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      • Magic Author

        We are a one-stop platform to read, write, self-publish and sell ebooks in any of the Indian languages. Our mission is to empower the author's community with the digital tools and techniques, and we take care of the online presence of professionals in the publishing landscape, be they authors, publishers, editors, designers, publicists, etc.

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Zaubereulen in Federland (1). Das Geheimnis von Athenaria

        by Brandt, Ina

        Kommt, ihr Zaubereulen! Federland wartet schon auf euch … Flora ist ganz aufgeregt: Zusammen mit ihrer Zaubereule Goldwing soll sie Teil eines neuen Teams werden. Die Herrschereulen des Zauberreichs haben sie dafür nach Federland gerufen, einem verborgenen Ort in einem geheimnisvollen Kloster. Dort treffen sie auf Schneeeule Nordis, den neugierigen Brillenkauz Klaro und natürlich auf Jona, der sich wie immer mit Flora zu messen versucht. Wie soll aus ihnen bloß jemals ein Team werden? Doch der erste Auftrag wartet nicht lange: In der nächsten Vollmondnacht müssen sie gemeinsam die Magie in Federland zum Leben erwecken - und das erweist sich schwieriger als gedacht. Denn plötzlich ist Klaro wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Und ohne ihn kann der Zauber nicht gelingen … Für alle „Eulenzauber“-Leser, die von magischen Abenteuern rund um Flora und Goldwing nicht genug bekommen! Mehr Infos zur neuen Kinderbuchreihe von Ina Brandt unter In der Reihe „Eulenzauber“ sind im Arena Verlag erschienen: Eulenzauber. Ein goldenes Geheimnis (Band 1) Eulenzauber. Rettung für Silberpfote (Band 2) Eulenzauber. Eine wunderbare Freundschaft (Band 3) Eulenzauber. Magie im Glitzerwald (Band 4) Eulenzauber. Rätsel um die Goldfeder (Band 5) Eulenzauber. Hilfe für das kleine Fohlen (Band 6) Eulenzauber. Geheimnisvoller Edelstein (Band 7) Eulenzauber. Ein neuer Freund für Goldwing (Band 8) Eulenzauber. Der große Herzenswunsch (Band 9) Eulenzauber. Im Kreis der Goldflügel (Band 10) Eulenzauber. Der Ruf des Waldkauzes (Band 11) Eulenzauber. Die magische Botschaft (Band 12) Eulenzauber. Das Geheimnis des weißen Pferdes (Band 13) Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Eulenzauber. Funkelnde Weihnachtswünsche

        Eine Adventskalender-Geschichte mit XXL-Poster zum Selberbasteln

        by Brandt, Ina

        Eulenzauber-Fans aufgepasst: Mit diesem magischen Adventskalender inklusive XXL-Poster zum Selberbasteln und einer spannenden Fortsetzungsgeschichte wird die Zeit bis Weihnachten zum magischen Abenteuer. Lies jeden Tag ein Kapitel, schnapp dir Schere und Kleber und mach dich an die Arbeit: Mit jedem bunten Bild, das du ausschneidest, wird dein riesengroßes Zaubereulen-Poster Stück für Stück zum Kunstwerk! Begleite Flora und ihre kleine Zaubereule mit den goldenen Flügeln bei ihrem Weihnachtsabenteuer: Plätzchenduft, Kerzenschimmer, Kinderpunsch - in Tannenbach ist Weihnachtsmarkt. Flora ist ganz aufgeregt, als sie zusammen mit ihrer Familie die mittelalterlichen Stände bewundert. Sie freut sich auf das große Fest und schöne Geschenke. Doch nicht alle sind glücklich: Sascha, der Junge vom Kerzenstand hat Angst, dass sein Weihnachtswunsch nicht in Erfüllung geht. Können Flora und ihre Zaubereule Goldwing vielleicht für ein Wunder sorgen? Ein eulenzauberhaftes Adventsabenteuer von Bestsellerautorin Ina Brandt für alle Mädchen ab 8. Mit hochwertigem Aufsteller, Spiralbindung und XXL-Riesenposter zum Heraustrennen und Bekleben. Stimmungsvoll illustriert von Irene Mohr. Mehr Infos zur erfolgreichen Kinderbuchreihe unter Die Reihe ist auf gelistet. In der Reihe „Eulenzauber“ sind im Arena Verlag erschienen: Eulenzauber. Ein goldenes Geheimnis (Band 1) Eulenzauber. Rettung für Silberpfote (Band 2) Eulenzauber. Eine wunderbare Freundschaft (Band 3) Eulenzauber. Magie im Glitzerwald (Band 4) Eulenzauber. Rätsel um die Goldfeder (Band 5) Eulenzauber. Hilfe für das kleine Fohlen (Band 6) Eulenzauber. Geheimnisvoller Edelstein (Band 7) Eulenzauber. Ein neuer Freund für Goldwing (Band 8) Eulenzauber. Der große Herzenswunsch (Band 9) Eulenzauber. Im Kreis der Goldflügel (Band 10) Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Owl Magic (13). The Mystery of the White Horse

        by Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

        It’s just like a fairy tale. In the forest Flora stumbles on a little house with a garden that’s overgrown with roses. But the house is about to be sold. Not only that, but Flora learns from the owner’s daughter that a white horse has been living for a long time in the stable…but now he’s disappeared! Together with her magic owl Goldwing, Flora tries to find the terrified animal. Will the two of them manage to make their way through the jungle of roses and win the confidence of the white stallion?

