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      • Nashre-Cheshmeh Publishing House

        Nashre-Cheshmeh is a family business with more than 100 employees. It is one of the most active private publishing houses of the country with more than 1500 books, an annual number of 130 new ones, and six bookstores. The house has been working for more than 35 years, publishing the works of the most significant Iranian writers, poets, and translators, and the young generation of the best Iranian literary figures of the country. Many of these writers have novels, short stories, or poems published, or going to be published, in the European countries, the US, and Asia. We have always supported Iran’s joining the Berne Convention, thus tried to acquire the Persian translation rights for the titles we publish, such as the books by Orhan Pamuk, Steve Toltz, Patrick Modiano, Javier Marias, Rolf Dobelli, Alain Badiou, Klaus Modick, Ben Clanton, Siri Kolu.

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      • Le Cheval d'août

        Le Cheval d'août is an independent publishing company located in Montréal (Québec, Canada) that specializes in fictional contemporary literature, from the novel to non-fictional genres. Passionate about new voices, original and pertinent forms, its catalog has quickly acquired a name for itself and has won the favors of critics and readers. Its authors have earned several distinctions, are translated in Canada and in Europe, and have seen their books enjoy a second life through various adaptations.

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      • Bruise

        by Elham Fallah

        This is different novel in the background of war that depicts the blackness and whiteness of this disaster differently and innovatively. This novel is about the story of a young named ‘Amer’ and a girl that loved him and about a strange destiny that war that is determined for them by war. The author in the present novel presents a new experience from a narration about war in which he merges truths and lies. The setting of the story starts from the war time and continues until now. This novel is the story of a family that during these times encounter many events and incidents that have strong influences in their life and identity. The further the story proceeds, the readers face more incidents and accidents that are sometimes very moving. When the curtains fall down the characters spirits and their real face will be clear and the readers will find out that who tells the right and who the liar is. In this novel war is the setting of story. War does not enter the people’s life and influences on them on their own volitions. It enters people’s life and change it unintentionally and sometimes for reasons except defending homes and the land of one’s country. The protagonist was not in the habit of participating in a war and he was after something else for taking part in the war and it finally determines him his

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