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UNAM is the largest publishing house in the Spanish-speaking world. Its production averages 1200 printed titles and 500 electronic titles per year. It publishes literature, and state-of-the-art research in Spanish for all sciences and humanities. It translates the most within Mexican publishing industry, and it has been the publishing house of the most outstanding academic writers in Modern Mexico.
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Promoted ContentMarch 2022
Brauchbare Menschen
by Magdalena Schrefel
Die neue Kollegin einer Sexarbeiterin ist aus Silikon. Ein Schlachtergehilfe hantiert in der »Fleischfabrik« mit hochmodernen Tötungsmaschinen. Und die Auszubildenden einer Flughafen-Security sollen verinnerlichen, dass erst regelkonformes Verhalten sie zu Menschen macht.Magdalena Schrefels Figuren stehen vor den alltäglich-absurden Herausforderungen des Spätkapitalismus – Automatisierung, Kontrolle, Prekarität – und finden überraschende Wege, mit dem Unzumutbaren umzugehen. Und sie fragen nach den Bedingungen der Entstehung von Literatur: Wie macht sie sich Menschen zunutze? Und ist Literatur Arbeit, ja, sogar systemrelevante?
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Technology, Engineering & AgricultureFebruary 2014
Automation technology
by Norbert Becker
In this standard work, the automation technology is illustrated from a practical point of view with many examples and numerous pictures. Students of engineering sciences, as well as engineers and technicians in training and professional practice, are able to work independently on the state of the art. The additional or revised chapters on machine safety, safety in process engineering systems, explosion protection and configuration extend the book considerably. For almost every chapter there are comprehension questions and exercises, the solution of which is contained in the appendix. Programming exercises, which are provided free of charge online, make it possible to solve simple automation problems in a practical way. Content: introduction Measuring technology, setting technology controls automation components Practical control technology Examples of overriding requirements for automation components (safety in mechanical engineering and process engineering, explosion protection), Project planning (project implementation, R & I flow diagrams, equipment identification) Annex (ARW measures, adjustment rules, solutions)
Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2020
Prinzip Mensch
Macht, Freiheit und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz
by Paul Nemitz/Matthias Pfeffer
The Human Imperative. Power, Freedom and Democracy in an Era of Artificial Intelligence Human or algorithm - who is calling the shots for our future in this age of Artificial Intelligence? The power that digital corporations in Silicon Valley exert is astronomical, and this poses a serious threat to democracy and independence as we know them.Paul Nemitz and Matthias Pfeffer present an impressive analysis of how current attempts to implement an ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence are too shortsighted and limited.The authors provide a detailed examination of this topic, concentrating specifically on the role being played by the public sphere and the threats posed against journalism in the digital age. They call for a strict regulation of Artificial Intelligence and a reconceptualization of the principles that define humanity, which must be defended against the principles of the