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      • Beatnik Publishing

        Founded in 2007, Beatnik Publishing is a NZ independent publisher that works alongside authors and artists to create beautiful, time-enduring books with international appeal. They publish cookbooks, children’s, poetry, lifestyle & self-help books.

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      • Bearport Publishing

        Bearport Publishing specializes in creating high-interest, visually appealing books that focus on fun and unusual topics that young readers love.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2008

        Reise eines Naturforschers um die Welt

        by Charles Darwin, Julia Voss, J. Victor Carus

        Im Alter von 22 Jahren nahm Charles Darwin an einer fünfjährigen Forschungsreise auf der HMS Beagle teil. Diese Jahre prägten sein Leben entscheidend: "Ich habe das sichere Gefühl, daß ich alles, was ich in der Wissenschaft geleistet haben mag, dieser Reise verdanke." Julia Voss, Darwin-Spezialistin und Kunstredakteurin der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung, hat aus dem umfangreichen Reisetagebuch Darwins die schönsten und bedeutendsten Passagen ausgewählt: das Zusammentreffen mit den Feuerländern, das Erdbeben in Chile oder der Besuch der Galápagosinseln. In ihrem Nachwort gibt sie einen Überblick über Leben und Werk des großen Naturforschers.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Darwin für Kinder und Erwachsene

        »Die ungeheure Verschiedenartigkeit der Pflanzen und Tiere«

        by Charles Darwin, Hans Traxler, Volker Mosbrugger, Volker Mosbrugger

        Jeder hat von Charles Darwin gehört, und fast jeder von seiner bahnbrechenden Evolutionstheorie. Volker Mosbrugger und Hans Traxler sind dem Lebensweg Darwins und dem Weg seines Werks gefolgt. Sein bedeutendes Buch »Über die Entstehung der Arten«, das 1859 erstmals erschien, hat ihn weltberühmt gemacht, aber es hat ihm auch Feinde eingebracht, denn sowohl seine Abstammungslehre als auch die Vorstellung, daß im »Kampf ums Dasein« nur die Tüchtigeren überleben, ist von Anfang an bis heute immer wieder angefeindet worden. Geboren wurde Darwin in einem englischen Landstädtchen, sein Interesse an der Natur und den Naturwissenschaften, insbesondere an der Biologie, war schon von Kindheit an groß. Er interessierte sich für die Gesteine, sammelte gerne Käfer, und 1831 brach er zu einer fünfjährigen Expedition mit dem berühmten Schiff, das den Namen Beagle trug, zu einer Reise um die Welt auf. Er besuchte Patagonien und Feuerland und die Galapagosinseln, wo er Vögel beobachtete, was ihn zu seiner Theorie anregte, und von wo er eine Schildkröte mitbrachte, die im Alter von 176 Jahren erst vor kurzem gestorben ist. Darwin selbst starb im Alter von 73 Jahren und wurde in der Westminster Abbey bestattet. Im Jahr 2000 wurde sein Bild auf die britische 10-Pfund-Note gedruckt, weil angeblich sein Bart nur schwer zu fälschen sei.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1993

        Mein Leben 1809 - 1882

        Herausgegeben von seiner Enkelin Nora Barlow. Mit einem Vorwort von Ernst Mayr. Aus dem Englischen von Christa Krüger

        by Charles Darwin, Nora Barlow, Christa Krüger, Ernst Mayr

        Charles Darwin wurde am 12. Februar 1809 in Shrewsbury geboren. Sein Großvater war der bekannte englische Naturwissenschaftler und Dichter Eramus Darwin (1731-1802), mit dessen geologischen und zoologischen Schriften sich Charles schon zu Jugendzeiten beschäftigte. Er studierte zunächst Medizin in Edinburgh und später Theologie in Cambridge, sein eigentliches Interesse galt jedoch der Biologie. 1831 bot sich ihm die Gelegenheit, an einer wissenschaftlichen Expeditionsreise nach Südamerika teilzunehmen. Die fünf Jahre an Bord der HMS Beagle, insbesondere der Aufenthalt auf den Galapagos-Inseln, lieferten ihm wertvolles Studienmaterial, das er nach seiner Rückkehr theoretisch und wissenschaftlich auszuwerten begann. Mit der Veröffentlichung seines Hauptwerkes „Über den Ursprung der Arten“ wartete er allerdings – aus Angst vor kirchlicher Kritik – bis 1859. Dann brachte der Austausch mit dem Naturforscher Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), der zeitgleich ebenfalls an der Herleitung einer Evolutionstheorie arbeitete, den entscheidenden Anstoß und Darwin ging mit seinen Thesen an die Öffentlichkeit. Das Buch hatte einen überwältigenden Erfolg und machte den Autor auf einen Schlag berühmt. Die renommierte Royal Society und die französische Akademie der Wissenschaften nahmen ihn als Mitglied auf. Darwin veröffentlichte weitere Abhandlungen, in denen er seine Evolutionstheorie aufgriff und weiterentwickelte. Nach seinem Tod, am 19. April 1882, wurde er in der Westminster Abbey, der Grabkirche der englischen Könige, bestattet.   Christa Krüger übersetzte u.a. Werke von Louis Begley, Penelope Fitzgerald und Richard Rorty. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.