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Magic Owls in Featherland (1). Athenaria's Secret

        by Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

        Flora is very excited: together with her magic owl Goldwing, she is to be part of a new team. The owl rulers of the Magical Kingdom have summoned them to Featherland, a hidden place in a mysterious monastery. There they meet the snowy owl Nordis, the spectacled owl Claro and, of course, Jona, who always tries to compete with Flora. How will they ever manage to make a team? It’s not long before they are given their first job: during the night of the next full moon they must help one another to awaken the magic of Featherland – and this proves to be more difficult than expected. Because suddenly Claro disappears from the face of the earth. And without him, no magic can ever succeed…

      • Trusted Partner

        The General History of Chinese Costume

        by Author: Liu Yonghua Illustrator: Liu Yonghua

        The General History of Clothing holds a large time span from the ancient Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the present, and the splendid clothing culture of China appears on the scroll of three meters. The scroll is designed to present on both sides. The front side shows the features of different clothes in different ages with the history of its handcraft, color blending, accessory and military. The back side shows the clothes features of each of china’s 56 nationalities. The Readers can lead the children to appreciate different culture charm and nourish the children’s cultural confident by researching different clothes.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2013

        Willy Brandt

        Ein Leben, ein Jahrhundert

        by Noack, Hans-Joachim

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      • Trusted Partner

        The General History of China

        by Author Lv Cha, Yang Zao; Illustrator: Lin Xin

        The General History of China holds a large time span from the ancient age to the present. It also holds a large space span from the transition of the territory, the transition of different dynasties, evolution of characters and the famous architecture in different periods to historical event, historical battles ,historical figures and locations. The book places the history of China in the global dimension by combining the significant events taking place in the world with the time axis and the concept of family, country and world. Its content includes many fields of society, politics, life, culture, technology and military. China’s history of 5000 years totally presents in the long scroll of 2.4meters. Following the paper and plots of time and space, the readers will learn the greatness and prosperity of China in the global view. The readers will feel the pulse of the history and experience the features of different dynasties.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        I, Author

        by Eliana Lucián

        I dreamed of seeing my name on the cover of a book. I wanted it so much that one day… I did it myself!

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2020

        Country Uncultured Books

        by Bogdana Tytariova (Author), Diana Strokan (Illustrator)

        This is the debut book of the nine-year-old dreamer and imaginative soul Bogdana Tytariova, a book that will captivate children and adults alike. Together with the heroes of Bogdana’s exciting stories, readers of these funny tales will travel the world and encounter fantastical creatures and magical animals, finding themselves in the land of uncultured books. The work is recommended for family readings, and these adventures are definitely going to brighten up every family gathering. After all, every once in a while, parents need a reminder that they  were children too!   From years 5 to 8, years, 8360 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        A Tale Of Light

        by Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Author), Khrystyna Lukashchuk (Illustrator)

        This unique picture book is a creation of Khrystyna Lukashchuk, a well-known Ukrainian author and artist recognized as one of the best illustrators of independent Ukraine. From the emergence of Ukraine through its darkest times to its final victory over evil,  A Tale Of Light allows us to find answers to dramatic questions: how can we explain to children why there is a war in their country? Why can not the enemy leave the Ukrainian land in peace? What will help us to defeat the enemy for good? The profound symbolic images that the author recreated will guide the readers along their journey. Ukrainians have been tapping into them for long times to find a source of harmony and internal strength –  they are a powerful source of Light sustained by Ukrainian history, culture, and language. No enemy, however big or conniving, can destroy this Light.   From 3 to 6 years, 719 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Big Book of Curiosities

        by Julia Kislitsyna (Author), Hanna Nekrasova (Author), Stanislav Dvornitskyi (Author), Julia Budnik (Author), Iryna Rutylo (Illustrator)

        This book is a real treasure for young readers, who are constantly asking “why?” and are curious about absolutely everything that surrounds them. This visually astonishing volume takes children on a journey through different facts about our World. - Who can hold its breath for the longest time under water? - Why is plastic dangerous? - Which tree is the biggest on the Earth? - Who are the members of a symphony orchestra? - When will we be able to fly into space? Young readers can find answers to all these questions — and more — in The Big Book of Curiosities.   From 5 to 12 years, 9000 words Rightsholders: Olga Popovych,

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 2011

        Blankow oder Das Verlangen nach Heimat

        by Pauline Bok, Waltraud Hüsmert

        Pauline de Bok nimmt sich eine Auszeit vom Großstadtleben und zieht sich zurück aufs Land. Mit ihrem Hund läßt sie sich auf einem Gehöft nördlich von Berlin nieder. In den verfallenen Gebäuden stößt die Journalistin auf Reste des Lebens voriger Bewohner, sie stöbert auf Dachböden, in Kellern und Archiven, befragt Einheimische. Sie folgt den Spuren, die Menschen und Zeiten hinterlassen haben, und setzt die vergessenen Geschichten von Land und Leuten zusammen: »Das Land, das scheinbar stumm und stoisch Wetter und Weltgeschehen über sich ergehen lässt, es beginnt zu sprechen.« Welt am Sonntag

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Dad and I are going to space

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Marysya Rudska (Illustrator)

        Mars mission is off.Starteam selection is over.My father and I are the candidates.In fact, Father is ready for space after his work,Still I am free at any time till the beginning of school.We should hurry up!   From 3 to 6 years, 587 words. Rightsholders:

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