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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesMay 2016
The Saint Bartholomew's Day massacre
by Arlette Jouanna, Joseph Bergin
Trusted PartnerJanuary 1989
Logik des Aufruhrs
Die Kinderdeportationen in Paris 1750
by Farge, Arlette; Revel, Jacques / Französisch Kaiser, Wolfgang
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Trusted PartnerJanuary 1989
Geschlecht und Geschichte
Ist eine weibliche Geschichtsschreibung möglich?
by Corbin, Alain; Farge, Arlette; Perrot, Michelle / Vorwort von Habermas-Wesselhoeft, Ute; Herausgegeben von Perrot, Michelle; Französisch Kaiser, Wolfgang
Trusted Partner1991
Das Sein und das Nichts
Versuch einer phänomenologischen Ontologie
by Sartre, Jean P / Sonstige Bearbeitung von Kaim-Sartre, Arlette El; Übersetzt von Schöneberg, Hans; Übersetzt von König, Traugott
Trusted Partner
Trusted PartnerFebruary 1991
Bariona / Die Fliegen / Geschlossene Gesellschaft / Tote ohne Begräbnis / Die respektvolle Dirne / Die schmutzigen Hände / Der Teufel und der liebe Gott / Kean / Nekrassow
by Sartre, Jean-Paul / Übersetzt von Aumüller, Uli; Übersetzt von Bahn, Ursula; Übersetzt von Groepler, Eva; Übersetzt von König, Traugott; Übersetzt von Mayer, Hans; Übersetzt von Spingler, Andrea; Übersetzt von Völker, Klaus; Vorwort von Rybalka, Michel; Adaptiert von Elkaïm-Sartre, Arlette
Moments of life
by Arlette Farge
In this book, Arlette Farge recounts the chances and encounters that have marked her career as a historian: her struggles to make a history that takes into account the relations between men and women, her taste for archives since her discovery of the 18th century judicial collections, her commitment to making a history of those who have been forgotten, whom we have neither heard nor wanted to see, and finally the attention she pays to writing, language and the different possibilities of telling history.
FictionJuly 2013
Before the Swallow Dares
by Tony Whelpton
Before the Swallow Dares is a story of two former school friends, Ted Bryant and Jim Fletcher, who meet again by accident after a gap of almost fifty years and decide to renew their friendship. It is only later that Ted realises that his friend is married to Dilys, a girl with whom he had fallen in love when they were both only eighteen and still at school – a vivid flashback shows us, how they first met, how matters developed, and, more importantly, how they lost touch. Once they meet again, Ted and Dilys recognise that they still have a great deal of interests in common, and still feel a lot of affection for each other, but they both love their current spouses and there is no question of that situation changing. Nor, however, is there any question of their losing touch again, for the two couples get on very well together too. But there are complications and difficulties to be faced, not least those posed by the maverick behaviour of Ted’s French ex-wife Arlette, but also by the fact that they are no longer in the first flush of youth and they have to cope with the problems which confront all of us when faced with advancing age. There is much humour and light-heartedness in the story, but much pathos too; but among the novel’s many qualities are that it presents characters of advanced age as people who still enjoy life and generally have a positive attitude. The fact that the author himself was a sprightly 79-year-old when he finished writing it puts him in an ideal position to show us what it’s really like…
De synthèse / The Imago State
by Karoline Georges
A story of luminous lucidity, the kind that can free the consciousness and thrill the soul, De synthèse shines a light on the end of a filial relationship. It is told from the point of view of an image-obsessed woman reunited with her family just as her mother enters a terminal phase following a long period of suffering. It’s a story about the body, about disappearance, about reflections, about composition and decomposition. Winner of several literary awards. To learn more about this title, click here: