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      • June 2010

        Picturing Victorian America

        Prints by the Kellogg Brothers of Hartford, Connecticut, 1830-1880

        by Edited by Nancy Finlay, other Kate Steinway

        A landmark reference on 19th-century American lithographic production

      • Fiction

        8 personaggi


        by Federico Barbieri

        C.R.E.P.P. is the opening novel of a trilogy that marks different periods in the cycle of life. This first volume tells the story of Paolo and Irene, two of the eight protagonists of this journey. A journey that symbolizes the first of the three phases: the Thesis. Antithesis and Synthesis will follow in the future publications. ---  C.R.E.P.P. è il romanzo di apertura di una trilogia che segna periodi diversi del ciclo della vita. In questo primo volume si racconta di Paolo e Irene, due degli otto protagonisti di questo viaggio che sta a simboleggiare la prima delle tre fasi: la tesi.In filosofia la tesi è un’ipotesi, un’idea, il punto di partenza al quale seguono antitesi (una verifica necessaria a confutarla o confermarla) e sintesi (la conclusione che dovrebbe corrispondere alla verità).Arricchito dalla prefazione dello storico dell'arte, prof. Valerio Vernesi, sintetizza la tesi che si sovrappone al periodo della giovinezza, a cui seguiranno le altre fasi con i romanzi Per aspera ad astra (maturità) e Continuare a sognare (senilità). Le emozioni, gli amori, le preoccupazioni dei personaggi si intrecciano scivolando dalla gioventù alla vecchiaia, attraverso il racconto di Annibale che in tarda età raccoglie i ricordi e alcune lettere lasciate dai suoi amici per scrivere il libro delle loro vite.La giovinezza, dal sapore agrodolce, è il fulcro e l'anima di questo primo episodio di 8 personaggi, dove le riflessioni hanno l'impeto del primo periodo della vita nella contrapposizione degli opposti: vita e morte, amore e odio, viaggio e ricerca interiore.


        not everything you hear on climate is true


        From one of the most famous astrophysicist on the Web and a meteorologist from the Epson Meteo Center, an exhilarating guide to uncovering climate-related hoaxes.We are in May, in New York it freezes. Global warming, where the hell are you? this tweet by Donald Trump is just one of the many blunders of the US president, victim of a great confusion between global warming and weather. But Donald is not the only one who has unclear ideas on the subject: just open Facebook to come across hundreds of denial theories. Luca Perri and Serena Giacomin collect the best climatic lies, and then disassemble them in this book which blends laughters and sciencee theory of the Second Punic War stands out among the most famous of them: “ere was no snow on Hannibal’s Alps, this explains the crossing with elephants”. If the authors of similar posts had bothered to read the version of Tito Livio (1st century BC), they would at least have had discovered that maybe there was some ice on the mountains, and how in fact, the Carthaginian pachyderms died of cold.From sunspots to the displacement of the Earth’s axis, from legends about Greenland, to the alleged benaects of the increase in CO2, an astrophysicist and atmospheric phht together to combat functional illiteracy

      • The Arts

        Famous Women

        by Giovanni Boccaccio

        De claris mulieribus is a collection of biographies of famous women of ancient and medieval times written by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1361. Boccaccio’s first aim was to offer, especially to his female readers, a collection of short and pleasant stories with lovely invitations to virtue and whipping remarks against vice. The work became very successful between the 14th and the 16th centuries, and was translated and published all around Europe. In some manuscripts the text is accompanied by a series of illustrations. For this edition, with a selection of thirty biographies of the most famous women from history, mythology and religion, the Ms. Royal 16 G.V. from the British Library in London has been chosen, a French manuscript from the second half of the 15th century, the miniatures of which, of exceptional elegance, set the happenings within the refined atmosphere of the transalpine court.

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