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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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        September 2006

        Ilse Aichinger

        Ein Bilderbuch von Stefan Moses Mit ausgewählten Texten von Ilse Aichinger und einem Vorwort von Michael Krüger

        by Moses, Stefan / Verfasst mit Aichinger, Ilse; Einführung von Krüger, Michael

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        March 1986

        Bausteine der Freud-Biographik

        by Siegfried Bernfeld, Suzanne Cassirer Bernfeld, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Alexander Mitscherlich, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, Ilse Grubrich-Simitis

        Die Freud-Biographik ist durch zwei auffallende, gleichermaßen verzerrende Tendenzen charakterisiert: eine Tendenz zur Hagiographie und eine andere zur Demontage. Abseits dieser teils idealisierenden, teils vermeintlich entlarvenden Freud-Interpretationen entfaltete sich in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten eine Freud-Forschung, die, geduldig und gelassen Fakten sammelnd, neue Erkenntnisse über Freuds Leben und Denken zutage gefördert hat. In welchem Ausmaß die bisherige Freud-Biographik auf den Details der Bernfeldschen Beiträge aufbaut, zeigt die Herausgeberin Ilse Grubrich-Simitis, ihrerseits Psychoanalytikerin und Autorin von Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Psychoanalyse, in der Einleitung.

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        La rosa en el viento

        by Sara Gallardo

        "The rose that is destroyed in the wind lets its petals fly in a burned light," says this hallucinatory novel by Sara Gallardo, her latest publication, an extraordinary culmination for a dazzling, always precise, always unique, always captivating body of work. In La rosa en el viento, all the characters move, embarking on journeys that are sometimes physical and sometimes emotional, but in every case, they take them far from whom they were at the beginning. Olaf, a Swedish immigrant who has escaped a terrible episode in Italy, becomes a sheep breeder in Patagonia alongside Andrei, a Russian journalist who, in turn, seeks to win over an unconquerable woman, whose story reaches us in flashes, much like that of Oo, the Indian woman bought by Andrei, or Lina, who follows Andrei south, and Olga, who two generations earlier followed Alexis the revolutionary to an America that, for these characters, is both a land of promises and forgotten dreams that never truly materialize. Kaleidoscopic, polyphonic, synthetic, and modern, La rosa en el viento brings together all of Sara Gallardo's talent for storytelling and emotional impact, and it demands that we read it again.

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        Los galgos, los galgos

        by Sara Gallardo

        There are beginnings in literature that encapsulate in a few words the entire conflict and grandeur of a work. Thus begins Los galgos, los galgos: “From my father, I inherited a house, half a field, and some money. I cried a lot over his death, but I can’t say that the inheritance took me by surprise. Sitting in the morning light, toward the end of the wake, I suggested to my brother that I would exchange my house for his part of the field, and as he immediately agreed and I had to sign a lot of papers, I realized I had made a bad deal.” These are the words of Julián, the protagonist and narrator of this novel, which can certainly be read as a story of love and heartbreak, but is so much more: an essay on the erosion of our convictions by time, a subtle commentary on the customs and practices of a class, and the impact of those customs and practices on certain fantasies and dissatisfaction, as well as a representation of the countryside, animals and plants like no other in Argentine literature. First published in 1968, Los galgos, los galgos won the Municipal Literature Prize and is considered a major work within Sara Gallardo’s extraordinary oeuvre. Written in a state of grace, infused with a melancholic sense of fatality but imbued with intelligent and refined humor, this is a novel that leaves an indelible mark, profound admiration, and eternal sorrow.

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        Pantalones azules

        by Sara Gallardo

        Pantalones azules is a novel with a deceptively simple appearance. As Leopoldo Brizuela has noted, fifty years after its first publication, it "reveals itself as the recounting of a process infinitely more subtle" than an impossible love affair, which was the key interpretation by its contemporaries. On the contrary, Pantalones azules is a story of multiple disillusionments: those of Alejandro, the young protagonist from a well-to-do family, Catholic and anti-Semitic, who encounters the limits of his convictions upon meeting Irma, an immigrant with a Jewish mother who lost her parents in the European war; those of Irma, who receives not compassion but the inhuman brutality of Alejandro’s convictions; and those of Elisa, Alejandro’s virgin fiancée, who must decide her position within the patriarchal family structure and whether to accept her role as a future wife subjected to the tacit violence of her fiancé. But more than a story of love and disillusionment, Pantalones azules is a prodigious representation, for its freshness and vitality, of the distances that separate social groups, cultures, generations, and genders within the same time and place. A prime example of Sara Gallardo’s extraordinary ability to bring her characters to life with wisdom, humor, a touch of malice, and a surprising economy of resources, this second novel by the author also broadens her perspective on the landscape: the countryside, the city, and the river are depicted here with unusual accuracy, possible only for someone who has experienced landscape and language as a unique amalgam, a defining characteristic of her works. First published in 1963, Pantalones azules has circulated only minimally since then. Fiordo is proud to bring this superb novel by one of Argentina’s greatest writers back to readers.

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        May 2024

        Der Vertraute


        by Bardugo, Leigh

        Aus dem amerikanischen Englisch von Alexandra Jordan und Sara Riffel

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        September 2019

        Weihnachtsstern und Mandelkern

        Die schönsten Klassiker der Weihnachtsliteratur zum Vorlesen

        by Bertels, Susanne (Hrsg.); Bintig, Ilse (Hrsg.); Zöller, Markus

        Adventskranz und Kerzenglanz, Plätzchenduft und Geheimnisse in der Luft, grüne Tannen, rote Äpfel und goldene Schleifen - ohne Traditionen wäre Weihnachten nicht mehr richtig Weihnachten! Und was eignete sich besser, diese ganz besondere, unvergleichliche Stimmung ins Haus zu zaubern, als die beliebten Weihnachtserzählungen, die schon die Großeltern zur Adventszeit vorgelesen bekamen? Mit bekannten Gedichten von Theodor Storm, Christian Morgenstern oder Josef von Eichendorff u.a. Die beliebtesten Weihnachtsgeschichten von Charles Dickens, Hans Christian Andersen (Die Schneekönigin), Peter Rosegger und Oscar Wilde, E.T.A. Hoffmann (Nussknacker und Mausekönig) u.a., nacherzählt von Ilse Bintig

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