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      • July 2016

        Tierra del Fuego

        by Antonelli, Julieta

        Juana, a young biology student, takes a trip to Tierra del Fuego to work at the Acatushún Museum, located in Bahía Haberton, in the conservation of cetacean remains. Her boyfriend Mariano, a naturalist, goes to the Parque Provincial La Araucaria, in Misiones, to work with the vinous parrot. The separation and a couple of misunderstandings affect their relationship. She, young and inexperienced, but with an eagerness to learn, will witness events bordering on magical realism, and will also be the recipient of the stories of each of the characters she will meet on her journey. With a meticulous narrative voice, Julieta Antonelli makes a survey of the human condition. Beings that escape from some unhappy story, go into the inhospitable zone of the end of the world to look for a destiny that is denied to them. Joan will live along with all of them wonderful and cruel days that will change her for the rest of her life.

      • Health & Personal Development


        by Julieta Suarez Valente

        Julieta Suárez Valente is passionate about symbolic languages and inner search, she has training in Evolutionary Astrology and Tarot. She teaches Runes, Oracles, and teaches workshops and seminars on Energy Health, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Metaphysics and Neuroscience, among others. She directs the online school MultiEspacio Evolutivo, coordinates trips to sacred places and writes the weekly astrological panorama in Clarín. She is a feminist and vegan, and adheres to the movements for animal liberation and the defense of the environment. She wrote the books Astrology of Leadership and Empowered

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        The Legend of the Carrion crow’s Boy

        by Julieta Aurora Santos

        The story is told by an oneiric character, Maresia, a central figure that holds an island on the waistline of her long, wide skirt. She is the embodiment of the landscape, an inspiration and the starting point for this dramatic creation. As a witness of all the events, it is the spirit of the sea that tells us the adventures of the boy and his friend, the Carrion crow, on Pessegueiro’s Island. A story about the desire for freedom and peace in a world whose existence is at stake. The fort’s ruins and the island’s real threat of submersion appear as symbolic elements of a memory that is intended to be retrieved and preserved by sharing it with the new generations.The narrative, aided in its interpretation by puppets, is defined through a language of great visuality, oneiric ambiance and poetry, capable of being understood by all audiences.As Teatro do Mar’s director, Julieta Aurora Santos, by pursuing her project of retrieving elements of Sines’ cultural identity, and by developing a dramaturgy inspired in the history, myths and traditional tales of this region, has based herself on a legend from parish of Porto Covo, the Pessegueiro Island, to be more specific – The legend of the Carrion crow’s boy – to create her own show, therefore recovering part of the immaterial legacy of the district for the new generations, in several performances all over the country, and recently, in Brazil

      • Gli Antonelli architetti dei Caraibi

        by Graziano Gasparini

        This book aims to bring to the attention of both military architecture specialists and simple architecture enthusiasts, an important, but little known, aspect of the Latin American history, through the emblematic case of the Antonellis, a family of military engineers and architects at the service of the Spanish Crown in the 16th and 17th centuries, which wrote one of the most important chapters in the history of the Hispano-American military architecture. The author, Graziano Gasparini, is an architect former full professor of History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Caracas of the Central University of Venezuela and Doctor Honoris Causa of the same University.

      • Los Antonelli Arquitectos del Caribe

        by Graziano Gasparini

        This book aims to bring to the attention of both military architecture specialists and simple architecture enthusiasts, an important, but little known, aspect of the Latin American history, through the emblematic case of the Antonellis, a family of military engineers and architects at the service of the Spanish Crown in the 16th and 17th centuries, which wrote one of the most important chapters in the history of the Hispano-American military architecture. The author, Graziano Gasparini, is an architect former full professor of History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of Caracas of the Central University of Venezuela and Doctor Honoris Causa of the same University. (Spanish Edition)