      • Geography & the Environment


        Tales from a Disappearing Continent

        by Marco Tedesco, Alberto Flores D’Arcais

        When people think about the Arctic, they think about a monotone expanse of white snow, devoid of distinguishing figures. They could not be more wrong. Snow can be blue, or purple, or even green under the right light, and in tiny holes under the surface of the ice a strange kind of biome flourishes, which may hold the solution to the mystery of life. Marco Tedesco is one of the scientists living among the fast-disappearing ice. Every facet of his life revolves around it, whether mapping the geography of rivers or studying the bacteria inside the cryoconite holes or the remains of the High Arctic camel. Ice. Tales from a Disappearing Continent is an exciting scientific adventure much like Charles Darwin’s The Voyage of the Beagle, but, at the same time, it is a heartfelt plea to treasure ice, because without it we would lose not only the roots of our past, but also our future.

      • A Most Remarkable Creature

        The Hidden Life and Epic Journey of the World’s Smartest Birds of Prey

        by Jonathan Meiburg

        An enthralling account of a modern voyage of discovery as we meet the clever, social birds of prey called caracaras, which puzzled Darwin, fascinate modern-day falconers, and carry secrets of our planet's deep past in their family history.   In 1833, Charles Darwin was astonished by an animal he met in the Falkland Islands: handsome, social, and oddly crow-like falcons that were "tame and inquisitive . . . quarrelsome and passionate," and so insatiably curious that they stole hats, compasses, and other valuables from the crew of the Beagle. Darwin wondered why these birds were confined to remote islands at the tip of South America, sensing a larger story, but he set this mystery aside and never returned to it. Almost two hundred years later, Jonathan Meiburg takes up this chase. He takes us through South America, from the fog-bound coasts of Tierra del Fuego to the tropical forests of Guyana, in search of these birds: striated caracaras, which still exist, though they're very rare. He reveals the wild, fascinating story of their history, origins, and possible futures. And along the way, he draws us into the life and work of William Henry Hudson, the Victorian writer and naturalist who championed caracaras as an unsung wonder of the natural world, and to falconry parks in the English countryside, where captive caracaras perform incredible feats of memory and problem-solving. A Most Remarkable Creature is a hybrid of science writing, travelogue, and biography, as generous and accessible as it is sophisticated, and absolutely riveting.   Jonathan Meiburg is a writer, ornithologist, and adventurer who's best known as the singer of the band Shearwater. His pieces on science, nature, and music have appeared in The Believer, Talkhouse, and The Appendix. He lives in central Texas

      • Ways of doing nothing

        by María Vela Zanetti

        This indescribable book, Ways of Doing Nothing - the first in prose after eleven in poetry and intense work as a specialised journalist - is nothing more than the reflection of her pleasant readings, her animated conversations with friends and daily observation of the dog spirit: happy and indolent but tenacious in her loves. The countryside, where the author lives and has lived for long periods, is another of her favourite prisons, because as she says: "the countryside does not know who you are". Misanthropy? Black humour? Perhaps, because her strange fantasy places her among the few writers who have given this serious country a smoke.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2012

        Microbial Diversity and Functions

        by D. Joseph Bagyara ,K.V.B.R. Tilak & H.K.Kheri

        The book contains 31 articles written by distinguished scientists of the country having expertise in dealing with the microbes and exploiting their potential for the benefits of mankind. The articles included in the book are thought provocating and deals with: o the topics of Taxonomy, Diversity and Applications of VAM fungi in different Ecosystems o Applications of Microbial Technology for Treatment of effluents of a Gelatine Factory, Biodiversity of Mycotoxigenic Fungi and Trichoderma, o Useful microbes of Mangrove Ecosystem, Extremophiles, PGPRs, Phytotoxins, Litter decomposition, Biopesticides, Botanical Pesticides, biofertilizers and so many others including major concerns about the Evolution and Conservation of Microbial Biodiversity. o All the articles written by the authors are original, timely and appropriate.

