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Promoted ContentSeptember 1987
Frauen im Zwiespalt
Beziehungsprobleme im Wohlfahrtsstaat. Eine Modellstudie. Mit einem Vorwort von Norbert Elias. Übersetzt von Michael Schröter
by Cas Wouters, Bram Stolk, Michael Schröter, Norbert Elias
Norbert Elias (1897-1990) wurde am 22. Juni 1897 in Breslau geboren, wo er auch seine Kindheit verbrachte und nach dem 1. Weltkrieg Medizin und Philosophie studierte. Er promovierte bei Richard Hönigswald, wechselte bald zur Soziologie und wurde »inoffizieller Assistent« bei Karl Mannheim. 1933 floh er aus Deutschland über Paris nach England. Von 1954 bis 1962 war er Dozent für Soziologie an der Universität von Leicester, ab 1965 nahm er verschiedene Gastprofessuren unter anderem in Deutschland wahr; größere Anerkennung setzte hier aber erst mit der breiten Rezeption von Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation ein. 1977 erhielt er den Theodor W. Adorno-Preis der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Ab 1984 ließ er sich dauerhaft in Amsterdam nieder, wo er am 1. August 1990 starb.
May 2019
Reaching The Other Side
by Wouter Kloowijk, Enzo Pérès-Labourdette
Evie catches a glimpse of someone waving to her from the opposite riverbank. Who could it be? It’s Steph. He really wants to know who’s waving back. How will they ever reach each other? A moving story about two open-minded children and their unconditional friendship – despite the river that separates them from each other.
February 2020
Nadir and Zenith in the World of Escher
by Wouter van Reek
Nadir and Zenith enter a new world where nothing is what it seems. High and low, inside and outside, big and small... Can they believe their eyes? Who is looking at whom? And who is the creator of this adventure-filled universe? Just when they think they have found the way out, they see the room where they came from... Graphic artist Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) became world famous for his weird and wonderful pictures. He occupied a special place somewhere between art and science. Although he claimed not to know anything about mathematics, he used mathematical ideas to create his own world. He took this to the extreme with the lithograph Print Gallery. It’s so cleverly composed that you don’t know if you’re looking at it or inside it... Wouter van Reek has cleverly incorporated this concept in the intriguing picture book Nadir and Zenith in the World of Escher.
BeveragesJuly 2021
Advances in Fermented Foods and Beverages
by Gopal Kumar Sharma , Anil Dutt Semwal & Janifer Raj Xavier
The prime focus of this book is to present systematically the importance as well as critical research carried out across the globe to benefit humankind by use of fermentation technology which brought revolutionary changes in improving the health of consumer and thrown light on the changes brought down in the form of nutrition, flavor, their beneficial effect on gut micro biota and enhancement of shelf life to reasonable times. This book is unique and provides an up-to-date comprehensive reference of fermented foods and beverages. The handbook of fermented foods provides in-depth information on seven categories of fermented foods prepared using cereals, pulses, millets, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat and dairy produce. Chapters are devoted specifically for fermentation of major foods and their health benefits. Recent trends in genetic manipulation of lactic acid bacteria, safety aspects of complex microorganisms used in production of fermented foods and their impact on human micro biome has been elucidated. Effect of fermentation process on shelf stability, rheology and sensory attributes, bioactive and anti-nutritional components and flavor and aroma profile are also outlined in detail. Recent trends in fortification, interventions of nanotechnology in packaging of fermented foods and challenges faced by industry in scale up and automation of production of fermented foods has been discussed. Moreover, importance of submerged and solid state fermentation, enzyme production, wine making, role of prebiotics and probiotics in modulation of health are also outlined. The 23 chapters in this book have been authored by reputed contributors having in-depth knowledge of their specialization from government, industry and academia making this book an essential reference for researchers, academicians, students as well as functional food experts and it will certainly drive future research in unexplored areas of traditional fermented foods and reveal importance of modern technological interventions in the field of fermentation technology of foods.