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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Claire Roberts Global Literary Management LLC

        We provide every client with detailed editing and marketing advice, and we match our clients with the best publishers in the US and Canada as well as around the world. Authors have many opportunities for publication beyond North America and due to our experience at the forefront of international literary markets, we are uniquely positioned to manage a writer's career globally, from print to television and film rights, to translated editions, audio and e-book editions. With nearly three decades of experience in publishing, Claire Roberts knows the industry from both the publisher side and the agency side of the business, and has negotiated many major contracts for authors.  She has held executive positions at Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and worked most recently at a major literary agency, Trident Media Group.  At Trident she was Vice-President and Managing Director of the Foreign Rights department and developed her own client list.  Claire Roberts has handled the international literary careers of many authors, including winners of the Pulitzer Prize and the Booker Prize.  Among the many authors she has worked with are Marilynne Robinson, Esi Edugyan, Justin Cronin, Michael Ondaatje, Marlon James, Jokha Alharthi, Elizabeth George, former Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Ayana Mathis, Jon Krakauer, Paul Harding, and W. Bruce Cameron.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2018

        David and Bathsheba

        By George Peele

        by Mathew R. Martin, David Bevington

        David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2024

        David, Donne and Thirsty Deer

        Selected Essays of Anne Lake Prescott

        by Anne Lake Prescott, Roger Kuin, William A. Oram

        For nearly half a century Anne Lake Prescott has been a force and an inspiration in Renaissance studies. A force, because of her unique blend of learning and wit and an inspiration through her tireless encouragement of younger scholars and students. Her passion has always been the invisible bridge across the Channel: the complex of relations, literary and political, between Britain and France. The essays in this long-awaited collection range from Edmund Spenser to John Donne, from Clément Marot to Pierre de Ronsard. Prescott has a particular fondness for King David, who appears several times; and the reader will encounter chessmen, bishops, male lesbian voices and Roman whores. Always Prescott's immense erudition is accompanied by a sly and gentle wit that invites readers to share her amusement. Reading her is a joyful education.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Ronny Reich

        EXCAVANDO LA CIUDAD DE DAVID – El lugar en el que comenzף la historia de Jerusalיn Las investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en los 150 últimos años han identificado a la colina sudoriental de Jerusalén, fuera de las murallas de la Ciudad Vieja, como la Ciudad de David bíblica. El reconocimiento cada vez mayor de que esta colina es efectivamente la parte más antigua de Jerusalén ha llevado a muchos estudiosos a excavarla. Desde las primeras excavaciones hechas por Charles Warren en 1867 hasta el presente, catorce expediciones arqueológicas han trabajado allí, lo que ha hecho que la Ciudad de David sea uno de los sitios más excavados de Israel. Equipos británicos, alemanes, franceses e israelíes han excavado en el lugar bajo cuatro autoridades diferentes: el gobierno otomano, el mandato británico, el gobierno jordano y el israelí y han producido una asombrosa cantidad de información. Algunos de estos restos son de importancia única, entre ellos el túnel de Ezequías, el sistema de túneles conocido como el pozo de Warren, la inscripción del túnel de Siloé, la inscripción de Teodoto, y el estanque de Siloé. Excavaciones recientes efectuadas en la Ciudad de David han revelado vestigios impresionantes de fortificaciones de la Edad de Bronce Medio alrededor de la fuente de Gihón y restos del estanque de Siloé, que datan del período del Segundo Templo. El túnel de Siloé ha sido ahora ampliamente documentado y estudiado. Este libro comienza por una reseña cronológica de un siglo y medio de excavaciones y de estudio de la colina de la Ciudad de David. Dicha reseña resume la historia de la colina, desde épocas prehistóricas hasta el final del período otomano. Presenta un resumen actualizado de hallazgos arqueológicos pasados y recientes, muchos de los cuales, que se presentan aquí por primera vez, han cambiado drásticamente lo que pensábamos acerca de la historia antigua de Jerusalén. Ronny Reich excava y estudia las antigüedades de Jerusalén hace ya más de cuarenta años. De 1969 a 1978 tomó parte en las excavaciones dirigidas por el catedrático Nahman Avigad en el Barrio Judío de Jerusalén. Desde 1995 ha sido co-director de las excavaciones en la Ciudad de David. El profesor Reich es egresado de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, donde escribió su tesis de doctorado acerca de los baños rituales judíos en la época del Segundo Templo. Desde 1995 es catedrático de Arqueología en la Universidad de Haifa. En 2000 se le otorgó el Premio Jerusalén de Investigación Arqueológica. 27×22 cm, 382 páginas, edición en tapas duras, numerosas ilustraciones en blanco y negro y en color . por Ronny Reich

