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      • Boydell & Brewer Ltd.

        Medieval studies originally formed the core of the list, but it has rapidly expanded to embrace the humanities in all periods up to and including the present day. In 1996 the company bought John Varey's Tamesis list and became the leading Hispanic studies imprint outside Spain. The Boydell Press has also become one of the leading publishers of books on classical music. In 2008, the renowned publisher of books in African Studies, James Currey Ltd joined the Boydell and Brewer group of imprints.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        The empire in one city?

        Liverpool's inconvenient imperial past

        by Sheryllynne Haggerty, Andrew Thompson, Anthony Webster, John M. MacKenzie, Nicholas J. White

        From the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth century, Liverpool was frequently referred to as the 'second city of the empire'. Yet, the role of Liverpool within the British imperial system and the impact on the city of its colonial connections remain underplayed in recent writing on both Liverpool and the empire. However, 'inconvenient' this may prove, this specially-commissioned collection of essays demonstrates that the imperial dimension deserves more prevalence in both academic and popular representations of Liverpool's past. Indeed, if Liverpool does represent the 'World in One City' - the slogan for Liverpool's status as European Capital of Culture in 2008 - it could be argued that this is largely down to Merseyside's long-term interactions with the colonial world, and the legacies of that imperial history. In the context of Capital of Culture year and growing interest in the relationship between British provincial cities and the British empire, this book will find a wide audience amongst academics, students and history enthusiasts generally.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Order and conflict

        Anthony Ascham and English political thought (1648–50)

        by Peter Lake, Marco Barducci, Anthony Milton, Jason Peacey, Alexandra Gajda

        This book provides a careful and systematic analysis of Anthony Ascham's career and writings for the first time in English. During the crucial period between the Second Civil War and the establishment of the English Republic, when he served as official pamphleteer of the Parliament and the republican government, Ascham put forward a complex argument in support of Parliament's claims for obedience which drew on the political thought of Grotius, Hobbes, Selden, Filmer and Machiavelli. He combined ideas taken from these authors and turned them into a powerful instrument of propaganda to be deployed in the service of the political agenda of his Independent patrons in Parliament. This investigation of Ascham's works brings together an intellectual analysis of his political thought and an exploration of the interaction between politics, propaganda and political ideas.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The English manor c.1200–c.1500

        by Mark Bailey

        Provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. Offers translations of, and commentaries upon, each category of document to illustrate their main features. Examples of each category of record are provided in translation, followed by shorter extracts selected to illustrate interesting, commonly occurring, or complex features. A valuable source of reference for undergraduates wishing to understand the sources which underpin the majority of research on the medieval economy and society.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Conflict, Politics and Proselytism

        Methodist missionaries in colonial and postcolonial Burma, 1887–1966

        by Andrew Thompson, Michael D. Leigh, John M. MacKenzie

        This book is a study of the ambitions, activities and achievements of Methodist missionaries in northern Burma from 1887-1966 and the expulsion of the last missionaries by Ne Win. The story is told through painstaking original research in archives which contain thousands of hitherto unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts meticulously recorded by the Methodist missionaries. This accessible study constitutes a significant contribution to a very little-known area of missionary history. Leigh pulls together the themes of conflict, politics and proselytisation in to a fascinating study of great breadth. The historical nuances of the relationship between religion and governance in Burma are traced in an accessible style. This book will appeal to those teaching or studying colonial and postcolonial history, Burmese politics, and the history of missionary work.

      • Trusted Partner

        Vitamin D

        The healing power of the sunshine vitamin

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Michael F. Holick

        Vitamin D deficiency is a global health problem that puts the quality of life and life expectancy of more than a billion children and adults at risk worldwide. Many lifestyle diseases may be associated with vitamin D deficiency: myocardial infarction, infections, cancer, neurological diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, to name just a few. This 4th updated edition incorporates numerous new insights into the therapeutic effect of vitamin D, including its importance for a healthy pregnancy, prenatal imprinting, optimum sporting performance, diabetes mellitus and autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or multiple sclerosis. Since the metabolism and the effect of vitamin D are supported by a complex network of micronutrients – for example, magnesium, vitamin A or vitamin K – a specific chapter is devoted to this network. Here, the reader can discover how vitamin D successfully protects against diseases, improves the quality of life and optimises medication and treatment!