      • 2020


        150 reflections to heal

        by Julieta Suarez Valente

        This is a food book. A book that nurtures. That purifies.That detoxifies. That tries to bring us closer to our inner voice, thanks to wisdom of one who has spiritual resources and intellectual baggage, like two weapons that together set fire to the soul of those who are willing to receive. A hope-giving book. A book, which in Juliet's loving pen, makes clear the power of creation as an inevitable product of the union of being human and the magic that transcends it. A book that becomes a gift in each sentence. Lorena Pronsky-Psychologist and writer

      • September 2018

        Malas madres

        Aborto e infanticidio en perspectiva histórica

        by Julieta Di Corleto

        It is a study on female crime in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is a rigorous and original investigation that works with a wide variety of police and prison statistics, studies by experts in criminology, records and sources that allow us to understand the phenomenon in all its dimensions: press articles, legislation, doctrine; and finally, judicial files. The work shows the relationships between criminology and the modern press, reveals the disputes between police, lawyers, judges and prosecutors, while shedding light on the material reality of women accused of these crimes. By replenishing their voices and experiences, the research puts motherhood at the center which, as a social and historical construction, during the period studied was a normalizing ideal, but also a widely resisted model.

      • RUEGA POR NOSOTROS (Pray for us)

        by Alfonso Carvajal

        Description   Ruega por nosotros is a contemporary tragedy. A kind of 21st century religious gay Romeo and Juliet. From the murder of two priests in the southwest of Bogotá, writer Alfonso Carvajal creates this heartbreaking fiction. Using the polyphonic narrative, the author recreates the motives that led Fathers René and Rómulo to this dramatic event that was quickly erased from the collective memory. A religious thriller? An exciting love pact? Martyrs or executioners of themselves? An atypical  crime? Suicide by society? This piece of fiction fits into all these questions. Ruega por nosotros is a reflexión on an excluding society and a tribute to two unforgettable characters thanks to literature.Oneiric epiphanies, third and first person voices, interior monologues, are some of the stylistic resources that tension and build this powerful literary adventure.   Sinopsis   Ruega por nosotros es una tragedia contemporánea. Una especie de Romeo y Julieta gay religioso del siglo XXI. A partir del asesinato de dos sacerdotes al sur occidente de Bogotá el escritor  Alfonso Carvajal crea esta desgarradora ficción. Acudiendo al relato polifónico el autor recrea los móviles que llevaron a los padres René y Rómulo a este dramático suceso que fue rápidamente borrado de la memoria colectiva. ¿Un thriller religioso? ¿Un apasionante pacto de amor? ¿Mártires o verdugos de sí mismos? ¿Un crimen atípico? ¿Suicidados por la sociedad? En todos estos interrogantes encaja esta pieza de ficción. Ruega por nosotros es una reflexión sobre una sociedad excluyente y un homenaje a dos personajes inolvidables gracias a la literatura. Epifanías oníricas, voces en tercera y primera persona, monólogos interiores, son algunos de los recursos estilísticos que tensionan y construyen esta poderosa aventura literaria.

      • Children's & YA

        Animal Love

        A Crazy Flirt

        by Ángeles Quinteros, Ángeles Vargas

        We hug, kiss and cuddle when we are in love. We want to always be close to that special person and even surprise them with gifts. All these actions also take part in the animal kingdom, but not only that! Animals also present a range of endless strange behaviors that will leave you speechless: chases, choreographies and tricks are only some of the things animals do to flirt their mating partners in order to stay together. A book with a sense of humour, but with a scientific and theoretical basis, full of unusual and amusing facts that aim to arouse your curiosity through simple texts, but incorporating the terms used in this specific field, what will broaden the reader's lexicon.