      • November 2019

        World Atlas of Jellyfish

        Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, Special Volume

        by Gerhard Jarms, André Morandini

        The »World Atlas of Jellyfish« presents in a lavishly illustrated multi-author compendium the more than 260 species of medusae (Scyphomedusae and Cubomedusae) described so far. The general, first part deals with their structure, complex life cycles and rare fossil records. But it also details on collection, cultivation and fishery methods, even gives hints for photography and cooking recipes. Additionally, it covers the nature of medusae venoms, the effects and treatment of their stings. The second part gives concise systematic descriptions of all jellyfish species and their ­developmental stages known so far. Numerous illustrations, distribution maps, taxonomic keys and literature lists allow for detailed identification and information. Outstanding among the wealth of wonderful illustra­tions are hitherto unpublished artistic colour paintings by Ernst Haeckel. The beauty of the animals is underlined by the demanding typesetting of the book. This »Atlas« is a unique overview summarizing our knowledge on the world’s jellyfish in all their facets. It is of importance not only for scientists worldwide, but also a source of fascination for divers and lovers of marine life. Corresponding to its far-reaching relevance and to the internationality of contributing authors the volume is written in English.

      • Veterinary medicine: small animals (pets)
        December 2021

        Orthopedics Research in Small Animals

        by Swapan Kumar Maiti

        This book covers most of the topics with latest information on bone in general and research on bone healing in particular. The book is divided into 27 chapters covering almost all aspect of orthopaedic research in small and lab animals including basic knowledge about bone; fracture types and fracture healing; bone grafts and bone substitute; internal fracture fixation; external fracture fixation; bone morphogenetic protein; transforming growth factors; role of mesenchymal stem cell in osteoinduction; fracture healing in critical sized bone defect and in very large bone defect, effect of herb and herbal product in fracture healing, role of different hormones, anabolic steroid, NSAID drug, bone wax, ultrasound in fracture healing; minimal invasive fracture repair; management of comminuted femoral and tibial metaphyseal fracture; endocrine role of fracture healing; evaluation of bone graft, ceramic biomaterials in fracture healing and physiotherapy of orthopedic patients. This book includes different research findings on application of herb, herbal product, bone graft, ceramic biomaterials, mesenchymal stem cells, and different osteoinducers in bone regeneration. The main objective of this book is to provide the latest information to meet the requirements of not only undergraduate and post graduates research scholars but also to the teachers, biologists and clinician involved in animal treatment and orthopaedic research. The book contains more than 150 good quality photographs of internal fixation techniques, x-ray, undecalcified ground sections, scanning electron microscopy, 3-D CT scan, histopathogical stained sections used in different orthopaedic interventions. This book would be of immense use to the students, teachers and research scholars engaged in the field of orthopaedic research.

      • Children's & YA
        September 2019

        How To Be Remy Cameron

        by Julian Winters

        Everyone on campus knows Remy Cameron. He’s the out-and-proud, superlikable guy who friends, faculty, and fellow students alike admire for his cheerful confidence. The only person who isn’t entirely sure about Remy Cameron is Remy himself. Under pressure to write an A+ essay defining who he is and who he wants to be, Remy embarks on an emotional journey toward reconciling the outward labels people attach to him with the real Remy Cameron within.

      • Thriller / suspense

        A Fateful farewell.

        by James Kilcullen

        When David Levin's property empire collapses he decides to put an end to it all - but fate intervenes.

      • Animal husbandry
        March 2017

        Canine Cancer

        by Swapan Kumar Maiti

        This book covers most of the topics with latest information on canine cancer in general and canine mammary cancer in particular. The book is divided into 21 chapters covering almost all aspects of canine cancer including its overview, occurrence, etiology, classifications, polymorphism, radiological-immuno-hormonal-sex hormone profiles, enzymatic-genetic-tissue prognostic markers and different modern diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This book also includes different research findings on canine mammary cancer. The main objective of this book is to provide the latest information to meet the requirements of not only undergraduate and post-graduate students but also to the teachers and clinicians involved in canine practice. The book contains more than 150 good quality colour photographs of canine cancer, cancer diagnosis and cancer treatments. This book would be of immense use to the students, teachers and practitioners engaged in the field of cancer research and treatment.

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