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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1994

        Handbuch für WahnsinnsFrauen

        by Luise F. Pusch, Luise F. Pusch

        Bachmann, Ingeborg: Hommage à Maria Callas. Fleißer, Marieluise: Ein Portät Buster Keatons. Dohm, Hedwig: Weib contra Weib. Plath, Sylvia: Papi. Lange, Helene: "Paten" der Mädchenbildung. Rich, Adrienne: Unsichtbarkeit in der Hochschule. Kaléko, Mascha: Die Leistung der Frau in der Kultur. Popp, Adelheid: Als ich von der Schule mein Übersiedlungszeugnis erhalten hatte. Glückel von Hameln: Einen Tag nach der Hochzeit. Glückel von Hameln: Ich will, meine lieben Kinder. Glückel von Hameln: Als wir nach Hamburg kamen. Bombeck, Erma: Drei klassische Mütter-Ansprachen. Baur, Margrit: Ich habe lange überlegt. Baur, Margrit: Vor dem Fenster. Keun, Imgard: Ich spiele nicht mit Männern. McCullers, Carson: Der Tod bleibt sich immer gleich. Haushofer, Marlen: Die Ratte. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins: Die gelbe Tapete. Dickinson, Emily: Die Seele wählt. Droste-Hülshoff, Annette: Das Spiegelbild. Droste-Hülshoff, Annette: Feuer. Kempner, Friederike: Kennst Du das Land. Kempner, Friederike: Vogelin-Prinzeß. Woolf, Virginia: Berufe für Frauen. Kaschnitz, Marie Luise: Nicht gesagt. Baur, Margrit: Ich halte mich an das Beschreibbare. Schwarz-Bart: Die ganze Woche über. LeFort, Gertrud_von: Hymnen an die Kirche. Dickinson, Emily: Er tappt auf deiner Seele. Hildegard von Bingen: Hymnus zu Ehren des Heiligen Geistes. Bachmann, Ingeborg: Auf das Opfer darf sich keiner berufen. Achmatowa, Anna: Im Jahr vierzig. Achmatowa, Anna: Die Dritte. Klüger, Ruth: Noch jetzt, wenn ich Güterwagen sehe. Domin, Hilde: Wen es trifft. Lasker-Schüler, Else: Der Letzte. Sachs, Nelly: Chor der Geretteten. Kolmar, Gertrud: Verwandlungen. Bachmann, Ingeborg: Innen sind deine Augen Fenster. Loos, Cécile Ines: Die Hochzeitsreise. Barrett-Browning, Elizabeth: Wie ich dich liebe? Roten, Iris_von: Der konventionelle Altersvorsprung der Männer in erotischen Beziehungen. Dickinson, Emily: Wilde Nächte. Parker, Dorothy: Der Walzer. Labé, Louise: Küß mich noch.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Be Succesfull Woman Without Stress

        by Dr. Erma Pawitasari, M.Ed

        The current globalization has opened various career opportunities for women. However, this puts women at a crossroads between career choices and household choices. The environmental pressure for material "success", as well as "success" in the household, forces many women to take dual roles, to become superwoman. The effect, stress, and depression among women is high.  Dr. Erma Pawitasari, M.Ed. trying to untangle the tangled threads of women's problems, providing fresh air, and new hope for Muslim women. Muslimah can achieve success in this world and the hereafter without feeling stressed. Islam views the success of the hereafter in line with the success of the world. Muslim women do not need to sacrifice one to achieve the other's success if they follow the paths that have been established in Islam. This book is full of the thoughts of classical scholars which are apparently very relevant to the current situation, but have been largely abandoned and felt alien by the Muslims themselves. Concepts such as household leadership, wife obedience, the role of father, guardian, inheritance, and rules of marriage and divorce constitute a series of laws that must not be isolated. A shaky understanding can be a seed for growing discontent among Muslim women. This made them look to other alternatives, such as feminism and liberalism. On the other hand, the incorrect concept of piety is identified with abiding in suffering in the name of patience.

      • Biography: general
        December 1998

        With Magic in My Eyes

        A Cornish Chronicle

        by Erma Harvey-James

        Erma's evocative descriptions of everyone and everything around her, including a number of haunted and slightly sinister events, beginning with her beloved garden and her strange ‘single-parent’ family, combine in this atmospheric account of her struggle to achieve independence, and love.

      • October 2019

        Parenting The Art of Caring and Loving Parenting. A proposal from the family resilience.

        by María Stella Rodríguez

        Este libro quiere aportar desde la resiliencia familiar a la tarea maravillosa de nuestros prodigar amor y cuidado a niños y jóvenes. Todos tenemos la obligación sagrada de cuidar la vida, cuando lo hacemos de forma consciente estamos paternando y maternando. Quien desarrolla esta actitud siente indignación ante los terribles atropellos a la infancia. Por ello es urgente que comprendamos y cambiemos los sistemas de creencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de amar y cuidar.

      • Fiction

        The weird west of Kane Blackmoon

        by Duda Falcão

        A bounty hunter travels across the American West in search of adventure. In his travels, he discovers that the desert, the cities of the explorers and the indigenous tribes are full of mysteries, strange events and supernatural entities. On his journey, he makes new friends and acquires mystical knowledge to fight against evil creatures.

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