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      • Bollati Boringhieri editore S.r.l. a socio unico

        Our publishing company was founded in 1957 by Paolo Boringhieri focusing on science, mythology and ethnology. In 1987 Giulio Bollati joined the company, taking with him his expertise in history, philosophy , and literary fiction.Since then , the two souls of the publisher scientific studies and humanities have followed intertwined paths.  In 2009 Bollati Boringhieri was a cquired by Gruppo editoriale Mauri Spagnol (GeMS) a group including 11 publishing companiesand 20 imprints. On the non fiction side, we are strongly interested in every project that shows human comprehensive history.  Gems of our list include, among others Edmund de Waal , Jim Al Khalili, Nick Bostrom, Adam Rutherford, Hannah Fry,Jonathan Gottschall , Frank Close, Max Tegmark.

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      • Borobudur Agency

        Borobudur Agency act to represent Indonesian publishers and authors for children’s and young adult books; picture books; comic books; fiction: novels, literary works; non-fiction: cookbooks, fashion (especially Muslim wear for women), social studies, Indonesian arts and culture, as well as interactive digital textbooks and software. We facilitate members of IKAPI, book publishers who assign the agency to promote their rights for overseas licensing, and accordingly promote the works of Indonesian authors for international readership.

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      • Trusted Partner
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      • Natural disasters
        January 2011


        Strengthening Community Mitigation and Preparedness

        by Khanna, B.K. & Neena Khanna

        The book covers all the task of implementation of the initiative of inculcating the culture of preparedness in the community as they are the first responders in case of a disaster. The book includes, what, how, when and by whom what should be done before, during and after a disaster takes place. The highlights of the book are: 1.All types of disasters ranging from earthquakes to terrorist strikes, from nuclear disasters to urban floods have been illustrated. 2.Case studies supporting all the disasters.3.Fully illustrated with adequate diagrams, flow charts and colour photographs etc.4.Situation and region specific requirements in cases of rehabilitation and casualty management. 5.Setting up and executing requirement specific Disaster Management Plans. 6.Conducting of mock s on various types of perceived disasters found there way in the book.The book would be useful for the first responders, district administration and state authorities (districts/tehsil/taluk/sub-division level functionaries, the DM planners in the state, NGOs) schools/educational institutions, National Disaster Response Force, Para Military Forces, Armed Forces.

      • Horticulture
        August 2015

        A Colour Handbook

        Landscape Gardening

        by Alka Singh & B.K. Dhaduk

        This book deals with the basic aspects of landscape gardening including garden types and styles, principles, elements and garden components in detail and is well supported with illustrations and photographs for better clarity and easy understanding. It has been compiled especially for the students and it would also be useful to the landscape professionals, teachers as well as garden and nature lovers.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2014

        Commercial Flowers

        by Anil Kumar Singh

        Floriculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors of commercial agriculture world-wide with many highly profitable crops. Cultivation of flowers more pragmatic endeavor than other crops. Every day novel variety, new colour in any ornamental flower crop not only fascinates us but also gives a thrust to know more about their breeding technologies. Creation of diversity of new and domesticated flower crops by public and private sector flower breeders brings a fascination towards its breeding technology. The students while dealing with the breeding and biotechnology of flowers then they must required a base knowledge. Therefore emphasis has been given to present the book in its easiest form so that anyone can understand it without losing interest from it. It has been designed to cover all the aspects of breeding, the basic objectives, different breeding methods, methodology for improvement of specific crops, stress resistance, quality improvement, mutagenesis, genetic engineering and biotechnology.

      • Horticulture
        June 2011

        Fundamentals of Vegetable Production

        by M.K. Rana

        This book on fundamentals of vegetable production includes the on prospects and scope of vegetable farming, constraints in vegetable production, importance of vegetables in human nutrition, classification of vegetables, types of vegetable gardening, climatic impact on vegetable production, seed treatment, nursery management, sowing and transplanting, manures, fertilizers, biofertilizers, water management, mulching and weed management in vegetable crops since the information on the previously mentioned aspects is scattered at diverse sources. This book is self-contained document aimed at imparting elementary knowledge to the undergraduate and postgraduate students, Horticulture Development Officers of the State Horticulture Department and others who have interest in gaining basic knowledge in the field of vegetable crop production. Adoption of scientific knowledge will definitely be rewarding to the vegetable growers and the nation, which ultimately achieves the goal of obtaining higher production. This book is aimed at providing systematic information on all modern principles of vegetable production at a single source. The book contains latest information on fundamentals of vegetable production. The book has been written in a very simple language, which is easy to understand. It is believed that this book will find wide acceptability and undoubtedly assist the students in developing knowledge, skills and expertise regarding principle aspects of vegetable production. This book will prove to be a milestone for the undergraduate students of Agriculture and postgraduate students of Vegetable Science, teachers, Horticulture Extension Specialists, Horticulture Development Officers of the State Horticulture Department and it can also be of great use to the progressive farmers who are intended to take up vegetable cultivation either on a small or commercial scale.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        July 2019

        Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics

        by A.P. Upadhyay, Ajit KumarRoy & Pramodh Kumar Pandey

        This book provides a detailed overview to the topic of international fisheries governance and the drivers of IUU fishing. Technologies that directly address these challenges reduce costs and improve and expand farm operations both offshore and especially on land are reported in this communication. The book provides information on the following areas to scientists, resource managers and researchers working with big data to advance more sustainable fisheries practices. Modeling in the areas of Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Specific Feeding Ratio (SFR), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are needed for efficient management of resources for sustainable production from fisheries sector. Neural Network forecasts that exceeded other traditional forecasting methods such as linear or logistic regression systems. Application of Big Data Analytics in aquaculture that facilitated to bring the techniques of aquaculture to a new level of in depth understanding and unlocking the economic potential of improved management decisions particularly can spot business trends, prevent disease, combat crime, and even revolutionize the health of fisheries. Application of ANN to forecast water quality and temperature that benefits aquaculture process control. Sensor Technology that offers real-time environmental monitoring system for aquaculture in a wide range of areas and visual signal processing system to continuously control the feeding process of fish in aquaculture tanks. Artificial Intelligence Systems that in turn helps in increased process efficiency; reduced energy and water losses; reduced labor costs; reduced stress and disease; better understanding of the process and efficient accounting are also. Data Mining for better control on the food loss and food quality in the aqua farming industry. Analysis of Value Chain of Processed Fish Products Partial Budget Analysis for better understanding of the farms financial status and more efficient use of the resources available particularly for aquaculture practices. Tips for right type of statistical test to equip the social science researchers capable of performing of Statistical tests for various rating scales mostly used for social sciences research. A holistic, global-scale focus on challenges of IUU and technology initiatives to face the challenge This unique book explores a wide range of analytical issues centered on the aquaculture process management. It is expected that this book will be most useful who aims in achieving FAOs Sustainable Development Goal 14, which calls on the international community to effectively regulate fish harvesting end overfishing, illegal fishing, and destructive fishing practices, and to implement science-based management.

      • Animal husbandry
        September 2015

        Livestock and Poultry

        Conservation and Improvement Techniques

        by C.V. Singh & R.S. Barwal

        It is difficult to forecast the There are 25 s contributed by distinguished contributors who have made valuable contributions to the field of conservation of animal biodiversity and improvement of livestock. The topics covered are ranging from cattle genetic resources, strategic action plan for sustainable management, conservation and genetics improvement, breeding strategies to improve milk productivity, production systems and breeding policies for genetic improvement, application of biotechnological tools for conservation and improving of animal genetic resources, bioinformatics and genome analysis in conservation, heat stress management etc.

      • Geographical information systems (GIS) & remote sensing
        January 2009

        Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Spectral Signature Applications

        by S. Rajendran, S.Aravindran, T.Jeyavel Rajakumar, R. Sivakumar & K.R. Murali Mohan

        Hyperspectral imaging is an emerging modern technique in modern remote sensing that expands and removes capability of multispectral image analysis. It takes advantage of hundreds of continuous spectral channels to uncover materials that usually cannot be resolved by multispectral sensoThis book is a collection of research papers of Indian scientist working in the field of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications. This has been organized in a way that all the s are logically connected and can be referred back and the forth one another for more details. The title of hyperspectral remote sensing and spectral signature applications is use to reflect its focus on spectral techniques, i.e. non-literal techniques that are especially designed and developed for hyperspectral imagery rather than multispectral imagery.

