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      • Trusted Partner
        August 1996

        Die kleine Hexe feiert Weihnachten

        by Lieve Baeten, Lieve Baeten, Angelika Kutsch

        In "Die kleine Hexe feiert Weihnachten" von Lieve Baeten steckt Lisbet, die kleine Hexe, mitten in den hektischen Weihnachtsvorbereitungen. Mit so vielen Aufgaben wie dem Schmücken des Weihnachtsbaums, dem Backen von Plätzchen und der Betreuung von Trixi, dem lebhaften kleinen Hexenkind, weiß sie kaum, wo ihr der Kopf steht. Als ob das nicht genug wäre, steht auch noch unerwarteter Besuch vor der Tür. Glücklicherweise kann Lisbet auf ihren Hexenbesen zählen, der ihr erlaubt, manche Dinge schneller zu erledigen. Denn alles muss fertig sein, bevor die Weihnachtshexe erscheint, die jeden Moment eintreffen könnte. Fans der kleinen Hexe wissen jedoch, dass Lisbet es wie immer schaffen wird, ihre vielen Vorhaben zu meistern. Und falls sie doch mal ins Straucheln gerät, hat sie immer noch ihre hexischen Fähigkeiten, die sie bereits in den früheren Bänden "Die neugierige kleine Hexe" und "Die kleine Hexe hat Geburtstag" unter Beweis gestellt hat, um die Feiertage zu einem magischen Erlebnis für alle zu machen. Begeistert kleine Zuhörer seit Generationen und wird gerne als Geschenk für die jüngsten Familienmitglieder ausgewählt, um diese zauberhafte Tradition weiterzugeben. Mit einer Fülle an Details in den Illustrationen und zusätzlichen Aufklappseiten bietet das Buch Kindern ab 3 Jahren ein interaktives Leseerlebnis, das zum wiederholten Entdecken einlädt. Das Buch bietet eine willkommene Abwechslung mit seinen ausdrucksvollen Figuren und einer Atmosphäre, die Wärme, Witz und Freundlichkeit ausstrahlt, perfekt für Kinder, die nach etwas anderem suchen. Das Buch vermittelt auf subtile Weise Werte wie Fürsorge und Gemeinschaft, ohne dabei moralisierend zu wirken, und zeigt, wie schön es ist, sich um andere zu kümmern. Die Kombination aus einer niedlichen Geschichte, wunderschönen Illustrationen und einer liebevollen Erzählweise verspricht langanhaltenden Lesespaß. Ob als Nikolausgeschenk oder als Teil der weihnachtlichen Vorlesezeit, "Die kleine Hexe feiert Weihnachten" schafft es, Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen zu verzaubern und für gemütliche Familienmomente zu sorgen. Für die ganz kleinen Leser empfiehlt sich die ebenfalls verfügbare robustere Pappbuch-Variante, die auch intensiverer Nutzung standhält und damit ideal für neugierige Kinderhände ist.

      • Teaching, Language & Reference
        April 2021

        Digital Teaching at University

        by Anja Wipper/Alexandra Schulz

        Digital media can enrich university teaching in many ways. Whether in classroom-only courses, online phases or a mixture of both: this volume deals with the various ways of integrating digital media into your own teaching, in addition to didactic and motivational principles. Using example scenarios, practical instructions and tips for successful implementation are given.   The authors present how online and classroom phases can be sensibly combined into a blended learning arrangement based on three typical application models. Using practical examples from everyday teaching as well as ideas and tips for methodological design, they also present appropriate didactic and motivational designs – for the design of online phases on the one hand and for the enrichment of face-to-face events with digital tools on the other.

