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      • Bernd Liske

        Bernd Liske, born in 1956, studied mathematics in Chemnitz and is the owner of Liske information management systems. From its founding in 1998 until May 2015, Bernd Liske was a member of the main board of BITKOM, where he worked in the defense, education and knowledge management working groups. In the course of his efforts to deal with the revelations of Edward Snowden in the NSA affair, he was expelled from BITKOM in 2015. From 1998 to 2003 he was a member of the board of the Association of Organizations and Information Systems (VOI). Bernd Liske has been dealing with socio-political issues for many years. In his analyzes and concepts, he deals with social, political and economic problems in our society in order to make contributions to maintaining Germany as a business location. His book “PRISM A Lesson for our Democracy”, published in September, grew out of this. The diversity of the topics he deals with as well as the systemic principles used for their treatment can be followed on his homepage at and on his TWITTER channels @BerndLiske, @LiskeAphorismen and @LiskeZitate. He now regards his aphorisms as an open source operating system for the analysis and design of social processes and has been using them successfully for years.

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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2008

        Die Achtsamkeits-Revolution

        Aktivieren Sie die Kraft der Konzentration

        by Wallace, Alan / Deutsch Kahn-Ackermann, Susanne

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1984

        Autobiographie II

        1914-1944. Aus dem Englischen von Julia Kirchner

        by Bertrand Russell, Julia Kirchner

        Bertrand Russell, geboren 1872 in Wales, studierte Mathematik in Cambridge. In seinen schriftstellerischen Tätigkeiten widmete er sich zunächst der Mathematik, später wandte er sich vermehrt philosophischen Themen zu. 1950 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Bertrand Russell verstarb 1970 in Wales.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries

        by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin

        This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.

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        January 1967

        Probleme der Philosophie

        by Bertrand Russell, Eberhard Bubser, Eberhard Bubser

        "In diesem Buch, einer der frühen Schriften des englischen Philosophen, wird der Versuch unternommen, die unmittelbare Erfahrung mit dem Weltbild der Physik zu vereinen. Für Russell sind Substanz, Materie und die Gegenstände keine Realitäten, sondern logische Konstruktionen. Dieser Gesichtspunkt bestimmt seine Erkenntnistheorie wie seine Kritik an den traditionellen philosophischen Fragestellungen. Wichtig geworden sind die in den Probleme der Philosophie vorgetragenen Gedanken für die Entwicklung des logischen Positivismus; der Autor fragt nach den Möglichkeiten des Philosophierens in einem Zeitalter, das die Metaphysik verabschiedet hat und dessen Wissensstand entscheidend von der Naturforschung geprägt ist."

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        The Arts
        February 2019

        Bertrand Tavernier

        by Lynn Anthony Higgins

        Bertrand Tavernier is widely recognized as the leading French filmmaker of his generation. Both a consummate artist and a controversial public figure, he is a passionate advocate for social causes and also a tireless defender of world cinema in general and the French cinematic heritage in particular. Lynn Higgins' book offers a guided tour through Tavernier's oeuvre, taking into account both its prodigious diversity and its unifying themes. It explores his use of genre and adaptation, his work with actors and his affection for characters, his treatment of France's colonial history, his explorations of the powers of art and the complexities of intergenerational relations, both among fictional characters and within French cinema history. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scholarly book about Tavernier. Original and lively, sophisticated and engaging, the book will appeal to anyone interested in film studies, gender studies, and French cultural studies including academics, students, cinema enthusiasts, and Tavernier fans.

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        July 1999

        Bertrand Russell und Lady Ottoline Morrell

        Eine Liebe wider die Philosophie

        by Voss, Ursula

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Bertrand Blier

        by Sue Harris

        The most complete study of Blier's work to date, Harris traces the director's career from the early 1960s until the present. Outlines the forms, themes and style which dominate in Blier's work, and challenges the many labels that have been used to describe both the corpus of films and the man himself. Provides an original and controversial discussion of Blier's alleged 'misogyny', and invites the reader to understand the scatological and corporeal aspects of Blier's filmmaking in terms of long-established traditions of popular dramatic culture. Brings to light the comic mechanisms underpinning Blier's films and identifies strategies which navigate through one of the most entertaining and disconcerting bodies of work of recent years. The first book on Blier published in English.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2000

        Briefwechsel mit Magda von Hattingberg


        by Rainer Maria Rilke, Magda Hattingberg, Renate Scharffenberg, Ingeborg Schnack

        Rainer Maria Rilkes Briefe an die Konzertpianistin Magda von Hattingberg, eine Schülerin Ferruccio Busonis, haben den besonderen Reiz und die Aussagekraft rückhaltloser autobiographischer Prosa. Nach Rilkes eigener Aussage enthalten diese Briefe aus dem für seine Entwicklung so entscheidenden Jahr 1914 »das Vermächtnis« seines »ganzen bisherigen und zukünftigen Lebens«. Sie werden mit dieser sachkundig kommentierten Ausgabe erstmals ungekürzt nach den erhaltenen Originalbriefen und, soweit überliefert vollständig, zusammen mit den Gegenbriefen Magda von Hattingbergs zugänglich gemacht.

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        The Arts
        December 2011

        Bertrand Tavernier

        by Lynn Anthony Higgins, Diana Holmes, Robert Ingram

        Bertrand Tavernier is widely recognized as the leading French filmmaker of his generation. Both a consummate artist and a controversial public figure, he is a passionate advocate for social causes and also a tireless defender of world cinema in general and the French cinematic heritage in particular. Lynn Higgins' book offers a guided tour through Tavernier's oeuvre, taking into account both its prodigious diversity and its unifying themes. It explores his use of genre and adaptation, his work with actors and his affection for characters, his treatment of France's colonial history, his explorations of the powers of art and the complexities of intergenerational relations, both among fictional characters and within French cinema history. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date scholarly book about Tavernier. Original and lively, sophisticated and engaging, the book will appeal to anyone interested in film studies, gender studies, and French cultural studies including academics, students, cinema enthusiasts, and Tavernier fans. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2002

        Kahn & Engelmann

        Eine Familiensaga

        by Eichner, Hans

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2022

        Die großen Philosophinnen und Philosophen

        Ganzseitige, prächtige Illustrationen in Großformat | Philosophie für Kinder ab 8 Jahre

        by Clive Gifford, Sam Kalda, Gabriele Würdinger

        Die Philosophie stellt die großen Fragen der Menschheit. Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Was ist Wahrheit? Was ist gut und gerecht? Philosophinnen und Philosophen haben auf diese Fragen unterschiedliche Antworten gegeben. Sie sind neugierig und hinterfragen das, was wir oft für selbstverständlich halten. Schritt für Schritt zeichnet dieses Buch das Denken der einflussreichsten Philosophinnen und Philosophen nach und lädt dazu ein, unsere Welt und unseren Platz in ihr aus ganz neuen Perspektiven zu betrachten. Ein Buch für alle, die über die großen Geheimnisse des Lebens staunen – und mehr wissen wollen.

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