      • Agronomy & crop production
        November 2020

        Advances in Crop Production and Climate Change

        by A.S. Yadav, Narendra Kumar, Sanjay Arora, D.S. Srivastava & Hemlata Pant

        In recent years India has made notable advances in the fisheries. Progresses made in refinements of vessels, new line materials and line-handling systems, preserving the catch, the availability of oceanographic-sensor equipments and the utilization of satellite technology to locate potential fishing grounds have greatly improved the fishing power of longline vessels. Post harvest technology of fish has evolved in the last one decade to a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and quality upgrading technology. Since fresh fish can get spoiled very quickly, the development of technology for post-harvest preservation and methodology to convert fish to value added products have also become popular in recent times. Value addition helps in getting high price for the fishery products. There is a need to develop competent human resources in the field of post harvest management of fish and production of value added products from them. It is required to inculcate vocational and entrepreneurial skills in order to widen employment opportunities, particularly among rural youth and the disadvantaged sections of the society as well as to enable self employment.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2014

        Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development

        by K. Narayana Gowda, M.S. Nataraju & V. Veerabhadraiah

        During last one decade, rural India witnessed the continuous migration of rural youth to urban areas. This situation is very serious and alarming and the migration of rural youth created a vacuum in the villages. It has been observed and expressed by many enlightened persons that villages are becoming old age homes draining away the talented farm youth to stay away from farming. The contents of book covers the issues like youth-concept, characteristics, interests, aspirations; youth in natural resource management; ICT and rural youth; Extension approaches and strategies; SHGs and Group approaches; Mobilization of Rural Youth; Gender issues and women empowerment and successful case studies on farm youth. The major sub heads of the book are: Farm Youth In Agriculture, Capacity Building Of Rural Youth, Entrepreneurship Among Rural Youth, Rural Youth And Information Communication Technology, Women In Agriculture, Rural Youth In Integrated Farming, Leisure Time Utilization By Rural Youth, Case Studies On Rural Youth

      • Sustainable agriculture
        October 2016

        Integrated Farming System Practices

        by Sankarsana Nanda

        This book focuses on different practices of Integrated Farming System in eastern-India and for scaling up the technology for community need. It provides a detailed account of principles, challenges and opportunities in simpler yet compact manner for better understanding of the researchers and policy makers.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2014

        Food and Nutritonal Security By Sustainable Agriculture

        Methods To Attain and Sustain

        by Bijesh Kumar Mishra, Sunl Kumar & Jagesh Kumar Tiwari

        This book contains s written by young enthusiastic scientists, teachers and researchers who are involved in research, teaching and extension of modern scientific agricultural principles and practices in different parts of India. Attempts have been made to cover various aspects of modern agriculture viz. genetic improvement of crop plants, modern methods in plant breeding, seed science, ground water resources management, integrated farming systems, horticultural crops, biological control for sustainable agriculture, underutilized fruit plants health enhancing foods, role of enzymes in food processing, bioinformatics and molecular diagnostics etc., but still many facets lingering due to vast nature of agriculture itself. The major aim of this book is to provide glimpse of important arena to enhance food and nutritional security in a sustainable way.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2015

        Climate Resilient Crops for The Future

        by K.V. Peter

        Concise Oxford Dictionary defines Resilience as recoiling; springing back; resuming its original shape after bending, stretching, compression etc. With five components of crop production –space, water, energy, light, nutrients- limiting, there are stresses on crops to perform at threshold input yielding optimum output. Droughts and floods, cold and heat waves, forest fires, landslides and mud slips, ice storms, dust storms, hailstorms, thunder clouds associated with lightening and sea level rise are throwing new challenges to farming. This dangerously narrow level of food base prompts to widen the base of grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, industrial crops, mushrooms and aromatic plants. The emphasis so far was more on terrestrial plants, forest plants and lesser on lower plants. The aquatic plants-fresh water, brackish water, marine- were not much explored for edible use except by Chinese and Japanese. Halophytes, bryophytes, ferns and sea weeds are so far climate resilient. The Indo-Burmese Centre of origin (Hindustan centre including North East) is abode of several plants of possible vegetable, fruit and spicy value. The New Life styles consequent to migration for employment have brought newer food and dietary patterns. The urbanization and smaller family size are leading to pre-cooked foods and visitation to restaurants. s on bryophytes, halophytes, microalgae, chasmophytes, pseudocereals, medicinal mushrooms, speciality mushrooms, palmyrah palms, bramakamal, tropical tuber crops, dragon fruits, broad dhaniya, plants for dyes, kale and ornamental ginger are authored by eminent working scientists from 21 Universities and Research Institutes in Japan and India. The crops for the future especially climate resilient are to be identified and promoted in an emerging production scenario of new life style foods and convenient speciality foods getting attention by the new generation. The present book Climate Resilient Crops for the Future carries 17 chapters authored by men of eminence in respective areas concerning to the above areas.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2015