      • Pregnancy, birth & baby care
        October 2021

        Consultation with a midwife

        by Ingeborg Stadelmann

        Over 750.000 copies sold in Germany. The bestseller for pregnant women: completely revised and expanded.   This guidebook accompanies you competently and reliably from the beginning of pregnancy until the first year of your child's life.   Ingeborg Stadelmann, midwife and naturopathy expert, accompanies you sensitively, expertly and with a realistic view through the time of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. She encourages you in your self-determination and personal responsibility and takes you gently by the hand in difficult moments.   In most cases, it is "rescue forces" from nature that help and calm the situation, whether aroma mixtures, homeopathic globules, Bach flowers or teas. To which kind of support or therapy you feel attracted, you will recognize yourself.     “Since 'Die Hebammen-Sprechstunde' came into existence, there has been a noticeable change in the self-confident way in which expectant parents deal with pregnancy, birth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding. Ingeborg Stadelmann encourages mothers and fathers-to-be to take their own responsibility and trust in their own strength."  Dr. Christiane Schwarz, Professor of Midwifery at the University of Lübeck

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2022


        Of sexisms, gender gaps and other absurdities

        by Michaela Leitner

        According to the German law, women and men have had equal rights for over 70 years. But is that really the case? Who mainly takes care of the house and children? Who is less likely to make it into management despite equal training and experience? Who still falls through the cracks, linguistically and medically? Women*. They are the survivors of a system that half of humanity simply forgets. Where stereotypical gender roles and sexism have brought us is shown by the eternal discussions about the gender pay gap and the questionof care work. This book is a feminist survey - sometimes amusing, mostly hair-raising. Michaela Leitner illustrates in informative as well as tongue-in-cheek illustrations a huge injustice in the middle of our society. *Gender categories are diverse and move beyond the binary of ›woman - man‹. In this book, the term ›woman‹ refers to individuals who identify wholly or partially as women, are read as women, and/or have been social- ized as women.

      • Any season is dog season

        Adventure guide for the seasons of the year

        by Heins, Stefanie

        Why does air after rainfall smell pleasantly but wet dogs are stinking? Why do dogs pick fresh blades of gras? How do migratory birds navigate and does such an inner compass also exist in our dogs? This entertaining guide provides fascinating answers to questions many dog owners may ask themselves while walking the dog.It also includes many tips to enjoy each season of the year: moments of joy in nature, delicious food picked by yourself, recipes, playful training, practical Do-It-Yourself- instructions and useful health care. Sorted by month with seasonal specialities and space for your personal notes. This guide is perfect for all people who love being outside with their dogs and enjoy nature!

      • There is a train Station in Heaven

        by Jando / Christoper Große

        Ein Mann schlendert in Gedanken versunken an einem blauen Meer entlang. Das Meer grenzt an eine satte grüne Wiese, die sich über den gesamten Horizont streckt. Auf einer Parkbank, die unter einer dicken alten Eiche steht und von der aus er einen freien Blick auf das Wasser hat, nimmt er Platz. Suchend blickt er sich um. Eine ältere Dame mit einem wuscheligen Hund nähert sich und setzt sich zu ihm. Irritiert und verzweifelt fragt der Mann, wo er sei. Er habe keine Ahnung, wie er hierhergekommen sei. Alles hier sähe so ruhig, so schön und unwirklich aus. Die ältere Dame stellt sich als Maja(Mitte 70) vor und der Mann als Finn(Mitte 20). Sie sagt, dass sie so etwas schon öfter erlebt hat. Durch ihr Alter vergesse sie aber immer, wie der Ort hier genannt wird. Finn solle von seinem Leben, seinen Erinnerungen erzählen. So würde es ihm bestimmt wieder einfallen, wie er hierhergekommen sei und wie der Ort genannt werde. So mache sie es auch immer Nach dem Bestseller " Im Himmel gibt es einen Bahnhof" von dem Autor Jando

      • Classic crime
        January 2016

        Ein MORDs-Team - Der Fall Marietta King 1: Die vergessenen Akten / The Young Investigators - The Case of Marietta King 1: The forgotten Files

        by Andreas Suchanek, Nicole Böhm, Ute Bareiss

        Mason, Olivia, Randy and Danielle are four teenagers as diverging as they could be. When Mason is wrongly accused of a crime, a cascade of events is set in motion which unites all four in friendship. Together they try to identify the mastermind behind the crime. During their investigations, the team discover a secret room in an old mansion, which houses files about a 30-year-old murder. They are shocked to learn that their parents are also part of an enormous mystery which stretches all the way into the present. They start investigating to answer the one question overshadowing everything: Who killed high school student Marietta King 30 years ago? An obscure crime boss, a murder from the 1980s, a secret room in an old mansion and an all-encompassing mystery are now governing the lives of the four friends. The Preview and supporting information are available in english language.