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2022

        David and Bathsheba

        George Peele

        by Mathew R. Martin

        David and Bathsheba presents a modernised edition of George Peele's explosive biblical drama about the tangled lives, deadly liaisons, and twisted histories of Ancient Israel's royal family. Martin's critical edition is the first modern single-volume edition of the play since 1912 and opens up this unduly neglected gem of English Renaissance drama to student and scholar alike. The introduction examines such topics as the play's treatment of its biblical and poetic sources, its engagement with Elizabethan politics, and its forceful representations of religious fanaticism, genocide, and sexual violence. Its commentary notes clarify the text's meaning and staging, guide the reader through the play's dramatisation of the turbulent Davidic period of Ancient Israel's history, and place the play in its broader cultural and artistic milieu. Martin's edition aims to encourage new contemporary critical study of Peele's powerful and disturbing drama.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2025

        Mrs Dalloway

        Biography of a novel

        by Mark Hussey

        A compelling biography of one of the most celebrated novels in the English language. The fourth and best-known of Virginia Woolf's novels, Mrs Dalloway is a modernist masterpiece that has remained popular since its publication in 1925. Its dual narratives follow a day in the life of wealthy housewife Clarissa Dalloway and shell-shocked war veteran Septimus Warren Smith, capturing their inner worlds with a vividness that has rarely been equalled. Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel offers new readers a lively introduction to this enduring classic, while providing Woolf lovers with a wealth of information about the novel's writing, publication and reception. It follows Woolf's process from the first stirrings in her diary through her struggles to create what was quickly recognised as a major advance in prose fiction. It then traces the novel's remarkable legacy to the present day. Woolf wrote in her diary that she wanted her novel 'to give life & death, sanity & insanity. to criticise the social system, & to show it at work, at its most intense.' Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel reveals how she achieved this ambition, creating a book that will be read by generations to come.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 1979

        Entführt oder Die Erinnerungen des David Balfour an seine Abenteuer im Jahre 1751

        Mit einem Vorwort von E.Y. Meyer. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Michael Walter. Mit den Illustrationen der Erstausgabe

        by Robert Louis Stevenson, Michael Walter, E. Y. Meyer

        Robert Louis Stevenson, geboren 1850 in Edinburgh (Schottland) und verstorben 1894 in Vailima (Samoa), studierte Rechtswissenschaft an der Universität Edinburgh, bevor er sich vollends dem Schreiben widmete. Stevenson hinterließ ein umfangreiches Werk von Reiseerzählungen, Abenteuerliteratur sowie Lyrik und Essays. Bekanntheit erlangte er vor allem durch Die Schatzinsel.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2012

        Tony Richardson

        by Robert Shail, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        Tony Richardson was a key figure in British cinema of the 1950s and 1960s. Having established himself in the theatre with the first production of John Osborne's landmark play Look Back in Anger, he became a central director in the New Wave, bringing greater realism to British cinema. He went on to make some of the most significant films of the 1960s including the multi Oscar-winning Tom Jones. This detailed and authoritative account of Richardson's career provides a reassessment of his achievements. As well as looking at his best known films, it considers neglected works such as Ned Kelly and Joseph Andrews, illustrating how Richardson remained a champion of the socially marginalised. In mapping out his life and work, from the English Stage Company to his final films in America, Shail re-establishes Richardson's at the front rank of British film directors, confirming his contribution to a period of dynamic change in British culture. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2014

        Court and civic society in the Burgundian Low Countries c.1420–1530

        by Andrew Brown, Graeme Small

        This volume is the first ever attempt to unite and translate some of the key texts which informed Johan Huizinga's famous study of the Burgundian court, The Waning of the Middle Ages, a work which has never gone out of print. It combines these texts with sources that Huizinga did not consider, those that illuminate the wider civic world that the Burgundian court inhabited and the dynamic interaction between court and city. Through these sources, and an introduction offering new perspectives on recent historiography, the book tests whether Huizinga's controversial vision of the period still stands. Covering subjects including ceremonial events, such as the spectacles and gargantuan banquets that made the Burgundian dukes the talk of Europe, the workings of the court, and jousting, archery and rhetoric competitions, the book will appeal to students of late medieval and early modern Europe and to those with wider interests in court culture, ritual and ceremony.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        November 2023

