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View Rights PortalCallisto Media’s scientific approach marries data and technology with deep publishing expertise to accurately identify unmet demand and create exactly the book that consumers are seeking.
View Rights PortalThis book is about feelings, and the ways that we, as individuals and as a culture, have numbed ourselves against them. It is about unleashing the possibility of conscious feelings to re-make our lives into what really matters to us. The central framework of the book is built with the Ten Distinctions for Consciously Feeling, including: *Learning the potent difference between thoughts and feelings, which most people confuse *Sorting out feelings (based in the present) from emotions (based in the past or in somebody else’s life) *Fully allowing that feelings are absolutely-neutral energy and information, neither good nor bad, neither positive nor negative. Each chapter is enriched with Thoughtmaps—clear diagrams of ways we presently think and ways we could possibly think—and supported by an abundance of practical experiments to try. The Power of Conscious Feelings is so much more than a book of selfhelp or inspiration. Ultimately, it is about our connection with and responsibility for the fate of the Earth.
Covers a crucial two decades in American history, when the links between Hollywood and Washington DC were at their strongest.. The period is 'book-ended' by the mighty political and cinematic figures of Reagan and Clinton.. Covers a period in which movies have become targets of political rhetoric of 'family values'.. Essays examine cinematic views of key American political institutions - the presidency and electoral process, politically significant places such as New York City and the American South, the promotion of major issues like gender, family and race. This is a subject which has gained new significance in the wake of recent terrorist attacks in New York and Washington DC, which have changed both the political climate, and the priorities of the movie industry. ;
The US Economy Today provides an invaluable introduction to American economic history since 1929. Its coverage includes the New Deal, the post-war boom, "stagflation" in the 1970s, "Reaganomics", the Clinton and Bush years, the 2008 - 2009 economic crisis and President Obama's first hundred days. In addition, this volume considers core contemporary economic policy debates and draws conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the US economic "model". It looks at the causes and consequences of inequality, the extent to which there is economic mobility, and the impact of globalization and foreign trade. This book will be essential reading for those studying or teaching American economics, economic history or politics and all those looking for a thorough and comprehensive introduction to this area. ;
Der Kalender Berühmte Frauen 2007 erinnert nicht nur an große Frauen der Geschichte wie Sofija Alexejewna, Emma Ihrer, Harriet Taylor-Mill und Clara Zetkin, sondern würdigt auch Zeitgenossinnen wie Madeleine Albright, Camilla Parker-Bowles, Hillary Clinton, Jane Fonda, Astrid Lindgren, Helke Sander und Delphine Seyrig. Woche für Woche, Tag für Tag werden bemerkenswerte Frauen vorgestellt und eine ausführliche Literaturliste lädt zum Weiterschmökern ein.
Sie trug weder Streitaxt noch Männerkleider wie Jeanne d’Arc, nein, sie betrat die politische Bühne im Kostüm und mit Handtasche. Auf die Frage, wie man sich denn so fühle als weiblicher Premier, antwortete Margaret Thatcher: »Keine Ahnung, ich habe die Alternative nie ausprobiert.« Inzwischen hat nicht nur Deutschland eine Kanzlerin, auch in Liberia, Mosambik, Chile, Neuseeland, Pakistan, Irland, Lettland und Finnland machen Frauen Staat. Hundert Politikerinnen präsentiert Luise F. Pusch in ihrem kleinen »Lexikon«: Madeleine Albright, Michelle Bachelet, Hillary Clinton, Indira Gandhi, Emma Goldman, Tarja Halonen, Alexandra Kollontai, Ulrike Meinhof, Clara Zetkin und viele mehr.
An keinen US-Präsidenten knüpften sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten so große Hoffnungen wie an Barack Obama. Tatsächlich legte er nach seiner Amtseinführung ein unglaubliches Tempo vor: Die Truppen in Afghanistan werden aufgestockt, Guantanamo soll geschlossen werden, der neue Präsident hat den Dialog mit der islamischen Welt zu einem Teil seines Programms gemacht. Zugleich stehen Obama und seine Außenministerin Hillary Clinton jedoch vor einigen Problemen: Die globale Wirtschaftskrise breitet sich aus, die Kriege in Afghanistan und im Irak dauern an, Iran kommt der Fähigkeit zum Bau von Atomwaffen immer näher und die Nuklearmacht Pakistan steht am Rande des Chaos. Peter Rudolf zieht eine Bilanz der ersten Monate der neuen amerikanischen Außenpolitik und legt dar, welche Herausforderungen sich daraus für Deutschland ergeben.
Bob Dylan's cultural production in the second half of the twentieth century, his songs, but also his changing images and self-fashionings have informed and productively re/shaped certain images of America from outside and within. Refractions of Bob Dylan collects scholarly essays which thoroughly investigate the routes of Bob Dylan's cultural appropriations. The collection looks at how Dylan has been used and interpreted by others, and how his work has been reworked into cultural expressions in culturally and regionally divergent spaces. Additionally, a number of essays look at what Dylan has appropriated and incorporated in his own work, focusing on questions of plagiarism, tribute, allusion, love and theft. Some of the essays originate from the Refractions of Bob Dylan conference in Vienna ( which took place around the 70th birthday of Bob Dylan, and included Dylan experts such as Clinton Heylin, Stephen Scobie and Michael Gray.
This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.
The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.
»Erst wenn schließlich auch die Werbeblöcke gestrichen werden,« so eine zuverlässige Faustregel, »ist die Sache wirklich ernst.« Eine weltmachterschütternde Kamikaze-Aktion oder wenigstens ein rekordverdächtiger Amoklauf vor der eigenen Haustür – es muß knüppeldick kommen, um die tägliche Infotainment-Maschinerie aus dem Takt zu bringen. »Das System, in dem wir leben«, ist auf den ersten Blick mehr ein mediales als ein politisch-ökonomisches. Auf den zweiten Blick ist beides identisch. In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« verbinden sich politisches Denken und Pop, der forcierte Blick auf die Gegenwarts-Oberfläche und dessen ständige Infragestellung vor dem Hintergrund der Historie auf. »Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen«, so die Frage, »oder Vortäuschung richtiger Tatsachen?« Schwer zu durchschauen – gerade angesichts von Gewalt und kriegerischer Auseinandersetzung und ihren jeweiligen Rechtfertigungen –, was Realität ist, was Medienrealität, was auslösende Gewalt, was angeblich gerechte »Vergeltung der Vergeltung der Vergeltung«. »Gibt es die neue Weltordnung schon?« In »Angela Davis löscht ihre Website« geht es um nichts Geringeres als um »das Zeitalter, in dem wir leben/ die Epoche, in der wir leben«, in der Gegensätze und Haltungen mitunter ununterscheidbar geworden sind; Veronas Welt und Sofies Welt stehen ebenso selbstverständlich nebeneinander wie MTV und CNN. »Kriegsfilm?/ Antikriegsfilm?/ Kriegsberichterstattung?« heißt es wiederholt aus dem Off, denn es gilt die unmißverständliche Losung: »seit 5 Uhr 45 wird zurückgefragt.«