      • Exercise & workout books

        Understanding fascia

        More well-being and health through fascia treatment and movement

        by Gerd Gradwohl

        Prevention, regeneration & healing through fascia treatment Back problems, neck pain or "tennis elbow" - who does not know them. In most cases, these and many other complaints are based on a disturbed structure of our fasciae. Fasciae enclose muscles, vessels, bones and organs and play an important role in our body. Gerd Gradwohl, physiotherapist in his own practice, presents a novel physiotherapeutic treatment method - Myofascial Integration. Here, special manual techniques are combined with movement. As a result, acute or chronic orthopedic complaints caused by disturbed, scarred or stuck fasciae can be successfully treated within a short time. With a large exercise section on functional training by Dr. Frank Frebel and a guest contribution by pelvic floor expert Susanne Schwärzler. Foreword by co-founder of fascia therapy Benno Geissler.

      • Die Präparatorin

        The Taxidermist

        by Andreas Wagner

        When taxidermist Felicitas Booth discovers a box of her father's memorabilia, her world begins to crumble. Wasn't he just the innocent victim of a murder she thought he was for decades? What happened on that Africa expedition where only half the participants survived? Felicitas decides to find out the truth, without knowing that her undertaking could have serious consequences for her  own life. Andreas Wagner – born in Mainz, winegrower, historian and author – succeeded in creating a novel, that is so diverse and multi-faceted that it resists any classification. What begins as a carefully told and touchingly cozy story drastically changes into a genuine investigative thriller. Throughout the novel, the narrator recalls memory fragments which capture the experiences of Felicitas' father in Africa. Caught up in a dangerous maelstrom of events, the protagonist Felicitas has to wrestle with these memories of her childhood and demons of her past. Wagner manages in a remarkable way to awaken a fascination for the processes and effects of taxidermy and to provide insights into a profession that tries to demistify death. The initial unease the reader perceives from the protagonist’s profession and family history develops into a dynamic and gripping plot – and a fascinating novel.

      • Memoirs
        March 2018

        Owl place

        From the incredible life of Rudi Kleineich or search for happiness in a hard time

        by Harry Schmidt

        This excitingly written book takes place between winter 1945 and Christmas 1953 - with skilfully inserted flashbacks to the years 1919, 1923 and 1930. The owl village that gives the book its title is the Lindenhof estate workers' village in Vorpommern, a place without owls, without newspapers and without electricity. One of its inhabitants is the 25-year-old day laborer's son and "bee man" Rudi Kleineich, who is of military age, as it was then called, but suffers from the life-threatening hemophilia and yet has an unbridled will to live. This will is even increased when, in the turmoil of the time, he comes into possession of a voluminous encyclopedia from 1886. From it he learns that he does not necessarily have to die as early as his uncle, from whom he copied beekeeping. The actual action begins a few days before the Russian invasion, which is expected with great fear and uncertainty, and which is supposed to be just outside the village. When the Red Army actually arrives, many terrible things happen in Owl Village, too, with which the soldiers with the red star take revenge on their German enemies - especially on their wives, almost no matter how old or young they are. In this Vorpommerschen place, too, Harry Schmidt, in reference to the hard historical facts, lets a real rape frenzy of several days happen. Law and order seem to have capitulated to the violence of the war and even officers no longer know either decency or humanity. But then suddenly it is over. As if someone had flipped a switch in the occupying forces, the intoxication is ended, and where rape and murder could have been committed with impunity, the perpetrators from their own ranks are now threatened with drastic punishment - including summary executions. The new order is taking hold. But what will the future bring to the little people of Lindenhof? And does Rudi's tender love for Christel, the refugee girl, have a chance?

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