The predictors do not trust science, but believe that toads run away before earthquakes, that they can be triggered off by the NATO and oil drills, that scientists can predict them but say nothing because they hate winning Nobel Prizes. For guidance in this tangle of science and pseudo-science, this book is a journey through the history of earthquakes and the attempts to predict them, marked by very few correct ones and countless failures. Stories of scientists and philosophers (from Lucretius to Kant, Aristotle and Rousseau), of earthquakes and their survivors (from China to Russia, from California to L’Aquila), bizarre theories (scientific and otherwise) and picturesque figures. Up to the most recent discoveries of seismological research which, despite the amazing progress made by technology, still do not allow precisely predicting earthquakes.

      • Impact of science & technology on society

        Home Things

        Small Chronicles of Domestic Technologies

        by Vittorio Marchis

        A haven and a refuge, a place that summarizes many meanings, a home is first of all a variegated, stratified, at times chaotic but always living catalogue of the world. A home is full of objects, with varying degrees of technology, visible to varying degrees, cumbersome and invasive to different extents; and each of these objects carries with it one or more stories, of the person who invented them or those who have used them and still use them. Vittorio Marchis, an inquisitive investigator of the human dimension of technology, explores and describes the rooms in our homes like an anthropologist. Object after object, room after room, there emerges between the lines a social history made up of women and men: a history that does not have to be followed in museums or in glossy magazines, because we experience it in our daily gestures. It is a history that is our real history. Foreifgn sales: simplified Chinese (

      • Neurosciences

        The brain’s crime

        Science Between the Mind and Law

        by Andrea Lavazza, Luca Sammicheli

        The image of man used by Law, which is to say of a rational person that is in charge of his own actions, is undergoing a radical change due to the neurosciences. Recent studies show that emotions matter more than reason, and that our innermost selves are less solid than we think. We are therefore facing a reversal of perspective: is social action truly free? Is there any sense in punishing people that can “only” act in that way? Will there be more absolutions due to brain scans? Will psychopaths be “excused”? This book offers, for the first time, an updated panorama of the judicial, philosophical and social consequences of these delicate and complicated questions.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)

        Flips department

        by Enrico Morello

        The flips are those that Arturo Speranza, the protagonist of this novel, must do. Arturo is a fifty-year-old lawyer with an increasingly faint past of wealth, he wanders between tax collection notices, the maintenance of his ex-wife and class trips that are to be paid for his children. Things seem to change for the better when suddenly a friend from high school times reappears, which has since become very rich in a rather mysterious way and after a stay abroad for many years. The old companion entrusts Arturo with all the legal battles of his firm, conducted against an oligopoly and powerful forces that by every means try to hinder his activity. This will start a struggle without quarter that will see the two former schoolmates fight side by side, until things change again. An amusing novel, a tragic comedy about today’s middle class, on the changes and disappointments of an entire generation, grown with the myth of economic progress and ended up dealing with the failure of an entire nation, experienced as a personal failure. A portrait that is at times comic and at times bitter, of how in Italy large capitals and opportunities are in the hands of few, and unfortunately not the best among us, while an entire class of professionals is in fact humiliated.

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