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2024

        Off white

        Central and Eastern Europe and the global history of race

        by Catherine Baker, Bogdan C. Iacob, Anikó Imre, James Mark

        This volume foregrounds racial difference as a key to an alternative history of the Central and Eastern European region, which revolves around the role of whiteness as the unacknowledged foundation of semi-peripheral nation-states and national identities, and of the region's current status as a global stronghold of unapologetic white, Christian nationalisms. Contributions address the pivotal role of whiteness in international diplomacy, geographical exploration, media cultures, music, intellectual discourses, academic theories, everyday language and banal nationalism's many avenues of expressions. The book offers new paradigms for understanding the relationships among racial capitalism, populism, economic peripherality and race.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2022

        The pastor in print

        Genre, audience, and religious change in early modern England

        by Amy G. Tan

        The pastor in print explores the phenomenon of early modern pastors who chose to become print authors, addressing ways authorship could enhance, limit or change clerical ministry and ways pastor-authors conceived of their work in parish and print. It identifies strategies through which pastor-authors established authorial identities, targeted different sorts of audiences and strategically selected genre and content as intentional parts of their clerical vocation. The first study to provide a book-length analysis of the phenomenon of early modern pastors writing for print, it uses a case study of prolific pastor-author Richard Bernard to offer a new lens through which to view religious change in this pivotal period. By bringing together questions of print, genre, religio-politics and theology, the book will interest scholars and postgraduate students in history, literature and theological studies, and its readability will appeal to undergraduates and non-specialists.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Chris Marker

        by Sarah Cooper

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 5: Bummel durch Europa

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, B. Day, W. Fr. Brown, True W. Williams, Gustav Adolf Himmel, Norbert Kohl

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2020

        Antony and Cleopatra

        by Carol Chillington Rutter, Jim Bulman

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl

        Mark Twain wurde am 30. November 1835 als Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida / Missouri geboren. Nach dem Tod des Vaters brach er mit zwölf Jahren die Schule ab und arbeitete zunächst als Lehrling in einer Druckerei, später auch als Journalist, Goldgräber, Publizist und Lotse auf einem Mississippi-Dampfer. Twain machte Reisen u.a. nach Europa und Palästina, bevor er sich in Hartford niederließ und heiratete. Neben der Schriftstellerei unternahm er auch Vortragsreisen in der ganzen Welt. Twain wurde insbesondere durch die Abenteuer von Huckleberry Finn und Tom Sawyer bekannt. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten amerikanischen Autoren des 19. Jahrhunderts und besticht besonders durch sein humoristisches und satirisches Talent. Noch zu seinen Lebzeiten starben seine Frau und die beiden Töchter, Twain selbst starb am 21. April 1910.

      • Trusted Partner

        Nobody’s Fool (DE)

        by Hillel Lerman

        +   Enlarge Picture       Nobody’s Fool – Warum wir genau da landen, wo wir hingehören von Hillel Lerman Ted und Jimmy haben ihr Studium an der Georgetown University School of Law abgeschlossen.Sie sind gerade dabei, ihr Studentenwohnheim zu verlassen und wieder nach Hause zu fahren, da geraten sie in einen Streit.Jimmy behauptet, dass er in wenigen Jahren ein US-Senator sein wird.Sein Vater ist ein bekannter Anwalt, und er wird dafür sorgen, dass sein Sohn gewählt wird.Ted sagt, dass dies unmöglich sei. Jimmy sei kein Senator-Typ! Die beiden treffen Professor Carter, der von den beiden Ex-Studenten sehr verehrt wird.Sie fragen ihn, ob es überhaupt so etwas wie einen „Senatoren-Typ“ gibt und, wenn ja, ob er glaubt, dass Jimmy seinen ehrgeizigen Plan in die Realität umsetzen wird.Carters Antwort kommt in Form eines höchst ungewöhnlichen Vorschlags:Sie sollen ihn auf einer Reise um die Welt begleiten, bei der sie jeweils zwei Wochen an verschiedenen Orten bleiben, um seine Forschungen voranzutreiben.„Die Frage über Jimmy“, sagte er, „ist viel weitreichender.Sie betrifft extrem wichtige, grundlegende Prinzipien, die den Weg bestimmen, den Menschen in ihrem Leben einschlagen.“Sie lernen, warum George ein Busfahrer ist, der Tag für Tag zwischen Washington und Baltimore hin und her fährt, und warum Edward der britische Botschafter in Ägypten ist.Sie erhalten außerdem eine Antwort auf die Frage, die sie am Anfang ihres Abenteuer gestellt haben. Was Professor Carter jedoch nicht erwähnt, ist, dass er seine ganze akademische Karriere auf diese beiden Studenten setzt.Der wahre Grund für die Einladung ist, dass Carter dringend ihre Hilfe beim Nachweis einer Theorie braucht, die er entwickelt hat und die von seinen Kollegen in der Fakultät verspottet wird.„Entscheidet euch schnell“, sagt er ihnen.„Wir fahren in Kürze los...“ Dieser inspirierende Roman legt Zeugnis dafür ab, dass es keinen wirklichen Unterschied zwischen einem Universitätsprofessor und einem Hausmeister gibt. Nur ihre Positionen unterscheiden sich.Das ist alles.Im Gegensatz zu dem, was zu glauben wir programmiert wurden, ist keine Person klüger als eine andere, und keine ist dümmer.Menschen sind nur Menschen.Die chinesische Frau, die sich im Reisfeld bückt – ebenso wie der oberste Richter des obersten Gerichts – alle haben Wünsche, Ambitionen und Träume, fühlen Freude, Trauer und Schmerz. Diese scheinbar offensichtliche Wahrheit wird klar und überzeugend in dieser faszinierenden Geschichte präsentiert, die den Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite (mit ihrem überraschenden Ende) fesselt.Sie ist eine Entdeckungsreise in die Menschlichkeit. Sie führt abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade zu Begriffen wie Gleichheit und Rassismus aus einer völlig anderen Perspektive. Diese anspruchsvolle Reise führt den Leser aus den Slums von Bombay zu einem Fußballfeld in Buenos Aires, dann in das Stadtviertel Borough Park in Brooklyn, und von dort aus in die Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Szene für Szene entwickelt sich der Faden der Geschichte allmählich und enthüllt den Code, der Menschen an ihren Platz im Leben führt.Warum ist George ein Busfahrer und Edward ein britischer Botschafter?Nobodys Fool liefert die Antwort.   Hillel Lerman ist ein Industrie-Ingenieur, der eine Reihe von Startup-Unternehmen von Anfang an begleitet hat. Einige dieser Unternehmen sind sehr erfolgreich geworden. Er hat außerdem drei Startup-Unternehmen selbst gegründet.Seit vielen Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit Philosophie, vor allem im Bereich Prädetermination und freier Wille. Der Autor ist verheiratet, hat vier Kinder und eine wachsende Gruppe von Enkelkindern.Er schrieb dieses Buch auf einer Geschäftsreise, aus einem plötzlichen Impuls, ohne finanzielle oder andere Motivation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2002