        Improving Productivity of Drylands By Sustainable Resource Utilisation and Management

        by Devi Dayal, Deepesh Machiwal, Sharmsudheen Mangalassery & R.S. Tripathi,

        The book entitled, Improving Productivity of Drylands by Sustainable Resource Utilization and Management deals with a variety of aspects linked with utilization and management of resources used in dryland agriculture. The content of the book covers the topics on the natural resources management, biodiversity conservation, crop production and management, livestock management, energy, technology transfer and socio-economic issues. Subjects such as climate resilient agriculture, soil and water conservation measures, soil fertility appraisal, recycling of organic wastes, management strategies for livestock production, intercropping in agri-horti system, agro-morphological evaluation of crops, developing genotype for vegetable cultivation, crop diversification, farming systems, improved forage production, variability and heritability of grasses, weed management practices, economics of arable crop production, and energy conservation strategies through greenhouse have been incorporated under different chapters contributed by subject specialists. This book is an attempt to present collectively the scattered available information on several recently developed technologies and strategies for dryland management. Furthermore, the book contains 30 chapters that discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge for sustainable management of the drylands by improving productivity. Moreover, the book will be useful for professionals, researchers, scholars, and students involved in scientific activities of agricultural research in drylands.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2013

        Remote Sensing Applications in Dryland Natural Resource Management

        by Mahesh Kumar Gaur

        Arid and semi-arid areas are now facing a threefold holistic crisis:economic, food, and climate.What has emerged from these crises is the vital importance of inter-linkages among them on the one hand, and the missed opportunities in putting these pieces together on the other. This book has tried to explore these challenges though in-depth discussions of the individual. It is anticipated to inspire a forward looking debate that looks at the lessons from the past and points to actions for the future. Expertise views have been shared scientists and persons of eminence on the national and state level challenges with futuristic remedial approaches.

      • Global warming
        March 2017

        Climate Change and Agroforestry

        Adaptation, Mitigation and Livelihood Security

        by C.B.Pandey, Mahesh Kumar Gaur & R.K.Goyal

        Natural change in climate is slow and takes millions of years; and it is known to have made our planet hospitable to live. The climate change is not limited to one country or a continent. It is occurring across the globe as evident from droughts in Texas and flooding along the Missouri River in the United States and along the Red River in Canada. Climate change drives many stressors and interacts with many non-climatic stressors which make it difficult to forecast outcomes in any general way other than existing threats to agriculture. Agroforestry increases a high level of diversity within agricultural lands which supports numerous ecological and production services that bring resilience to the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change risk management is difficult in annual cropping systems due to increasing uncertainty of inter-annual variability in rainfall and temperature. Mixing of woody trees with crops, forage and livestock operations provides greater resilience to the inter-annual variability through crop diversification and increased resource use efficiency. Deep rooted trees allow better access to nutrients and water during droughts and when appropriately integrated into annual cropping systems and extract from different resource pools that would otherwise be lost from systems. Agroforestry increases soil porosity, reduces runoff and increases soil cover, which improve water infiltration and reduces moisture stress in low rainfall years. During periods of excessive soil moisture, tree based systems keep soils aerated by pumping out excess water and offer an economic return. The book contains 36 chapters mainly on agroforestry practices found in India and its role in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2019

        Engineering Properties of Agricultural Produce

        by Suresh Chandra, Samsher, Suneel Kumar Goyal & Durvesh Kumari

        In any agricultural country, various types of agricultural commodities are produced in large quantities and to handle such quantities during harvest, post-harvest, processing and transportation, various types of equipment are required. To design particular equipment or determining the behaviour of the product for its handling, physical properties such as size, shape, surface area, volume, density, porosity are very important. Various types of cleaning, grading and separation equipment are designed on the basis of physical properties of seeds such as size, shape, specific gravity etc. The book will provide a fundamental understanding of engineering properties of agricultural produce and the knowledge of engineering properties are combined with engineering knowledge. Each chapter in the book will be helpful for the students to understand the relationship between engineering properties of raw, semi-finished and processed food to obtain products with desired shelf-life and quality. This book discusses basic definitions, principles of engineering properties and their measurement methods with research findings. It will be helpful to the students for their self-study and to gain information how to analyze experimental data to generate practical information. It will also be helpful for students who deal with engineering properties in their research. Methods to measure these properties are also explained in details.

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