      • Self-help & personal development
        February 2020

        Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional

        by Jiménez Yáñez, Ricardo María

        ¿Te gustaría redactar con fluidez un examen, un informe o un trabajo académico? ¿Quieres escribir correos electrónicos eficaces? ¿Te bloqueas al hablar delante de otros? ¿Quieres exponer en público con seguridad y convicción? Este libro de comunicación escrita y oral se dirige a universitarios y a profesionales que quieran expresarse mejor. En él se presentan las claves para dar fluidez a las ideas y para lograr escribir y hablar con claridad, precisión y corrección, incluso con elegancia. El autor de esta obra cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en las aulas.

      • Architecture
        July 2018


        Urbanism, architecture, sacred art

        by Percival Tirapeli (author)

        The fruit of an extensive research by Professor Percival Tirapeli, this richly illustrated work covers three centuries of Colonial and Baroque art, and is divided in three parts: “Colonial Urbanism”, “Ecclesiastical Architecture” and “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation”. “Colonial Urbanism” explains the differences and approximations of the layout and planned urbanism between Hispano-American and Portuguese-Brazilian cities. “Ecclesiastical Architecture” analyzes the cathedrals of the viceroyalties, the audiences and the Brazilian sees. The section “Sacred Art – Furniture and Ornamentation” completes the analysis of churches, examining their retable façades, the furniture of the altars and their ornamental complements, such as sculptures and paintings.

      • Business, Economics & Law
        September 2020

        The Business of Choice: How Human Instinct Influences Everyone's Decisions

        by Matthew Willcox

        In this 2nd edition of the award winning The Business of Choice, expert author and consultant Matthew Willcox explores the science of influencing choice, bringing together the work of thousands of behavioral scientists and practitioners. Cutting to the heart of the science, Willcox helps you apply this to your own marketing and brand strategies, allowing you to use an understanding of how humans naturally decide to make your brand or business a natural choice.    The Business of Choice takes you through the story of how instinct affects our decisions, from its roots in our evolutionary history, to technology and artificial intelligence today. You'll discover how human nature affects how people decide, whether they are making choices for grocery shopping, or their retirement investments.     The first edition of The Business of Choice was awarded the 2016 Berry – American Marketing Association Book Prize for Best Book in Marketing.

      • Biography & True Stories
        December 2016

        Musas, mecenas y amantes.

        Mujeres en torno al Surrealismo

        by Victoria Combalía

        What do these six women have in common, apart from having lived in an extraordinary world and era? They are better known as companions of the male protagonists of their time - Man Ray, Max Ernst, Samuel Beckett, André Breton, TS Eliot or Jean Cocteau, among others - than for their own works. However, they were much more than a name on a caption or a handsome face adorning parties and literary salons.

      • Fiction
        March 2019

        And they say

        by Susana Sánchez Aríns

        Dicen (And they say) is a family story crossed by Franco's repression.   It tells what is not registered in notarial acts, or in newspapers, or in books, or in provincial archives. It tells a story of a day-to-day silence that became long, very long, and that has conditioned us until now.   Dicen tells real events in a network of voices silenced for generations, it is not written from the political reflection, but from the poetic justice, it is the contemporary account of the Spanish postwar period.   Dicen is an innovative book. It is not poetry, it is not an essay, it is not a short narrative and it is everything at the same time. Written in short sequences, it collects the intimate memory of a family and reconstructs their insignificant lives to show the terror of repression after the civil war. Conversations, poems, stories, essay references, fragmented sequences that the reader orders in a shocking story.   The narration drags the reader to the end by the rhythm, the different voices, the authenticity and the gradual understanding of why that time is silenced.   The author speaks of poetic justice as a way of giving life to those who did not want to be named after their death: the oppressors. This story recovers their names, their ways of acting, their personalities, their power. And it also brings back to life those who died in the ditches or lived marginalized: the victims.   It is very difficult to make historical memory from politics, however, literature is its natural space. An original work, with enormous expressive force and a unique point of view discovered by Susana Sánchez Aríns, an experienced, committed voice.   The book has received the Madrid Booksellers Award for Best Fiction Book 2019. (Premio de los Libreros de Madrid al Mejor Libro de Ficción)

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