        The English manor c.1200–c.1500

        by Rosemary Horrox, Simon Maclean, Mark Bailey

        Provides a comprehensive introduction and essential guide to one of the most important institutions in medieval England and to its substantial archive. This is the first book to offer a detailed explanation of the form, structure and evolution of the manor and its records. Offers translations of, and commentaries upon, each category of document to illustrate their main features. Examples of each category of record are provided in translation, followed by shorter extracts selected to illustrate interesting, commonly occurring, or complex features. A valuable source of reference for undergraduates wishing to understand the sources which underpin the majority of research on the medieval economy and society. ;

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 1: Tom Sawyers Abenteuer

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, True W. Williams, Angelika Beck

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 1972

        The Parlement of Foulys

        by Geoffrey Chaucer, D. Brewer

        This edition of the best of Chaucer' s shorter poems ranges widely over the major concerns necessary to a full understanding of the text, including its occasion, literary tradition, sources, rhetoric, language, metre, mythology and themes. It is an edition which will appeal both to students and to general readers who wish to extend their knowledge of medieval English poetry. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The souls of white folk

        White settlers in Kenya, 1900s–1920s

        by Brett Shadle, Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie

        Kenya's white settlers have been alternately celebrated and condemned, painted as romantic pioneers or hedonistic bed-hoppers or crude racists. The souls of white folk examines settlers not as caricatures, but as people inhabiting a unique historical moment. It takes seriously - though not uncritically - what settlers said, how they viewed themselves and their world. It argues that the settler soul was composed of a series of interlaced ideas: settlers equated civilisation with a (hard to define) whiteness; they were emotionally enriched through claims to paternalism and trusteeship over Africans; they felt themselves constantly threatened by Africans, by the state, and by the moral failures of other settlers; and they daily enacted their claims to supremacy through rituals of prestige, deference, humiliation and violence. The souls of white folk will appeal to those interested in the histories of Africa, colonialism, and race, and can be appreciated by scholars and students alike.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The Papal Reform of the Eleventh Century

        Lives of Pope Leo IX and Pope Gregory VII

        by I. Robinson

        The eleventh-century papal reform transformed western European Church and society and permanently altered the relations of Church and State in the west. The reform was inaugurated by Pope Leo IX (1048-54) and given a controversial change of direction by Pope Gregory VII (1073-85). This book contains the earliest biographies of both popes, presented here for the first time in English translation with detailed commentaries. The biographers of Leo IX were inspired by his universally acknowledged sanctity, whereas the biographers of Gregory VII wrote to defend his reputation against the hostility generated by his reforming methods and his conflict with King Henry IV. Also included is a translation of Book to a Friend, written by Bishop Bonizo of Sutri soon after the death of Gregory VII, as well as an extract from the violently anti-Gregorian polemic of Bishop Benzo of Alba (1085) and the short biography of Leo IX composed in the papal curia in the 1090s by Bishop Bruno of Segni. These fascinating narrative sources bear witness to the startling impact of the papal reform and of the 'Investiture Contest', the conflict of empire and papacy that was one of its consequences. An essential collection of translated texts for students of medieval history.

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