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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2003

        Undankbare Gäste

        Abendmahlsverzicht und Abendmahlsausschluß in der Reichsstadt Ulm um 1600; ein interkultureller Prozeß

        by Kaul, Oliver

      • Trusted Partner

        Introduction to Integrative Body Psychotherapy IBP

        by Eva Kaul, Markus Fischer

        The consistent inclusion of the body, emotions and cognitionsmakes IBP unique and is increasingly seen as an indispensableextension and enrichment of conventional psychotherapeuticthinking and action. Based on the concept of thehuman being in humanistic psychology, this textbook presentsa compact and clear process-orientated approach inall three dimensions of experience. It also conveys generalpsychotherapeutic principles.

      • Trusted Partner
        Clinical psychology
        May 2016

        Introduction to Integrative Body Psychotherapy

        by Eva Kaul, Markus Fischer

        A practical and up-to-date handbook that provides an introduction to the theory and practice of integrative body psychotherapy. The systematic focus on the body makes Integrative Body Psychotherapy unique and is something that is increasingly being regarded as an indispensable addition to and enrichment of the theory and practice of psychotherapy. This manual provides information on: • Basic humanistic concepts (presence, awareness, personal space, grounding, gestalt work) • Psychodynamic principles (developmental psychology, developmental personality model) • Stress model (disorders of stress regulation, implications for psychotherapy) • Breathing and body work (energetic approach, blockages, high-charge breathing, working with touch, self-relaxation techniques) • Working with sexuality in psychotherapy With concrete case studies and clear instructions for physical exercises (with diagrams) it makes for a comprehensive guide for any psychotherapist. Target Group: psychotherapists, coaches

      • Trusted Partner
      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2014

        Fascination with Bunkers

        Witnesses of European history in stone

        by Martin Kaule

        Bunkers were built all over Europe in the course of the twentieth century. Martin Kaule documents purpose-built military structures made of concrete, but also underground installations built during World War II for the German armaments industry, civilian air-raid shelters, as well as numerous structures from the Cold War bearing witness to the arms race between East and West.Around 100 bunkers in Germany, among them facilities of the allied powers, and nearly 50 in the rest of Europe, from Russia to France, are dealt with in the form of concise essays illustrated with more than 350 present-day and historical photographs.The historical and political significance of the structures are explained along with their current uses: above-ground and underground air-raid shelters, tunnel systems for submarines and airplanes, or extensive underground facilities, some of which are still off-limits today. Once top-secret military depots and command posts or the bunkered facilities of secret services are presented here for the very first time.

      • Gardening
        June 2013

        Precision Farming in Horticulture

        by Jitendar Singh,S.K.Jain, L.K.Dashora & B.S. Chundawat:

        Climatic variations often tend to have adverse effect on the yield and production of crops. Efforts have, therefore, been on for harnessing this natural resource through artificial means for increasing crop productivity. One such technology is protected cultivation. This technique is well adopted in Europe and USA and now China and Japan are leading in controlled sphere production of horticultural crops. In India, the technology is making breakthrough in Karnataka and Maharashtra in protected cultivation of pepper, tomato, cucumber, muskmelon, baby corn etc. Precision farming is defined as the cultivation by adopting technologies which give maximum precision in production of a superior crop with a desired yield levels and quality at competitive production. These include use of genetically modified crop varieties, micropropagation, integrated nutrient, water and pest managements, protected cultivation, organic farming, hi-tech horticulture, and post harvest technology. Post-harvest sector needs lot of precision. Peels, rags, etc. go waste. Many times, peels being rich in polyphenols, colouring pigment, nutrients etc are richer in antioxidant than what we actually eat. Here, we need precision. Precision in management, precision in product diversification, precision in value addition are much sought after aspect.