        David Bowie, Enid Blyton and the sun machine

        by Nicholas Royle

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2011

        Max-Frisch-DVD-Box zum 100. Geburtstag

        by Max Frisch

        Zu Max Frischs 100. Geburtstag versammelt eine DVD-Box in der filmedition suhrkamp auf fünf DVDs die wichtigsten Filme von, mit und über den großen Schweizer Schriftsteller: ein Porträt des öffentlichen Intellektuellen Frisch (Matthias von Guntens Dokumentation "Max Frisch. Citoyen"), die vielfach ausgezeichnete Verfilmung "Holozän" von Heinz Bütler und Manfred Eicher, Richard Dindos "Journal I-III" (eine filmische Lektüre der Erzählung Montauk) sowie die Gespräche im Alter, die Philippe Pilliod in den Jahren 1985/1986 geführt hat. Vervollständigt wird das Paket durch ein besonderes Extra: Volker Schlöndorffs "Homo faber"-Adaption. Die Verfilmung mit internationaler Starbesetzung macht die Box zu einem Ereignis. Ein einzigartiger Zugang zu Leben und Werk des großen Autors.

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      • Trusted Partner


        by Ronny Reich

        Archaeological research over the past 150 years has identified Jerusalem’s southeastern hill, outside the Old City walls, as the biblical City of David. The growing realization that this hill is indeed the most ancient part of Jerusalem led many scholars to excavate it. Since the first excavation by Charles Warren in 1867 to the present, fourteen archaeological expeditions have dug here, making the City of David hill one of the most excavated sites in Israel. British, German, French, and Israeli teams have dug here under four different governments (Ottoman, British Mandate, Jordanian, and Israeli), producing an impressive quantity of data. Some of these remains are uniquely important, including the Siloam Tunnel, the Warren’s Shaft system, the Siloam Inscription, the Theodotos Inscription, and the Pool of Siloam. Recent excavations at the City of David have uncovered impressive remains of Middle Bronze Age fortifications around the Gihon Spring and remains of the Siloam Pool dating to the Second Temple period. The Siloam Tunnel has now been thoroughly documented and studied. This book begins with a chronological survey of a century and a half of excavation and study of the City of David hill. It then summarizes the history of the hill, from prehistoric times to the end of the Ottoman period. It presents an up-to-date summary of past and recent archaeological discoveries, many of which, presented here for the first time, have dramatically changed our thinking about Jerusalem’s ancient history.   Ronny Reich has been excavating and studying Jerusalem’s antiquities for over forty years. From 1969 to 1978 he participated in the excavations directed by Professor Nahman Avigad in Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter. Since 1995 he has been co-director of the City of David Excavations. Professor Reich is a graduate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on Jewish ritual baths in the Second Temple period. Since 1995 he has been a professor of archaeology at the University of Haifa. In 2000 he was awarded the Jerusalem Prize for Archaeological Research.   27 × 22 cm., 382 pages, hardcover, numerous black & white and color illustrations.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1980

        David Copperfield

        by Charles Dickens, Phiz, Leo Feld, Erwin Krauß

        Als Halbwaise geboren, leidet der junge David unter den Grausamkeiten seines Stiefvaters und muß bereits als Zehnjähriger unter unmenschlichen Bedingungen in einer Fabrik arbeiten. Mit Mut und Intelligenz kann er sich aus diesen Verhältnissen befreien und findet schließlich seinen Weg in die Unabhängigkeit als Parlamentsreporter und Schriftsteller.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        David Attenborough

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Mikyo Noh, Svenja Becker

        Als Kind träumte David davon, die ganze Welt zu bereisen und überall neue Tiere und Pflanzen zu entdecken. Später studierte er und arbeitete für das Fernsehen. Für seine Tierfilme war er auf allen Kontinenten, sogar in der Antarktis, und begeisterte damit Millionen Zuschauer. Bis heute setzt er sich für den Umweltschutz und eine lebenswerte Welt für alle Menschen und Tiere ein. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Menschen: Jede dieser Persönlichkeiten, ob Künstlerin, Pilotin oder Wissenschaftler, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen.

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