      • Science & Mathematics
        November 2020

        Plants for Novel Drug Molecules

        Ethnobotany To Ethnopharmacology

        by Bikarma Singh & Yash Pal Sharma

        The present book is based on twenty five excellent scientific contributions of seventy researchers from topmost research organizations. The book begin with plants used in Sowa-Rigpa system of food and medicine, followed by traditional uses of plants as medicine among Khasi tribe living in northeast India. This compilation contains several research techniques highlighting methods and analysis of documented data, and procedure for scientific validation of findings. Methods for assessing traditional knowledge of highly threatened plants such as Hodgsoniaheteroclita, pharmacological applications of family asteraceae, ethnobotany of family apiaceae, plants used in managing leucorrhea, plants as animal care, phytochemistry of Arisaemajacquemontii, Andrographispaniculata, Blumealacera, Boerhaaviadiffusa, Hemidesmusindicus, Pterocarpussantalinus, Rauwolfiaserpentina, Rauwolfiatetraphylla, and several other ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological parameters used in studying current science is described in this book. Besides, it is followed by several research topics focused to the clinical arena, plants used in relation to cancer, diabetes, skin disorders and many other aspects relates to animal and human health care. Todays food supplements derived from plants are of high demand, and this compilation also highlighted several plants used as nutraceuticals. It has been observed that herbs contain many bioactive compounds with powerful antioxidant properties as evidence from the scientific data, and few research on lianas, lichens and role of allylisothiocyanate as a bioprotective agent also discussed added more value to this compilations. Focused theme such as ethnobotanical trends and techniques, phytochemistry, biological activities, ethnopharmacology and clinical studies is adding and contributing a lots value to this book in discovering leads for medicine formulations.

      • Research methods: general
        January 2015

        Basics of Research Methodology

        by Ekwal Imam

        The book begins with - Introduction, which deals with the concept of research methodology. Second includes details on collection of data, followed by sampling techniques. four enumerates sample size calculation. Basic concept of probability is provided in five, whereas, in six hypothesis formulation is discussed in detail. seven will give an insight on how to write a research proposal/ project with an example. In eight writing a scientific research paper, how to write a review paper, methods of presenting research outcome using oral presentation, poster presentation and ethics in research are discussed. At the end of this , some of the words which are commonly misused are pointed out. nine is all about the methods deal in data presentation using table, graph, figure etc. A is also devoted to selected bibliography, which may be helpful for further reading. The book is written considering the requirements of the students offering research methodology at under and postgraduate levels. This book will be attractive to researchers needing familiarity with research methods. The methods described in this book are made users friendly so that even general readers will find this book useful.

      • Econometrics
        September 2020

        Applied Statistical Techniques

        by Ekwal Imam

        The book is a reference book useful for undergraduates, postgraduates and research scholars of biological, ecological and medical sciences. The purpose of writing this book is to provide an accessible reference book on statistical techniques whose proper use will help students in withdrawing accurate results and able to interpret them logically. The methods described in this book are, of course, the same as those used in different disciplines, but things are made so users friendly that even general readers will find this book useful. The chapters of the book have been organized in such a way that suits the course curriculum of various universities. In this book enough materials are provided to cover statistical techniques with examples which are ecological and biological based.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2014

        Garden Flowers

        by Anil Kumar Singh

        Flowers are the precious gift which beautify the nature through its different colours and enhance human health. Ornamental plants provide environmental security for immediate living surroundings, thus intensive research in floriculture particularly on the crops were initiated earlier. This book will vividly highlights genetical and breeding application in flower crops covering wide range of aspects. Breeding techniques are largely focused around expediting the production of superior and stable lines in the case of self pollinating crops. Wide hybridization, tissue culture and mutagenesis are employed by breeders to generate new alleles. Broaden available genetic resources; molecular markers are used to assist breeders through marker assisted selection and to identify quantitative trait loci for traits of interest. The book makes the knowhow of breeding in its easiest way to the readers. It has been designed to cover all the aspects of breeding, the basic objectives, different breeding methods, methodology for improvement of specific crops, stress resistance, quality improvement, mutagenesis, molecular breeding and genetic engineering.

      • June 2020

        Anaerobes and Anaerobic Processes

        by Om Prakash & Dilip R. Ranade

        Analysis of rumen liquor for fraction of VFAs enzymatic activity of various metabolites and estimation of rumen fluid volume and its flow rate are covered in depth. It was followed by estimation of anti-nutritional / toxic factors in various un-conventional feeds using HPLC / Spectrophotometer, detail analysis of milk and body condition scoring for dairy cattle are included as assessment of these parameters are important in Ruminant Nutrition Research. Necessary practical work is included; the exhaustive details have been avoided, since the manual is primarily meant for postgraduate scholars, teachers, scientists and feed industry personnel use.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2007

        Aromatic Plants

        by Baby P. Skaria:

        This book contains seven chapters. Introductory on History, importance and scope of aromatic plants deals with the importance of aromatic crops and their close association with human health and beauty care from time immemorial. History of development of cultivation and aroma based industries in different regions of the world is described to emphasize their significance, scope and role in increasing the quality of human life. Classification of aromatic plants based on their climatic requirement, growth habit and floral morphology elaborated in succeeding will be of great interest to students, researchers and farmers. on Extraction of aroma principles describes traditional as well as modern techniques employed for efficient extraction of volatile oils and oleo-resins from different plants materials and equipments employed for the purpose. Quality of oil is found to vary significantly with ecotypes, season, time of collection, crop maturity and weather conditions prevailing during the growth period, extraction method and duration of extraction process. Conditions and duration of storage also have a bearing on quality of essential oil. This necessitates development and imposition of appropriate quality standards in trade. These aspects are covered in fourth on Quality assurance of essential oils. Aromatic oils & their derivatives and combinations occupy a covetable position in holistic medicines such as aromatherapy. on Aromatherapy details the use of essential oils in human health care, techniques employed, aromatherapy message, aromatic bath, facial care, hair care etc. Information on aromatic oils vide spread application to relieve stress and rejuvenate body are also included. Sixth and seventh s deal with major and other sources of aromatic oils. Under major sources, 17 aromatic crops and under other sources, 25 crops and discussed in detail. These s include the common name, botanical name and synonyms if any and family, vernacular names, importance and uses, habitat and distribution, agro technology, soil, climate, season, land preparation, planting, seed rate and spacing manurial and fertilizer recommendation, irrigation, weed control, pest control, harvest, propagation techniques, herbal yield, extraction and utilization, oil recovery, oil composition, properties of oil, storage requirements etc.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2014

        Environment,People and Development

        Experiences From Desert Ecosystems

        by Mahesh Kumar Gaur & Pratap Chandra Moharana

        Desert Regions are Familiar faces in many of History of the world. The Earliest civilizations and two of the worlds major Religions were born here. This publication Environment, People and Development: Experiences from Desert Ecosystems Highlights some of the Basic and technologically refined information from many parts of the Desert Ecosystems of the world.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2014

        Commercial Flowers

        by Anil Kumar Singh

        Floriculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors of commercial agriculture world-wide with many highly profitable crops. Cultivation of flowers more pragmatic endeavor than other crops. Every day novel variety, new colour in any ornamental flower crop not only fascinates us but also gives a thrust to know more about their breeding technologies. Creation of diversity of new and domesticated flower crops by public and private sector flower breeders brings a fascination towards its breeding technology. The students while dealing with the breeding and biotechnology of flowers then they must required a base knowledge. Therefore emphasis has been given to present the book in its easiest form so that anyone can understand it without losing interest from it. It has been designed to cover all the aspects of breeding, the basic objectives, different breeding methods, methodology for improvement of specific crops, stress resistance, quality improvement, mutagenesis, genetic engineering and biotechnology.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2013

        Remote Sensing Applications in Dryland Natural Resource Management

        by Mahesh Kumar Gaur

        Arid and semi-arid areas are now facing a threefold holistic crisis:economic, food, and climate.What has emerged from these crises is the vital importance of inter-linkages among them on the one hand, and the missed opportunities in putting these pieces together on the other. This book has tried to explore these challenges though in-depth discussions of the individual. It is anticipated to inspire a forward looking debate that looks at the lessons from the past and points to actions for the future. Expertise views have been shared scientists and persons of eminence on the national and state level challenges with futuristic remedial approaches.

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